Jeff and Matt vs Edge and Lita and so on...


Pez Master

I think Jeff and Matt Hardy should be tag partners again and fight Edge and Lita. Then Lita should turn on Edge and go with the Hardy Boyz again. Then Edge and Christian should come together and fight against the Hardy Boyz, wouldn't that be a good storyline? They should have a TLC match at one of the PPV's or at a good Raw or Smackdown.

Pez Master
I don't think so. Christian is under TNA contract. I wouldn't mind seeing The Hardy Boys vs Rob Van Dam and Sabu in TLC match.
If they do make a team, it i0s more than likely that Ashley will join, cos Matt is dating Ashley i think, and Christian quit remewmber so why would he want to come back
Yes. Recycle old storylines. Bring back old teams. Because WWE can't write anything new. We get it. How about we bring back the Gobbeldy Gookey why we are at it?
In case you haven't noticed, WWE recycles storylines all the time, moron. The reuse what has worked in the past.

If were talking about Tag teams..

Bring Rikishi back and have 2 cool win the SD titles.

that would be alright.. better then the pittbulls..


Hardys are coming back by Wm23..
The E&C vs. Hardys Rivalry is over No sense in reviving the dead or the damn'd for that matter

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