Jay Bradley: Yay or Nay?

Jay Bradley: Yes or No?

  • Yes.

  • No.

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I'll be honest — I went into this match having been really unimpressed with that weak ass promo Bradley cut early on in the show before wrestling his match, but I came out much more impressed by how well he worked that strong Japanese style. It's been a while since we've seen a guy work that stiff, no? The kicker for me was two-fold, though. Not only did he win with a fantastic lariat (a move we haven't seen since the Desmond Wolfe days), but it's already been named as the Boom Stick. Hell, he's even got it plugged as a hash tag on his Twitter account.

For me, this is as clearest as a Gut Check contestant has ever been to a yes for me. He's got an awful tattoo and there's no much there by means of gimmick yet, but this kid (man?) has got great size and looks confident in his body in the ring. He'll need that extra little something to get it going for him, but with the smallest gimmick change I think TNA have got something here.

It's a yes for me.
Jay Bradley is actually an original member of Aces and 8s - never confirmed - but widely accepted as true.

He wrestled the dark match the Impact after Slammiversary where Sting was first attacked by three men who we eventually became to know as Aces and 8s, and his body is pretty identical to one of the original attackers.

As for Bradley's wrestling prowess, he's a former WWE developmental wrestler whose said to have improved a lot the last few years and is currently a top guy in Billy Corgan's Resistance Pro wrestling company where he's had matches with the likes of Xpac and Vader.

He might not have much depth on the mic, but the guy tries too market himself and is a stiff working big man whose reliable in the ring. With some direction from TNA, the guy definitely has potential and I won't say "he's future world champion," but it will definitely be interesting to see this 6'5 competent worker feud with the likes of TNA's upper-midcard.

If I were using TNA's roster to judge him, I'd have to say YES to this guy because he's just better then a percentage of them and all around he's better then most other gut check contestants beside Joey Ryan.
Definitely a yes for me. I liked his ring presence, and for a guy whose 6'5" but not really that jacked to get me to take a look at him is something quite impressive. Plus his lariat looks brutal and I love the name "Boom Stick" take that Kofi Kingston! The guy has a lot of downside though as we havent seen much in the way of any promo ability, but that can be taught, the one thing that can't though is what he does have...Star Quality.
I really wish that match lasted longer but from what I saw it's a yes from me as well. He looked strong and it's nice to see some bigger guys on gut check, I feel there are a lot of x-division guys. He's 32 years old (wikipedia) which puts him right int he prime of his career. If he did get signed I would like to see him on TV soon. That Boom Stick Lariat was sweet as well and this is from a guy that doesn't care for striking finishers.
I have watched Bradley up close in Resistance and he continually puts on excellent matches. He is a great worker. I think he has the charisma, but it just takes a bit to come out. I have talked with him on and off camera and he is an intelligent funny guy. If given the chance, I think he can have a solid career with the big boys.
It's a yes for me. I like him. Promo needs some work, but in these things you have to have certain schtick. You have to say I want this, need an oppotunity, etc, etc. We'll see what type of character he has. I could see him easily being an "enforcer" for a singles guy. He would easily fit as a guy for Roode or Aries in that bodyguard-esque role.

At 32, he'll need to get his chance right now. He might have been a better option to debut in Aces and 8's, but I'm interested to see.

I was dissappointed to have him go against Brian Cage. I'd like to see Brian Cage in TNA too. He didn't quite show as much as Bradley, but his work in NWA Hollywood has been good. If this is the caliber of guys they bring in, then this may be a bigger deal than I thought for Gut Check.
I'm in support of Bradley being given a spot on the main roster, but I still feel that he should have been brought in as an A&8s member. Perhaps this is a sign that they see him as being above that.

Bradley is 32, so much like York, they can't wait around with him. If he gets a yes from the judges he needs to be immediately inserted onto the main roster and put in a position to actually get ring time on Impact.

My biggest problem with how last night went down is that going in I was under the impression that both men would have a chance to earn contracts, but they seemed to make it clear that only one of them was eligible.

That is a serious bummer, as I really hoped that Brian Cage would be signed to TNA. I feel that with his age and talent level he could've been molded into a main event player for the company.

All I can imagine is that Cage was not ready to join TNA full time, but wanted to take advantage of this chance to get seen by a national audience. Perhaps they have future plans for him down the line.
Actually, I thought both guys were pretty damn good. Personally, I liked Cage a whole lot better simply because I usually buy into wrestlers with great looks a lot more than others who might have more talent.

Overall, they both kicked ass.

As far as who should be signed, I'm not sure but I think they'll both be judged? Thus both can be signed or maybe the rule is that only one can.

Either way, this is a win-win sutiaton for TNA. Two guys, good looks, talented, fairly young - why not.

Enjoy not being used for 16 months, boys!
I wasn't all that impressed initially with Bradley. I thought his introductory promo was beyond weak and was along the same generic path as most Gut Check competitors. At least he didn't try to throw some sob story in there.

His overall look and in-ring style impressed me though. He reminds me quite a bit of Wade Barrett in those areas. Like Barrett, he's a good sized guy but he's not jacked to the gills and, also like Barrett, he has a stiff looking style that looks physical & tough. I think he's miles ahead of the guys from OVW that TNA's brought in.

I'd have liked to have seen more though. These three minute matches don't really give you enough time to really see the whole picture. But based purely on first impressions, I'd go with yay. Given that he played the heel role last night, however, I won't be at all surprised if he doesn't get it. The Gut Check judges have said given a thumbs up to the last several competitors, so somebody is due for a no. Unfortunately, I think Bradley will be that guy.
I think Bradley is the most impressive guy they've had on Gut Check so far. He's long and lankey and has a no nonsense style, kind of like a TNA bizarro version of Wade Barrett. He is in that size ratio between the average pro wrestler and the giants. They say styles make matches and I would like to see how his style fairs against TNA mainstays. He's definately in for me.

The other wrestler Brian Cage had a good look and a nice elbow drop. It's a shame the match was so one sides as new announcer Todd Keneley said Cage a really huge move set.
Jay is a great example of why I think they changed the format, what's the point of having a 6'5" brute of a man come onto Gut Check to be (effectively) squashed? You want him to come on and decimate someone.

The downside is that I was quite impressed with Brian too, he definitely has a good look - well defined without looking steroid enhanced. Plus he did look reasonably solid with the little offence he was allowed and sold pretty well.

As to the promos, I don't think anybody can really do much with a Gut Check promo, it just doesn't lend itself in that way.

Both guys impressed me enough to want to see them again, but (given the match layout and the commentators indicating only one gets a slot) young Mr Bradley looks like he will be the only one to go through.
Before I get started, I would just like to say that I love the new look Gut Check. I think it makes more sence to have two Gut Check Contestants fight it out, then have just one come in and get squashed by a superstar on the roster that Jobs most weeks. it makes them look week and you don't really get to see what they can do in the ring.

As for Jay Bradley, I though the guy looked really good. the guy has a good look in my opinion and at 6'5" the guy looked as if he could come straight into tna and really dominate. I have to agree with IDR when he said that Bradleys Promo was bad, But after seeing him in action I don't thing Bradley will have any problems getting a yes from the judges.

the only thing that disapointed me about gut check is the fact that only one of the guys can go through to face the judges and being a fan of Brian Cage i'm a little upset. The guy has it all and given the chance could easily be a main event player in TNA.
I agree with those that said his promo was weak, but then his match impressed me for sure. I liked his style, and actually wish the match had went a bit longer. He is definitely a yes for me. I actually liked both guys, but for me Bradley was the stronger of the two. Becoming more a fan of gut check each time it is on.
Just seen this match, I'd actually sign both guys. They actually look like they'd be a pretty good match to tag up with each other.

Cage brought out some flashy moves but man Bradley is a beast, something about him I really liked. Nice stiff style and I'm a sucker for striking finishers.

That little 3 minute match was all win in my book.

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