Jeff Hardy the next Sting?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
I don't mean in the way that Jeff Hardy's in ring work is as good as Sting ever was. It's not about it this thread.

Since Jeff Hardy fought against Undertaker in an Extreme Rules Match back in November (?), Jeff Hardy is painting is face and now has an article about it, and what it represents.

Sure, Jeff needs something to give his character something to get you interested in him, so with that said, I guess WWE bet that Jeff Hardy's face painted would work, and it did for young fans and Jeff Hardy's fans in general.

So, after half a year paiting his face, do you think that Jeff will go on and become some kind of "Sting"? He is the Charismatic Enigma, and could use the paitings to show emotion or feelings, just like Sting with his red or green paintings... what do you think? Should WWE bet on this for Jeff Hardy's future?
Personally, I hate the face paint. I think it looks stupid as hell on him and I don't see the point in it. So by default, I'm hoping that he doesn't keep it lol.

As far as him being the next Sting in that he'd be a guy who would always come out with face paint on, I think they should just give that to someone who has less to bank on. Jeff's already over with the crowd and doesn't really need it. But say you introduce some new FCW guy onto the roster as a babyface and he's entertaining in the ring, decent on the mic, but just bland as hell. Give that guy the face paint and if he gets popular with that in some way (harder than it sounds though), you could probably start marketing some decal kind of masks that kids could buy. They eat the Hornswoggle hats and the Mysterio masks up like Pacman eats those white dots, so if they had a sort of big sticker you could put on your face that has the same design as some new guy's facial makeup, it could sell. Probably would be cheap to manufacture as well. But that's something that I think would be better suited to give to a new guy that needs something else to add to his character as opposed to Jeff who already has a strong fanbase just being himself.
No i dont think he will be the next Sting for the well reason because Sting is not a highflyer type wrestler he is more of techicial type wrestlers.

Also the facepaint i think it fits is character well because it represent his past in my opinoin with his dog dieing and the suspenedsions in stuff.
I personally love the face paint, as it leaves the door open for him to become a skitso and have multiple personalities, where each face represents a different personality. They could also vary his move set for each face. I think that'd be pretty awesome.

That, or give that gimmick to Charlie Haas.
I love it. I think it looks great on him and he pulls it off. It all started when he just couldnt quite get the title and was getting screwed by Vicki. It marks the new Jeff, the Jeff that is a legit contender for major titles, the Jeff that is using all his sufferings from the past to use in his matches. I think it's great.

In regards to Sting, i wouldnt really compare them, they're too different. It's probably the only thing they really have in common, but hey, let's include Goldust too.
I think it could be good for his character if he actually adjusted his ring style according to the meaning of the faces. It could give his character more depth than "bland spot monkey". But right now all he does is show up with the facepaint and does nothing with it. It's just a change of appearance which makes it quite pointless.

As for comparison with Sting, I'll just say that the similarities start and stop with the fact that they both wear facepaint.
I kinda like it. Maybe it's the artist in me, but I think it's cool and funky. It's not like it's new, he was doing it back in 02-03 and bascially his entire time in TNA.

As far as the whole face-paint/emotion thing, I could see that happening, if it hasn't already. They might not have acknowledged it on tv, but Jeff's an artist and I doubt he randomly chooses his face paint designs.

If they want to go with "emotional face-paint" thing, then Jeff needs to start showing it. If he's happy, then come out all upbeat with some bright paint. If he's sad or depressed, have some darker colors and don't come out with all that crumping and stuff. His promos should reflect that as well.

The annoucers could sell it by saying stuff like "Uh oh, Jeff's got some angry-looking face paint. Wouldn't want to be his opponent cuz he's pissed"
Are you fucking kidding me?, so just because Jeff puts shitty face paint on people are going to compare him to Sting?!, give me a fucking break, Jeff is not now nor will ever even be close to Stings level, Jeff is more like the next Doink, in that he's a complete fucking joke
Yeah.I cant help noticing Jeffs painted face,for that reason alone,reminds me of Sting,though I cant remember Sting going for the fishface look.
If thats Jeffs stick,so be it,but I think it looks stupid,its guaranteed to be smudged & both end up looking like theyve been painting the ceiling.
I also think Ortons starting to remind me of Kurt Angle.The near baldy head,the brave glaring threatening mic grabbing smile when surrounded by useless lackys,running off scared when its one on one.maybe,like Jeff,an unintentional copy but still,,.
Since Jeff Hardy fought against Undertaker in an Extreme Rules Match back in November (?), Jeff Hardy is painting is face and now has an article about it, and what it represents.

He actually has painted his face off and on a while now.Back in TNA even i think he had that neon face paint on during some of his entrances.I think he did it more as an artistic expression then anything else but with or without the face paint i think Jeff can only be held down by his own actions.If he stays clean and continues to improve he can be in line for more championship title runs but only time will tell.Dont think his and Sting face paint have the same meaning to each other at all as Stings is pretty much a character while Hardy's seems to be more like an accessory.
Are you fucking kidding me?, so just because Jeff puts shitty face paint on people are going to compare him to Sting?!, give me a fucking break, Jeff is not now nor will ever even be close to Stings level, Jeff is more like the next Doink, in that he's a complete fucking joke
It seems that the only clown in perspective in here, it's you, pal.

Some respect would be something good. I know you prefer to just answer the question on the title of the topic, but if you had the work to read my post, you would be surprised.

Shocking or not, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT JEFF HARDY WOULD BE AS GOOD AS STING WAS/IS INSIDE THE RING. SHOCKING! But, you prefer to insult me... Give me a break, and just grow up, kid.
Jeff is nothing even close to Sting. The face paint looks like shit, his wrestling is sloppy, and his mic skills are TERRIBLE. I really dont see Jeff going any higher than the ECW title the rest of his career. I was fine with him winning the WWE title once, but now he needs to become a better wrestler and prove himself as a draw if he wants to be a constant maineventer.
It make him different so that good I hate how all the wrestler have to be the same I like when they wear paint or a mask
I kinda like it. Maybe it's the artist in me, but I think it's cool and funky. It's not like it's new, he was doing it back in 02-03 and bascially his entire time in TNA.

As far as the whole face-paint/emotion thing, I could see that happening, if it hasn't already. They might not have acknowledged it on tv, but Jeff's an artist and I doubt he randomly chooses his face paint designs.

If they want to go with "emotional face-paint" thing, then Jeff needs to start showing it. If he's happy, then come out all upbeat with some bright paint. If he's sad or depressed, have some darker colors and don't come out with all that crumping and stuff. His promos should reflect that as well.

The annoucers could sell it by saying stuff like "Uh oh, Jeff's got some angry-looking face paint. Wouldn't want to be his opponent cuz he's pissed"

GREAT post. I was thinking almost the exact same thing.

It had to be on everyone's mind when he first started doing the face paint, how it reminded you of Sting. I think it's great. Obviously a much different wrestler, but it was made clear that's not the point of this thread.
I'm not such a big fan of the face paint. if he just had a little bit on like animal or hawk it might look good but when he goes all out and you cant recognize him. not good. i hope it doesn't stick
Well, that's hardly a fair comparison, is it? On one hand you've got this guy that's not really done much in the wrestling business, even when you compare him to people who started out the same time as him. He's boring to watch and hasn't done much outside of a one month title reign in the past ten years. And on the other hand, you have Jeff Hardy.


What a twist! Anyway, nah, face paint doesn't make Jeff Hardy the next Sting. I like it though. No idea why. Maybe I just can't admit to myself that Jeff Hardy is my fetish personified. That's probably it.
I don't really see why Jeff painting his face would make him the next Sting. He has absolutely nothing in common with Sting. I personally think that Jeff is overrated and his current face paint is ridiculous. I'd go as fas to say that Jeff is actually one of the few people who are no "next anybodys" and is actually original. I don't care for it, but yes he's his own character.

So no, he is not the next Sting or emulating Sting. I don't think he will ever be on that level.
I don't mean in the way that Jeff Hardy's in ring work is as good as Sting ever was. It's not about it this thread.

Since Jeff Hardy fought against Undertaker in an Extreme Rules Match back in November (?), Jeff Hardy is painting is face and now has an article about it, and what it represents.

Sure, Jeff needs something to give his character something to get you interested in him, so with that said, I guess WWE bet that Jeff Hardy's face painted would work, and it did for young fans and Jeff Hardy's fans in general.

So, after half a year paiting his face, do you think that Jeff will go on and become some kind of "Sting"? He is the Charismatic Enigma, and could use the paitings to show emotion or feelings, just like Sting with his red or green paintings... what do you think? Should WWE bet on this for Jeff Hardy's future?

after seeing the title of this message I got so mad lol!!

after reading it however, you could be on to something....but no, I don't think that's what they are going for. It's fact that Jeff Hardy likes to paint and thinks of himself as an artist, so it's good they run with something that he does for real.

Anyway, I think this is the first thing I've ever said about Jeff Hardy since like....1999 or so. I seem to be a bit of an "internet heel" in the fact that I hate Jeff Hardy, Sonjay Dutt, and AJ Styles.
but really though, it is an interesting connection...but has Sting mentioned his use of different colors to convey (sp??) his emotion?
I love Jeff Hrdy face paint!, It's gives a new dimension to his character.

No, it doesn't. He's just wearing face paint. Matt Hardy changing tights is more significant than that. Though, admittedly, they do both look fucking cool. They don't add new dimensions to their characters though.

Until Matt Hardy gets his Matt Hardy V.2 attire, that is.
Aha. I love Jeff Hardy, no doubt. But the next Sting? That's laughable. They're not even in the same league & personally, I don't see the point in him wearing the face paint. It looks stupid, and it doesn't serve a purpose. He's over already, so he doesn't need it.
Which would you rather watch - a Sting match or a Jeff Hardy match? Jake was right when he said the peak of Sting's career was waiting in the rafters, looking at Hulk Hogan.

Jeff Hardy might never be as big as Sting, but he sure does jump off tall shit.

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