Jericho/Morrison feud?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After seeing Smackdown in the UK a few hours before the U.S.

There was a confrontation between Chris Jericho and John Morrison that ended with a brawl.

I am REALLY excited to see if this scrap turns into something bigger. Imagine a ladder match between the two of them??
Should probably have used spoiler tags just in case you do offend someone who hasn't seen it yet.

I loved that particular interaction. Jericho came off very well in every single segment he was in tonight, and Morrison was gold there. If Morrison gets a fully fledged face turn he will get a great push getting to work with Jericho and Edge.

Morrison was good in his match with Shelton, so he is getting the push before Shelton does. A jericho/Morrison feud will be brilliant as Jericho has to do something away from the title and Morrison needs the rub. I can't wait to see where this goes.
We saw glimpses of them going at it in the MITB match last year, and it was great then, I can only imagine how good a fued would be. It would raise Morrison's level as a babyface, get him over and hopefully give us some brilliant matches. If Chris Jericho and Morrison have both been compared to HBK, then we're in for one damn good match.
Part of the thing I loved about Smackdown! tonight was the unpredictability that all happened in one night!

In one night's time, I thought Jericho could've easily gotten involved in a feud with the Great Khali. Then, after Jericho was dq'd in the Fatal Four Way using the chair that Kane had thrown into the ring, I thought Jericho could've easily blamed Kane for the loss and started a feud there. Then, after that, Jericho and Morrison have words, and exchange blows, setting up a potential feud there, all while teasing a feud with CM Punk the entire night.

I thought the draft did wonders for Smackdown!, the show feels FRESH, at least, that's my thoughts after one night. Raw still feels the way it always does, dull and predictable.
I have to say I think this is how they are going to push Morrison not only into "Face" status, but to main event status. I could see them working this feud into Judgement Day, Ladder Match at Extreme Rules, then moving Morrison to a Heavyweight Title shot by Night of Champions or Summerslam. That's just me though. I think the fans are ready to like JOMO.
Great feud for Morrison. Although he'll be expected to impress in ring and he's going to have to keep up on the mic. If he does neither than I imagine that people in WWE will probably have some reservations about him and a further push.
absolutely terrific. At the very least this is the litmus test for Morrison. He should get over a face. He has the charisma and the wrestling style (the latter of which is his problem when working as a heel), and if he can't get over against JERICHO, who right now is probably THE most over heel in the entire fucking wrestling business, he never will. But I think he will. In many ways, Morrison reminds you of "cool" Y2J circa 2000 feud with Steph/HHH, with his laid-back demeanour and understated put-downs. I thoroughly expect some very good promos based off this. Played right, this is Morrison's golden ticket to the main event. Enjoy.

As a side-note, all credit to Smackdown creative, who seem to have rediscovered the idea that the way to push people is to have them feud credibly with top names. Now if they can do the same in an Umaga/Taker feud, it will really rock.
this could be great for morrison he is a amazin superstar and if this worked right could b top face good luck to wwe on the fued if they do it right could help put smackdown on top of wwe
I actually like the idea of Jericho & Morrison feuding. For one this gives me a great reason to go to my friends house in LA more often to watch Smackdown(we don't get Smackdown in San Diego), next Morrison has the charisma & great mic skills to get over, third Morrison's ring work problem has been eliminated as he is now a face(he can now not get critiziced for his ring work now that he is a face) & lastly with Jericho practically the king of heel heat(I don't count Vickie Guerrero), he will make the fans cheer for Morrison over himself & is equally just a tad bit(not as much) better in the ring than Morrison is, I think this feud will go great.
I'll admit. My friend (whos also a huge wrestling fan) and I watched last night and we both jumped up and basically marked out when they brawled. Jericho is one of if not the best person at putting anyone over. Jericho and Morrison has MONEY written all over it. As some have stated have these two wrestle at JD. It's ok if Jericho wins, but I'd like to see a DQ by Jericho or a disturbing beatdown like at GAB with Shawn Michaels. Have these two end in a ladder match which IMO would be better then Jericho HBK from No Mercy (which was a pretty damn good ladder match too). The "rumors" of wanting to turn Morrison a top baby face seems to be true, and I hope Morrison doesn't screw this up (which if he did or anyone did would have to be a complete idiot). Honestly Morrison can be the same way (minus dissing the crowd and dissing Jericho instead) and with Jericho will still go HUGELY over. One must think Morrison must of changed his backstage ways because I have heard he wasn't the most popular backstage, but maybe that has changed now, Morrison keep it up and yes welcome to the ME scene!

As a side-note, all credit to Smackdown creative, who seem to have rediscovered the idea that the way to push people is to have them feud credibly with top names. Now if they can do the same in an Umaga/Taker feud, it will really rock.

The idea of Umaga and Taker is just amazing. This was supposed to happen and now with Umaga back I see this happening next or after Jericho Taker. These two will IMO have GREAT matches as both are great and hard workers. I'd love to see these guys in a last man standing (Umaga Cena LMS was AWESOME so with Taker should be a lot better too), TLC and esp HIAC.

The thing I'm worried about seems to be the things that you guys are excited about. In Morrisons match with Shelton, his move set was obviously different... He threw some new cool looking kicks in there. true, but he didnt throw one punch... And as boring as punches are, hes one of the best at making them look painful.
He went right from the middle rope kick to the moonlight drive, which is how the face's set up theyre predictable wins, which scares me that the creativity he exonerates in the ring could be lost by turning him face.

Sure hes got moves that are face moves that i like, but i dont want him to turn into a spot monkey, and he smiled way to much in his entrance... HES LOSING WHAT MADE ME LOVE HIM, already, after one 5 minute match. YES, i want him to be in the main event, but not at the cost of him changing his whole style that made him the potential star he is.

Watch out, cause i bet we start seeing that stupid dancing legdrop again instead of his backbreaker/russian legsweep.

whatta u guys think?
I can see Morrison turning completely face, and getting a huge push.
When he came to the ring JR said that Morrison is going to be a huge star on Smackdown,and we all know lines like that are fed to the announcers from VKM himself.
This could be an incredible fued and really help elevate Jomo.
Working with someone as talented as Jericho is bound to help him develop and perfect his game.
I thought it was just incredible the short amount of time that Morrison went over Shelton who has been seemingly built up slowly on Smackdown in the past year in like 5 minute match. Shelton tied with the Undertaker and had a reasonably long match but John Morrison faces Shelton and is beating him (more or less) like any other jobber.
This fued is setting up nicely but I smell his fued with Jeff Hardy all over again. I got a feeling that it will end up with him loosing momentum and eventually raising the abilities of a jober and making him highr on the pecking ore then him. I love morison but this fued needs to be gret, sure he is good in the ring but he needs to work on his promo skills because when he was talking to Jericho I was like thats a wana-be HBK he really needs to work on his mic skills or he will never make it.
I agree on the fact that smackdown is looking fresh. In late 2008 I tivoed through smackdown in a avarage of 7.5 mins and this week I didnt fast foward for anything but comercials I even liked the diva segments since I got sick of the old divas on the show it was so unballanced and layla and melana help allot. I can care less about crime time and was yelling release shad already (should of been released over dykstra and big dady v but oh well lol) Jericho is a real nice fit but he out heels edge so I dont know if they can pull another vickie thing to push edge up or if jericho will be numero uno. But I believe that morisons fued with jericho will pus jericho more then morison since as a baby face you need good mic skills the thing that brought down cm punk in his main event pus the only thing was punk had better mic skills. It's much easier for suckier promo guys to be heel because ive seen my fare share of heels get over by insulting others cheply.
Those 2 are EXTREMLY versatile and can make almost any match look good! Just like HBK
and if this happens Morrison's step to becoming the next HBK is locked up because a good feud with Chris Jericho is instant MAJOR credibility!
Yeah i am looking forward to this if they do it. John Morrison has the talent to be huge, we've been talking about it for months now and it finally looks like he might get a decent push this year. And who better to get Morrison over than Jericho? Cena, maybe but Y2J is the KING of getting guys over. This is going to be great if they do go in this direction.

I'm jut worried Vince will pull back for some unknown reason, maybe because we're all predicting the feud after one promo and we know how VKM hates the IWC.

Who knows, but i will definatley be watching to see how Morrison/Jericho progerss over the next few weeks!
This is like a stupid cuestion, but do the wwe writers see this forum? Is like they heard us...finally morrison will be a top face on sd ! im hopin this feud will give us great matches

and for umaga/taker feud, they had a main event one on one match in the last house show in Santiago, Chile ...ande the match was really good...Umaga got some powerful moves on taker.. it looks a like a solid match to me ...

Morrison is touted as the next HBK... Why not put him into a guy that in his youth was touted as next HBK and is now probably a better all-round performer than Shawn?

Even if Morrison loses in the end, Jericho has that rare ability that seemingly only John Cena (shudder) seems to have lately... He can make a opponent look like gold even after pinning him.
this feud will be greater then Y2J and Shawn i can bet your ass on that. these two will have great chemistery together. i hope they have a match at Judgment Day so we can get a idea of what these two can do. then at one night stand have a ladder match. hell yeah this is cool.
Not liking this feud at all, and I think it is way to soon for Morrison to be in a serious feud with the likes of Chris. Don't get me wrong I like both men, but I think Jericho deserves a little more main event time with someone like Edge, or even Punk. I honestly think that Morrison should start a feud with Shelton. Those two could really have some classic matches, and I'm not sure how no one else on here can see that. Morrison is great at making people look stupid when he is on the mic, and who better than the highly "overrated Superstar" Shelton Bejamin?
10145532 says the two will be wrestling one another on Superstars tonight. So this feud may get blown off early or kick-started tonight. Tune in to find out!! :)

Personally, I think a fluke Morrison win that is replayed on SmackDown will do wonders and carry this to Judgement Day. I'll be very interested in seeing how this is played out, especially considering the WON says Steph is looking to build new stars.

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