John Cena and Steve Austin

Doomsday Device

Pre-Show Stalwart
Im pretty sure it wasnt just me who noticed a certain amount of heat given to John Cena from the crowd when he walked in the ring while Austin was there doing his thing. Plus not to mention the usual boos.

Fans didnt appreciate Cena just butting into what was to supposed to be Austins moment in the ring. I would have liked these two to have a conversation in the ring and see what they thought of each other and where each stood at. But I know this didnt happen because the purpose of Austin being at Raw was for the contract signing between Hart/McMahon.

It was like a PG Era vs Attitude Era. I dont think these two could coexist if Austin were to be there every monday night. One is the leader of the PG era and Austin (of course the Rock as well) is the leader of the Attitude Era.

What are your thoughts on this.
I don't think there is any animosity there. Steve pretty much cheered Cena on at the Hall of Fame and I'm sure he thinks highly of him. Anytime when you have a big star like Austin have to share the ring with anyone I'm sure fans aren't going to be too thrilled. Especially since we haven't seen Austin in WWE in a while. Fans get to see Cena every week regardless if he is injured or not. Cena still got a nice reception, but its hard to follow an act like Steve Austin no matter how popular you are.

These two must have the upmost respect for eachother.

But tv-wise they are complete opposites. Cena the goodie twoshoes and Austin the Hellraiser. It would make for great tv, the most unfortunate thing is Austin not being able to start a program and get in the ring.
Well if you looked at the front row in the beginning their was a group of guys who had we hate cena shirts on. But besides that im pretty sure Cena and Austin have the up-most respect for one another. But I believe they could co-exist if wwe was tv-14 again.
Cena didn't interrupt. Austin's promo was over, and they had a lot of ground to cover on RAW tonight, so they went straight into Cena/Big Show. I'd also like to point out that Austin went right ahead and handed it over to Cena with a nod and a playful Stunner-fakeout.

There's no point in WWE pretending that Austin and Cena don't immensely respect each other. In fact, they had Batista acknowledge it in his (best ever) promo a couple weeks ago. Austin's never had anything but positive things to say about Cena, at least in public, and he even acknowledged Cena personally at his HOF induction last year. And that was not something Austin needed to do; he wanted to.
I wish stone cold could come back and wrestle. Him being on raw brought back alot of memories for me. I couldn't help but to be sucked right in sitting on the edge of my seat a ft away from the tv when the glass broke for the first time. I would love to see him vs cena as long as cena didn't win it. I don't think cenas deserves to win over scsa. I was hoping he got stunned though. Kind of dissappointed that we didn't see a stunner tonight though
i think austin and cena definatly respect maybe even like each other but i think a lot of fans probally saw it as the symbols of the watered down kiddy era vs the awesome atittude era i thinks thats why cena is booed a lot anyway by the older fans at least because he is the face of wwe pg and represents all the childish going ons that weve seen for about two years now
there is a lot of respect for one another but this was Austin's night at guest host, when its the pointless guest hosts then have them limited to hardly anything, but when you have Austin as a guest host he should be allowed to have as much time as he wants on the mic
I simply believe it was the appreciation of a wrestling God over the WWE's current top babyface.

I don't think it was anything more than that. Cena and Austin has a deep understanding and respect for one another and that definitely came across in the little segment between the two. Myself personally thought it was great to finally see WWE's past and present going nose to nose. Pretty damn awesome!
It was Austin being Austin. He was poking fun at Cena, as the Austin character should be expected to do. He gave him a weird look when his music hit. He did the "you can't see me" to make fun of Cena. When Cena did that stupid slide into the ring, Austin called him safe, like a baseball umpire (which was hilarious). He faked the Stunner because in Austins day, he WOULD have stunned him. Let's not forget, he also waited for the Big Show to give him a little jazz as well.

I'm sure Steve Austin respects John Cena. Whether he believes Cena is any good or not is a different matter entirely, and I'm sure we'll never find that out. He had to salute him at the HOF. Cena, like it or not (and I don't), is the biggest star in WWE. He is the face of the company. Austin knows, as a professional, he has to acknowledge that.

But yeah, I wish he would have dropped Cena right on his head...that would have been cool to see. But he couldn't. That would make Cena look weak, and take away credibility....but it would have been cool, especially for a fan of the Attitude Era, like myself.
Cena and Austin have several similarities, they have been loyal to the WWE product since the day they were hired (and by that I mean not going to the competition or getting fired and bashing the company up) Austin was carrying the company on his back, just like Cena is today, Austin was the first one in last one out, just like Cena is today. Both are limited technically in the ring, they just throw punches so to speak.

But these two couldnt have been more polar opposites. Whether its in character, or in real life. Austin is the laidback redneck at home, who raises hell in the ring, gives the finger to anyone and just about everyone. Cena is more of a "thug kind" jock, who in the ring is a goodie two shoes, kisses babies and holds hands. And kisses up from the smallest to the oldest.

Im sure Austin believed in his time that Attitude was the way to go, its what woke Vince up when his company was mere inches from being swallowed whole by the cometition.

But Cena doesnt see it that way, even in real life, its been said that he was one of the people who came up with the idea, or even suggested for the E to go PG. What a coincidence that his safe kiddie gimmick in 05, 06 and 07 wasnt being accepted by the fans, especially the older ones, but by turning safe and PG by 2008 it would have a kiddie feel and who would bebefit the most from that? Mr. Cena
He faked the Stunner because in Austins day, he WOULD have stunned him.

I must admit I was a little saddened by the fact that John Cena was not stunned.
But on the other hand, it's always fun to watch someone make a little fun of John Cena, I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit as he did the "you can't see me" wave.

To answer your question Doomsday Device, I can't help but back up the fans on the booing, more than the usual, because I would've much rather listen to Austin for a little while longer, than have the failure of a match that was Cena vs Big Show.
Hell all 3 Wrestlemania rewind matches were a failure, they had potential to make a great night on Raw, and each and every single one of them completely screwed people on the finish, all thou I must admit I liked seeing Big Show actually beat John Cena.

And I personally would love to see a "past vs present" as Michael Cole (i believe it was Michael Cole? could've been King, can't remember) so nicely put it.

On a final note, I was a little bit disappointed that WWE didn't have Austin drink the beers "properly" now that they clearly allowed him to cut a promo with lots of whoop ass in it.
For what the E is right now, we saw the best we could from Austin. It looks like he slimmed down, it might be because of the movie-making thing. (Actors sometimes are asked to gain or lose some weight etc) Yes he did drink a couple of beers, but it almost looked as if he was overly covering the cans with his fingers. Im sure young little kids ask their parents "daddy what is he drinking?" and the parents usually lie saying its soda and stuff like that. I can understand that, I have a 1 year old and before I know it questions like that will be coming my way.

It was fantastic seeing the ol rattlesnake back and everything went well. It just didnt feel the same. It felt like he was limited to what he could do in the ring.

On the fact of the Mania Rewind wrestling matches being a failure - I agree.

Sure its nice to see a Big Name vs Big Name kind of thing, but its like they took it easy on eachother, not an all out brawl, sort of like to not get injured for the upcoming Mania. If they're going to put some shit like that might as well not do it at all, or call it "Warm up match before Mania" because its not a quarter as good as the actual Mania matches we've seen before.

I want to see these guys bash their brains in. Im paying too much for cable for me to be disappointed every Monday like this.
I don't think that the crowd gave him that much heat. I think that I was expecting them to, but it never happened. When Cena came out, there was that little chorus of boos from the usuals, but the pop he got after that was pretty loud. I think he has been getting bigger pops lately anyway, I don't think even the presence of Austin changed that.
Hey, if you guys want to see John Cena get stunned go on youtube and look up (Stone Cold and John Cena). Tribute to the Troops will come up and Cena recieves a Stone Cold Stunner. It happened around 2003 or 2004. If Stone Cold ever does come back for one more match I hope it's Cena vs. Austin.

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