Joey Styles - Extreme Sellout.


King Of The Ring
My transition from pro wrestling play-by-play to sports entertainment storyteller was made very public at WrestleMania 22. I think that I have completed the transition and (as I hope you fans can tell) I am having as much fun with storytelling as I used to with play-by-play.

I want to publicly thank Jim Ross who has continued to give me much appreciated critiques and advice every week. JR is not only the best at performing storytelling, he is also the best at teaching it. Boomer Sooners! (What the hell does that mean anyway!?)

Joey Styles

^^^ Who will remember when this man was the enemy of storytelling, it saddens me to see him write how he enjoys it now. HE should be given most unextreme moment of the year right there, He sold out his own beliefs to accomadate wwe, now i realise the man needs to get paid and feed his family but to completely go back on what you claim to stand for is wrong in my eyes. Discuss.
It is kind of sad to see that he's become a sports entertainment announcer but, he has to have and keep a job some how. It doesn't lessen my opinion of him, ECW is very different from what it used to be and the announcing is part of that.

Flames Out
Joey was already a sellout when he quit Raw everyone knew he was coming back for WWECW. He said it just to get the fans on his side.

putting it simpley i already saw him as a sellout from the beginning.
He's just doing what he's told. He's just taking his money, you can tell by how un enthusiastic he is.
Yeah, it's not his fault, Vince kept pressuring him to become a "sports entertaiment storyteller" and if he's enjoying it, then let him.
Yeah, thats all well and good like i said that he had a family to feed, but him paul heyman should be ashamed of themselves, they have become nothing more then a corporate ****e to vince all they are is pawns now, to see him type how much he loved storytelling actually made me feel sick.
Well he used to be a great play by play man...but you cant blame him for being a story teller because Vince has stuck it down his throat for a couple of months now but for liking it...He is a sell out but sometimes people has to make sacrifices but I dont like this new styles i like the old styles who used to call the match and the play by play joey styles better...Story Telling is dumb imo...
^^ Dude fuck yourself, Prove to me he is not a sellout b4 you post stupid shit telling me to shut up. Did you watch ECW back in the days if you did then you would actually care that he is now a STORYTELLER.
grungy72 said:
^^^ Who will remember when this man was the enemy of storytelling, it saddens me to see him write how he enjoys it now. HE should be given most unextreme moment of the year right there, He sold out his own beliefs to accomadate wwe, now i realise the man needs to get paid and feed his family but to completely go back on what you claim to stand for is wrong in my eyes. Discuss.
I wouldn't necessarily call him a sell out considering what he said came from the same website that made Tommy Dreamer stop from posting his Columns, but then later allowing him to post his columns due to, so many people voting to bring it back.

WWE owns, so Joey Styles and all the others that make columns for can't go out and say everything they want. The whole Diary of Violence proved it right there. Tommy Dreamer said very little and they stopped him from being able to say alot of the things that he wants to say.

Take a look at the difference in the columns, since Tommy Dreamer's Diary of Violence was stopped and then brought back. You can tell the difference on these columns, in which Joey Styles mentions this in his 8/24/06 column. WWE may not have been paying that much attention to the columns for the first month of the re-birth of ECW, but they do pay close attention to them now.

I'm also going to say that, I don't believe all the content that is put into those columns all comes from the people who supposedly write the columns. I do believe they have some input on what goes into their column, but I think WWE edits it now, so they can't say everything they truely want to say.

So I'm not saying this whole Joey Styles thing isn't true, but I think WWE had something to do with this that we don't know about. Like Y2K Jake said, Joey Styles isn't the same Joey Styles that he once was, and you can tell he isn't as excited to be annoucing as he once was. All and all Joey Styles hasn't proved to be a sell out in my eyes.
Look man honestly i dont really know what to say about joey, i mean for someone who used to bash wwe into the ground back in the day it just saddens me to see him now kissing there ass, could he really need the money that badly that he is going against everything he has professionally ever stood for.
I have heard him state numerous times that firstly he would never work for wwe yet he has not only hosted raw but a whole host of other wwe programming.
Second and i dont care if this was a storyline bbecause i know he really thought this, He would never be a storyteller for the wwe, now i see him not only as a storyteller but also a happy storyteller, wethere its him saying it or him being told to basically i dont think he should be in the wwe in the first place lett alone being made to say how much he loves storytelling.

he just comes off as a weeker human being in my eyes.
well we can't blame joey, he is just doing his job, if he had the choice i bet he would go back to his old ways of actually calling the wrestling, it's vince he likes things to be modern trying to keep up with the young crowd of today i guess, i don't really mind his storytelling, i mean JR does it well, but i would like to see him go back to his old ways. but lets face it as long as Vince is in charge nothing is going to change.
grungy72 said:
i mean for someone who used to bash wwe into the ground back in the day it just saddens me to see him now kissing there ass, could he really need the money that badly that he is going against everything he has professionally ever stood for.
Yes, just like you stated "back in the day", which means the past. He said alot of these things before he even knew the business side of ECW was spiralling downward and would eventually go bankrupt. He may not need the money, but I'm sure WWE offered him a decent amount of money to sign with the WWE in the first place. For all we know WWE could of really just brought him in for the new ECW, but we just didn't know about it. They may have been waiting to use him just for that, but things came up and they put him on Raw for a short time, because of Jim Ross' surgery and they couldn't find a replacement fast enough to take over Jim Ross' position in the long run. This may not be true, but you can consider it.

You also have to think about this. What if you owned a business, would you want one of your employees bashing you or your company? I don't think you would.

You also can't say he's kissing WWE's ass, because we truely don't know if Joey Styles is the person behind writing these columns on

I don't think he should go against everything he stood for, but the name "ECW" is involved with this and he was apart of ECW, so we shouldn't judge him based on him signing with WWE, because WWE owns ECW now. People may not like the fact that he joined WWE, but atleast give him the credit for atleast trying to keep ECW alive.

grungy72 said:
Second and i dont care if this was a storyline bbecause i know he really thought this, He would never be a storyteller for the wwe, now i see him not only as a storyteller but also a happy storyteller, wethere its him saying it or him being told to basically i dont think he should be in the wwe in the first place lett alone being made to say how much he loves storytelling.
How would you know he's a "happy storyteller"? Just because hes on camera and has to look some what presentable (by any means), whether it be the way he talks, dresses, facial expressions, emotions, etc... or whatever WWE wants him to do, doesn't mean that he's happy. As if you didn't know how much Joey Styles and Tazz has changed and not even by the "story telling" part of them announcing. They're both more quite than they ever were and no they don't look happy, but we have to live with the fact that WWE can do anything they want when it comes to ECW.
what do you want styles to do tell vince to go fuck himself and quit

then were will styles work TNA lmao

Styles didnt leave ECW he didnt jump to wcw or wwe for a bigger paycheck he stuck with ECW and once ECW tanked what other choice did styles have he would of been a fool to turn WWE down he did what he had to do

Now styles works for WWE and he will do things their way or he can ruin his career and go work for TNA which has no future

Styles is not a sell out
It's odd to hear him say those things.... I remember when he used to bash the shit out of WWE non-stop. I really can't judge though. i have a feeling wer'e not getting the whole picture.
Listen man...I watched the original ECW. The fact of the matter is this: if he sold out, than f'it man. He needs a job. Oh, and, this isn't the old ECW. It's Vince's ECW, so just let it go guys.

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