Jersey Triad... minus one...


Gone but never forgotten.
I'm ready to murder a small family, including their pets. Why, you ask? Because due to my new job position, I will not be home for Wrestlemania. Therefore, I won't see Norcal when he's up for the weekend and I can't enjoy what I've been waiting all year to celebrate with my closest friends.

I'm going to have to watch WM from my hotel room as I bring cables with me so I could internet stream it. My only contact with the Triad will be through either text, chat, IM, or cell phone.

This totally fucking sucks camel dick.
As for the murder of the small family w/ pets, I'll hide Jericho, Itty Bitty, Motley, and Cadbury forthwith. Becky could totally take you, though.

You're with us in spirit. Events like this are a reminder that, as much as we enjoy pro wrestling and how it brings us together, perspective is important and that you're working for a greater purpose in your life. Just keep reminding yourself that Wrestlemania 30 may well be at MSG, and if it is, we're going.
As for the murder of the small family w/ pets, I'll hide Jericho, Itty Bitty, Motley, and Cadbury forthwith. Becky could totally take you, though.

You're with us in spirit. Events like this are a reminder that, as much as we enjoy pro wrestling and how it brings us together, perspective is important and that you're working for a greater purpose in your life. Just keep reminding yourself that Wrestlemania 30 may well be at MSG, and if it is, we're going.

It even pains me to read this. Although you're being kind and saying such nice things, it still pisses me off to no end that when one door opens, another one must slam shut. I hate life.

Since I doubt you'll be in my area that night, it's pointless to invite you for Mania.

Wish I could but I'll be in Ohio, bro.

I'm back in Carol Stream next week though. And since initial partying with the crew is over and done with, I should have time for us to get together!
That's horrible timing. I know how much fun I have when I've been to see TNA with friends so Im sure a Mania night with you guys is awesome.
Wish I could but I'll be in Ohio, bro.

Lame! Though if you're near Shocky or Dewey that would be cool.

I'm back in Carol Stream next week though. And since initial partying with the crew is over and done with, I should have time for us to get together!

Giggles. I generally have nothing going on at night Monday-Wednesday. Just sayin'.
A cat.

and WM 30 WILL be at MSG, and we WILL be going. THere are no ifs. I dont give a fuck how many people I have to kill to perserve my own life until that point. I cant die before we do that.

Im pissy about the situation as well, although for some odd reason, I wasnt suprised at all when i found out. I sorta figured that is what was coming

The only pussy that I'm allergic to.

and WM 30 WILL be at MSG, and we WILL be going. THere are no ifs. I dont give a fuck how many people I have to kill to perserve my own life until that point. I cant die before we do that.

No doubt here, brother. We will most definitely be in attendance and the roof will blow off the motherfucker. I will probably shit myself in fear of a MTFO moment for Teh Norcal if CM Punk wrestles for the WWE championship as a babyface.

Im pissy about the situation as well, although for some odd reason, I wasnt suprised at all when i found out. I sorta figured that is what was coming

I knew there was a chance of it happening but I really had a lot of hope. But now we can only watch the PPV through a cell's speakerphone. This is terrible.
Thanks Doc, but we already went through this. I'll be in Akron. Isn't that like eons from you?

About three hours, I think. I know it'd be a bit of a drive, but still, if you want to watch Mania in HD with some excitable college kids, there's no better place to do it.
I appreciate the offer but I'd have to get up early for work the next day and driving an hour and a half after leaving at 11pm might be too much for me.
It's cool man, I understand. Just wanted to make the offer since the situation arose.
I appreciate it. I'll be watching it alone with some Dominos pizza... courtesy of Communications Supply Corporation.

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