John Cena Working Injured?

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Getting Noticed By Management
From the Main Site:

"WWE Raw star and current Champion John Cena is said to be currently working through several injuries. The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Cena is battling neck and hip issues, as well as persistent and lingering elbow issues. While nothing has been mentioned in terms of him taking off any time in the ring, it's being said that Cena is more beat up then he is letting on. More on this developing story as it becomes available"

my question is....if this is true will this affect Raw? or the WWE as a whole for that matter, with the main draw being injured or taking some time off?

me personally is he is indeed injured, i prefer that he takes time off to recuperate now so he is fresh and healthy by wrestlemania season...

we also know that the summer months are the lazier months as far as ratings but Raw needs a face and if Cena is gone then who could step up?
someone could definetively step up with Cena gone, but who could do it?

so how could raw and wwe be affected by this?
beyond the consequences of Raw, the wwe or next years mania, it is always stupid to work injured, always, i don`t care who you are...there are enough living proofs to back this.
he better take some time off, at least 4 months to heel and bet better. it is not good to work on injured because its only going to make things worst especially on the wrestler's body. Cena should take some time off after Summerslam to heel back and ready for next year's wrestlemania.

This means they gonna have to give the title either back to The Miz or give it to somebody like Del Rio. Either way he needs time to heel.
Every single wrestler who wrestles on a consistent basis is working injured. It's the life of a pro wrestler. I'm not surprised nor will I be shocked if he has to take time off soon.

Raw would not be affected if he did take time off. The company has always gotten through it and nothing will change. It will just mean more opportunity for other wrestlers.
Cena should take time off. He is entitled to it. And obviously as we all know, an injury will badly effect Wrestlemania 28. But everybody knows Vince won't give Cena time off until it's too late. Cena is the money maker for Vince. As for who will take over, well that's a tough one. Morrisson is out, and probably won't be back till around Summerslam time. The only other people are Rey and Riley. Nobody want's to see Rey as a top guy, and Riley hasn't got the experience just quite yet. If Cena does take time off, they could bring Triple H back just for a few months to carry Raw.
For one thing, I doubt this is true. John Cena has been putting on consistently solid matches for months now, and it seems like he's doing some of the best work of his career.

If it is true, this spells big trouble for Raw, as there is nobody on the show that is prepared to take his spot of number one face, except for Triple H. If Cena is indeed hurt, and he needs to take more than a month or so off of wrestling, I think Triple H is going to have to come back to a full time wrestling role. He'll probably assume whatever role Cena was in, whether that was challenging for the WWE Championship or having a grudge feud with Miz or Del Rio.

If Triple H is not ready to come back to wrestling full time, it means that Rey, Big Show, and Kofi are going to have to really step up their game. The WWE might want to wait until John Morrison comes back so there is another top face to help ease the pain of losing Cena.
If he's suffering from multiple injuries then the WWE needs to go a little easy with him. His match with The Rock at Mania 28 is the top priority in terms of things that need to happen. You don't have to take Cena off TV and have him rest like that, just try to slow his work load in terms of matches. That may mean he'll need to drop the title for a few months but that's nothing in the grand scheme of things. They can easily put the title on someone like R Truth for a few months, have Cena slow down his work load, and then put the belt back on Cena when he recovers a little.
i am not a fan of the guy But the man should Care more about his health

We know he has the money and will not suffer financially from taking a break in order to be in full health

And we know he will not lose his place in the company if he took the rest
Cena should definetely take some time off. Working through mild injuries is 99% of the time going to end with a more serious injury which could lead to surgery which could lead to him missing Wrestlemania and having to take up to a year off. It wont be good for him or the company. Think about it John, 3 months now to recover, 1 year later to recover from a serious injury.

If he doesn't take time off, he could very well end up like Austin. He worked through his neck injury, got surgery too late and was forced to retire early.

Bottom line, working through injuries isn't smart. Just take some time off and recover so you can compete at WM 28.
I think JGlass got it spot on in saying that this doesn't appear to be the case. Cena has been putting on consistently good matches recently. I'd say for the whole of 2011 for sure.

If he is injured, well, this is just exposes one of WWE's problems. They don't have anyone who draws money like Cena. Take him off of TV, and the effects may well be noticeable. Don't let the popularity of guys like Mysterio and Orton fool you, no one comes close to the drawing power of Cena. WWE knows this, too. Hell, they did a firing angle with him and they were so scared about taking him off of TV that he didn't miss a Raw and showed up at the next PPV. Cena isn't just a top face who can be replaced. He's an irreplaceable mega face. And WWE needs to start producing new mega faces. And they need to do it sooner rather than later.

As for what will happen if he's injured, one man would need to come back. Triple H. He came back to Raw to try to fill the huge Cena-shaped whole on Raw for a bit. He would be the number one face, no questions asked. John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Alex Riley, these guys can step up their game all they want, but no one comes close to Triple H.
Take him off of TV, and the effects may well be noticeable. Don't let the popularity of guys like Mysterio and Orton fool you, no one comes close to the drawing power of Cena. WWE knows this, too. Hell, they did a firing angle with him and they were so scared about taking him off of TV that he didn't miss a Raw and showed up at the next PPV.

If Cena has minor, nagging injuries like reports are suggesting then you don't have to take him off TV. You can easily just lighten his work load for a little bit while he recovers. Run an angle where the anonymous GM refuses to allow him to compete because of his "insert random injury here" suffered in "insert random match here." This way Cena still appears on RAW and can make an impact but he also gets some time to heal up a little.

Cena isn't just a top face who can be replaced. He's an irreplaceable mega face. And WWE needs to start producing new mega faces. And they need to do it sooner rather than later.

You don't just produce mega faces when you want. If you could it would be done a lot more often. It takes a special performer to become what guys like Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena became.
If Cena is really injured (which I'm sure all of them are to some degree), what they should be doing is reducing his number of house shows. Keeping him on camera and keeping his storylines progressing in to Summerslam, but give him more tag team matches or just have somebody beat the tar out of him to write him off for a few weeks. It's not that difficult to give somebody a little time off.
Maybe the 2012 end of the world stuff is true. I already stopped watching smackdown years ago and if cena leaves raw....well... :shrug:

I only watch raw for cena and miz....everything else is filler. Its a shame that all the mid carders arent being treated like main eventers like they were 5+ years ago. Who the heck will fill cenas shoes when hes gone?

WWE needs to change the cena show into the everyone show like they presented 5+ years ago. Basing a show around 1 guy is a horrible idea. There going to loose him soon and i see a very bleak future.
I know Cena is the cash cow, but this guy has been working non stop for what... eight or nine years now? He doesn't have to be taken off the show completely, but WWE should lighten his load even if it means missing a few house shows and matches. Maybe its just nagging injuries and nothing serious. Hopefully that is true for WWE's sake.
If this is true I can see him dropping the Championship to R-Truth at Capitol Punishment then take some time out, could be good for Raw not having him in the spotlight 24/7, would give some high mid-carders chances to become main eventers
Did anyone think that maybe WWE have inquired with John on if he feels he should keep working or not? If the WWE asked him and he said he's fine, just a few bumps and bruises, then they can continue what they're doing.

If not, the best possible solution I can come up with is have him lose the WWE Championship, or give him a light schedule until SummerSlam and have him lose it there. At least without the WWE Championship there isn't such a need for him to be on any show.
For one thing, I doubt this is true. John Cena has been putting on consistently solid matches for months now, and it seems like he's doing some of the best work of his career.

Edge had also put awesome matches before his retirement, like the Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania!
"Not everything is as it seems" right?

I can't even imagine RAW without John Cena, yes we all hate him and he sucks, but he is mega over with every fan...
He is an old type of main eventer, he is the part of the few that is irreplaceable in the WWE history!
But if he need to step out, well he has to do it because the bigger picture is The Rock vs John Cena, and he needs to comeback at Road to Wrestlemania to build the feud fresh and without injuries.

If John Cena is really going to take some time off, WWE needs to make a reconstruction, and realizes who is good and who is not that good, who has potential and who hasn't.
The only active wrestler that I can see being the one that can take RAW on his back is CM Punk, but he needs to be a face again (RAW is crowded with Heels and he can have awesome feuds with every one of them, just think CM Punk vs ADR or Swagger)

If this is true, please give the guy a rest, put him out of the TV and start to build a new mega face (CM Punk or a mid-card starting to get over with the fans like Alex Riley or my personal favorite Drew McIntyre)
It would make me more interested in RAW, because I cant really see nobody taking the title out of Cena despite The Money in the Bank winner.
I hope that after Capitol Punishment he vacates the title and that CM Punk wins it or even The Miz/ Swagger again!
It appears that most people on this thread agree that if Cena is indeed injured, then he needs to take some time off (how long & in what kinda capacity, is still up in the air).

It also seems agreed on that someone will need to take his place. There have been a few names tossed around... Kofi, Morrison, A-Ry, Rey, Big Show, HHH. All of them are good choices, but lets be realistic here.

If Kofi, Rey, or Show were going to be the be the top man on RAW, then they would have already done it, for them, at this point it's to late. A-Ry is to green to carry anything but a duffel bag, so he's out. Triple H is a good pick, but I don't think he would be up to it (side note: Last year I saw HHH going to his bus behind the arena after a live RAW, I yelled... he waved... I had nerd-gasam.)

Anyway, here's some superstars to consider as a stand in.

C.M. Punk- He's been a heel for a while now, and he's great at it. But it
might be possible to see a return of face Punk. He could do it.

"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash- Or whatever they want to call him. I know he's old
but he can still draw viewers. And he's said
recently that he's not done yet. It could happen.

So if Cena is hurt, RAW & WWE in general should be ok till he recovers.
If this is true then yeah, Cena should take some time off. Scratch that, he needs to take some time off. Better to lose a few months of RAW then risk losing your top PPV and the biggest match in a decade.

Actually this could be a blessing in disguise. Triple H should not come back if this were to happen. This would be a great opportunity for WWE to build new top faces. They've done a decent job with building new top heels with Miz and Del Rio. Now it's time for some more top faces that aren't named Cena or Orton.
Well this can't be good news if it is true. Cena is the top face and the ultimate drawer of the company, if he was to get injured, this would put a little fear for the Rock/Cena match.

If I was WWE, I would atleast tell Cena to consider taking some time off, he's been wrestling non-stop for atleast 2 year's now and he wrestles like 4 time's a week. It's very risky if he is working hurt to continue to work hurt, especially with the high profiled dream match coming up in 10 month's.

And besides there's one guy who can come back for a few month's, that man being Triple H. He has gone on record saying that he's like a emergancy talent now and if they need someobdy, they can use him. It'll probably be a few month's becuase let's face it, only a guy like Triple H can fill the void for John Cena.

I would hate for Cena to get legit injured and have to be out for a few month's after having surgery. Cena is one of the highlight's of RAW, and IMO, he need's to take it easy if he want's to last another 7 year's in this business. It may not be hard at first, but like what happened to Edge, injuries tally up and you get closer and closer to retirement sooner that your think.
It wouldn't surprise me if he is. Cena is the personification of the term "workhorse". The man has a passion for the business unlike what I've ever seen, so the idea of him forcing himself to work through injuries while hiding them as best he can makes total sense. Onto the matter of him taking time off, I don't see it happening. Unless he gets truly injured, like "can hardly walk, let alone put on a match" injured, he won't let this put him on the shelf, for any amount of time. He's not only the champ right now, but he needs to hype his match with the Rock as much as possible. Only if they take him out for a short while to make sure he's ready to go for that, would I see him taking a break.
I think he should lose the championship to R-Truth at Capitol Punishment and have a storyline injury caused by Truth to take some time off and get healthy. Someone definitely needs to step up to take the face of the company role while he's away but regardless of numbers being drawn, Cena should care about his health before anything else. A storyline injury works perfectly at this time. R-Truth does deserve a championship run anyways.
I read this on the homepage and thought to myself "Wow, is this going to effect Wrestlemania at all?" I sure hope not. As one poster said above me, he SHOULD lose the title at CP Truth. I also think he should still be on air but in a non wrestling role. Much like what Stone Cold was doing during his neck injury in 1997 I believe? WWE can't afford to let Cena get hurt anymore. And if he does drop the belt I'm sure it would make a lot of people happy because he won't hold it all year. Let the others fight over it until EC or Royal Rumble then put it back on Cena.
People, he can rest up and get healthy without being written off. Come on people. Where does this idea that it's always bad or stupid to work injured come from? It completely depends on the type of injury and how they can treat it. There are a LOT of injuries that won't get worse by working with them. There are ways to stop injuries from getting worse and there are ways to protect people who are injured.

The WWE isn't stupid. If Cena needs time off, he's going to get it. If he can work through the injuries, he will. They realize Wrestlemania 28 is the most important thing here, and they're going to do whatever it takes to make sure he's there.

As for who would replace Cena if he does have to be taken off air, it depends on how seen he's taken off. If he can make it to SummerSlam, which I'm sure he can, Morrison will be back by then and could take over. Otherwise, they could bring back Triple H. Or, if they're really desperate, they can turn CM Punk, Miz, Del Rio, or Truth (not Truth since he just turned) face since Raw is so heel heavy at the top.
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