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John Cena and possible time off

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
Listening the The Howard Stern show he had Amy Schumer on who among other things talked about an upcoming movie she is set to star in that begins filming in May. When she started to name off some co-stars in the film John Cena was one of the names she mentioned. Now I have no idea how big his role is and how much, if any time he would need off to film this thing.

Now what, if any role could this have in the outcome of his match against Bray?
I don't know how WWE will book the Bray vs Cena match but let's hope bray doesn't lose cleanly.

The perfect booking is to have the two other Wyatt members attack Cena then Hogan helps him then Rock helps him as well.

I would say Austin but Rock makes more sense because those three were heroes unlike Austin (anti hero) and there is a passing of the torch connection between the three.

Bray Wyatt has a lot of potential. Let's hope WWE/Cena doesn't bury him.
Wyatt is picked to win the match, so how would Cena bury him? Also, I think Cena deserves some time off, but the problem with the wwe is that it is 100% our of sight out of mind.
I hate when Cena takes time off, it's a waiting game for him to come back from that point on, but if the wyatt's takes him out at Wrestlemania. I won't be too upset. But the show will be lacking something without Cena, and they'll need someone to step up.
Would WWE be considering the old double switch with is match Sunday in anyone's opinion? BSA. Good opportunity to turn Cena heel/Bray face IF they want to turn the Wyatt's.

Given everything in the build Cena could snap, cheat, keep beating and walk out ala Bret/Austin.
Would WWE be considering the old double switch with is match Sunday in anyone's opinion? BSA. Good opportunity to turn Cena heel/Bray face IF they want to turn the Wyatt's.

Given everything in the build Cena could snap, cheat, keep beating and walk out ala Bret/Austin.

Why in the pink hell for poodles would they want to turn Bray face? And you can forget about Cena turning heel. It's not going to happen.

As for Cena taking time off. If he needs to take time off I'd say he's earned it. At least he will give the WWE a chance to set up an exit angle unlike Cry Baby Punk. But the fans who are hoping and praying Cena will take a leave of absence due to their own personal hatred for the man should think about this. Cena has taken a back seat. He's working a midcard match against a new comer. Many of his critics have already proven to be hypocrites seeing as he's out of the main event scene which was one of the haters constant complaints yet they are still obsessed with the guy. Now they want him gone altogether. I guess having him around reminds people how ill equipped their smark magnet heroes are to carry the load.
I hope he does, at least 4-5 months. Give other people a chance to shine. Better yet, have him get destroyed by the Wyatt Family. (Cena, destroyed? Not likely, I know, but stay with me) Then have him come back just before Summerslam and have his rematch against Bray. Meanwhile have Bray stay completely dominant against every one of his opponents until then.
I hope he does, at least 4-5 months. Give other people a chance to shine. Better yet, have him get destroyed by the Wyatt Family. (Cena, destroyed? Not likely, I know, but stay with me) Then have him come back just before Summerslam and have his rematch against Bray. Meanwhile have Bray stay completely dominant against every one of his opponents until then.

How is he stopping others from shining atm? He's in a midcard match at WM while Daniel Bryan is probably main eventing. It's not like Cena is soaking up the sun and not letting anyone else do their thing. Cena's taken a backseat, and if he's not on the show the WWE will be missing one of the best ever.
To be fair John has had very little time of over the last 10 years or so and if anybody deserves some much needed time off then its him. John could really do with the time to heal up and having him off TV for a while will help guys Bryan and Punk ( if he returns) the chance to really be the number one face in the company, which is something WWE will never do with John still aound. There is also the added advantage Bray will get if he ends up being the one that puts Cena on the shelf for a good long time.
How is he stopping others from shining atm? He's in a midcard match at WM while Daniel Bryan is probably main eventing. It's not like Cena is soaking up the sun and not letting anyone else do their thing. Cena's taken a backseat, and if he's not on the show the WWE will be missing one of the best ever

Cesaro, anyone? He was slated for a split with Swagger and a huge babyface run. Then he lost to Cena. Where is he now? Oh yeah. Preshow 4-way tag team match. With Rybaxel. And Los Matadores. Cena's letting people shine? When's the last time he lost clean? Summerslam? No doubt Cena's the top guy, but this is the first 'Mania since 20 that he wasn't fighting for the title or in the Main Event. Hey, I'm glad they're starting to give new guys a chance, and if Bray wins, I'll be happy. I just won't be surprised if he doesn't. That's why I'm saying I wanna see Cena go away for a while. Just to see if the younger guys finally get themselves over enough and breathe some fresh air in the stale(almost rotting) main event scene.
I don't know how WWE will book the Bray vs Cena match but let's hope bray doesn't lose cleanly.

The perfect booking is to have the two other Wyatt members attack Cena then Hogan helps him then Rock helps him as well.

I would say Austin but Rock makes more sense because those three were heroes unlike Austin (anti hero) and there is a passing of the torch connection between the three.

Bray Wyatt has a lot of potential. Let's hope WWE/Cena doesn't bury him.


A clean win can still make Bray look very strong. Have you not watched any wrestling at all? If Bray comes within inches of winning but then loses he'll still look good.
Problem is wwe caves in every time Cena wants to come back early. He was supposed to gone 4-6 months with his elbow but he was gone less than 2. To me that really shows a lack of understanding from both wwe and Cena as he is not the hot property he was years ago, taking time off is good for the character never mind the person. Look how it worked for HBK - people were always jacked when he came back. I can't see it happening for long - maybe miss a couple Raws but that's about it.
Cesaro, anyone? He was slated for a split with Swagger and a huge babyface run. Then he lost to Cena. Where is he now? Oh yeah. Preshow 4-way tag team match. With Rybaxel. And Los Matadores. Cena's letting people shine? When's the last time he lost clean? Summerslam? No doubt Cena's the top guy, but this is the first 'Mania since 20 that he wasn't fighting for the title or in the Main Event. Hey, I'm glad they're starting to give new guys a chance, and if Bray wins, I'll be happy. I just won't be surprised if he doesn't. That's why I'm saying I wanna see Cena go away for a while. Just to see if the younger guys finally get themselves over enough and breathe some fresh air in the stale(almost rotting) main event scene.

Come on man. This logic was idiotic five years ago. "Cena doesn't lose clean"... He's a top baby face. He's not supposed to! As for Cesaro, if they planned on pushing him they wouldn't have jobbed him to Cena. Cena didn't walk into Vince's office and demand they scrap Cesaro's push. This sort of stupidity doesn't add to the conversation. It's not new nor is it smart. You would have been better off not responding to the guy in the first place.
Problem is wwe caves in every time Cena wants to come back early. He was supposed to gone 4-6 months with his elbow but he was gone less than 2. To me that really shows a lack of understanding from both wwe and Cena as he is not the hot property he was years ago, taking time off is good for the character never mind the person. Look how it worked for HBK - people were always jacked when he came back. I can't see it happening for long - maybe miss a couple Raws but that's about it.

I realize and appreciate other people taking care of most of the idiocy in this thread, but this little gem seems to have gone unnoticed so far so I wanted to address it.

Please elaborate. I'd love to hear the details of the conversations between Cena and the WWE when "Cena wants to come back early" and the "WWE caves" as you put it. How, exactly, does that work? I'd love to see what first hand information you have that tells you A)He is coming back early, B)It's his idea, and C)The WWE doesn't want him to. Or second, or third hand information, for that matter. That should be a hoot. Even if we take the early return thing at face value, and assume they are telling the truth when they say how long people will be out(even though there's no reason for them to), has there ever been even a half assed moronic dirt sheet report that Cena made the WWE take him back before they wanted to? How is that any more likely, not that either is very likely, than WWE forcing him to come back and him caving?

So now that we've established you have no idea of the circumstances behind his returns from injury, let's also go ahead and establish that WWE and Cena have a much, much, MUCH better understanding of how hot a property he is. Aside from the fact that they're obviously experts in that area and you're just some random schmoe on the Internet spewing nonsense, they also have access to a lot of information you don't. People know have information and know how to interpret it and make good decisions > people who don't and don't.

Now, I'll let the "good for his character" comment slide, you're entitled to your opinion. Although it is worth pointing out time off is pretty meaningless for characters if it's not used properly. In either case, I'm not sure what makes you think you know what's good for Cena the person better than he does. Not everybody benefits from time off, on a personal level.

Anywho, back to the OP, let's take a look at the movie. It's a Judd Apatow movie called Trainwreck that stars Amy Schumer along with Brie Larson, Bill Hader, and Colin Quinn. While Cena's role hasn't been confirmed, I think it's safe to say he's not going to have a major part. So he's probably not going to need to take any time off to film it, beyond missing a house show or two.
This could be great if he loses. Bray wins and Cena disappearing makes it look like Bray has broken him.

If he is going to be gone around May then he will probably be there for a few weeks after Mania - keep that momentum going. However, given Cena's schedule, I think it is important he gets time off. Ensure he is healthy and can remain at the top in the long run. This is a guy who has had a few injuries and one major injury to his neck.

Cena being off screen for a month or two would work. It would help elevate Bray as well as letting others ( Sheamus, Cesaro, Ziggler, The Shield) step up. Normality would resume but Cena would have had time off, ready for a new feud.
I think its a good idea Cena if indeed rumors are true that he takes time off.. Injuries as of late are starting to catch up with him,knee,groin,Pec,Neck.. If he takes time off to go film a movie or whatnot,then why not have Bray go over at WM.. Cena doesn't need the win,and im sure Cena would put him over.. A major coo,in the Wyatt clan if they can Quote "Free us Of Cena". Have the Wyatt's just beat him down,kayfabe an injury and Cena will be back in time for SummerSlam where he can extract his revenge
I just don't want Cena to win at Wrestlemania. Bray Wyatt should win. Cena can take time off and when he returns, he can feud with someone else. As much as I'd love to see Wyatt-Cena continue with their feud, it's pretty obvious that in the end, Cena is gonna single-handedly take out the Wyatts; that's gonna kill all their momentum (Nexus is the biggest example. These guys feuded with Cena and lost it all in the end. Look at what these guys are doing now. Not that I liked everyone of them, but they could have been more than what they are now...particularly Wade Barrett).

Every superstar had some younger talent they just couldn't beat. HBK had Orton, Taker had Brock Lesnar (that's gonna change this year but it's alright, Brock is now a main eventer so it wouldn't hurt him), and Triple H had Batista.

Wyatt should just not lose to Cena. He should go over and he can then move on to feud with another star, while Cena can take time off or feud with someone else. He should act as tho Wyatt is dangerous and he doesn't want anything to do with him for a while. After a year or two, when Wyatt is a main eventer and a loss wouldn't hurt him, Cena can defeat Wyatt. But until then, Wyatt should just not lose to someone like Cena.
To be fair John has had very little time of over the last 10 years or so and if anybody deserves some much needed time off then its him.

Agreed, and the period immediately following Wrestlemania is the best time to give it to him, especially if the other performers are given new storylines which launch right after the big event. There will be plenty for us to look at and consider, while giving Cena a well-earned chance to rest.

It's not just that he has been a constant presence for so long; it's also that he's suffered serious injuries, yet returned much sooner than expected .....because his company needed him to.

He should take a few months, heal the accumulated aches & pains....and when he's ready to come back, it will create a lot of excitement, perhaps even from many of the fans who are "bored" with him.

......and after the 30th Wrestlemania, Cena rested......:)
If John Cena has a starring role in the film, and when I say star I don't mean "star" as in he appears in a few scenes, then it could indicate that taking time off in order to shoot the film. IF that turns out to be the case, then it could result in Cena not only losing to Bray Wyatt but also getting "injured" that requires him to be taken off the road. At the same time, it might not have any influence at all over their match at WrestleMania.

I don't think Cena will be taking any appreciable time off. According to imdb.com, the name of the movie is called Trainwreck. Amy Schumer & Apatow are listed as the writers of the screenplay and Apatow is also directing & producing. No details on the plot are given and based on the order which the cast members are listed, I'm guessing that Tilda Swinton and Brie Larson are the top stars of the film, though I could be wrong about that. John Cena is listed as a cast member, though how big of a role he has is up in the air at this point. It's a little interesting as there's a possibility that thi movie will be Rated R. Amy Schumer's comedic style is pretty raunchy and Apatow has written, produced, directed or any combination thereof movies like The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express, Get Him to the Greek, Bridesmaids, Wanderlust and This Is 40. All those flicks are R-rated comedies, so it'd be kinda interesting to see Cena outside of the family friendly environment. That's another reason why I don't think Cena will have a substantial role, I don't see Vince being all that crazy or signing off on Cena playing a substantial role in a raunchy, R-rated comedy as it'd clash with the family friendly hero of Cena in WWE.
Wyatt goes over Cena at WM and the feud ends. Cena takes time off due to storyline injury.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho
To be fair John has had very little time of over the last 10 years or so and if anybody deserves some much needed time off then its him. John could really do with the time to heal up and having him off TV for a while will help guys Bryan and Punk ( if he returns) the chance to really be the number one face in the company, which is something WWE will never do with John still aound. There is also the added advantage Bray will get if he ends up being the one that puts Cena on the shelf for a good long time.

Yes, Cena deserves it. It wouldn't surprise me if Cena overcomes the odds and beat Wyatt and The Wyatt Family beats him up and drags him away like they did Kane at Summerslam.

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