John Cena Working Injured?

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- This is exactly what I was worrying about when they made that Rock/Cena bout for WM28. If one of them is too injured to compete by the time of WM28, what will happen to the main event?

- This Cena injury could be a good thing for two reasons:

1) Like it or not, when your top guy is out, it means the main event scene will be fresh; and
2) It will give some relatively new Superstar to step up and take the spot.

- I was thinking just in case, The Miz will turn face, but with his protege turning face just now and a rumored match with Triple H at WM28, it will be tough to fill that spot ...
Please every wrestler on that in that company works hurt, hell every wrestler in the buisness works hurt if they want to keep a job, there is no such thing as being 100% in the world of professional wrestling, that fantasy has never existed and will never exist.

That said even if he does need to take time off, which I doubt, they have Rey on Raw, adn really arn't doing squat with him, the guy is right behind Cena & Orton as far as drawing money for this company goes, he could easily step in a fill the void left open in a Cena absents. Plus they've always got guys like Show, Kofi, Bourne, etc. to work with as well
Well this can't be good news if it is true. Cena is the top face and the ultimate drawer of the company, if he was to get injured, this would put a little fear for the Rock/Cena match.

If I was WWE, I would atleast tell Cena to consider taking some time off, he's been wrestling non-stop for atleast 2 year's now and he wrestles like 4 time's a week. It's very risky if he is working hurt to continue to work hurt, especially with the high profiled dream match coming up in 10 month's.

And besides there's one guy who can come back for a few month's, that man being Triple H. He has gone on record saying that he's like a emergancy talent now and if they need someobdy, they can use him. It'll probably be a few month's becuase let's face it, only a guy like Triple H can fill the void for John Cena.

I would hate for Cena to get legit injured and have to be out for a few month's after having surgery. Cena is one of the highlight's of RAW, and IMO, he need's to take it easy if he want's to last another 7 year's in this business. It may not be hard at first, but like what happened to Edge, injuries tally up and you get closer and closer to retirement sooner that your think.

I agree .... Cena is 33 years old now...
they should send him home for a while and bring back Triple h !
How soon we all forget.

The best way to keep the status quo is to keep Cena on TV but out of matches. Give him the Austin treatment after Owen broke his neck. He was gone for a while for that legit reason, but they brought him back to talk and keep angles going while he was recovering from the injury. Do the same for Cena if his injuries warrant it (which I think they do. Just ask Edge how serious a neck....oh can't because he had to retire)

Have Cena lose the belt to someone who is NOT Truth because he would be horrible with the belt. His entire gimmick is based on a conspiracy theory against him. That loses a lot of its punch when he's the top guy. But no matter what, Cena loses the belt and the anonymous Raw GM keeps putting people in line ahead of Cena for the #1 Contender spot while he gets himself better. Then when he's on TV and needs to attack someone, its light in ring work ending with an STF instead of the AA.

Relegate him to a talker while he recovers, and you don't need to find his replacement. You need to find filler faces to run at the title with a heel champion.
I'm not surprised to hear that he's been working through multiple injuries.He's been busting his ass since he came back from his last injury in 2008.

The WWE would have to come up with a major contingency plan if Cena has to take time off to recuperate.I figure they'll draft Orton back on Raw and move Mysterio and CM Punk on SmackDown.Orton vs. Miz should help minimize the ratings drop.After that,Orton vs. Del Rio,which could set up the *SPOILER ALERT* WrestleMania 28 match WZ reported on.They'll probably rush Undertaker back,and maybe Jericho.

If the WWE can get Undertaker,Triple H and Jericho back in the ring,they won't be missing Cena's drawing power too much,but if they can't,then they'll just have to push some upper-midcarders into the main event,namely John Morrison and Alex Riley.Who knows,they might just create another big star.I seem to remember CM Punk and Jeff Hardy becoming main eventers during Cena's last hiatus.
I'm questioning the legitimacy of this report as Cena has been very consistent with his matches. If he is indeed injured, I honestly wouldn't have been able to tell based on what I've seen from him on television. If the report is true, then this can end up being a MAJOR problem. Cena should take time off to recuperate and quite frankly, he is entitled to taking time off. If it comes to that, then it's up to the midcard faces to really step it up in a huge way in order to relieve some of the pressure of having Cena gone from the flagship show. Having Cena work through injuries could very easily jeopardize the big Wrestlemania main event and if that happens, I wouldn't put it past Vince McMahon to have a heart attack on the spot. Hopefully, this report isn't true but if it is then Cena should take some much deserved time off. I only hope a temporary leave of absence by Cena won't hurt RAW severely if it comes to that.
Completely agree with the posters thus far.... Cena SHOULD take time off is he is indeed injured because not only it affects his health but it potentially could get in the way of his match against the rock at WM28....or at least he should get an easier workload doesn't he?
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