Jeff Hardy is Sssmokin'!


Getting Noticed By Management
Hardy lighting up a cancer stick on his entrance down to the ring was a fantastic thing to see tonight.

Why? Because it was literally thee MOST convincing thing i've seen Jeff Hardy do or say, to get his heel "anti-christ" gimmick over with anyone thats watching TNA! When I saw him light that heater up- the 1st thing that popped into my head was: "WOW! No fucking shit?? I kinda like it- for some reason! I wonder if all this "trial stuff" was a work, and HH & EB really are blurring the lines?" For me to say, or even care at all- about anything Jeff Hardy does- means something to me!

Jeff Hardy actually made me think tonite! I know for a FACT- thats never happend before- EVER! And all it took was lighting up a cigarette! Wow- good thing he's not boring or anything! :p

Am I crazy in thinking this was actually a good thing for his heel character/gimmick?? Nothing he's ever done or said has EVER made me automatically think: HEEL. This one cigarette did it for me!

Thoughts? Opinions? Bashing Stupidity?
I liked it a lot. The first thing that popped into my head was that he looked like the character Jimmy off of the new HBO series Boardwalk Empire. I think it made him look like a mob boss to be honest and it was great.
I really liked it a lot too. It IMMEDIATELY reminded me of when Giant (Big Show) used to smoke during his matches in WCW. I loved when Giant would be in the corner smoking, while the jobber he was "fighting" would be trying to beat on him. Giant would just push him down, chokeslam him, cover him with one hand, then ash on him after the 1-2-3.

Reminds me a little bit of Sandman as well, just without the beer. I don't know if the cigarette made me think "heel" immediately, it just sort of made me think that Jeff didn't really care very much. I guess that's the arrogant side that heels often have, so I guess it worked. I did enjoy it, it was one of the first "honest" things Hardy has done since arriving in TNA.
If your top heel just simply cannot get over as a heel (none of this smarky "I root for the bad guys because they're cool" crap), send him out to the ring smoking. America would rather have you punch their seven year-old son in the face then have someone in a 'role model' position smoke a cigarette in front of their kids.

(Yes, on television, even heels are role models in a sense. It's fake, right? And smoking is so very easily imitatable.)

Probably a bad time for Jeff to start smoking, though. Cigarettes in prison are expensive. I'd be trying to quit.
I think it added a bit more to his anti-christ character. Smoking is generally seen as bad, so by doing it Hardy increased the anti-authority, bad-ass aspect of his character.

It just gave him an image of arrogance, and the fact he wasnt in his usual ring attire increased this. It definitely suited his character and made it look like he didnt give a fuck about Anderson, and was confident of victory.

Definitely a good new aspect to the Jeff Hardy character
Why is everyone getting a hard-on over this?

So Jeff Hardy smoked a cigarette last night... big freakin' deal. You guys are praising it and saying things like "it adds depth to his heel character." Are you serious??

First of all, if we really want to analyze this, TNA is crossing the line into the realm of going against the grain by advertising that one of their top heels and arguably the most popular wrestler of the past decade is now a smoker. Therefore, TNA is reminding us about how we shouldn't consider their talent as role models for younger people. Secondly, by allowing Jeff to smoke cigarettes on the way to the ring, TNA is basically saying that it's ok to get arrested for drugs and illegal substances and they'll just embrace Jeff's dangerous lifestyle and show everyone that there's nothing he won't do to continue poisoning his body. But you guys feel free to go ahead and continue to give TNA a pat on the back for this type of booking.

I'm not an advocate of anything that encourages younger audience members to smoke, excessively drink, or do drugs. Regardless of whether TNA wants to continue down this slippery slope of trying to push the envelope or not, they should know where to draw the line with subjects of taboo. Shame on TNA for this.
Yes, yes, yes. I agree with everything that D Man said.

This is a truly fucked up idea of what is character development nowadays. There's no way someone in power didnt know about this and it adds nothing to the character.

I thought I could defend TNA through anything but this small detail is something that both offends me and makes me question them.
D-Man said:
Therefore, TNA is reminding us about how we shouldn't consider their talent as role models for younger people.

Can you please explain why you think a heel who refers to himself as the 'anti-christ of prowrestling' should be looked up to as a role model?

D-Man said:
I'm not an advocate of anything that encourages younger audience members to smoke, excessively drink, or do drugs. Regardless of whether TNA wants to continue down this slippery slope of trying to push the envelope or not, they should know where to draw the line with subjects of taboo. Shame on TNA for this.

Big booohoo. Didn't WWE's biggest face, Steve Austin have alcoholism engraved into his character? Did Steve Austin not toast beer and openly drink beer in front of millions and millions of viewers each week? Are you trying to tell me that encouraged kids to drink? Why should Jeff be considered a role model when he's a heel for crying out loud and is the anti-Christ. They're doing everything in their power to tell the audience not to look up to the guy and that the guy is a coward, heel and is everything bad in the book.

D-Man said:
Secondly, by allowing Jeff to smoke cigarettes on the way to the ring, TNA is basically saying that it's ok to get arrested for drugs and illegal substances and they'll just embrace Jeff's dangerous lifestyle and show everyone that there's nothing he won't do to continue poisoning his body. But you guys feel free to go ahead and continue to give TNA a pat on the back for this type of booking.

I doubt the mainstream or casual fan cares if not forgetten or may even be aware of any pending Hardy case dealing with illegal substances. And since when did cigarettes become illegal in the US?
I personally wouldnt have one of my top talents openly smoke on TV if I ran TNA, but I do think it added something to the Anti-Christ persona, maybe only in a very small way, but just like the best characters on films have little features that make them different, I think that the cigarette just suited a character that is portrayed as being BAD. Smoking is bad, and shouldnt be encouraged, but Hardy is the Anti-Christ, we all know he does drugs so why shouldnt he smoke? Whether you agree anyone should smoke on a wrestling show or not, I do think it suits Jeff's character.

He isnt portrayed as a role model anymore, and Hardy smoking should have no more effect on the younger members of the audience than Austin drinking beer (and at least he was meant to be popular with the crowd), the half naked women with their sexual posings, DX and their cock jokes, wrestlers coating their bodies in tattoos, visibly displaying steroid abuse or the more violent aspects of TNA's programming like Abyss getting slammed into glass.

I know when I was a kid, my parents would have been more concerned with me watching a man slide another man to pieces with glass than me being a fan of a guy on a TV show who smoked. I would also have been more interested in copying the fighting I saw on a wrestling show, rather than one of my heroes who smoked.

Jeff Hardy is playing a heel character who embraces everything bad. I think coming to the ring smoking fits the character well.
Can you please explain why you think a heel who refers to himself as the 'anti-christ of prowrestling' should be looked up to as a role model?

Thanks for proving my point.

Big booohoo. Didn't WWE's biggest face, Steve Austin have alcoholism engraved into his character? Did Steve Austin not toast beer and openly drink beer in front of millions and millions of viewers each week? Are you trying to tell me that encouraged kids to drink? Why should Jeff be considered a role model when he's a heel for crying out loud and is the anti-Christ. They're doing everything in their power to tell the audience not to look up to the guy and that the guy is a coward, heel and is everything bad in the book.

Yes, I'm trying to tell you that SCSA encouraged young kids to drink. There were video all over YouTube that showed kids chugging beers and pouring them on themselves the same way that Austin did. And I'll leave the conversation about Austin there since I'm not going to get into an Attitude Era war.

As for Hardy, like it or not, the guy is uber-popular in the wrestling world. He's so popular that he's been having trouble getting over as a heel. Only recently did audience members in the Impact zone start to boo him. His popularity sticks with him and now they're trying to cover up his legal problems with substance abuse by portraying him as his true self on television?? Come on, now. That's just wrong.

I doubt the mainstream or casual fan cares if not forgetten or may even be aware of any pending Hardy case dealing with illegal substances. And since when did cigarettes become illegal in the US?

Whether they know about his legal troubles or not, what will they do if and when he's indicted on the drug charges and needs to be taken off television? You think people won't find out?

Even if they DON'T find out, your entire argument is supporting TNA exposing drugs and harmful substances as a characteristic of one of their top workers. And my argument isn't about what's legal and illegal; in the present world where human health is a huge issue to our government and the American people, a popular form of entertainment and breeder of role models is now promoting the use of harmful substances by its most camera-friendly workers. Seriously, it's a bad idea.
Can you please explain why you think a heel who refers to himself as the 'anti-christ of prowrestling' should be looked up to as a role model?

Big booohoo. Didn't WWE's biggest face, Steve Austin have alcoholism engraved into his character? Did Steve Austin not toast beer and openly drink beer in front of millions and millions of viewers each week? Are you trying to tell me that encouraged kids to drink? Why should Jeff be considered a role model when he's a heel for crying out loud and is the anti-Christ. They're doing everything in their power to tell the audience not to look up to the guy and that the guy is a coward, heel and is everything bad in the book.

I doubt the mainstream or casual fan cares if not forgetten or may even be aware of any pending Hardy case dealing with illegal substances. And since when did cigarettes become illegal in the US?

Wow, dude... you f'n crushed it with this post. Perfect counterpoints all around!

People confuse this aspect of pro wrestling with real sports all the time. Expecting heel wrestlers to preserve some sort of role model image would be like watching "The Sopranos" and being mad when Tony sleeps with strippers.

Jeff's playing a villainous character in a scripted show, no less than the Iron Shiek or Yokozuna were when they'd wave the flags of foreign nations. You think anyone was on their soapbox about role models when it came to those guys? Nah, they'd just give 'em their heel heat and understand why they were doing it. This is no different.
I personally wouldnt have one of my top talents openly smoke on TV if I ran TNA, but I do think it added something to the Anti-Christ persona, maybe only in a very small way, but just like the best characters on films have little features that make them different, I think that the cigarette just suited a character that is portrayed as being BAD. Smoking is bad, and shouldnt be encouraged, but Hardy is the Anti-Christ, we all know he does drugs so why shouldnt he smoke? Whether you agree anyone should smoke on a wrestling show or not, I do think it suits Jeff's character.

So why not have him blow a bunch of lines in the middle of the ring? That's bad. Oh, wait... how about giving Jeff a gun and having him shoot someone in the head in the middle of the ring! That's bad, too!! It adds depth to the character!! /sarcasm

Come on, now. It "adds depth" to his character but at what expense? It's just fucking ignorant to think any differently about it. What's more important: Your entertainment value or the impact it might have on younger people that watch the programming?

He isnt portrayed as a role model anymore, and Hardy smoking should have no more effect on the younger members of the audience than Austin drinking beer (and at least he was meant to be popular with the crowd), the half naked women with their sexual posings, DX and their cock jokes, wrestlers coating their bodies in tattoos, visibly displaying steroid abuse or the more violent aspects of TNA's programming like Abyss getting slammed into glass.

So you're telling me that just because TNA is aiming for Jeff to not be a role model then that means he won't be? Wasn't Austin also aimed at being a heel and turned babyface because of the impact his rebellious antics had on the crowd? And you mention all of the other poison that the Attitude Era brought into our homes. Just because they got ratings doesn't mean they were good things. But like I said in an earlier post, I won't have an Attitude Era argument here.

Jeff Hardy is playing a heel character who embraces everything bad. I think coming to the ring smoking fits the character well.

"Smoking" is just a litmus paper and a way to test the waters for pushing the envelope in TNA. Bischoff did the same stuff in WCW. At this rate, 10 years from now, I can't wait to show TNA's programming to my children when suicide, drug use, and rape are portrayed on television as tools used to "add depth" to a character.
D-Man, I gots a question .. my man: when did we all mutate into big, giant VAGINAS?

You're telling me that a PRO WRESTLING company is promoting the use of harmful substances by its most camera-friendly workers? This is stupid on so many levels.

1. We're watching half-naked men beat the shit out of eachother for money and titles. If you complain about TNA promoting harmful substances by showing Hardy smoking, then you might as well bitch your ass off about Bischoff trying to cheaply ruin Anderson's dreams of becoming a Champion by sticking him in a match with Hardy right after he had a grueling bout with Matt Morgan. That's a VERY bad employer-employee relationship. It's promoting violence and recklessness.

If smoking promotes bad substances, and that's bad, then why is wrestling on our TV screens when it promotes violence? Oh right! BECAUSE IT'S FAKE! The characters in it are ALSO fake. What they do is a part of their persona. We all know that this Hardy is basically the real Hardy but on pot, but it's a pro wrestling character, just like a movie character. Jack Sparrow is LOVED by children all around the globe and he's a stinkin' drunk who keeps asking where the rum is!

2. Can you count the times you've seen someone use drugs or smokes cigarettes in a movie when you were a child? How many cartoon characters like generals and sea captains have a cigar in their mouths? We all saw Terminator when we were kids, we loved that shit, I remember him smoking. What I don't remember is people coming out saying it promotes harmful substances. You know, while he was whoopin' the shit out of fellow aliens.

We're all fans of a product that promotes a lot of bad things. Guess what. We love it BECAUSE of the bad things. We're all fucked up! We like the violence! We like people going through tables and getting smacked in the head with chairs! FOR FUCK'S SAKE Hardy got famous by jumping off high places and somehow never dying and we LOVED that!

Don't tell me this crap about government and society and caring about human health and blah blah blah blah blah. You like wrestling, I like wrestling, we enjoy the matches and these men and women are feeling PAIN during them, even when they're not selling. This is wrestling. It promotes a lot of bad shit.

Besides, I highly doubt that a horde of kids stole their dad's cigarettes and started dragging on them sons of bitches just because Hardy did. I accidentally saw porn when I was a child, I didn't go around humping the crap out of my female peers.

Give me a break. The Government. Don't get me started on The Government. The people *****fier. "Oh he stepped on my toe! I have rights! He's a risk to my health!". "Oh, Hardy smoked a cigarette on TV! He promotes bad crap! wah!". Ugh ...

TNA is TV-14. They can do whatever the fuck they want as long as it falls in the TV-14 category. WWE killed a man on SmackDown, I don't see people objecting against that. Maybe because they're not idiots.

I find it mind-blowing that people complain about edgy things in PRO FREAKING WRESTLING! He smoked a freaking cigarette he didn't give birth to a hand for crying out loud.
Let's put the brakes on here for a second. Jeff Hardy coming out smoking a cigarette established heat for his heel character. But why?

"Tobacco smoker" ranks just below "casual late-term abortion provider" to Mr. Joe Average American. People hate smokers with this ridiculously oversized, self-righteous vitriol. There's a good reason- that shit kills you, and it kills you with an insidious slowness (I've been quit for three years now), and it's not something you want your kids doing.

It promotes Jeff Hardy as a heel, but at what price? How do your sponsors and advertisers look at this, now being affiliated with a company that's using smoking in its promotion? People here seem to have the idea that the end game in professional wrestling is to get a guy over with the crowd, and that misses a step. The end game is getting a guy over with a crowd, in a fashion that doesn't alienate your true cash cows, your advertisers.

Let's drop this "it adds depth to his character" bullshit. I am not intrigued or have my interest piqued because, OMG, Jeff Hardy smoked a cigarette. It's a form of cheap heat, like getting into a fight with Granny or having your own hideously garish championship belt. (Great investment, TNA. Glad to see you got a nice, long term of usage out of that.) As a one-off on a PPV? Fine, whatever. Jeff Hardy becoming the Enigmatic Smoker? Don't expect to see him puffing away on Impact anytime soon.
So apparently Smoking is cool again right? I'm still trying to work out how on earth this adds character or depth. Or even make him look even more heelish. I'm confused as I thought a year or so ago they was making it illegal for people to smoke on television shows that kids watch. I know, people can argue about the fact that wrestling is just as bad for kids to watch but seriously, People fight. most kids see more violence in the school yard. This was not a good way to boost Hardy's Heel status, in the end it makes him look more like an ass.
Why is everyone getting a hard-on over this?

So Jeff Hardy smoked a cigarette last night... big freakin' deal. You guys are praising it and saying things like "it adds depth to his heel character." Are you serious??

First of all, if we really want to analyze this, TNA is crossing the line into the realm of going against the grain by advertising that one of their top heels and arguably the most popular wrestler of the past decade is now a smoker. Therefore, TNA is reminding us about how we shouldn't consider their talent as role models for younger people. Secondly, by allowing Jeff to smoke cigarettes on the way to the ring, TNA is basically saying that it's ok to get arrested for drugs and illegal substances and they'll just embrace Jeff's dangerous lifestyle and show everyone that there's nothing he won't do to continue poisoning his body. But you guys feel free to go ahead and continue to give TNA a pat on the back for this type of booking.

I'm not an advocate of anything that encourages younger audience members to smoke, excessively drink, or do drugs. Regardless of whether TNA wants to continue down this slippery slope of trying to push the envelope or not, they should know where to draw the line with subjects of taboo. Shame on TNA for this.

D-Man, You are very right about this. These guys are a bunch of Jeff Hardy marks and to praise him smoking on worldwide TV is just ridiculous. I hate to sound demeaning out here but it's just sad to see the standard of some of these fans. But what really boggles my mind is, HOW IS IT THAT TNA ACTUALLY SUPPORTS THIS KIND OF STUFF? HOW?!!

The guy is a father of a baby, has court issues and all this kind of stuff and TNA doesn't do anything about it? What kind of company does that? It's pathetic. It's this kind of stuff that made me lose respect for both Matt and Jeff Hardy and TNA.

And I'm sure people would bring up "Ohhh, well Stone Cold drank beer on TV. Isn't that bad?". Well, at least Stone Cold was able to be at work and not go to court and make a disgrace out of himself. There's no "Attitude Era" so nothing about Jeff Hardy smoking is cool. We probably got some smokers in here. That's probably it...
People fight. most kids see more violence in the school yard. This was not a good way to boost Hardy's Heel status, in the end it makes him look more like an ass.

Don't people smoke either? I'm sure kids see people smoking on the streets all the time, even more than they see people fighting.

And isn't making a heel look like an ass exactly what TNA is looking for?
And I'm sure people would bring up "Ohhh, well Stone Cold drank beer on TV. Isn't that bad?". Well, at least Stone Cold was able to be at work and not go to court and make a disgrace out of himself. There's no "Attitude Era" so nothing about Jeff Hardy smoking is cool. We probably got some smokers in here. That's probably it...

First off, thank you for agreeing with me. It's amazing how closed-minded people can become when speaking about a subject they hold so dearly. Which brings me to my next point...

I like how Chicago1989 pointed out that it's probably the smokers that are defending this new "depth" to Hardy's character. I'm 5 years removed from being a 16-year smoker and even I didn't think of that. But he's 100% right...

I remember that when I was a smoker, I was so addicted that I felt the need to band together with other smokers, promoting its usage. Anyone that spoke negatively on the subject of smoking was labeled by me as an imbecile, and I was quite ignorant about its harmful effects. Now, as I said, I'm a quit smoker and I can't believe I ever felt that way.

You guys feel that cigarettes aren't that harmful or aren't that much of consequence but you couldn't be more incorrect. They are very addictive, gradually harmful, and shameful substances that should never be taken lightly. While cigarettes are used as a characteristic for "bad guys" on other television shows, the difference between those shows and pro-wrestling is that stupid kids don't mimic the other shows... they mimic wrestling. This subject can't be taken lightly. I'm still feeling the long-term effects of smoking and I've been a quitter for five years. This shit is no joke.
Honestly this did not affect me either way, this does not make him a better heel and I'm also not disgusted that this happened People Smoke I personally do not smoke and I don't understand why people would decide to smoke but I'm not Up in arms like some people are. It is what is. If he wants to Smoke he will have to deal with the consequences that come from smoking later in his life.
The funny/sad/ironic thing is, that this follows what was for the most part a smart angle about concussions and injuries in the business.

And of course that is a point which leads to other problems within TNA. They have become a haven for wrestlers who have bad reps for addictive problems in the past. By showing quite reckless abandon for steroids, social drugs use, careless blading even - all of this is setting a bad example and showing a very bad side to a busness that we know and love, but many jump all to quickly to criticise it and it's times like these which do not help.

This is much worse than Stone Cold having a beer bath, beating up his boss. There are serious long term health implications. I am worried that TNA are letting people work when they are not healthy or in the right mind to perform safely.

(I feel that TNA were forced to take the belt from Hardy because of the court thing but I dont think they would have acted if he didnt have possible jail time hanging over him. He & his brother and their drug-abusing circle of friends all need a wake up call. Sure, smoking on screen isn't bad but TNA will get negative coverage from it. )
I thought it was stupid when The Giant (The Big Show for those of you who didn't watch WCW and know nothing about wrestling :)) did it, and I think it's stupid now. Why? To get him over as a heel? Another stupid, small-time tactic from the minds of Bischoff and Russo.

I'm not as upset with Jeff smoking as I am with some of you acting as though this is some great, ingenius idea. Wow, he smoked a cigarette, what a rebel! I think it's pointless, and unnecessary. Like I said earlier, Jeff smoking a cigarette is not enough to make me comment. However, people on this forum acting like this is the smartest thing ever put in front of us is rather annoying. It was a cheap move.
I'll get this out of the way first, I'm Straight-Edge. I'm sure all you know what that entails. Now, while yes Jeff Hardy smoking to the ring was controversial, it did its job. We're talking about it. If you don't like it, if you don't want your kids to see it or be influenced by it. There is an easy fix to said problem. It's called, turning off the TV or changing the channel. Very simple. If you are going to let your kids be influenced by fake characters on TV then you should not hate on this because you're clearly as idiotic as you're claiming us to be. I like the idea of Hardy smoking, because it adds an edge to the character that he was missing as a heel. Was it a good move overall? Not likely, but its got us talking so it worked. When I was younger, I loved Austin. Still do to this day. Do I excessivly drink? No, I don't drink at all. And its for a very simple thing: PROPER PARENTING. It's not the job of characters on TV to influence kids. It's the job of the parents to make sure their children are aware to not imitate whats on TV because of how dangerous it is. So if your kids are influenced by it, before pointing the finger at whats on TV, look at yourself and ask "Have I done my job as a parent to protect my kid from what could be dangerous my childs health?"

And just remember, wrestling promotes solving issues with enemies by fighting and the use of excessive violence. If you don't want your kids influenced by wrestling, then don't let them watch it. And if you have moral problems with it, then turn it off or change the channel.
I'll get this out of the way first, I'm Straight-Edge. I'm sure all you know what that entails. Now, while yes Jeff Hardy smoking to the ring was controversial, it did its job. We're talking about it. If you don't like it, if you don't want your kids to see it or be influenced by it. There is an easy fix to said problem. It's called, turning off the TV or changing the channel. Very simple.

Ugh... :disappointed: another poster with the #1 defense for said angle on TNA television... ignorance.

Listen, I'm not going to call my congressman over this but face facts... this shit is being put on television for the entire world to see. I could change the channel but that doesn't mean other will. By taking that stance of "just turn it off", you're becoming an advocate and your "straight-edge" status just went into the toilet along with the log I left for you.

If you are going to let your kids be influenced by fake characters on TV then you should not hate on this because you're clearly as idiotic as you're claiming us to be.

Obviously you don't have any kids because any parent with 1/2 a brain in their head would reply to this dribble by saying that parents don't "let" their kids do anything; kids have minds of their own. We can advise them until they're blue in the face but ultimately, it's their decision. And it's also TNA's decision to do stupid shit like this at the expense of influencing others to create health risks for themselves by continuing to put this shit on TV.

I like the idea of Hardy smoking, because it adds an edge to the character that he was missing as a heel. Was it a good move overall? Not likely, but its got us talking so it worked.

Yeah, we'll talk about it. But why is that a good thing ALL of the time?

And just remember, wrestling promotes solving issues with enemies by fighting and the use of excessive violence. If you don't want your kids influenced by wrestling, then don't let them watch it. And if you have moral problems with it, then turn it off or change the channel.

Apples and oranges. 90% of television has violence as a part of their programming. That doesn't mean smoking fits in the same category. And NOTHING on television gets mimicked more than pro-wrestling. Stop being so ignorant.
IT'S NOT TVS JOB TO RAISE KIDS! I've been watching wrestling since I was 11, and I'm almost 21 now. No, I don't have kids but clearly I have a better idea and grasp how to properly raise kids. You're right, much of TV has violence, so it is your job as a parent to raise your kids properly. If you take the hands off approach and just be as ignorant as "They have a mind of their own" then sit down, shut up and don't complain that they're being influenced by TV because you are doing NOTHING to teach your kids. Parents are too quick to blame everything else, besides their own lack of parenting. I think differently from my own parents, but I was still raised to know that violence on TV should not be imitated, wrestling is fake, to not solve problems with violence, to not do anything to harm or poison my body. MY PARENTS TAUGHT ME THAT BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR JOB!
Parents are too quick to blame everything else, besides their own lack of parenting.

Something a young person would say.

You think it's a parent's job to keep up with the media, television programming, and other forms of peripherals that influence our youth to do harmful things to themselves and others? Sometimes, we ALL need to take responsibility for the future of our society. Ignorance is the wrong way to go. Take your own advice since you point the finger as much as you claim everyone else does.

TNA needs to do what is best for their fans if they want to prove to us that everything isn't about ratings and a paycheck.

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