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John Cena World Title reigns

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
So far, John Cena is a 4-time World Champion. If you notice, everytime that Cena loses the title, he loses it in an ''unfair'' way. Cena lost his first WWE Championship after Edge cashes in the ''Money in the Bank'' briefcase which occured after Cena had already retained the title in a grueling Elimination Chamber match. Cena lost his second WWE Championship after Edge interferes and spears Cena through a table allowing R.V.D. to get the pin and the title. Cena lost his third World Championship after he gets injured and is stripped of the title, so technically... he never lost the title. Cena lost his 4th World Championship last night in the Elimination Chamber match after he gets hit with 3 different finishers.

As you see, Cena has never lost his title in a fair one-on-one contest with no injuries, no screwjobs, and no interferences. Why is that? Do you think that WWE is doing it on purpose in order not to let Cena look weak or is it just a coincidence. Let me know what you think and if you think this is a ridiculous or stupid post... I'm sorry!
cool_guy, it's not silly or stupid that you are noticing this. It is silly that you have a problem with it. And you also seem shocked. I hate to break this to you - Cena is not the first main star in the WWE to get this treatment.

Start with Hulk Hogan. Hogan wins his first WWF Title over The Iron Sheik. He is "defeated" by Andre the Giant in a match featuring a crooked referee and a fast-count, and Hogan still got his shoulder up. Even still, the WWF Title was vacated. At Wrestlemania 4, Hogan was involved in a double-DQ finish with Andre, setting up DiBiase vs Savage in the finals. Savage won and held the belt for a year, before losing to Hogan.

As we all know, Hogan eventually lost a clean match to The Ultimate Warrior. 6 years. It took 6 years for Hulk Hogan to finally lose the WWF Title in a clean fashion. And then what happened? Hogan won the belt from Slaughter, and lost it to the Undertaker after Ric Flair interfered. Once again, the belt was vacated and awarded at the Royal Rumble, where Flair won it. Hogan won it again at Wrestlemania 9, and lost it at King of the Ring after a photographer's camera blew fire in Hogan's eye.

Four World Title reigns in 10 years for Hogan - and only one clean loss.

In fact, to my recollection, Hogan has lost a World Championship cleanly to only The Ultimate Warrior, Goldberg, and Lex Luger.

Now, take Steve Austin. Same shit. Austin's first title loss was to Kane in the First-Blood match, which was a McMahon plot. He next lost the title in the Triple-Threat Match to a cohorting Undertaker and Kane, who pinned Austin at the same time. Screwed out of the "Deadly Game" tournament by Shane McMahon, The Rock took the belt - and still Austin had never lost the title clean.

Austin lost his 3rd WWF Title to The Undertaker at "Over the Edge" in a forgotten match featuring Shane McMahon as guest ref. The Owen Hart incident clouds that match from memory.

Do you know when Austin first lost the WWF Title cleanly? To Kurt Angle, via ankle lock submission, in the most cathartic wrestling match in history - a month after 9/11.

So Cena not dropping the title clean is nothing new. He's the company's top face, and for him to lose the title clean may take him down a peg.
John Cena is their biggest star and a huge baby face. So it just makes sense for him to be "screwed" out of the title. If Cena just lost the title cleanly everytime people would become bored with it. I personaly like seeing Cena get screwed out of the win. It's the classic way that a baby face loses the title. It also starts up a feud with whoever he lost the title to. I think Cena will eventually lose the title cleanly to someone. But it'll probably be after a long build up in a big match. And that's how it should be. WWE's biggest star shouldnt be made to look weak. WWE is making it a accomplishment to defeat John Cena, that's how it should be.
As has already been said, Cena is a huge face, and almost all huge faces in the history of WWE or even wrestling as a whole lose the title in an "unfair" way, the only times you really see them lose the belt cleanly is when the lose it to another face, and face vs. face encounters are fairly rare anyways
while it is true that this practice is usual for the WWe's top face! i still don't like it. but with that said that will eventually change and i think it will be Orton to finally beat Cena cleanly seeing how Orton is The man in the WWE right now!!!!
Problem with that is that Cena is no longer champion (but for how long?), unless it's Cena and Orton at 'Mania, we won't see them two fued for a while. After Wrestlemania would be the right time to put Cena out of the title frame for a while. Remember that Austin, Rock and Hogan did feuds outside of the title picture, even went for lower titles. Rock n' Sock Connection came from Rock's time away from the title picture and he still pulled one of the highest rated segments on Raw!
Do you know when Austin first lost the WWF Title cleanly? To Kurt Angle, via ankle lock submission, in the most cathartic wrestling match in history - a month after 9/11.

WRONG. Babyface Austin was defeated at summerslam 1999 in the triple threat match with HHH and Mankind when he turned into a double arm DDT onto a chair by Mankind. Sure he only lost like this because he was unwilling to drop the strap to HHH but it was still a clean loss.

Plus Austin was a heel when he tapped out to Angle. If he was a face he wouldnt have tapped.
WRONG. Babyface Austin was defeated at summerslam 1999 in the triple threat match with HHH and Mankind when he turned into a double arm DDT onto a chair by Mankind. Sure he only lost like this because he was unwilling to drop the strap to HHH but it was still a clean loss.

Plus Austin was a heel when he tapped out to Angle. If he was a face he wouldnt have tapped.

Dude, before you rebuke me in capital letters (Ohh, scary) you need to read what you write. We're talking about a clean loss in a title match. Triple Threat's don't count, because for the champion it's 2-on-1. Every other example we've used has been one-on-one. With the presence of double teaming, losing in a triple threat is the furthest thing from a "clean loss."

And you even state in your post that Austin lost after a Double-Arm DDT onto a chair! How is it that losing in a triple threat after being DDT'd into a chair counts as "clean?"

Your last point is obvious. Of course he wouldn't have tapped. But you proved my point - as WWF's top face, Austin NEVER dropped the title clean to one other opponent. There was always a swerve, a cheat, or a third man.
I can think of one, just one, title match that Austin dropped cleanly....only he wasn't champion. He lost to Triple H at No Mercy '99. I maybe wrong but I believe it was a clean finish.
I can think of one, just one, title match that Austin dropped cleanly....only he wasn't champion. He lost to Triple H at No Mercy '99. I maybe wrong but I believe it was a clean finish.

Oh sure, no question. And I have no issue with that. Hell, Cena lost a bunch of one-on-one matches over the past year or so, some of them clean. But losing a match and dropping the title - two entirely different animals. You can count the total number of clean, babyface, one-on-one title drops by Hogan, Austin, and Cena on one hand.
Not a thing wrong with this at all. He's the top guy so why should he be made to not look like the top guy? When someone loses cleanly, they have do drop out of the main event for a short period of time (at least in a real wrestling promotion and not TNA). As Gilbertti once said, when someone pins you clean, there is absolutely no reason to continue the feud. It's over. He could not be more correct. We've seen a clean ending to a match. Why do it again? By having Cena lose unfairly, he has a legit reason to get another shot, continuing the feud and getting a big reaction when he gets the title back. As has been proven here it's been done for years and it's the right thing to do.
I agree with most everyone in here that it's the way they always go and it's fine. You don't want just anyone to be able to beat your top guy in the whole company. The history with Hogan and Austin was stated, and the same will happen to Cena. He might never lose the title cleanly to a heel, though I did think Orton might have done so at Mania. And since he's only been huge like this for 3 years or so, I still think it'll be a while longer before he turns heel assuming he does one day. So for now and for years to come likely, I don't expect Cena to lose the title cleanly unless it's too another top face such as Batista or unless he's a heel.
And another note, how does this make him look weak? The fact that he has to get cheated to lose...would this not, in effect, make him look strong?
It's hwo the business works. Heels are guys that essentially cheat to win. Everyonce in a while you'll get the dominate heel that simply pounds someone with size. Even giants though can't beat the clean super babyfaces without some sort of treacherys. It's simply how the business has always worked.

As Irish said, look at Hogan. It took a crooked ref to get the title off of him after a four year reign. He lost to the Undertaker with a steal chair assist from Ric Flair. And fiinally he got the great photo shot flash bulb to the eye to lose to Yokozuna.

Same with Austin. It took a first blood match to take the title off of him, then it took the combined efforts of both Kane and the Undertaker to pin Austin to end his second reign. His third Reign ended with a quick count by Shane McMahon.

You can list any face, and for the most part, their title reigns have ended due to some sort of treachery by the heel. It's simply the business.
As you see said:
Why is that? Do you think that WWE is doing it on purpose in order not to let Cena look weak or is it just a coincidence.[/I] Let me know what you think and if you think this is a ridiculous or stupid post... I'm sorry!

I guess I don't get how you consider his loss last night "un-clean." No weapons, no interference, no biased refs. In a no holds barred match, he didnt even take a single move that is "barred!!!" He got hit with a couple of finishers and lost. That is not dirty.

Who gives a shit anyway? Cena sucks. He's horrible to watch in the ring and unbearable to listen to when on the mic. Guy says he never 'roided. HA. I went to school with and worked out with him for years at Springfield. If it wasn't for him, I never would have touched the stuff.
I guess I don't get how you consider his loss last night "un-clean." No weapons, no interference, no biased refs. In a no holds barred match, he didnt even take a single move that is "barred!!!" He got hit with a couple of finishers and lost. That is not dirty.

Well, Cena's title loss wan't necessarily ''un-clean'', but you still have to remember how Edge got in the match in the first place. Even though he wasn't hit with any move that was barred, I still odn't like how he lost. Also, I said that Cena has never lost his title in a ONE-ON-ONE match without weapons or interference.. the Elimination Chamber match was not one-on-one.

Who gives a shit anyway? Cena sucks. He's horrible to watch in the ring and unbearable to listen to when on the mic. Guy says he never 'roided. HA. I went to school with and worked out with him for years at Springfield. If it wasn't for him, I never would have touched the stuff.

John Cena is as talented as the next guy. His mic skills are just fine and even though I think he could try to add a little more spice to his arsenal, his ring skills are okay too.
I don't mind that at all. Cena is bound to lose a title cleanly in his career. All the main-eventers have. He has more desire to get his title back if he loses unfairly.
I guess I don't get how you consider his loss last night "un-clean." No weapons, no interference, no biased refs. In a no holds barred match, he didnt even take a single move that is "barred!!!" He got hit with a couple of finishers and lost. That is not dirty.

Who gives a shit anyway? Cena sucks. He's horrible to watch in the ring and unbearable to listen to when on the mic. Guy says he never 'roided. HA. I went to school with and worked out with him for years at Springfield. If it wasn't for him, I never would have touched the stuff.
I'm sure you did...

He will lose it clean eventually, but like said in other posts, it will be a while
Cena loosing the title cleanly makes him look weak. He is the face of this company and the guy you plan to have carry this company for years to come. As pointed out the top faces just dont lose the title cleanly. After so long you have to get the title off them because fans get disinterested and i think a top face like Cena or Austin getting screwed out of the title makes it very interesting to see how they react and often make things very interesting. To use Austin as proof, look at what he did after getting screwed. Winning the title back on Raw then next night, whens the last time thats happened? Or eventually getting fired and holding Vince hostage. It makes for interesting tv to see the top star get screwed out of the title and to see what they do following that. It will continue to stay like this because the past has been proof of it.

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