Jeff Jarrett is Back

I hate Jeff Jarrett right now. Which means he's doing a great job. I wanted in the worst way for Joe to get his hands on him last night and beat the living hell out of him. That usually only happens when a heel is doing such a great job.

Ill reference Batista. Never liked the guy, never will. But throughout his feuds with Randy Orton, and Edge, I wanted so badly for Batista to destroy them. Why? Because they were doing such a terrific job of playing the chickenshit heel who hides behind others to do their dirty work, while they escape clean. Thats what Jarrett is successfully doing right now.

I get that Jarrett isn't a top guy, and maybe never should have. But he is perfect for the role that he's playing right now. I never could empathize with Jarrett the face, he just never seemed to click with me. Even after he lost his wife, I was "meh" about the whole feud he had with Angle.

But this is the Jeff Jarrett I love to hate. He's over the top sarcastic, biting, and only cares about himself. He's played that role to perfection for years, and has been one of the better stick men in TNA over that course. Other then Hardy, he may be doing the best job of being a full-fledged heel then anyone in the company right now. No human kindness or decency, even after Morgan reminded him of what he's been through. No remorse for throwing Joe off the stage.

Yeah, that's the Jarrett Ive always loved to hate. And i can't wait to see him get his ass kicked, eventually.
Why does everyone always have to compare everything that TNA is doing right now to the NwO?
Because a lot of the guys involved in the nWo came to TNA? Because we had a major babyface turned heel in Jeff Hardy ala Hollywood Hogan?

Com'on Really? The nexus is 100x more like the NwO then 'they' Immortals(?). The nexus fits the NwO to a Tee, But people like you eat the nexus storyline up like its something new and exciting..
The Nexus, which included over half a dozen rookies attacking established talent to gain jobs is like the nWo? More like the New Blood really. On the other hand, the Immortals have Hogan and Bischoff, the main focus behind the nWo, as well as Ric, a principal opponent of the order, not to mention Sting and Nash warned about it for months before hand. So yeah, there's a lot of similarities between the nWo and Immortal, a lot more than the Nexus and the nWo.

Now onto Jeff Jarrett. I don't know. I've watched him in WCW since I've got into wrestling, and while the guy plays a good heel, he never seemed good enough to be a main-event heel and get the accolades he did there, but definitly excelled as an upper-carder. As he is now, he's doing a good job riling the fans and getting them behind the faces. And that's what he's supposed to be doing as a member of Immortal, isn't he?
Jeff Jarrett is the kind of heel who you love to see get destroyed on a nightly basis. As a face he's boring as a motherfucker. As a heel he's tolerable. At least someone heard my complaints and told that hippy to get a frickin hair cut. I can't take him serious when he's got his good ol' boy haircut. He's a solid midcarder, always has been and always busts his ass to make his opponents look good.
Jeff Jarrett is getting the best pure heel reaction in TNA right now. He is easy to hate for various reasons, some kayfabe, some not, but he can still work good enough so it is not you actually suck heat. The program he did with Angle a few years back was actually quite good and when they get around to going at it again it will likely be even better. Draw is the dumbest word thrown around in the IWC. 90 percent of wrestlers in history didn't draw shit but that does not mean they were worthless to a promotion. No one except Cena is a draw today except maybe Taker at wrestlemania. Just me saying prove Orton is a draw, you can't, when none of us have the right numbers to prove anything is a bs argument. Jarrett, as a recognizable veteran, putting on mid to upper-mid card feuds as a solid heel is something worthwhile.
To quote Mike Graham from the Rise and Fall of WCW, "He broke 6,000 guitars, never drew a dime, but he thought he was the man. And he really thought in his little Tennessee brain that he was bigger, and better, and would draw more money than Hulk Hogan."

So, yeah, Jeff Jarrett sucks and anybody who has ever been associated with or has closely followed wrestling knows it.
There's a big difference between what Mike Graham said back then and today. For one, Jeff isn't pulling any backstage strings that saturate his character today the way it was back in WCW. Second, he's not supposed to draw. He's a heel. The guy who draws is the babyface opposing him. Meaning Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Thirdly, he ain't the champion. Fourth, Hulk isn't around, so yeah, I think he's bigger than Hulk right now. Fifth, little Tennessee brain boy happens to be driving the best stories on TNA today quite well and drawing the most heat out of any heel. And finally, he hasn't brought a guitar into play.

As far as I'm concerned, Jeff Jarrett has displayed the best character today he has ever displayed. He's not saturating the screen like in 2000-2005 and he's not acting like a goof like he did in 1999-backwards. Jeff has become the most hated heel of TNA without having to do things like have 12 title reigns or screw over talent. And has driven the most interesting and well developed stories of TNA since Bound For Glory. All he's had to do was present a very hateable character. Bravo Jeff. Too bad you didn't do this sooner.
So if I am to understand this Jarrett is better now because is drawing heat from a hot crowd who happen to be there for free? I tell you what that is like bragging abotu being able to score with the fat drunk chick at the bar. Yeah its free tang but ultimately whats the point if all you get is a quick screw and VD. That is the problem with Jarret as a character on TV there is no pay off. Him fueding with Joe and Kurt does nothing for ither of them because Jarrett does not mean shit in the buisness. The only thing Kurt gets out out of it is a worked shoot program with the guy who stabbed him in the back and stole his ****e of a wife. The only thing Joe gets is well there it is nothing not a damn thing. It does not move him up the ladder. It does not put him in the title hunt. It does nothing.
So if I am to understand this Jarrett is better now because is drawing heat from a hot crowd who happen to be there for free? I tell you what that is like bragging abotu being able to score with the fat drunk chick at the bar. Yeah its free tang but ultimately whats the point if all you get is a quick screw and VD.
""cough" virgin "cough"

That is the problem with Jarret as a character on TV there is no pay off. Him fueding with Joe and Kurt does nothing for ither of them because Jarrett does not mean shit in the buisness.
Yeah man TNA's founder and a guy putting on a great performance totally sucks, only WWE legends matter, WAR Vince.

The only thing Kurt gets out out of it is a worked shoot program with the guy who stabbed him in the back and stole his ****e of a wife. The only thing Joe gets is well there it is nothing not a damn thing. It does not move him up the ladder. It does not put him in the title hunt. It does nothing.
Feuding with the number two heel doesn't get you anywhere? And why the fuck does Samoa Joe deserve to be in the title picture anyway? Kurt Angle feuding with JJ is something a lot of people want to see, shows what you know doesn't it?
It's like a lot of people have said on here, nobody watches TNA and nobody goes to their shows. So I will respect your opinions and say Jeff Jarrett is doing his best work as a heel now, but who cares? That's what wrestling is about. Mark Madden writes about it all the time on here and you guys rip him for it, but at the end of the day it's about drawing money.

As for the guy who said heels don't draw money, that couldn't be further from the truth. Sure, at the end of the day it's about the babyface, but if there isn't a good heel for the babyface to challenge, then who gives a shit? And being a good heel is about more than just cutting promos. The fan has to have the thought that the heel can win. Does anybody really think Jeff Jarrett would beat Kurt Angle or anybody else in TNA? I mean really?

And back to the point I made earlier, I know a lot of the IWC dislikes Vince McMahon, especially the TNA marks, but you can't deny the man's track record. If you can get over, he'll put you over. If you can't, then you're not going to get over anywhere else either. Vince is a smart business man and knows a good asset, or wrestler, when he sees one. Jeff never really got over in the WWE. He had a few moments, including that storyline with the Road Dogg Jesse James, but that was about it.

So, yes there is a place for Jeff Jarrett in any company. Wrestling needs it's mid-carders. To say that "Jeff Jarrett is back" though is to imply that he arrived at some point. And to the best of my knowledge, that never really happened.
And back to the point I made earlier, I know a lot of the IWC dislikes Vince McMahon, especially the TNA marks, but you can't deny the man's track record. If you can get over, he'll put you over.

Biggest crock of shit I've read in a while.

Evan Bourne was over when they pushed him. 'The fuck's going on with him after that? Did nothing, got squashed, got injured, will come back to job to idiots again. John Morrison is over. What's he doing now? The Miz is over. Where's his belt? Where are his huge feuds? Yeah I know the rumours about him being the next Cena in terms of position in the company, but they remained just that - rumours. He's got one crappy MITB case and that's about it. WWE's golden kid tapped out twice to Daniel Bryan. Oh, that reminds me. Daniel Bryan is over. What is he doing? Strapped with the "We don't know what to do with you" title, coming out to fucking Superman's theme and dancing. He's a fucking submission machine, not Michael Jackson. Mr.Kennedy got over like a son of a bitch, and he actually got over so much that it hurt him and Randy Orton/Cena ended up being the key factors in his departure.

If Vince pushed the people who got over then you wouldn't have Orton, Cena and Triple H's butt buddies Main Eventing WWE for the last six years. WWE's full of shit.


Shitty promotions aside, Jeff Jarrett IS becoming a great heel. He IS drawing a great heel reaction, he IS doing his job just fine, he IS able to put on a great match, he DOES have good mic skills and he IS worth watching. If that's not good enough for you and you're just pissed that TNA is doing things right in the last few weeks and are trying desperately to find flaws in something good, then shampoo Double J's crotch.
It's like a lot of people have said on here, nobody watches TNA and nobody goes to their shows. So I will respect your opinions and say Jeff Jarrett is doing his best work as a heel now, but who cares? That's what wrestling is about. Mark Madden writes about it all the time on here and you guys rip him for it, but at the end of the day it's about drawing money.
Call me nobody then. What Mark Madden does is just hate on what he hates. He himself has admitted that he dislikes the WWE product just as much but focuses more on TNA for his own personal reasons. Basing your opinions on a man who holds a grudge and is obviously biased isn't a good way to make your point come across.
As for the guy who said heels don't draw money, that couldn't be further from the truth. Sure, at the end of the day it's about the babyface, but if there isn't a good heel for the babyface to challenge, then who gives a shit? And being a good heel is about more than just cutting promos. The fan has to have the thought that the heel can win. Does anybody really think Jeff Jarrett would beat Kurt Angle or anybody else in TNA? I mean really?
Yeah, I said that. Heels aren't the one's who draw the money. You could say you'd pay to see a heel get his ass kicked, but if you put two heels, who would you pay to see get beat? The answer is "I don't give a damn about either". Marks are the money of pro wrestling. They are the one's who order the PPV's and attend the events while we just look up the streams and talk in the forums. Marks don't care about how well a character is presented. They either love the face or hate the heel. And if there isn't a good face to oppose the heel, then the fan won't give a damn and won't bother watching. Ergo, heels don't draw.
And back to the point I made earlier, I know a lot of the IWC dislikes Vince McMahon, especially the TNA marks, but you can't deny the man's track record. If you can get over, he'll put you over. If you can't, then you're not going to get over anywhere else either. Vince is a smart business man and knows a good asset, or wrestler, when he sees one. Jeff never really got over in the WWE. He had a few moments, including that storyline with the Road Dogg Jesse James, but that was about it.
If that were the case Jack Swagger and The Great Khali wouldn't have even been World Heavyweight Champions. But that ain't the case.
So, yes there is a place for Jeff Jarrett in any company. Wrestling needs it's mid-carders. To say that "Jeff Jarrett is back" though is to imply that he arrived at some point. And to the best of my knowledge, that never really happened.
He's been in better positions, albeit with some help backstage, but the point is he's reached a high level of interest which he's lacked since his wife died and took a leave for a while. He lost the little appeal he had and was basically in a limbo for the last 3 years, so yes, I also say he's back at his best.
It's like a lot of people have said on here, nobody watches TNA and nobody goes to their shows. So I will respect your opinions and say Jeff Jarrett is doing his best work as a heel now, but who cares? That's what wrestling is about. Mark Madden writes about it all the time on here and you guys rip him for it, but at the end of the day it's about drawing money.
1.4 million people this week, yeah man nobody at all. Fuck I hate you dumbshits that spout out this "no one watches" bullshit. At least try and use facts.

As for the guy who said heels don't draw money, that couldn't be further from the truth. Sure, at the end of the day it's about the babyface, but if there isn't a good heel for the babyface to challenge, then who gives a shit? And being a good heel is about more than just cutting promos. The fan has to have the thought that the heel can win. Does anybody really think Jeff Jarrett would beat Kurt Angle or anybody else in TNA? I mean really?
Does anyone think Jarrett could beat Angle? No, and that's exactly why him using underhanded tactics to get the better of Angle is heel perfection. Jarrett "shouldn't" win, so every time he does he earns the fans ire. That's how a good heel works.

And back to the point I made earlier, I know a lot of the IWC dislikes Vince McMahon, especially the TNA marks, but you can't deny the man's track record. If you can get over, he'll put you over. If you can't, then you're not going to get over anywhere else either. Vince is a smart business man and knows a good asset, or wrestler, when he sees one. Jeff never really got over in the WWE. He had a few moments, including that storyline with the Road Dogg Jesse James, but that was about it.
Great Khali, Jack Swagger, Legacy, Drew McIntyre, etc. Vince's recent track record is shit.

So, yes there is a place for Jeff Jarrett in any company. Wrestling needs it's mid-carders. To say that "Jeff Jarrett is back" though is to imply that he arrived at some point. And to the best of my knowledge, that never really happened.
Jarrett is more interesting and has more depth than any other heel not named Jeff Hardyin any wrestling company today, his character, motivation and action is perfect for an upper level heel.
""cough" virgin "cough"

Yeah man TNA's founder and a guy putting on a great performance totally sucks, only WWE legends matter, WAR Vince.

Feuding with the number two heel doesn't get you anywhere? And why the fuck does Samoa Joe deserve to be in the title picture anyway? Kurt Angle feuding with JJ is something a lot of people want to see, shows what you know doesn't it?

Actually married with children douchbag. Plus I mean there were all the times I fucked your mom. By the way tell her the child support payment will be late this month.

TNA's founder has been played out. That whole card is as worthless as getting a pop or heat from a crowd who gets in for free. OH wait that's the only heat Jeff is getting. Heat from a crowd who do not even pay to get in. Because the reality is if it was not free nobody would go to that shit. That is why their house shows which I have gone to many times are always 1/2 to 3/4 empty. Never said only WWE legends matter, however Jeff Jarret has never mattered. Even when he is getting heat its because people are tired of seeing the same shitty promos and the same bullshit finish matches. That's not real heat its X-Pac heat.

As for Joe well lets see two years ago guy putting on great matches and holding the world title now, nothing. Feuding with a washed up never was and even if Joe eventually goes over it will not improve Joe's standing one iota because Jarret has never drawn one dime. No one has ever paid to see Jarrett and no one ever will.

Who other then TNA marks who whack off to their made up fanfiction of Russo, Bischoff and Dixie having a three way, and no not a match. Nobody you know why because we already had that feud with the roles reversed, and it did nothing for Kurt. The only thing it did was put Double J back into the spotlight when he was in charge of creative. The matches were ok but only because Kurt could wrestle your monkey ass and make you look decent.
And about that 1.4 million viewers is that doing much for them when Dixie is not even aloud to cut a check now without getting her moms approval. I mean seriously people on here talk about how TNA is finally going to get it together, but if Big Daddy Bob is taking way his little girls credit card I'm going to guess they are tired of wasting money. And if they are tired of wasting their money on Dixie's little hobby it wont be too long until the company Double J founded is little more then a fund memory for guys liek you to jerk off too.
Biggest crock of shit I've read in a while.

Very true, though I disagree with your examples.

Evan Bourne was over when they pushed him. 'The fuck's going on with him after that? Did nothing, got squashed, got injured, will come back to job to idiots again.

There's a difference between being over and warrenting a Main Event push. Evan Bourne is an excellent wrestler who can make his opponents look like gold, but he's not a main eventer. He's not got the mic skills. He's enhancement tallent (in the best way) at best.

John Morrison is over. What's he doing now?

Feuding with the number 2 heel on Raw. Not too bad all things considered.

The Miz is over. Where's his belt? Where are his huge feuds?

Give him some time. People don't spontaneously become Main Eventers.

Yeah I know the rumours about him being the next Cena in terms of position in the company, but they remained just that - rumours. He's got one crappy MITB case and that's about it. WWE's golden kid tapped out twice to Daniel Bryan.[/QUOTE

So? Miz lost fuck all from that. Any heat he lost from the fans could be replanished with a promo. He was putting Daniel Bryan over, plain and simple.

Oh, that reminds me. Daniel Bryan is over. What is he doing? Strapped with the "We don't know what to do with you" title, coming out to fucking Superman's theme and dancing. He's a fucking submission machine, not Michael Jackson.

He's been in the company for less than a year. Do you expect him to be in the main event right now? Not a chance, especially with Barrett's monster push.

Mr.Kennedy got over like a son of a bitch, and he actually got over so much that it hurt him and Randy Orton/Cena ended up being the key factors in his departure.

And him fucking up every push had nothing to do with it. WWE Tried to push him, but every time something went wrong. Eventually WWE had enough and cut him. Didn't help his case that he (allegedly) injured Orton either.

If you'd mentioned someone like Matt Morgan, Paul Burchill or the like you'd have a point. Those guys, not so much.

If Vince pushed the people who got over then you wouldn't have Orton, Cena and Triple H's butt buddies Main Eventing WWE for the last six years. WWE's full of shit.

WWE is pushing the guys who are over. Orton outpops the roster, Cena outsells the everyone else on the roster combined and HHH is pretty damn over too (though he is a notorious pollititian).
There's a difference between being over and warrenting a Main Event push. Evan Bourne is an excellent wrestler who can make his opponents look like gold, but he's not a main eventer. He's not got the mic skills. He's enhancement tallent (in the best way) at best.

The only reason you can say Evan is "over" is because he can do the SSP. He hardly gets much of a reaction when he comes out. When he gets onto the top rope people do cheer in anticipation of the SSP. So why is he an excellent wrestler?

Feuding with the number 2 heel on Raw. Not too bad all things considered.

Lets see how much of a feud it turns out to be. I'm guessing it will be a squash just to show how awesome Sheaamus is. Like what happened to Kofi when he went up against Orton.

Give him some time. People don't spontaneously become Main Eventers.

I agree with the fact that people do not become main eventers spontaneously. Its not like the Miz has been around for about 5 years. Oh wait!!!!!! he has.

BTW, why don't you give TNA some time. Its not like any promotion can become a global or a national one spontaneously.

He's been in the company for less than a year. Do you expect him to be in the main event right now? Not a chance, especially with Barrett's monster push.

Agreed here. I don't have any complaint with their use of Daniel Bryan.

And him fucking up every push had nothing to do with it. WWE Tried to push him, but every time something went wrong. Eventually WWE had enough and cut him. Didn't help his case that he (allegedly) injured Orton either.

If you'd mentioned someone like Matt Morgan, Paul Burchill or the like you'd have a point. Those guys, not so much.

Did Ken kill Benoit and his family? Injuries can happen to anyone in the business at anytime. By that logic Austin should have fired Owen Hart immediately. Anderson has had his fair share of injuries but he did not complain. Orton should have been man enough to keep shut about it and discuss it with Ken in private. Going to the WWE management and complaining about him was not the most ethical thing to do.

WWE is pushing the guys who are over.

Who the fuck is Sheamus anyway?
The only reason you can say Evan is "over" is because he can do the SSP. He hardly gets much of a reaction when he comes out. When he gets onto the top rope people do cheer in anticipation of the SSP. So why is he an excellent wrestler?

Because he entertains me with his matches and makes his opponents look like a million bucks (and not the young kind)

Lets see how much of a feud it turns out to be. I'm guessing it will be a squash just to show how awesome Sheaamus is. Like what happened to Kofi when he went up against Orton.

If they were going to do that Sheamus would have squashed him the first time they fought, or killed him after Morrison cost him the match vs Santino. That hasn't happened yet.

I agree with the fact that people do not become main eventers spontaneously. Its not like the Miz has been around for about 5 years. Oh wait!!!!!! he has.

Your point? He spent most of those 5 years being shit and/or tag teaming with Morrison. He has had to build up Main Event credability from scratch. Be patient will you? There's no room for him in The ME right now. His time will come, count on it.

BTW, why don't you give TNA some time. Its not like any promotion can become a global or a national one spontaneously.

Just because I don't watch TNA doesn't mean I don't want it to succeed. Especially because some of my favorite wrestlers are in TNA (the MCMG and Angle, mainly). However, based on its (lack of) growth I don't think it will. I hope I'm wrong though, I really do.

Did Ken kill Benoit and his family? Injuries can happen to anyone in the business at anytime. By that logic Austin should have fired Owen Hart immediately.

He probably could have if he kicked up enough fuss. Some people are more dickish than others.

Anderson has had his fair share of injuries but he did not complain. Orton should have been man enough to keep shut about it and discuss it with Ken in private. Going to the WWE management and complaining about him was not the most ethical thing to do.

Orton did what he felt was right. Other people were on his side, and Orton was far from the only person who Anderson had rubbed the wrong way during his time in WWE.
Actually married with children douchbag.


Plus I mean there were all the times I fucked your mom. By the way tell her the child support payment will be late this month.
U mad bro?

TNA's founder has been played out. That whole card is as worthless as getting a pop or heat from a crowd who gets in for free. OH wait that's the only heat Jeff is getting. Heat from a crowd who do not even pay to get in.
Someone doesn't know anything about the iMPACT ZONE. You kinda have to pay to get into Universal Studios, that fee is spread about the park. So you do pay to get into the iMPACT ZONE.

Because the reality is if it was not free nobody would go to that shit. That is why their house shows which I have gone to many times are always 1/2 to 3/4 empty.

I'll take your word for it, wait no I won't you've already proven you make shit up. Also if nobody would pay to see TNA, why are you paying to see their house shows? Oh? Contradiction, no?

Never said only WWE legends matter, however Jeff Jarret has never mattered. Even when he is getting heat its because people are tired of seeing the same shitty promos and the same bullshit finish matches. That's not real heat its X-Pac heat.
Considering people cheer for Jarrett I have some strange difficulty believing he gets legit cheers but "go away" boos. But wait, you're wrong, now just sit there in your wrongness.

As for Joe well lets see two years ago guy putting on great matches and holding the world title now, nothing. Feuding with a washed up never was and even if Joe eventually goes over it will not improve Joe's standing one iota because Jarret has never drawn one dime. No one has ever paid to see Jarrett and no one ever will.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. I bought No Surrender therefore I paid to see Jeff Jarrett, see how wrong you are now.

Who other then TNA marks who whack off to their made up fanfiction of Russo, Bischoff and Dixie having a three way, and no not a match. Nobody you know why because we already had that feud with the roles reversed, and it did nothing for Kurt. The only thing it did was put Double J back into the spotlight when he was in charge of creative. The matches were ok but only because Kurt could wrestle your monkey ass and make you look decent.

The question mark also known as "?" would really help you make sense, however, sifting through your godawful post what I got from this is you being wrong as usual and something about a monkey ass. You know for a "married" person you sure seem to be really craving some fetish sex, there's bars for folks like you, $15 to get in. But for the record, you're wrong, super wrong, this angle is awesome.

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