Jason Bateman craps on his own film (The Change Up)


King Of The Ring
"It's crap", he called it, in an interview with John Stewart of the Daily Show. "Absolute garbage", he continued, all while keeping a straight face. When pushed further by Stewart as to why, Bateman said the following.

"Here's what I'm going to promise you, is that while it is a tired - some would say, pleasantly familiar - premise...our obligation is to please you post-switch."

In an era where most stars go out of there way to promote their movies, Im not sure if it's a brilliant idea by Bateman to step out of the ordinary self-promotion most stars do, or if its sheer stupidity. Perhaps his agenda is to garner more interest in the movie to see if what Bateman is saying is true or not. Im guessing its a ploy, because Ryan Reynolds has been saying similar things. Reynolds said the following:

"Body switching is a pretty stupid f---g idea, but the movie's funny. If they go, they'll laugh their d-– off."

The critics have blasted the movie thusfar, with only 22% of the people who've seen the advanced screening have labeled the movie "fresh" on IMDB's website. it's obvious they're trying to garner interest in their movie, but in a unique way. Is this a smart strategy by Bateman and Reynolds, or one that will backfire in their face?

To be fair, this movie was never going to be anything other than a grown up version of Freaky Friday and that's exactly what it has turned out to be. However, some things just do not translate well when you are trying to sell them to another type of audience and that is probably what has happened here.

In all honesty, this is not a movie that I think looks ultimately bad. I just think that they have tried too hard to stick to a generic formula instead of adding a twist in there. If they think that making an adult version of a movie cliché is a twist, then they are sorely mistaken and deserve all of the bad press that they are getting.

That being said, I kind of like the look of the movie, if only because of the actors that are involved therein. I like Bateman a lot and I really liked his role in Horrible Bosses. Ryan Reynolds had a niche and I think that this is his kind of film. The fact that they have both come out and panned their own movie makes me think that they are pretty selfish. They both accepted the roles and I bet they accepted the money for that. If you are going to take a big dump all over the people who will go and see your movie, then at least stand by your dump.

The trailer makes it look pretty funny but only because of the actors. I guess we will see what happens come opening weekend.
They are criticizing the premise not the movie. Bateman made the comments on the Daily Show. A show that is known for it's dry humor and sarcasm. Bateman goes on in the interview to talk about how this is the first time one of these movies was made for an R rated audience. The author of the article that you grabbed your quotes from either didn't pick up on the humor, stopped watching after the initial comment, or is picking and choosing what he wants to report on just to be sensational and get more hits.
Reynolds is criticizing the premise of the movie, Bateman is both criticizing the movie and the premise. I understand what the Daily Show is, that's where I pulled the quotes from. Im inclined to agree with Dave---you sign on to a movie, get paid a crapload of money---and you insult the nature of the movie--- along with the flick itself. Even if they are criticizing the premise, isn't that in essence an indictment on themselves for taking roles in a movie with what they considered to be a bad ideal? They didn't write the movie, they got paid to act in it. Im guessing they read the script before accepting their roles, so to come on and say that they dislike the premise and in Bateman's case, the movie itself, is quite hypocritical.

Ill likely see this movie anyway, as it does look funny to me. Ive liked Bateman since his days on Arrested Development, and he's played minor but key roles in great movies such as Juno and Up in the Air as well. Reynolds is hit or miss for me. He was great in Buried, and Definitely, Maybe wasn't bad either. I feel this is the role best suited for him however, and the trailer seems to indicate he and Bateman have decent chemistry.

I don't expect to leave this movie deep in thought, and I'm guessing its a paint-by-numbers film where each man learns to appreciate their lives more after switching places. The R-Rated version of the movie makes me think it will be quite funny and overtly raunchy at the same time. Most of the critic reviews have sandbagged the movie, so Im not expecting much except for some cheap jokes. I just wonder if Bateman and Reynolds "ploy" to perhaps garner more interest will wind up turning people off. If so, they only have themselves to blame for being too open about their thoughts on the movie before it opened.
I saw this yesterday and to be honest, it made me actually want to see the movie. I had no interest before because all of these body switching movies always blow ass. But when I saw Bateman say exactly what I was thinking, I decided it was worth seeing. I appreciate the fact that he decided not to bullshit me and try to say that the plot was even remotely original or interesting because I already know it isn't.

It's not going to be an amazing movie, but it will probably be funny. I'm glad they kept it real.
LSN80 - they are being honest (it is basically a worked shoot), the premise is stupid and has been done to death. They are openly admitting that in a funny way.

Have you watched the full interview on the Daily Show? He is trying to be likeable, charming and funny, not criticize the movie.

Here is a promo that they both did for the movie that is clearly staged and must have gotten approval:


If the producers are allowing them to act this way in the promo I don't think the producers have any problem with the interview.

I won't get to see it (my wife and I don't get out much with two small kids) in the theater. I will put it on our Netflix for sure. Jason Bateman has been funny since Silver Spoons and Ryan Reynolds makes a great smartass.

I agree with everything you say in your last paragraph. The movie is definitely not going to have a lot of depth. The R-rating on this premise should be interesting. It should be interesting to see how well it does in the theaters with how they are choosing to promote the movie. Let us know what you think of it.

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