Jeremy Lapalme

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[This Space for Rent]
Wrestlers Name: Jeremy Lapalme

Wrestlers Nickname: The Class Act

Height: 6’5”

Weight: 280lbs

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Billed From: Toronto, Ontario

-----------Hair color/length: Brown hair, ponytail
-----------Eye color: Hazel
-----------Facial Hair: Chin stubble
-----------Ring Attire: Black shorts with purple lining. “JCL” embroidered on back.
-----------Backstage Attire: Armani sunglasses, black silk shirt, black dress pants, black dress shoes.
-----------Tattoos: N/A

Gimmick: Ever the arrogant optimist, Jeremy believes that he can pin just about anybody in WZCW. He is not the trustworthy type, as he'd rather stab you in the back than make an ally. His confidence never waivering, he believes that, no matter what promotion he joins, he will win the Heavyweight Title. In his eyes, it's only a matter of time.

Strengths - Power game
- Overcoming the odds

Weaknesses - Over-confidence
- Weak mat-skills (ie. Submission)
- Loner. Very few allies.

Alignment: Heel

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Early in his life, Jeremy was always the brain. He won many awards and got good grades, but mostly kept to himself with the exception of a few close friends. Even in highschool, nothing had changed...until he was transferred. From there, instead of being quiet and tame, he became the guy that everyone wanted to hang out with. He also began to womanize, staying in relationships that only lasted a few months. Once Jeremy had gained his newfound confidence, he decided it was time to train for his future. Jeremy had always wanted to get into the wrestling business, but lacked the courage to do so, but with his change in attitude, he felt the time was right. Jeremy is a brash individual that will do anything and everything to get respect, or get a victory.

Title History: N/A

Entrance Music: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by U2

Entrance description: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by U2 plays over the speakers as the lights dim and turn a shade of purple. Jeremy emerges through the curtains to a chorus of boos. Brushing off the crowd, Jeremy walks towards the ring with a slight swagger in his step. Upon getting in the ring, he glancing around the area and raises his fist in the air, extending his pinky finger as the crowd continues to boo.

LapDance - The Stroke (the move Jarrett uses)
Lapalme-Bomb - Swanton Bomb

15 Most used moves:
Shuffle Sidekick
LapTop - Tornado DDT from Top Rope
Back Mounted Full Nelson (basically, a Steiner Recliner)
Sitout Facebuster
Snap Suplex
Complete Shot
Koji Clutch
Inverted DDT
Fallaway Slam
Triangle Choke
Belly to Belly Suplex
German Suplex

Sample RP:
Debussy’s Clair de Lune begins to play as the camera focuses in on a painting of an autumn forest. In the center of the painting is a small waterfall, with a stream of water making its way to the bottom of the picture. The camera zooms back to reveal the interior of a rustic-style building, with the main focus being the living room. The center living room is furnished with two black leather reclining chairs, with an octagonal table beside both of them, on the opposing ends of a Persian rug. In between the two reclining chairs is a black sofa. The forest painting is to the right of an opening, which leads into a kitchen, and under the forest painting is a wooden cabinet. On the opposite end of the room, where all the furniture is facing, is a brick fireplace, which is already ablaze.

As the music begins to fade, the camera focuses on the opening to the kitchen, where a man, wearing a dark blue housecoat, appears. He enters reading a paperback novel. He walks into the living room, continuing to read, and takes a seat in the recliner to the left of the room. Suddenly, his eyebrow arches and he looks in the direction of the camera.

Oh, hello. I didn’t realize I had company.

The man closes his book, and places it on the table beside him. He turns back to the camera.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jeremy Lapalme. I am also one of the newest editions to the WZCW roster.

Jeremy stands up and walks to the back of the room, to the wooden cabinet. He opens the doors and pulls out a glass and a 40 oz bottle of Canadian Club. He pours himself a half glass and puts the bottle back in the cabinet. After shutting the doors, Jeremy takes his glass and resumes his position on the recliner.

This Sunday, I will have my first match against a man with “Diamond” in his name.

Jeremy smirks.

As you can probably tell, I know a few things about diamonds. You see, diamonds, much like any other precious metal, are used as a status symbol. If you possess diamonds, that means you possess wealth, power and fearlessness. However, not all diamonds share these traits. There are some diamonds in the world that are flawed and worthless. There are also gems, which claim to be diamonds, but are imitations, whose only goal is to cash in on their namesake. Such is the case with my opponent.

Jeremy takes a sip of his drink.

If you take a close look at him, he barely resembles the precious jewel. Were he have a better win-loss record, and perhaps a bit more personality when conduction interviews, then perhaps he could be considered a diamond. But, this Sunday, I will prove, just as many of his opponents have done in the past, that he is nothing more than a dud.

Jeremy takes another sip of his drink, and then picks up his book as the camera fades to black.
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