Jericho vs Ziggler. Book it!!

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
Upon Jericho's return to the WWE...I feel they should not waste this terrific feud and put him in a program with Dolph Ziggler.

I think DZ is getting to that next level and having him feud with Jericho would get him over that hump. Jericho needs to do what he does best and be himself...the ultimate brash, cocky, shit talking babyface we all know him to be. Remember his feud with Hunter a decade ago? Well instead of Stephanie it'll be Vickie...just imagine the great television.

People are calling for a Ziggler face turn. In my opinion its too soon. He needs to reach that next level and become a major player before a face turn will have any affect. Jericho is the guy to get him there.
So sad that Jericho is just used as a stepping stone to get guys over now. I know Jericho doesn't really care since he gets paid, but if his next or final runs are anything like his last run, he should just stay gone. And if you keep having him lose every match it does detract from his ability to believably put guys over in the future.
Yeah I'm feeling this feud, it's realistic if Jericho comes back a face. He knows talent, and he knows when it's appropriate to put said talent over. I'm thinking that he'll be in the middle of a promo this Monday with the content being mainly based around Fozzy, and then Dolph'll come out and complain that he's stealing his time, or something lame to that effect.
Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler?

This just makes me shake my head. I can't see any money being drawn from this. Can somebody please tell me any young talent who Chris Jericho has worked a programme with & elevated to next level? because i can't think of anyone.

Unlike majoirty in IWC im not a fan of Dolph Ziggler & not a huge fan of Jericho either.

To help get Dolph Ziggler over i would have him feud with Mick Foley. The seeds were already planted earlier in the year between these two on Raw. Give Dolph the ball & see if he can hang in a promo wth Foley. This is all based on assumption Foley can have one more match. Foley has history elevating people to next level...HHH, Orton, Edge. The PG rating F**ks up everything though because blood & extreme violence is banned however i know for a fact that fan perception of Ziggler would be much greater if he was slammed on thumbtacks, hit with barbedwire bat & had crimson mask yet still beat Foley.

As for Jericho i think a Daniel Bryan fued would complement both.
Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler?

This just makes me shake my head. I can't see any money being drawn from this. Can somebody please tell me any young talent who Chris Jericho has worked a programme with & elevated to next level? because i can't think of anyone.

Unlike majoirty in IWC im not a fan of Dolph Ziggler & not a huge fan of Jericho either.

To help get Dolph Ziggler over i would have him feud with Mick Foley. The seeds were already planted earlier in the year between these two on Raw. Give Dolph the ball & see if he can hang in a promo wth Foley. This is all based on assumption Foley can have one more match. Foley has history elevating people to next level...HHH, Orton, Edge. The PG rating F**ks up everything though because blood & extreme violence is banned however i know for a fact that fan perception of Ziggler would be much greater if he was slammed on thumbtacks, hit with barbedwire bat & had crimson mask yet still beat Foley.

As for Jericho i think a Daniel Bryan fued would complement both.

The WWE has painted themselves into such a horrible corner right now with talent, and your post helps illustrate that (at least for me). Not only are there almost zero top stars left in the company, but therefore that means there are so few guys to elevate the talent they currently have to the "next level."

Let's face it, Ziggler will never be seen as a main event status feuding with Swagger or Kofi or even Jericho.

Also, I think people greatly overestimate Jericho's influence on anything anymore, and I believe that's because he's a part-time talent. I just don't give a crap about someone you know is going to be gone in a few months. I want character development, deep-rooted feuds and good, well though-out buildup. You can't get that with in and out talent.

Cena can't feud with everyone, and for some reason they just wasted so much time having him feud with Big Show, who will never be over to the point where he can draw or elevate anyone because they made him into this doofus for so long that nobody takes him seriously now.

I also think when it comes down to it (meaning when the numbers come in), Punk doesn't draw THAT well, either, especially now that they turned him into a PG stooge. So I question his ability to put someone over, as well.

The only thing that puts Ziggler over is a feud with Cena where Ziggler plays the heel, has a GREAT match with Cena but loses. However, after the match Cena is hurt or whatever and Ziggler has to choose whether to beat him down or help him up. Vicky of course wants him beaten down, but Ziggler dismisses Vicky, helps Cena and turns face in the process. They keep Cena face and they get Ziggler over.

That would work, of course going back to what I said earlier...all that does is add one more face to a growing number of faces that greatly outnumber the quality heels.
Isn't Jericho a little bit too far gone as a heel right now to accept him as anything else? Are the fans' memories so short that we forget that he came back most recently trolling the fans like we have never seen before with cryptic promos followed up by assclown behavior whose sole surpose was to make the fans feel like idiots for cheering for him in his return? Didn't he follow that up with some crass behavior with the whole Punk's family angle? And most importantly, doesn't he still have the same stupid haircut?

The guy has no business going face and anyone who allows him to be a face so soon must be suffering from some type of battered wife syndrome.

Ziggler on the other hand, has been very competitive as of late and completely on the up-and-up. He got rid of his piece of crap partner and seems to be bringing the best out of his mean loud mouth girlfriend.

Jericho is the heel, Ziggler is the face.

In the beginning have Jericho and Ziggler tag a bit. Maybe even give them the gold. After about a month make it clear that their egos can not coexist or if you want to take this to another level of decency have Jericho start bringing up bad things about Eddie to piss Vicki off. In the end Dolph can come to Vicki's aid and protect her from Jericho's stupidity.

No one will be surprised when Ziggler comes out on top at the end but it gives him a chance to develop some new characteristics and go over a big name. He can then go on to feud with guys like Rhodes, Show, Tensai, Bryan and maybe even a heel Orton.

Somewhere in here though he should get fed to Lesnar on some random Raw just so I can see it before Lesnar re-retires.
The WWE has painted themselves into such a horrible corner right now with talent, and your post helps illustrate that (at least for me). Not only are there almost zero top stars left in the company, but therefore that means there are so few guys to elevate the talent they currently have to the "next level."

Let's face it, Ziggler will never be seen as a main event status feuding with Swagger or Kofi or even Jericho.

Also, I think people greatly overestimate Jericho's influence on anything anymore, and I believe that's because he's a part-time talent. I just don't give a crap about someone you know is going to be gone in a few months. I want character development, deep-rooted feuds and good, well though-out buildup. You can't get that with in and out talent.

Cena can't feud with everyone, and for some reason they just wasted so much time having him feud with Big Show, who will never be over to the point where he can draw or elevate anyone because they made him into this doofus for so long that nobody takes him seriously now.

I also think when it comes down to it (meaning when the numbers come in), Punk doesn't draw THAT well, either, especially now that they turned him into a PG stooge. So I question his ability to put someone over, as well.

The only thing that puts Ziggler over is a feud with Cena where Ziggler plays the heel, has a GREAT match with Cena but loses. However, after the match Cena is hurt or whatever and Ziggler has to choose whether to beat him down or help him up. Vicky of course wants him beaten down, but Ziggler dismisses Vicky, helps Cena and turns face in the process. They keep Cena face and they get Ziggler over.

That would work, of course going back to what I said earlier...all that does is add one more face to a growing number of faces that greatly outnumber the quality heels.

Who do we have now? punk, cena, hhh, lesnar, y2j -hes leaving after Sslam. I dont see any of those guys facing ziggler except punk (oo wait didnt he face punk at rumble, that didnt turn well for ziggler)

This has been a constant problem over the years with wwe. There aint no multiple stars to help evelate the young talents into a legit, household name. When you think of household names, you dont think of wade barrette, sheamus, swagger, del rio, mark henry etc now do you?

John cena and randy orton are excellent examples of how guys should be pushed. Cena as a rookie feuded with legitimate main eventers and top midcarders at that time: angle, y2j, taker, lesnar, guerero, benoit, and big show.

Orton as a rookie was in a faction that ppl gave a shit about and received huge rub from it by invovling in multiple hhh's main event storyline. He feuded with: rvd, (austin SSeries match), steiner, goldberg, hbk, rock n sock, foley.
if ZIGGY is the Face.. once Ziggler officialy tells off Vicky..i would love to see him have a Valet Like Kelly Kelly ala Randy & Liz.. or maybe a rookie diva who could learn from workin more with dolph and getting involved in his matches..

i want ziggler and MIZ FACE NOW.. turn ryder heel, make him real.. the big O is "in real life" what u guys c on utube..but Zack...FAR FROM it.. trust me, give zack a chance to work his character in2 an over confident "juicebag".. (big o ) .. / think the kinda guy u would see @ surf club on sundays ( 4 those of u round here!!!)

ziggler is an uber-talented performer.. just give shitty scripts
great idea i hate shameus ziggler needs that belt

I still remember years ago in Cleveland, Rey had failed the policy & was therefore going to drop the belt he held at the time. Had faced Dolph for a long time, but dropped the belt to someone else.

If Dolph needs a belt, he can buy one at the merch stands like anyone else... Or join the Tag Division.
I could VERY easily see the Jericho vs HHH storyline be recycled as stated by the OP.....and with word that Jericho will be coming back as a babyface next week it would make a lot of sense to have these two go all the way through it what i personally want to see? No. Do i see it as an easy way out for writers.....absolutly.
This isnt a bump to say "I told you so," ..but.......I TOLD YOU SO!

I dont mind the WWE stealing my ideas, just compensate me for it.

That is all.
I think WWE could use this babyface Jericho run. He's always been a versatile competitor, good as a face or a heel, better as a heel but no matter. Jericho tends to have good feuds, I think a top notch programme with Ziggler is just what he needs, not that I really care for Ziggler.

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