Joey Styles really loves the word "Marxist"

I REALLY don't see what the big deal here is, even if he doesn't like Obama. His Twitter page is his own personal page, WWE superstars, or any other celebrity, shouldn't have censorship of their speech just because of who they work for. If he was saying this as an exact reporting of the feelings of the WWE as a whole, yes you have a problem. If he dislikes Obama and wants to say that on a page about him why should there be a problem?
Obama's inauguration party was paid for entirely by DONATIONS. Explain to me how that's a problem. Is he going to tell them "No thank you, we don't want your support"? So thanks for playing, but you're incredibly wrong as the inauguration cost the tax-payers and the American government a grand total of zero dollars and zero cents.

I'll be awaiting your backtrack of a response.

Actually, no it was not paid for entirely by donations. The federal government spent roughly $49 million on the inaugural weekend. The other money came from donors but some people, like myself, feel that the money could have been better served elsewhere. Maybe the President could have said he didn't need such an extravagant party and the normal fair would be fine. Then suggest his rich donors instead donate some money to a charity or non-profit organization he's fond of. But he chose to have "MTV's My Super Sweet Inauguration". And that's fine, it's his choice, everyone doesn't have to agree with it though.

I don't have to backtrack anything. It is hard for me to make my case when my posts are being deleted though so I guess this isn't the place to discuss this.
I'm of the opinion that after Joey punched Jibble in the face, he is allowed to say whatever he likes whenever he likes. Besides, it is his personal page, his personal feelings and insights.

And for all the people in here bashing Obama, calm it down. I'm a conservative minded individual but that doesn't mean that if someone from the left side is in power I instantly hate him. Neither do I jump on the bandwagon when someone from the Republican side is in power. Bush did some unspeakably stupid things when he was in office and he rightly took a good lambasting for them.

Obama has also done some questionable things but guess what: he is just starting up his career in the White House. Give the man time. Let him do his work. I don't necessarily agree with the way he does things but he seems to have a mind for the people and wants to make a change for the good. If he does it, great. If not, well, 7 and a half more years and America can try again. That's life people. Even though things don't always go as planned, we always seem to find the time to bitch about it, dust ourselves off and keep moving forward. There is no reason to launch hateful tirades at one another just because we think and do differently.
First of all gentleman if we can discontinue this ramble...I respect Styles as a commentator...however, I do not respect the fact that WWE is quietly injecting politics or to be more specific, "Republican ideologies" into the product. In fact it comes straight from the mouths of two of my favorite commentators...Matt Striker and Joey Styles. Of course Joey has injected it via the Internet Wrestling Community...and Striker had placed republican slant around the election on ECW. Politics have no place in wrestling. Its wrestling and enough politics go on behind the curtain. Cut the crap with this politics crap. It is not good business.

Styles is more than likely speaking true to himself on his Twitter page, as opposed to simply speaking Vince McMahon's philosophies to the IWC. I really don't have a problem with what the man does online. He is allowed freedom of speech, just as much as the next guy.

As far as the actual broadcasts, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with occasional political comments here and there, if it weren't for the fact that teens who are starting to grow up and form their political ideologies, are subjected to them. I think most adults are smart enough to form their own opinions and have the ability to either agree with or disagree with the comments ... without simply being a mindless drone and going with the flow.

I guess Vince thinks there is a sucker born every minute, though.
I REALLY don't see what the big deal here is, even if he doesn't like Obama. His Twitter page is his own personal page, WWE superstars, or any other celebrity, shouldn't have censorship of their speech just because of who they work for. If he was saying this as an exact reporting of the feelings of the WWE as a whole, yes you have a problem. If he dislikes Obama and wants to say that on a page about him why should there be a problem?

I think the conversation has moved past the aspect of whether or not it's "okay" for him to post these things, to everyone's opinion on the things he says. I'm of the opinion that Joey Styles can say whatever the hell he wants all day and all night. The guy can write "Obama Iz Hitler" across his forehead for all I care, but I'm still going to reserve the right to bash his opinions.

Actually, no it was not paid for entirely by donations. The federal government spent roughly $49 million on the inaugural weekend.

Are you referring to the 45 million dollar budget of the Inauguration committee? The bipartisan group that has paid for every inauguration of the last 20 years? That group?

This is a pointless non-issue of an argument that you aren't going to win. I'll admit I was wrong in overlooking the inaugural committee, but it's not as though the taxpayer had to shell out anything more then they normally did in relation to this inauguration. The cost to the government was barely higher then the inauguration of Clinton way back in 92. When you take inflation into account, it's even less.

So explain to me what the issue is here. You're complaining about a measly 45 million dollars? I know that seems like a lot to us everyday people, but to the government that's absolutely nothing. They spend more then that on wiretaps.

The other money came from donors but some people, like myself, feel that the money could have been better served elsewhere.

"Better served elsewhere?" Is it your money? Did you contribute to it in any way? No. So your opinion on how it should be spent doesn't matter. Those people donated their money to him to be spent however he saw fit. He did just that. He doesn't owe you or anyone else a god damn thing.

Maybe the President could have said he didn't need such an extravagant party and the normal fair would be fine. Then suggest his rich donors instead donate some money to a charity or non-profit organization he's fond of. But he chose to have "MTV's My Super Sweet Inauguration". And that's fine, it's his choice, everyone doesn't have to agree with it though.

Why not such an extravagant party? This isn't just another president. Forget his politics, the man is black. He's our first black president. Do you not see how that might be a bigger deal then another 65 year old WASP? Do you really think Obama wanted some huge party to celebrate himself, that his ego is that big? No, every black celebrity and business owner in the entire United States wanted to be there and contribute, because despite what you may think of the man's politics, his inauguration was one of the most important historical events in the history of this country. 50 years ago a black man couldn't even vote, and now we have a black president. HOW do you not see how that's a big deal?

I don't have to backtrack anything. It is hard for me to make my case when my posts are being deleted though so I guess this isn't the place to discuss this.

The only reason your posts would be deleted would be if they were too short, which is considered spam here. Just make sure your posts are atleast about a paragraph or so in the non-spam sections and you'll be fine.

Obama has also done some questionable things but guess what: he is just starting up his career in the White House. Give the man time. Let him do his work. I don't necessarily agree with the way he does things but he seems to have a mind for the people and wants to make a change for the good. If he does it, great. If not, well, 7 and a half more years and America can try again. That's life people. Even though things don't always go as planned, we always seem to find the time to bitch about it, dust ourselves off and keep moving forward. There is no reason to launch hateful tirades at one another just because we think and do differently.

Thank goodness sometimes cooler heads prevail. I can't believe the intense amount of hatred for Obama by the right. Even when the most hardcore liberals speaking out against Bush when he was in office never said the shit some of these neo-cons are saying, wishing the man dead, calling him a socialist and then a fascist, it's ridiculious. Just say you disagree with his views and decisions, no need to attack his personal character. That's the surest sign that your side of the argument doesn't have much to stand on.

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