Jeff Jarrett is Back

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I know, I know… "But he hasn't really gone anywhere, IDR."

You're right, he hasn't. He's been in and out of the line up for a few years now sans a hiatus or two, but in those years when we've been dealing with him, we've been dealing with a babyface Jeff, which is the absolute worst kind of J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T if you ask me. He simply doesn't matter as a face. As anything other than a heel he's as inconsequential and irrelevant as can be because there simply aren't enough fans in the world of his who care enough about him to help those who don't to cheer for him as a face.

Jeff is however a fantastic heel, and he's proving it right now by playing what IMO is the most important role in Immortal at the moment — the arrogant mouth piece who backs his word up in the ring.

Don't get me wrong, having mouth pieces like Hogan, Bischoff and Flair is fantastic, but when push comes to shove you need to be able to take it to the squared circle, and Jarrett is more than capable of doing just that.

Jeff's back, and despite his age he's back with a vengeance. Honestly, who's a better upper-mid-card heel right now?

Thoughts on all this?
I agree Heel Jeff Jarrett is a Million times better than Face Jarrett. I think that right now he's playing a really good Heel in this Immortal Storyline and I think that right now the only better Heel in TNA right now his Jeff Hardy the Anti-Christ of wrestling but Jarrett right now is doing a really good job as a Heel and we don't have to deal with a Lame Face Jarrett.
I agree as well. Hopefully we won't get any "He is too old" crap in this thread, because the guy is drawing one of the biggest heats of the night ever since 10.10.10. He's an old school heel, nothing fancy in the ring and awesome on the mic. Double J all the way I love his current role and work, hope he keeps it up.
Without question, he's far better as a heel then a face. No other way around it. He's in a solid role right now. He and Jeff Hardy are the only two WRESTLERS in Immortals that actuall y have anything going for them in terms of their story lines and what have you.

He's great on the mic, good in the ring and is still in good shape for his age. (Great shape, really.) He's one of the top 5 most interesting guys in the company right now, IMO.
Having caught Jeff Jarrett's segment on Impact tonight, and the last few weeks of them, in fact, I came to realize two things. One; him in the ring cutting promos every week really reminded me of WCW during the nWo era where there were countless segments every week of the nWo members just coming out to cut promos. That wasn't a good thing, either. Two; Jeff Jarrett sucks ass. Is he a better heel? Of course he is, but that's because no one CARES about him as a face and they naturally want to boo him because people don't like him. They don't want to see him. I'm already tired of seeing Jarrett. Let's pretend to be sincere in what we're saying (even though no one believes you and it sounds utterly fake).. and then turn around and make a heel insult! Every f'ckin week! Jeff Jarrett, along with Hogan and Bischoff, make this whole "They" angle laughable to me. I'm suppose to believe Immortal is some powerful stable that's a great threat to TNA, please.

And if there's no better upper mid-card heel then Jarrett right now, that's a testament to the poor quality of the writing staff in TNA.
Jarrett is much better then he used to be on the mic. He is not in the same league as Bischoff, Flair, and Hogan obviously as far as heel material. I enjoyed his promo with Kurt Angle a few weeks ago. Jarrett is better when they show him in small segments. Too much Jarrett is overkill. A few segments here and there with him spouting at the mouth has worked well. I'm still sick of how he can't cut a promo without talking about founding TNA. That has been used in pretty much every promo he has cut, heel or face.
Jarrett is the Rudy Guiliani of wrestling (blah, blah, blah, 9-11, blah blah on every interview.........blah, blah, blah, I built TNA, carried it on it's back, founded it, blah, blah, blah).'d have to be living with the cast of Jersey Shore to NOT know he has something to do with TNA. If you never knew it, you would at least figure it out by the SEVERAL times he won "King of the Mountain" when there were better people to win it. Is he a better heel? Marginally.....I liked JJ as a face believe it or not,...but....he would always get his ass handed to him, so I guess he wanted to get back on a winning streak so he had to turn heel. WCW said it best on the R&F of WCW "He couldn't draw a dime"--and I don't think he can now. NOW, with that being said, I think he should take a backseat to the main heels of They, Immortals, Geriatrics, --whatever they want to be called. I like the whole Anti-Christ storyline, and I do--as a matter of fact, like the Jarret/Angle angle....they just need to continue it---whether Kurts hurt or least let him cut a promo and keep the fans in touch with it.
I think Jarrett has always sucked as a face, he is just very unlikeable. But as a heel there are few better. Everything about the man makes me want to punch him in the face. His voice, his crap finishing move and his face. was mentioned in the thread "TNA in 2011", Jarrett should enter into a feud with Kurt Angle where he can get real personal over the fact he is with Angles ex-wife and lives with Angle's kids. This would get heat like no other feud at the moment, and would solidify JJ as a top-level heel in TNA, keeping him relevant and near the top of the card.
Jeff Jarrett sucks.

He can't draw.
He could never draw.
He will never draw.

He had his daddy's money to spend and open a wrestling organization and booked himself champ, just like his fellow Volunteer Jerry Lawler did.

He should not be on tv in any way.
I agree with the poster above. Jarrett has never really amounted to anything in the wrestling business. His career such as it is has been pretty lackluster. When has he ever been involved in anything that ever went anywhere and drew revenue for any respective promotion he was a part of? He's pretty much a joke to anyone who's watched wrestling for an extended period of time and remember him from the WWE/F and WCW. The only difference between Jarrett and Jannetty? Two R's, and a "Y".
Jarret is getting some BIG heat, to Jasper Dale listen to crowd just booing him in the iMPACT zone yesterday. I always thought he bought himself championships and crap but the heat he gets is great, he can draw as a heel.
To quote Mike Graham from the Rise and Fall of WCW, "He broke 6,000 guitars, never drew a dime, but he thought he was the man. And he really thought in his little Tennessee brain that he was bigger, and better, and would draw more money than Hulk Hogan."

So, yeah, Jeff Jarrett sucks and anybody who has ever been associated with or has closely followed wrestling knows it.
To quote Mike Graham from the Rise and Fall of WCW, "He broke 6,000 guitars, never drew a dime, but he thought he was the man. And he really thought in his little Tennessee brain that he was bigger, and better, and would draw more money than Hulk Hogan."

So, yeah, Jeff Jarrett sucks and anybody who has ever been associated with or has closely followed wrestling knows it.

I like Jarret right now, and I've been following wrestling closely for the last 20 years. Hm..something's not right. The almighty Mike Graham might be ... wrong? This cannot be!

Seriously dude, TELL me what EXACTLY sucks about him, don't quote Mark Graham. He's drawing heat, he's in great shape for his age, and he can deffinitely go in the ring. Is he Main Event material? No. Is he Champion material? No. But to say that he sucks is damn right ignorant and idiotic.
Jeff Jarrett is what he is. He's ok. He isn't a liability to a company. He just isn't as big as he thinks he is. He is a mid-carder. You can give him good air time, but he should never be one of the top wrestlers in your company. And that's fine, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The point is though that he shouldn't be the face of a company nor should he be one of the focal points of a company's major storyline... even if it sucks as well.

Say what you will about Vince McMahon, but he is seldom wrong when it comes to evaluating wrestlers. If he thinks you can get over, he'll put you over. I can't think of one instance where a guy didn't get over in WWE and then went to another company and reached main event status. On the other hand, Vince made guys like Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, and Eddie Guerrero into prime time guys after WCW failed to do so. The point is, Jeff Jarrett wrestled in the WWE for about 6 or 7 years over two separate tours of duty and never got above Intercontinental status. That wasn't an accident. And when WWE bought WCW, they didn't even pick up Jeff's contract.

So maybe Jeff Jarrett doesn't "suck," but he isn't anything special. He's a nice character who some people might enjoy, but he isn't going to draw a dime ever. And anybody who thinks otherwise has lost touch with reality.
Ok so I know I ave been way awhile but let me understand this. Because Jeff is playing the same heel character he has always played and never drawn a dime with we are suppose to buy into this time. Because even though a heel Jeff Jarret is suppose to hate Hulk Hogan from back in their WCW days we are going to forget all about that. I get those things I really do.

But and here is a huge but, why the hell does the response he get in the Impact zone matter at all. The people who go to the Impact zone are mostly internet marks who *********e to thoughts of Dixie Carter and Eric Bischoff having a love child. A response their is nothing compared to a traveling house show or PPV or anywhere the people do not get in for free. Finally I will tell you why he gets heat. because his promos are average at best, his matches always feature some screwball ending, and his matches always look exactly the same. He gets heat because people are sick of him and want him to die.
Ok, I am not a Jeff Jarrett fan at all, but in this time and in this role, he is getting over. Its not to say he will be champion or a main eventer for the next 2 yrs. Lets focus on the here and now. Now he is over as a heel that can wrestle. To say he never could draw, so it won't work now, makes no sense. McHammer was the biggest thing going back in the day and now he couldnt sell out a large venue, even if he had Biz Markie, Vanilla Ice and Tone Loc. It is what it is and if you don't like it, don't watch it. Of course on the flip side these are the same people Bashing Cena for being champion....he draws doesnt he? not all about drawing..that is for the main eventers. JJ is a supporting role.
I wouldn't say that he exactly CAN'T draw....but....during the KOTM matches, he had 4-5 other guys in the match with him. Take the next PPV, ---and if you put Jarrett in the main event with anyone....the buys (I'm pretty much guessing) would be lower than normal. He had a good run as an upper level heel ---not top heel---but upper level one ...but c'mon...let's get real. Has ANYONE really been affected by the Stroke? :lol: ...and any GOOD heel would at the very least have a decent to above decent finishing move:worship:. First, he stole (yes.....stole) using the guitar on people. The first was honkeytonk man....and then when he parlays that into a weak finishing manuver such as grabbing someone by the back of the neck and watching the *ahem* "victim" put his hands up tro brace himself (when half the time the opposing wrestlers knees are half cocked to begin with), ....I'm sorry but you should --at the very LEAST---have some sort of finishing move that can stun a person. Yeah I know....Hogan does his leg drop because thats what people CAME (past tense) to see---but does he do it anymore? Of course not....he's not as active as he used to be...and if JJ is going to continue this angle---which would entail him getting in the ring, then he needs to be BELIEVABLE.....move set and all.
I never understood why they let him go face before, i mean everybody knows he only good at what he does as heel. Even TNA should know that. Jarrett is a good performer in the ring unless its with somebody he can work with in the ring, honestly he can't have a great match with anybody in the ring, only with a few wrestlers he can. TNA needs to leave Jarrett as heel, he is better that way, but he not one of those guys who can draw the fans because he tried that in wcw, and TNA it still doesn't work.
I like Jarret right now, and I've been following wrestling closely for the last 20 years. Hm..something's not right. The almighty Mike Graham might be ... wrong? This cannot be!

Unfortunately though the almighty Mike Graham ISN'T wrong. Graham claimed Jeff Jarrett never drew, and that's entirely true. Find me an instance where Jarrett has ever drawn for a company. Ever.

Graham wasn't commenting about his heel run right now in TNA, or whether it's mediocre or not, he was commenting about Jarrett not being a draw. So whether you have lowered your standards and like what Jarett's doing right now, that really doesn't prove in any way that Graham's wrong in the least. He's not.

Seriously dude, TELL me what EXACTLY sucks about him, don't quote Mark Graham. He's drawing heat, he's in great shape for his age, and he can deffinitely go in the ring. Is he Main Event material? No. Is he Champion material? No. But to say that he sucks is damn right ignorant and idiotic.

He's drawing heat in the Impact zone. Great. He's in good shape for his age. Great for him! I think saying he can go in the ring is opinion, since I find him boring as hell in the ring. But, regardless, what is any of that stuff doing to benefit TNA right now? Is Jarrett drawing in people to watch the show? Is Jarrett drawing people to pay for the PPV to see him wrestle Samoa Joe? Prove to me either is happening and you might have something, otherwise his role in the company is meaningless because he's not drawing for them and he's not benefitting them in any way that counts. Jarrett is a generic heel, and he's not even good at doing that. Jarrett gets about the same heat as X-Pac or Eric Young did; congratulations! TNA's going to make a fortune!

The funniest thing about TNA right now is the fact that their major storyline is a heel stable, and every heel in that stable is crap. Bischoff might be a good heel, but he's not a wrestler so there's absolutely no payoff there. Jarrett is a crap heel and can't draw, so once again there's no payoff there. Abyss is a crap heel that doesn't draw either, so where's the payoff? Hardy hasn't even been a success yet as a heel, and I doubt to many people are buying a PPV for Hardy vs. Morgan. Great job TNA.
i like him in this role and hoped (when Immortal came together) that Hogan, Bischoff and Jarrett would run the company. Anyways, a heel Jarrett is better because he just knows how to anger the fans and a feud with Kurt Angle acutally would work better since he's a heel.
Having caught Jeff Jarrett's segment on Impact tonight, and the last few weeks of them, in fact, I came to realize two things. One; him in the ring cutting promos every week really reminded me of WCW during the nWo era where there were countless segments every week of the nWo members just coming out to cut promos. That wasn't a good thing, either. Two; Jeff Jarrett sucks ass. Is he a better heel? Of course he is, but that's because no one CARES about him as a face and they naturally want to boo him because people don't like him. They don't want to see him. I'm already tired of seeing Jarrett. Let's pretend to be sincere in what we're saying (even though no one believes you and it sounds utterly fake).. and then turn around and make a heel insult! Every f'ckin week! Jeff Jarrett, along with Hogan and Bischoff, make this whole "They" angle laughable to me. I'm suppose to believe Immortal is some powerful stable that's a great threat to TNA, please.

And if there's no better upper mid-card heel then Jarrett right now, that's a testament to the poor quality of the writing staff in TNA.

Why does everyone always have to compare everything that TNA is doing right now to the NwO? Com'on Really? The nexus is 100x more like the NwO then 'they' Immortals(?). The nexus fits the NwO to a Tee, But people like you eat the nexus storyline up like its something new and exciting.. Here's a news flash for ya...Everything in the wrestling business has been done, just like in Hollywood, why do you think there so many remakes happening.

Just about everyone on the website doesn't have a clue of what their talking about. Just because you watched wrestling since you was 2, Doesn't make you an expert in the wrestling business.
Jeff Jarrett has never been one of my favorites. The only time I really cared for him the slightest bit was when he became the "Chose One" in WCW. Other than that, heel or face, he hasn't appealed to me. He's no channel changer, but he's not someone I'd pick high on people I'd want to build a wrestling company. It's true, he's never been able to draw. His matches are nothing to brag about and, this is going to sound cliche, but his finishing move fucking sucks. There is nothing exciting or "painful looking" about it. I'm happy he's doing well in TNA right now, but he's still not doing anything for me.

I'll be watching Turning Point to see him get his ass kicked.
Jeff Jarrett right now in my opinion is a complete asshole, which can only mean he is doing his job right. As a face I didn't care a bit about him. The heat he is getting now as a heel is insane. Bringing in a wrestlers personal life in a storyline is great when it can be done and he has nailed it.
I don't think there is a single person in the IWC who thinks Jarrett deserves to be the main event or the champ. But in his current role, he's doing a good job. He can cut a decent promo, and he can wrestle a solid match. He's getting a good reaction in the impact zone, but as long as he's not the focal point to Immortal, what's the big deal?

True Jarrett failed to draw in WCW and WWF/E, but was that because Jarrett couldn't draw? Or was that because he was booked improperly? The guy who mentioned a feud between Jarrett and Angle is right, that WOULD draw. Thing is I don't know if Angle would actually try to kill him in the ring. But that could be the top feud of 2011 in TNA.
Forgive me for not quoting people here...

People are saying Jeff Jarrett is drawing good heat in the Impact Zone...let me repeat that...the Impact Zone! Are you kidding me?

Those people, who used to pop for ODB, get in for free!

Their opinions dont matter to me. The fools that book TNA are too worried about the people in the Impact Zone.

Jarrett gets a Charlie Haas reaction. It is just aplified in Orlando because he is there all the time. They cant cheer him ao they kind of moan in disgust. If you wanna call that heat, go ahead...

Jarrett sucks.
Mike Graham is right.

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