John Cena's 50 Greatest Matches


**The.Best.In.The.World** posted an article celebrating the 10 year anniversary of John Cena in the WWE. They then listed his 50 Greatest Matches.

I have to say that I questioned much of it.

John Cena vs The Rock was number 23 which was very suprising to me.
His match against Rey Mysterio on RAW was very high at 8.

His number 1 Greatest Match was listed as John Cena vs Edge at Unforgiven in 2006 (TLC MATCH) I guess I won't argue it .

What are your guys thoughts on this list? What do you disagree and agree on?
Cue all the predictable Cena jokes.

I dont have time to trawl through all 50 pages on, but I will say his match with The Rock was easily his biggest match. I think the fact he lost his biggest match ensures it wasn't high up but surely it should be in the top 10?
Just an anti-Cena opinion. But honestly, I don't see how he has 50 greatest matches when most of them feel like the same formula they've done over and over. It should have been 20, 25 at most.
Cena VS Umage at Rumble was only 6? Bollocks, that should've been number 2, possibly even number 1. That match was the most epic cena match ever!
That is like doing Pauly Shore's 50 greatest movies. Justin Bieber's 50 greatest songs. or Martha Stewart's 50 sexiest outfits. And in all honesty, I rather watch Martha Stewart try on clothes than watch Cena matches.

But no man, not even Cena can go 10 years without backdooring into a good match. And it just took the greatest in-ring perfomer to carry him like a sack of shatty potatoes.

So HBK vs Cena on RAW was probably his best match... but all credit goes to Shawn Micheals.
50? LMAO. I couldnt even list shawns, brets, rocks, angles, benoits, stone colds etc 50 great matches they were apart of. No superstar has 50 AAA/5 star/epic matches.

Realistically, i could probably come up with 20 great cena matches. Off the top of my head id cop out and say his 10 mania matches, his debut match against angle, him vs edge at tlc, him vs shawn on raw, him vs cm punk, him vs rvd. And then id pick 1 match from his feuds against jericho, mysterio, brock and orton.

But 50?:lmao: I dont even want to read the list because im sure it will be filled with garbage matches like cena vs umaga which someone else mentioned.:lol:
50? LMAO. I couldnt even list shawns, brets, rocks, angles, benoits, stone colds etc 50 great matches they were apart of. No superstar has 50 AAA/5 star/epic matches.

Realistically, i could probably come up with 20 great cena matches. Off the top of my head id cop out and say his 10 mania matches, his debut match against angle, him vs edge at tlc, him vs shawn on raw. And then id pick 1 match from his feuds against jericho, mysterio and orton.

But 50?:lmao: I dont even want to read the list because im sure it will be filled with garbage matches like cena vs umaga which someone else mentioned.:lol:

So you think his mania match against JBL could be in the top 10 yet think Cena Vs Umaga was "garbage"? By any definition of what good wrestling is, how in the hell can you say that? Umaga was a one man bumping machine in that match and Cena more than pulled his weight. I'd even go so far as to say that, at that point, it was the best match he'd ever had from an all round point-of-view.
So you think his mania match against JBL could be in the top 10 yet think Cena Vs Umaga was "garbage"? By any definition of what good wrestling is, how in the hell can you say that? Umaga was a one man bumping machine in that match and Cena more than pulled his weight. I'd even go so far as to say that, at that point, it was the best match he'd ever had from an all round point-of-view.

Didn't Umaga kill Sabu's career on Raw?
Call me predictable, but I'd be tempted to call Cena/Punk at Money in the Bank number 1. The TLC match is definitely close because of what that match meant to his career, but I don't know, I liked MITB better.

On second thought, that's probably just personal bias because I wasn't watching wrestling in 2006, so I don't watch that match with any emotional attachment to it. I would still put it up higher on the list though, as I don't remember ever being wowed by his work with Orton.0
Little story. Before I got back into wrestling and was subject to the general opinions of the IWC, I remember hiring Unforgiven '06 from Blockbuster and I hadn't ever seen Cena before. I watched that TLC match and thought it was crap.

I'm not a big Cena fan, but I've seen probably at least 10 matches since I started watching wrestling again in early '09 that I thought were better than that. Personally, the MITB Punk match is my favourite Cena match to date.
1) Glad to see Cena vs Batista from Mania XXVI made it to the Top 10.

2) Where is Punk vs Cena from Summerslam last year?

3) Cena vs Big Show from Mania XX ahead of Cena vs Rock? What?

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