John Cena World Champion at Summerslam?


Dark Match Jobber
Will he win? A few weeks ago I would have never guessed Cena would be the one to take the title from Rollins. I'm actually a Cena fan,( especially lately with the work he's been putting in during the us title run) but he was solidly entrenched in the upper mid card scene. I figured at best he was 4 months away from having a world title feud. But with the WWE wanting Summerslam to be a major event this year they are going to want to cater to the casual fan so it makes sense to put Cena in the main event. It also seems like an event that they would want to send fans home happy from.

I think Seth should win. I want to see him have a better reign as I've been underwhelmed so far. I thought he should have at least shown a little more resistance against Lesnar so I think a clean win over Cena is something he really needs right now to legitimize his first reign.

But my gut tells me Cena is going to win i (after losing the us title during an open challenge this month, I hope to Cesaro) Send the causals home happy from the biggest event of the summer.
You can guarantee if cenacle drops the U.S. Belt in an open match that he will win the world title at SS. Maybe cenacle is being rewarded with the solid A+ matches and every week work that he's been doing..
Will he win? A few weeks ago I would have never guessed Cena would be the one to take the title from Rollins. I'm actually a Cena fan,( especially lately with the work he's been putting in during the us title run) but he was solidly entrenched in the upper mid card scene. I figured at best he was 4 months away from having a world title feud. But with the WWE wanting Summerslam to be a major event this year they are going to want to cater to the casual fan so it makes sense to put Cena in the main event. It also seems like an event that they would want to send fans home happy from.

I think Seth should win. I want to see him have a better reign as I've been underwhelmed so far. I thought he should have at least shown a little more resistance against Lesnar so I think a clean win over Cena is something he really needs right now to legitimize his first reign.

But my gut tells me Cena is going to win i (after losing the us title during an open challenge this month, I hope to Cesaro) Send the causals home happy from the biggest event of the summer.

I mean, they kinda already have their "send fans home happy" Main Event with Taker and Brock.

Cena v Rollins will probably go on either second or third last (depending on whether or not they decide to book a breather match inbetween their matches) and Cena will probably lose an incredibly close match to Seth, and then move onto his next thing.
I think Seth Rollins needs a big win over someone like Cena, With the way he won the title and outcomes of all his title defences he doesn't appear that strong of a champion and he has the appearance of even facing a jobber in a fair match they would have a good shot at beating him for the title, Not necessarily Rollins fault just think he needs a couple of proper wins without the outside interferance.
I would not be surprised to see Cena win. We have been noticing that ratings are down and Vince's panic button is of course CENA. It's already being shown with Cena in the main event now so what is stopping vince from just giving cena the world title and punishing Seth for breaking his nose irl
I just don't see Cena winning, but I've been wrong about him before - I could see a returning Kane get involved in some way, either causing Rollins to drop the title or causing him to win by DQ helping lead to a fued between the two which leading up to Rollins vs HHH
I don't think Cena wins at SummerSlam, I could obviously be wrong but I have the feeling that we're doing exactly what WWE expected and wanted: fans discussing and wondering if Cena's win last night means he walks out of SummerSlam at a World Champion for the 16th time.

I think what'll happen at SummerSlam is that we'll get another example of a Cena match that goes all out, a match that rivals any of the Cena vs. Owens matches in which Cena & Rollins push each other beyond what we'd normally expect. Rollins will be depicted as having to dig down deep, deeper than ever before, by being able to take everything Cena has and still find a way to keep coming back.

Whether or not Rollins retains cleanly is anybody's guess, though being able to beat Cena clean will not only not damage Cena in any way, shape or form but it'll also go a helluva long way in putting an end to those who question Rollins' credibility. My guess, however, is that J&J Security will make their surprise return at SummerSlam and ultimately do just enough to provide some sort of distraction that allows Rollins to retain.
Cena being the only big face Seth didn't wrestle for WWE title is the reason i believe Cena will win.
The question is what they plan for US title after Cena drops it, maybe Cesaro can get the belt and continue with open challenges to get more over or Owens dominating everyone else on the midcard roster.
Either way i think Rollins as a heel champ did run his course for now and need something else to do, a feud vs Authority with HHH match in the end can make good things for him and Cena as WWE champ again will probably increase the ratings.
After all John Cena did a hell of a job for midcarders in the last 6 months, not many maineventers will agree to do the same.
I don't think cena winning at summerslam. they put cena in wwe title bcoz its summerslam. they need to sell the ppv worldwide.
if cena wins the title the authority has plan b. sheamus cash in and join the authority. it leads to Rollins vs triple h at survivor series.
After Cena won clean last night, I don't see him beating Rollins again at Summerslam. Cena almost had to win last night to set up the match at Summerslam, but I think we'll see Seth get the win back when it really counts... it would be a miracle if it were clean though. I also don't see Cena going into SS as the US Champ either, judging from his rhetoric with The Authority at the beginning of Raw. He'll probably get screwed out of it a few weeks before SS, maybe in something like a gauntlet(?) which should add more fuel and intrigue to the feud. I could see Cena starting an angle against The Authority again following SS.

Hopefully Owens is the one to pick up the US strap as his match with Cesaro could really use the title.
I wouldn't be surprised, but I can easily see Sheamus playing a part too. If Cena wins and there's no Sheamus then Vince has clearly hit the panic button.
I can't see Cena winning at SS IMO.

Being able to beat Cena clean will not only not damage Cena in any way, shape or form but it'll also go a helluva long way in putting an end to those who question Rollins' credibility.

Rollins is going to go leaps and bounds with this win, that being said I'm not sure who he could face after Summerslam. He's going to look stronger than ever after a win over Cena and I get the feeling Lesnar is going to resume his feud with Rollins after his bout with 'Taker. Rollins is going to look as though he actually has a chance against Brock. Maybe he faces Trips after that feud finishes.

The only reason Cena vs Rollins is happening is simply because there's no one else, and let's face it, it's Summerslam. Cena needs to stay involved with Cesaro and Owens until AT LEAST Survivor Series, although it couldn't hurt if he holds the title until TLC. I'm just praying that Cena doesn't drop the title before SummerSlam though because then the result of Rollins vs Cena is pretty much a given.
The ratings are down, and Vince knows nothing else but to give the title to Cena. It's a shame because I was really enjoying Rollins run as WWE Champion. This is why Cena will forever be hated by a good portion of the crowd. Anytime a new star starts being pushed, there push is halted, and Cena is awarded the title. Until Vince or Cena is gone, that's how it's going to be, and we're just going to have to deal with it.
They gave Rollins to Cena clean at Raw so that Rollins can go over Cena clean at Summerslam. It's pretty obvious.

Cena is 4-7 at Summerslams, with notable clean losses in the last 2 years. One to Daniel Bryan, which set off possibly the greatest storyline work in modern WWE, and the other, he fed himself to the Beast Incarnate, so that they could legitimize the streak being broken. Cena isn't going to win at Summerslam, because that's inverse booking.
I think John Cena will not lose the United States Championship Title anytime soon. I think he’s going to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title at SummerSlam and become a dual Champion. I can see him defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title on Pay Per Views, while still defending the United States Championship Title on every Raw. At the very least, that would be something new.

He might even retire the United States Championship. It would be funny to see Cena retire the United States Championship Title, and then immediately out comes Sheamus to cash in his Money In The Bank contract and “steal” the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title, leaving Cena with no Championship Title Belts.
Rollins will cheat to win like he normally does. Nobody is taking the title from Rollins anytime soon. He's been such a great champion.
Seth Rollins needs to win at SS cause he lost on RAW since he jobbed and broke johns nose he now has to win at SS. I see Owens interfering and telling him one more match john , never give up " Afterall Owens was not happy that he lost to john so it has to happen I see Cesaro and Shamus in it so Seth does win
I really have zero interest in seeing Rollins vs Cena at Summerslam. Like, absolute zero interest. Cena is a phenomenal wrestler and definitely earned his spot. But seriously, him being thrust into the world title picture AGAIN clearly indicates that fundamentally, WWE has not changed one bit.

It's not that Cena can't put on an amazing match, because he can (and will). It's just that there's so much great talent on the roster now, and they should really be pushing some new guys into the world title picture (*cough* Cesaro *cough*).

The problem is the lack of confidence in anyone BUT Cena, not Cena himself.
I don't think WWE is planning to have Cena win the world title anytime soon. There are still too many "Cena sucks!" chants to make it feasible and while I feel the majority of the 'chanters' are doing it only because they hear others doing it......and have nothing in particular against Cena..... the company still has a long way to go before a lot of fans would cease hating if he won the title again.

Yes, WWE could try to force the issue and have him cleanly defeat Rollins, but they've surely learned by now they can't dictate fan opinion as they once thought they could.

It's ironic to think of the company having to 'rebuild' the image of John Cena, but it could be that's what they're doing by giving him the US Title and having him proudly defend it.

Even more ironically, the broken nose....and the manner in which he battled after getting it.....probably won him some appreciation from the crowd. It's all a which may never come to fruition.

But at this point, I wouldn't think having him win the world title is the way to go.
I mean, they kinda already have their "send fans home happy" Main Event with Taker and Brock.

Cena v Rollins will probably go on either second or third last (depending on whether or not they decide to book a breather match inbetween their matches) and Cena will probably lose an incredibly close match to Seth, and then move onto his next thing.

Yeah I could see Taker and Brock closing out the show.

I think HHH will be the special guest ref in the Rollins vs. Cena match. He was the ref in the 2011 and 2013 WWE Championship matches. He'll be the ref in this match to ensure the title stays in The Authority.

The Big Red Machine returns in the match and costs Rollins the match then tombstones Cena, Sheamus comes out and cashes in and the segment ends with Sheamus, Kane and HHH standing tall.

Seth feuds with Kane, Sheamus feuds with Cena through the fall.
Rollins should be honored to be the man who gives Cena his 16th reign. It will be historic, and Rollins will be shown in highlights for years to come. It would also be cool for Cena to hold the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and the United States Heavyweight Championship at the same time.

Cena matches are the best part of Raw. WWE should keep the US Title defenses going. It may sound like a strange task for the world champion, but who cares? Strange can be good too.

Cena is McMahon's go-to star. Ratings are down. We know what is coming. I'm fine with it. If I'm wrong, great! I appreciate the hard work Rollins puts in as world champion.
Part of me hopes Cena wins at Summerslam as I'm just not that high on Seth Rollins, I just think he's been booked incredibly weak and he hasn't been presented as someone I take seriously as champion. When I look at past guys that were billed as "the future of WWE" they were pushed as credible, they were pushed as guys that were capable of winning the title on their own skill, not just title holders because of the people they surround themselves with. Take Randy Orton in '03-'04 for example; even though he was in Evolution and had numerous tools that could be used to win he usually chose to take care of business himself. He beat RVD clean to win the IC title, he defended that title a ton of times, usually retaining it on his own sweat and brow (like with Foley) and he won the World title by out performing on of the best technical wrestlers I've ever seen. Essentially, Randy proved himself in that time that he was, in fact, the future of WWE, Rollins has been booked as a guy who is on top because he gives good blowees which is a shame and it doesn't do Rollins any favors whenever he does lose that title.

The way Rollins has been booked makes me think he's going the way of The Miz the second that title is off his waist so I don't really care if he loses the title because WWE hasn't given me a reason to care where Rollins is placed on the card. It's hard to buy into someone when they have been booked as an incapable joke, even if they show a ton of talent during that time. Rollins is essentially a good actor being put in a lousy role, it maybe a starring role but it's a role that isn't going to do him any favors going forward. If Rollins is going to keep that title at Summerslam he needs to do something to show he should be champ, if WWE can't do that then they might as well just give the title back to Cena until they can figure it out.

I like Rollins as a talent but he's not playing a role I can get behind. At the end of the day the only reason Reggie Miller's trash talking meant anything is because he had the ability to shut you up with his skill, Rollins trash talks a lot but he has to start shutting people up with the tools he possesses and until he does I don't see any good reason to keep the title on him. I don't like the idea of going backwards giving Cena another title run but I would rather have that than a champ I can't get behind on pretty much any level.
After the clean win against Rollins, I predicted that Rollins will retain. However, things can always change and EASILY.

After Rollins broke Cena's nose, Cena had to undergo surgery, apparently he's missing several weeks of in-ring action, and has to undergo another reconstruction surgery. In Vince's eyes, Cena would look "weak" if he misses several weeks of in-ring action AND loses to Rollins at SS. In addition, Vince and Cena aren't going to let Rollins slide away with this. They're going to make an example out of him. Breaking the face of the company's nose isn't "grabbing the brass ring" that Vince wants people to do.. it sends out a bad message if Rollins retains after breaking the face of the company's nose, as if he was getting rewarded.
After the clean win against Rollins, I predicted that Rollins will retain. However, things can always change and EASILY.

After Rollins broke Cena's nose, Cena had to undergo surgery, apparently he's missing several weeks of in-ring action, and has to undergo another reconstruction surgery. In Vince's eyes, Cena would look "weak" if he misses several weeks of in-ring action AND loses to Rollins at SS. In addition, Vince and Cena aren't going to let Rollins slide away with this. They're going to make an example out of him. Breaking the face of the company's nose isn't "grabbing the brass ring" that Vince wants people to do.. it sends out a bad message if Rollins retains after breaking the face of the company's nose, as if he was getting rewarded.
So, here we go again. It's painful how often I have to do this.

So, the WWE and pro wrestling in general, has this concept called "kayfabe." Matches take place in kayfabe, and the winners are chosen before the matches start, and sometimes during the match. But this isn't a real fight. Cena can't ACTUALLY get revenge on Seth Rollins, because the whole thing is a work. Sure, Cena got a broken nose, but isn't going to be reason for him to, as you say, "make an example out of him."
So, here we go again. It's painful how often I have to do this.

So, the WWE and pro wrestling in general, has this concept called "kayfabe." Matches take place in kayfabe, and the winners are chosen before the matches start, and sometimes during the match. But this isn't a real fight. Cena can't ACTUALLY get revenge on Seth Rollins, because the whole thing is a work. Sure, Cena got a broken nose, but isn't going to be reason for him to, as you say, "make an example out of him."

Are you serious? I thought you were one of the more realistic posters man.. disappointed in you. you really think this is a work huh, just like you thought Punk quitting was a work? Lol.. go watch a replay of that knee to the face

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