Jasmine's Sig Shop

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Occasional Pre-Show
Hello all.. I don't think there's actually a current, active sig shop around here.. The GFX around here is well.. non-existent. Buttt I plan to change that :D

Request what you'd like on your sig, and I'll do my best to have it up ASAP.

Examples of my work..




If there's a particular style you like in general, or from the sigs that I've shown you, ask for it and I'll do it..
Hey man, thanks for the sig, I'll be sure to use it for the time being. But I was wondering, could you make me one with Chris Jericho and Kennedy on it, or just Chris Jericho ? It would be awesome.
Hey good to see another Sig Shop open as things have been pretty slow here recently..

I was wondering if you would be able to make me a Sig for my Book this Fed??

I was hoping to have the word Supremacy up the top, and the words 'Only on Book This' in one of the bottom corners.

I was also after a collection of the following wrestlers, Triple H The Rock, AJ Styles, Monty Brown, Christian Cage, Brock John Cena & Y2J..

Anything else is up 2 u like colours etc, as I really have no idea.

Props and Rep if your able to do this for me..

Thanks in advance
Okay guys, sorry I would've done this sooner, but I acted out and got grounded. I'll have them by tomorrow night.
Got grounded? Damn thats gotta suck Jasmine!!

No worries, thanks vey much Im looking forward to seeing what you can do as some of your other stuff is very cool.




Meh, posters and book-it's are my weaknesses.

EDIT: Damnit, I tried to remember what wrestlers you said, and Batista isn't on the list. I'll re-do.
Thanks great Job Jasmine, yeah just replce Batista with perhaps Y2J or Cena and its done

Simply amazing

Thanks again
No, I meant could you just possibly stick Kennedy to Jericho's right in the last picture ? And add the name or take them both off. That would be great.

Sucks to be grounded, been there, a long time ago, but been there :p.
size 404X204
colors: purple and silver
Make it a jeff hardy sig. use whatever pics you want.
Size: 500x300
Background: Bloody Red
Pictures: WCW Raven, and Randy Ortom
Text: At the top put BloodBath, at the bottom put Live On Pay Per View May 19 2007
Can I have a Mr.Kennedy Sig details:
I want a pic of him with the MITB case, him on the ladder reaching for the MITB case, a pic of him doin the GreenBay Plunge. Can I get the background like green.
Text:On the top: Mr.Kennnnnnnnnnnnedy On the Bottom:Is now MRRRRRRRRRRR.Money in the bank.

Please and thanx I'm gonna rep you for this.
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