Joey versus Joey

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Soon enough we will have a tournament which will answer all sit-com related questions. Until then, however, we need to answer this very important mystery. Who is the better Joey? Uncle Joey (Joey Gladstone) or Baby Kangaroo Joey (Joey Tribbiani)

Joey Gladstone

Joey Tribbiani

We have an epic battle here. I am sure most people have a sitcom in mind which they liked more. We have Full House and Friends represented here, but who do you like more for the character themselves?

I might be one of the biggest Friends marks in the world, having watched every episode dozens, maybe more than dozens of times, but lets just say I did not MTFO for Joey. I wasn't a fan of his, more of a Chandler man myself.

But Full House, the show of my childhood, was highlighted by a reat two man team, the Uncles dominated that show, with Uncle Jesse being the cool one, and Uncle Joey, our hero being the comedic side piece. Maybe my love for Uncle Joey and my love for Chandler run together, because I like The Radio Host Joey more than the actor Joey.

How about y'all?
Dude... I'm sorry, but Joey Gladstone was not funny. Maybe if you're six-years-old you can enjoy his Popeye impersonation, but any older than that... I don't see how ANYONE would find his shit funny. Look, I grew up with Full House as well, but Joey had nothing to do with why I was a fan. The guy was fucking stupid and annoying. The actor who played him seems like a nice enough guy in real life, but I think even he would tell you that character was ridiculous and not funny in the least bit.

As far as Joey Tribbiani goes, he wasn't as funny as Ross or Chandler, but he still had his moments. When he built a fort out of Ross’ moving boxes, didn't know what physical quotations were, how it took him forever to get the point.... some very hysterical moments for yours truly. He definitely is ten times funnier than Gladstone ever was. While the Joey show failed miserably, could you imagined if Joey Gladstone got a spin-off show and how terrible that abortion would've ended up being? Jesus..

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