Jenks + Dave and the WZPW feedback

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
If this entire event wasn't a sure-fire way of getting you out of the prison soon, then I don't know what is.

It was a fantastic event, you guys.

Dave, you're awesome for putting this together.
Coco, Thesaurus, and Crock, you guys rocked creative.
Jenks had an idea. It generated a fuck-tonne of well-mannered activity. Make of that what you will.
thank you guys for a fantastic ppv. great ending. & apologies on behalf of my partner. it was fantastic to be in -win or lose. & the scene coco wrote had me in tears. fantastic comedy.
I'm going to give some feedback, and a blow-by-blow, "these are my thoughts" review.

Opening segment.
-Nice poster. ;)
-I enjoyed the opening segment, gave the whole thing a bit of story and now I'm intrigued to see how Phallus is going to try and sabotage the show.

Mozz vs. Winters
-Dave, you did a great job on the match preview images. Very attractive.

-Crock, did you read Mozz's RP as you were writing this? And I thought Mozz was supposed to be booed?

-Very generic. Neither of the men's characters showed in this match. It felt like a going-through-the-motions match - Sure it was a match, but there was so much wasted potential since neither man played to the crowd. There was no real description of their faces or actions or like I say anything that makes the characters unique.

-Also, I hate the word "Meh", so there's that.

-That isn't to say it was BAD, quite the contrary. I know it's one of your first matches and that's why I'm being hard on you. Get into both characters' heads. Think about what would be logical. Watch some match videos featuring similar wrestlers to get ideas. Look at the theatrics of selling and write about them. This match didn't have enough soul, man.

-So, the prisoners cheered their own, but then cheered when he was pinned? What.

Joe King vs. Colonel Mitchell Davids
-Very well-done, Thesaurus, though again at the beginning there wasn't much in the way of psychology. It got better near the end.

-Near the end the descriptions got niiiice. Love your use of the word "coyly".

-A fun squash. Dug the salute by Davids at the end.

Sam Smith and Max Karzai Segment
-Didn't fit my character I established in the RP. If it was someone else it would have worked, but if you look at my RP I paint Karzai as a man ready for a bloodbath with Constantine. And Smith's a heel, right? Karzai...doesn't like heels.

James vs. Cruz
-Excellent, EXCELLENT description, Coco! Really helped me envision the entrances perfectly.

-Great match psychology in the writing.

-Loved how commentary put both men over. The display of sportsmanship at the end was perfect, too.

-Overall, a very, very good match. Coco 4 WZCW Creative? I can see it.

Tag Match
-Looks like DK jizzed his pants in the match graphic :lmao:

-Again, very good description. Commentary is tops, as well.

-HAHA HOLY SHIT, Aiden Hughes died?? I know you said you were writing a fun show, but we're getting into CKD territory here! :lmao:

-Love how Constantine just doesn't care.

-Great match, just crazy fun.

Steven Holmes vs. Sam Smith
-Top quality, as is to be expected from Dave.

-GREAT commentary.

-Good match, too. Liked the ending a lot.

-Interesting, I like that we got an update on the Phallus P. Whittaker situation.

Triple Threat
-Just want to say that the girl FalKon is using as a sample pic is someone I would have various intimate relations with.

-Did you guys see any of the matches before they were sent to Dave and posted? There's a minor inconsistency in Thesaurus' matches and everyone else's - The music plays after the ring announcement of the competitor, instead of before. It's small, but I guess I'm a stickler for consistency. ;)

-I love how Flamero's theme is a Digimon song. I have that CD, actually. Used to love it.

-Good showing of character in this match, and it's nice to see everything good about the first match is carrying into this. Which of your matches did you write first?

-Commentary, description, and psychology, all very well done.

-"She's insane! Just stay down, you crazy woman!" - Great line from Constantine there.

-Excellent and exciting match.

Kravinoff/DK segment
-LOL. God, I have a high tolerance for "awkward" situations (I don't even believe in the word as it's used in this day and age) but jesus that was uncomfortable. Funny as hell, too. Top notch stuff.

Karzai vs. Constantine
-Well, let's see what we have here. I'm going to be completely and brutally honest - My expectations are not high. I'm not trying to be mean, just acknowledging that this is Crock's second or third match ever. However, I know he was trying really hard on this so let's see how it is.

-Not going to lie, being introduced as a Wrestling Legend made my ego smile. :)

-A shout-out to both Constantine and myself's entrance music. Both songs are in my opinion epic beyond words and if this were on TV I would be beyond hyped for this match just because of the music. Hell, I'm hyped now. Hero tends to do that to me.

-Much better than your previous match already.

-Glad to see the commentary spot was worked in. I'd love to see that on a PPV or TV match some day.

-Too many clotheslines! Too many clotheslines!

-These words are true and I'll make you believe.

-Could have used a better description for the Stairway to heaven, but man, what an ending. :)

-Disappearing in a ball of flame is the perfect way for me to go out.

-Overall, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a major improvement over your other match, and included some cool spots, better descriptions, and it made my heart smile. Was it perfect? No, but dammit if it wasn't awesome. Good work, Crock.

Phallus/Gordito segment

-Funny stuff. Don't think Gordito would care about homosexuality though. At least, he wouldn't be so shocked that a guy called Phallus wants a guy called Pablo. But hey, I wouldn't know. I'm not Gordito.

Gordito vs. Kravinoff
-Typo! "It is not time for the match of the evening"? Good, I never want it to end. ;)

-God, Kravinoff's entrance music is amazing. Great song, great for his character, and something different and unique.

-Mmm, tongue.

-Obviously great descriptions in the entrances.

-The entrance for Gordito just gets you hyped, doesn't it? That is a main event theme.

-Captured everything perfectly. Literally, everything. The atmosphere of being in a place full of angry prisoners, the chemistry between Gordito and Kravinoff, everything.

-Fantastic commentary that puts both men over.

-Match of the night - But wait, what's this? Why, it's Captain Phallus!

-PRISON RIOT!!!!!! Perfect ending!

Overall, I would say my expectations for the show were met. I was hoping for something fun and special, and that's what I got. The writing style and atmosphere made it a blast to read, and I'm glad I could have done my last RP as Max Karzai as part of this show. While some segments and matches were weaker than others, overall everyone did a very good job. I'd say Coco was a definite standout over everyone (Though you're all awesome etc., don't get your feelings hurt :)) with his brand of humor and description really captivating me.

Despite the few hiccups and criticisms I may have had with the show, overall it was a damn fun read. Kudos to all who made it possible.


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