Joey Mercury Returning to Smackdown

Turd Ferguson

Joey Mercury will make his return to WWE in the near future according to Buck Woodward of PWInsider.

Mercury is a former WWE Tag Team Champion as part of MNM. The successful stable launched the careers of John Morrison (then Johnny Nitro) and Melina.

He was released by the company in 2007 after a controversial stay including failing a test and going to rehab as part of the WWE Wellness Policy.

It was at that point that Mercury revealed that he had been using drugs since the age of 15. To his credit, Mercury claims to have kicked his demons.

His first run with WWE was highlighted by a gruesome face injury he sustained while working a Fatal Four-way Ladder match at Armageddon in 2006.

I always thought that Mercury was a good enough worker and really underrated as a whole. It's easy to be overlooked, though, when your tag team partner is Johnny Nitro, who you could tell even at the time was going to be a star. As good a worker Mercury is, and he's shown that with runs in ROH since departing the WWE, he's going to need a niche right away to really connect with the crowd. He's not exactly charismatic.

If you read the above story, you'll see that Mercury's had drug problems since a young age, and that his drug problem was the reason why he was let go from the WWE in the first place. I see an easy in for Mercury. All Mercury has to do is be in the crowd, have Punk see him somehow, and initiate him into the Straight Edge Society. It would even be a perfect starting point for a Mercury/Morrison feud.

If he manages to stay healthy as far as both injuries and not using drugs goes, Mercury has potential to remain a very good hand for the WWE to rely on to be a very solid midcarder. He'll never be a star, but he has the potential to get over and connect, especially if he starts back up in the SES.

What do you see for Mercury's future?
The problem with this mainly is that I really want Morrison to succeed and to break through to the main event. However with Mercury hanging around, he's always going to have that proverbial monkey on his back. The way I see it right now, any involvement with his former tag team partner is just going to slow Morrison down, and the feud would benefit neither of them. Please Mercury, just leave Morrison alone man.

As for your idea about his joining the straight edge society, I like it. The main problem is, some people have an issue with bringing up real life personal issues into storylines, a la Jeff Hardy. I say those people can go hang, because it would be raw and gritty and it would be awesome. Mercury is pretty much re-debuting considering he's been away from quite some time now, and associating him with Punk and keeping him FAR away from Morrison is a better idea. He seems like a decent enough worker, but I'll really have to wait and see what happens with his creatively.

The Miz and Morrision should have the troubled tag team past, not Mercury and Nitro.
I personally thing mercury joining the SES would be a great idea, i think he was a solid worker and i think he would have one or two backstage segments and a few matches with morrison but i dont think they will ever have a feud aslong as mercury focuses on the SES.

I think it would be great for the SES because lets be honest all the SES is to me is CM Punk and festus and a bald girl lol so he could make it a real group instead of CM Punk and some Oaf.
I would like to see MNM re-unite only to become a stable and a tag team. Let them recruit stars! lol. get others in there like R-Truth, Zack Ryder (If he would go face cause Morrison is way over), possibly The Miz if the stable would be heel, and let this stable feud with the Straight Edge Society. Especially if SES wins the tag titles. And let Melina and Serena fued. Let MNM get a Big man like Ezekiel Jackson, or Dawson Alexander from FCW and have them go after Luke Gallows. And Have Morrison and Mercury go after Punk and The returning and sober Lance Cade and/or Booker T! Or have a reunion of Punk and Scotty Goldman and have them face Morrison and Mercury. And So the Hart Dynasty wont be forgotten have them go to RAW and be with Bret.
I have a bad feeling that Mercury will be feuding with Morrison, just because they used to be tag team partners. I hope that this is not the case though for two reasons. Mercury has been gone for what, 3 years? A few of the newer fans aren't going to recognize him if they weren't familiar with the MNM team. Then there's also the fact that Morrison has better things to do (kayfabe) than feud with a former tag team partner, he is on his way to moving up to the upper midcard and hopefully main eventing someday. A pointless filler feud with Mercury would only slow that down. I don't see a whole lot else storyline-wise that Mercury could do though, and that's the problem. He could always be a jobber, some don't want that but somebody's gotta do it. As for the idea of Mercury joining the Straightedge Society stable.... I don't see that happening because the group now fits the common format of a stable by having a tag team and a diva.
Joey Mercury is coming back to the WWE. Its cool cause he is a good worker, but could you see a reunion between him and Morrison?

I do and I want it to play out like this:

MNM re-unite only to become a stable and a tag team. Let them recruit stars!Have the Hollywood persona come back in Morrison and get others in there like R-Truth, Zack Ryder (If he would go face cause Morrison is way over), possibly The Miz if the stable would be heel, and let this stable feud with the Straight Edge Society. Especially if SES wins the tag titles. And let Melina (Once ahe comes back) and Serena fued. Let MNM get a Big man like Ezekiel Jackson, or Dawson Alexander from FCW and have them go after Luke Gallows. And Have Morrison and Mercury go after Punk and The returning and sober Lance Cade and/or Booker T! Or have a reunion of Punk and Scotty Goldman and have them face Morrison and Mercury. And So the Hart Dynasty wont be forgotten have them go to RAW and be with Bret. Also with MNM recruiting like also have SES recruit as well. It could be like a war angle between the flashy life of Hollywood against the sober, normal life of the streets.

What are your thoughts?
I'm very glad that Mercury is on his way back. The guy was always a good worker and a hard one at that. I think going into the real life scenario and having Mercury return as a member of the SES is a good idea. As much as people say he has better things to do, a feud with him and Morrison would not only help Morrison but show that Mercury can be a star to. And what else is Morrison doing? Having a match with Drew McIntyre for the 232232th time? Yeah that's going places and that's saying something as I enjoy both of their work.
If I were the booker (and it's probably a good thing that I'm not) I'd get Morrison into a feud with the SES (Punk and Morrison have a history, so it'd make sence from that perspective) and have Mercury brought back to even the numbers, before betraying his former partner to join the SES. I'd do this both so that he wouldnt be overshadowed by Morrison again and because he cant be kept away from him either. He's being put on the show with his former tag team partner and he's not going to be able to escape that assosiation without one hell of a rebrand. and if he's skipping developmental (which is quite likely) WWE wont have time to give him one. So let him be Punk's lackey for a while until he's developed a nische and can break away.
If he does return to Smackdown, I imagine that he will be feuding with Morrison rather than anything else. I suppose he might get involved with the Straight Edge people, but I'm not sure that would be particularly beneficial to anybody. I think he'll probably feud with and the lose to Morrison and then I have no idea. He's quite a good wrestler, but he's hardly acquisition of the century. I don't really know what they'll do with him long term, maybe an MNM esque tag team with Ziggler? Who knows, it's nice to see him back though.
I was always a fan of Joey Mercury so this pleases me. He was a pretty good wrestler so I thought it a shame he was released. When he comes back though I can see him feuding with John Morrison even though I believe that is under him now. I would prefer for him to be in a tag team with someone or come back and be part of the Straightedge Society, that would be a good way of bringing him back but I see him being in a shit feud with Jo Mo with of course he will lose then probably a feud with Kane until he becomes a jobber. Which would be a shame as I like him, only time will tell what the future holds for him and I for one can not wait for it.
The first thing that comes to mind is John Morrison. I'm not sure how they would match up though, as in whether they should be rivals or allies. If they reform their old partnership then this could lead to a feud with the straight edge society, possibly over the unified tag team titles. I wouldn't mind seeing this because I was a big fan of MNM, although it wouldn't be quite the same without Melina. The main problem with this is that Morrison doesn't need Mercury. I think being in a tag team would hurt Morrison after working hard the past year at making it as a singles star. One way to solve that would be for Mercury to betray Morrison and join the SES. This could lead to a Morrison/Punk feud, which would be good to see. This would mean that Mercury would be lowered to Gallows-like back up to Punk, but that could be the best thing for him. At the end of the day, he is a decent worker with limited personality, charisma and mic skills and working with Punk could be good for him.

The other option is to bring Mercury back as Morrison's rival. He could come out and attack Morrison out of nowhere and start the usual kind of tag team partners become enemies feud. If this were to happen this would surely only be filler up to Wrestlemania, where they would both be included in the MITB match. Then again, he may not be involved with Morrison at all and if thats the case I can't think of what he's going to do. Either way I'm not too excited about his return because, as I said before, he is very average and won't likely make too much of an impact. All the same, it will be quite nice to see him back on our screens as I was a huge MNM fan.
I like that Mercury coming back because with Morrison/Nitro he really got a boost of ability but we all knew it was Morrison going to Breakout first to become a hit.

Now there are 1 thing I would like him to do.

1. Have him in a mask from when he broke his nose and a long black coat and he would attack Morrison in his matches because Morrison was the spotlight and Not him. That would give him a really good boost now and maybe if he gets drafted to RAW take it to him and Miz. Now after that he will be in NXT to work on mic skills and ring ability then maybe main event on Smackdown against Taker, Kane some faces. Who Knows?

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