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James Storm Not in the BFG Series? WTF?

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
I was reading TNA iMPACT results & the 12 BFG series competitors & I read over them, just normal stuff, then it hit me,James Storm was not on The BFG Series list. Also missing was
Matt Morgan. To me it makes the BFG Series a complete joke, I mean are you kidding me. Storm & Roode should be that company's #1 & 2 guys.

I figure Morgan will be in a program with Bully Ray during the series, but I don't think that is the case for Storm. I get that AJ Styles is most likely going to win, & I have no problem with that, but for Storm to not be in the list of 12 is just stupid to me. I know he is in a brand new tag team with Gunner (whitch isn't the dumbest idea ever) but Storm was already in arguably TNA's best 2 homegrown tag-teams ever in A.M.W & Beer Money.
He is past the tag-team scene, & in my humble opinion I think is the top babyface in the American wrestling scene,if not top behind CeNa but I know the IWC has no love for 5 move John Boy.

TNA should of brough Gunner & Crimson back together as a Tag-Team, I read that they teamed up for the "Jokers Wild" iPPV & they did a good job.TNA could of played on the fact they were both military me & have them be like some sort of Universal Soldier type gimmick. Storm will most definitely give Gunner a little rub, but he should be treated as a single maineventer, not some Marty Jannetty or Jim NiedHart tag-team speacialist guy.

They obviously didn't take him out of th series because he is in a tag team because they included Chris Daniel's & Kazarian, also
Bobby Roode & Austin Aries. But to have Jay Bradley in it over Storm is ridiculous. I understand he is a hot younger talent & management obviously like Bradley but hell I would rather see Gunner in there.(also TNA need's to give Gunner a last name)
The only other 2 names I can argue besides Bradley are Joseph Park & Hernandez(TNA needs to give him a 1st name)
Abyss wouldn't be as bad as the Parkgimmick for this tournament, & Hernandez missed his window right before Hogan came in Hernandez was being booked as a fast rising mid carder headed to main event,the same way they always book Matt Morgan.After the talent exchange with AAA, when he came back it was to late.i think him & Chavo are being booked as good as they should be.With Daniels,Kaz,Roode, & Aries competing in the series maybe they should give them the tag-yeam titles.
Im just hoping maybe they have a peogram planned where he challenges Bradley,Park, or Hernandez for their spot.

I hope Storm can put his love for Tennesseeian Dixie Carter & go end his active Wrestler day's with WWE, If they have JTG & Yoshi Tatsu they will take a James Storm or a Bobby Roode for sure. He would be better
re-hashing Beer Money inc in WWE for better money & more fan awareness in the big leagues.
isnt this the same complaint we heard for months now? morgan and storm?

storm was in the nothing-going-on spot for months and has been given a tag title, instead of doing nothing because he was not going to win the BFG series, the main event is so crowded its not even funny.
hardy, (sting), roode, styles, even Sabin, the rest of the bfg guys, you name it. all gunning for bullys title. why does one less guy turn it into a joke?

who says they arent going to put morgan with stings MEM and use his frustration over hogans booking in an angle?

so what is the problem? i'm not saying that the morgan thing WILL happen or that storm is better off as a tag title holder but it can still lead to something, just look at roode - he can flip the switch from tag champ and back to being a top level singles heel.
if storm "has" to be in the bfg, he should be able to do that too.
I haven't watched Impact yet (DVRed for late night tonight after the bars), but I read the list of BFG Series participants.

So no James Storm, Kurt Angle, or Matt Morgan, but we get stiffs like Joe Park (and not Abyss?), Jay Bradley, and f*cking Hernandez?

Give me a break.

I mean Hernandez hasn't been relevant in years and hasn't been worth watching ever.

More lame TNA nonsense.
this seems to be the way TNA has been going lately. not doing much with Storm. yeah he just won the tag team titles with yet another new tag team partner, but he's been there done that. he should be getting pushed in singles. I don't understand. from what I see I think he is decent enough in the ring right? he has a good finisher, with the super kick. he has a good look/image. he has a good catch line with "sorry about your damn luck".
he has been near the top of the BFG series in each of the last 2 years.

I'm OK with some lower guys being in the BFG series, since they do need some jobbers. but Storm should have been in there. I would have much rather seen Daniels and Kazarian win the tag team titles, and not being in the BFG series. then James Storm could be in there, along with also having Matt Morgan in there. Storm and Morgan deserve to get a push.
I get the impression that Storm's health is far from 100% right now. That is probably the biggest factor in all of this. If that is the case then they have been using him a lot better than many people get used who are in such a situation.
It's amazing how great wrestlers suddenly become when they are not getting a big push at a particular moment. Especially in TNA. James Storm is being under utilized all off a sudden? Wow.
People need to understand they need to have some top guys and some low guys in this tournament. Some of the low guys will get a rub and be elevated, while taking losses for the top guys. If it was all top guys it would be difficult to book and decide who will score points on a week to week basis. The truth is that TNA knows what they are doing. They know who will be in the top 4, and who will walk into BFG as the series winner. Everything they do is for a reason. Angle will probably join Sting in MEM, I could also see the same for Morgan. Storm is going to be champion again, right now he'll be healing his injuries, while elevating Gunner, and bringing a top name to the tag division. I also see Roode losing and being free to join MEM
It does seen surprising but Storm is currently carrying injuries as far as I am aware so working in a tag team and elevating Gunner is perfect for him right now, he will be back in the Main Event scene soon!

I wouldn't be surprised to see Storm and Gunner joining Sting's Main Event Mafia along with another surprise omission from the BFG series, Kurt Angle. Angle, as a former MEM member surely will be involved in that storyline in the near future. Whatever happens I will be watching and enjoying
I wouldn't be surprised to see Storm and Gunner joining Sting's Main Event Mafia

If that happens, they'll have to change the name to Mid Card Mafia, but I digress. If Storm is working through injuries, and those injuries are keeping him out of the BFG series, why is he working at all? Guys work through injuries all the time, so I'm not buying that reason for keeping him out of the BFG series. Maybe they just want him to help get Gunner established so they're keeping the focus on their tag team.
Storm is a tag champ that barely gets exposure since the initial push after beer money split why would they put him in the world title hunt aswell?
Kurt is sporting numerous injuries and they can't keep pushing him for ever, he's been taking a back seat for the past year to try and get A&8 and specifically Garret and Wes over.
I agree on Joseph Park i can't stand him personally, sure he can be funny on the Spin Cycle but thats it and Abyss hasn't been relevant in years since they killed him off

Jay Bradley has potential and they are giving him a chance, he wont win but they have to try and push new starts at some point

Hernandez is just the perpetual muscle bound moron every tournament needs :)
Morgan definately needs main event time tho he can't talk for shit.
I actually think that instead of Joseph Park (who doesnt need to be in TNA anyway), Rob Terry needed to be put in. He is not getting a push and needs to.
TNA is in the opposite situations that WWE is in. TNA has to many main eventers between Styles/Storm/Roode/Aries/Hardy/Bully Ray/Sting/Angle, not to mention a couple of guys a lot of people feel SHOULD be in the main event, Samoa Joe/Matt Morgan/Christopher Daniels, but their mid card is weak and under developed as well, mainly because the time that should be spent on the mid card goes to Hogan >.<

With so many main eventers you have to make tough choices about who is going to get where, it's similar to the attitude era of WWE where you had so many people that could be WWE champ and in the running for it. Some chased while other had their own fued. Storm is in that place now it isn't insulting to him at all and in time I believe he's going to find his way back to the title, at least he should.
TNA is in the opposite situations that WWE is in. TNA has to many main eventers between Styles/Storm/Roode/Aries/Hardy/Bully Ray/Sting/Angle, not to mention a couple of guys a lot of people feel SHOULD be in the main event, Samoa Joe/Matt Morgan/Christopher Daniels, but their mid card is weak and under developed as well, mainly because the time that should be spent on the mid card goes to Hogan >.<

With so many main eventers you have to make tough choices about who is going to get where, it's similar to the attitude era of WWE where you had so many people that could be WWE champ and in the running for it. Some chased while other had their own fued. Storm is in that place now it isn't insulting to him at all and in time I believe he's going to find his way back to the title, at least he should.

Precisely. This just goes to show that the argument about TNA not being able to build anyone is bullshit. They built too many people who looked great that now some of them are going to get left out and makes us go 'WTF'.

At the same time, Storm's got a neat little thing going in the tag division. Maybe they'll feud them with someone and he'll be too busy with that.

Even if he was in it, what's he gonna add? The only time I was interested in Storm was when he was feuding with Roode, and I'm thinking I was interested BECAUSE of Roode. Other than that, Storm's really blah to me. He always has the same match, always has the same cheap pop filled promo, he'll come out, drink some beer, do an unrealistically slow superkick and that's about it.

The guy needs an edge and something to make him interesting again. That or a really good heel to go up against him. Storm's a lot like Hardy. They're both good only when they're chasing something and boring as fuck when they get it.
Precisely. This just goes to show that the argument about TNA not being able to build anyone is bullshit. They built too many people who looked great that now some of them are going to get left out and makes us go 'WTF'.

At the same time, Storm's got a neat little thing going in the tag division. Maybe they'll feud them with someone and he'll be too busy with that.

Even if he was in it, what's he gonna add? The only time I was interested in Storm was when he was feuding with Roode, and I'm thinking I was interested BECAUSE of Roode. Other than that, Storm's really blah to me. He always has the same match, always has the same cheap pop filled promo, he'll come out, drink some beer, do an unrealistically slow superkick and that's about it.

The guy needs an edge and something to make him interesting again. That or a really good heel to go up against him. Storm's a lot like Hardy. They're both good only when they're chasing something and boring as fuck when they get it.

I disagree with yo completely. Shocking, isn't it?

First off, both companies run into similar problems in that many guys hover around the main event but because they just consistently beat each other, it's not like there's 1 or 2 guys that you could beat that means anything at all. At least in WWE, if you beat Cena, that's a wow moment no matter how you do it. That's not the point here though.

When you watch Impact Wrestling, the most over man isn't Hogan, it isn't Hardy, and it isn't Angle......it's Storm. Still to this day in live arenas, Storm is the most over guy. I know some loon will say "but his pops coming out aren't any bigger than those other guys!" Maybe so, but much like Daniel Bryan, he's gotten the babyface psychology of a match down to a T so that the crowd actually invests themselves in his matches. The crowd reacts to what he does in the ring more than anybody else and in TNA, it isn't really close.

Thus, there's a legitimate gripe to why the most over guy in the company is nowhere near the world title. Obviously that should have happened at Lockdown last year but a catastrophic mistake was made. Still, if the guy can stay over the way he has, it's impressive. Unfortunately, rather than have Storm being the savior, we have heel AJ who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I'd take Storm kicking some ass and taking the title every time over that crap.

You can't teach a class on getting over, you just have to have "it" sometimes to do it and Storm has "it". He is over as a babyface and he deserves better than he's getting. Not sure being in the BFG series would have been the thing he needs but the career of James Storm is just a shame.

Oh and Zevon, anything Bobby Roode was during his reign was BECAUSE OF STORM. People were just waiting for Storm to kick his ass.........and then they didn't get it. Then the reign fell flatter than Paris Hilton's tits because it should have been over already.
As much as I like James Storm, the guy simply has no momentum and hasn't had any momentum for quite a long while. Even right now teaming with Gunner, it ultimately comes across as merely something for Storm to do to pass the time. It wouldn't have bothered me to see him in the BFG Series but it looks as though TNA has lost interest in pushing him as a major singles competitor. He's still a young man in the grand scheme of life but at 36 years of age, he's not getting any younger as a pro wrestler when it comes to main event singles pushes.

Maybe Storm isn't all that healthy at the moment either. I think I read something a little while back in which Storm either pulled or tore a groin muscle when he gave the Last Call to someone? It's happened only within the past 5 or 6 weeks I think.

Like I said though, Storm is someone that has no real momentum. Unless there's some fairly odd, though potentially interesting, booking changes for many of the BFG Series competitors, then Storm would ultimately be just a body used to fill space without even a dim chance of winning.
I disagree with yo completely. Shocking, isn't it?

First off, both companies run into similar problems in that many guys hover around the main event but because they just consistently beat each other, it's not like there's 1 or 2 guys that you could beat that means anything at all. At least in WWE, if you beat Cena, that's a wow moment no matter how you do it. That's not the point here though.

When you watch Impact Wrestling, the most over man isn't Hogan, it isn't Hardy, and it isn't Angle......it's Storm. Still to this day in live arenas, Storm is the most over guy. I know some loon will say "but his pops coming out aren't any bigger than those other guys!" Maybe so, but much like Daniel Bryan, he's gotten the babyface psychology of a match down to a T so that the crowd actually invests themselves in his matches. The crowd reacts to what he does in the ring more than anybody else and in TNA, it isn't really close.

Thus, there's a legitimate gripe to why the most over guy in the company is nowhere near the world title. Obviously that should have happened at Lockdown last year but a catastrophic mistake was made. Still, if the guy can stay over the way he has, it's impressive. Unfortunately, rather than have Storm being the savior, we have heel AJ who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I'd take Storm kicking some ass and taking the title every time over that crap.

You can't teach a class on getting over, you just have to have "it" sometimes to do it and Storm has "it". He is over as a babyface and he deserves better than he's getting. Not sure being in the BFG series would have been the thing he needs but the career of James Storm is just a shame.

Oh and Zevon, anything Bobby Roode was during his reign was BECAUSE OF STORM. People were just waiting for Storm to kick his ass.........and then they didn't get it. Then the reign fell flatter than Paris Hilton's tits because it should have been over already.

It's ZEVEN, and the reason people wanted Roode's ass to get kicked was because he was a damn good heel and turned on his best friend. All Storm had to do is walk out, do his cheap pops and enjoy as Bobby Roode carries the storyline.

Roode > Storm. No question.
I agree that TNAs problem is that they have too many main event level guys. Hardy, Bully, Angle, Roode, Aries, Storm, Sting, Styles and guys that should be like Samoa Joe and Daniels and Kazarian (who are amazing together-I can't believe WWE hasn't grabbed them). All of this mainevent stuff could be sorted out with the TV title. TNA should make it a viable legit title. Give it to someone and have him have great feuds over it! The old NWA/WCW TV title was a legit great title that guys like Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Lex Luger, Steven Regal, Ultimate Dragon and Booker T (did he ever elevate that title or what?!). If TNA did this it would give many of the wrestlers in their very crowded main event something to do. I simply do not understand TNAs complete incompetence when it comes to handling their titles. The TV and X division titles have been rendered useless. TNA has three singles title (excluding the womans title) and they ignore all but one. I don't get much of what happens in TNA anymore. Their obsession with super factions (had a super faction every year since the companies inception), the fact that they push Hogan as a super bad ass, but he can't wrestle, and the fact that they claim that wrestling matters, but they are just as bad with the soap opera sports entertainment crap as the WWE. Storm should be given the TV title which should be defended one a month on TV that way feuds can be built up and rematches given the next month. It should be a big event to defend that title on free TV and TNA should market it as such, but that's another problem with TNA... the seem to only spend about 50 cents on marketing their product. I don't get how a company that is 11 years old hasn't figured all of this stuff out yet. It's is mind numbing to think about sometimes because it makes absolutely no sense.
I'm positive Storm would've been included if not for his injuries. Notice how Gunner is currently doing all the work in the tag matches, (helps Gunner look stronger too). I'm a HUGE fan of Storm's I really think he was the shit when he was feuding with Roode and I think he was TNA's top babyface and would've been great for him to dethrone champ Roode, but alas events played out differently.

Aries beat Roode instead (which will still go down as a historic moment in TNA, was amazing) and Storm was usurped by Hardy who went on to beat Aries. And ever since then, Storm just hasn't been held in as high regard anymore which is really unfortunate IMO as I thought he was awesome doing great matches and promos. He did some FANTASTIC matches with Bully Ray in the BFG Series and I'd love to see him have a crack at world champ Bully but it's unlikely at this point.

Anyway those moaning about lack of certain people and inclusion of others, did you want this Series to be an exact replica of last year's? Variety is the spice of life! And those mentioned have valid reasons for not being in.

James Storm, injured and tag champ
Kurt Angle, Feud with Rampage
Matt Morgan, boring as fuck
It's ZEVEN, and the reason people wanted Roode's ass to get kicked was because he was a damn good heel and turned on his best friend. All Storm had to do is walk out, do his cheap pops and enjoy as Bobby Roode carries the storyline.

Roode > Storm. No question.

I was always a Roode guy. Like, for years I was. Ever since his first singles run which is underrated I think. That said, Roode's title run was kind of bleh. He had uneventful matches whose outcomes weren't in doubt and he never got that defining win. Of course, the whole point was for him to lose to Storm, who in those few months showed that he was CLEARLY the better of the two and that's something I thought I'd NEVER say but it's not even close. One guy's actions captivate a crowd while the other puts the crowd to sleep. Storm got screwed in that whole thing and he hasn't recovered. It's a shame too because he's the one guy that could actually do wonders for TNA at the top I think.

Too bad.
I agree that TNAs problem is that they have too many main event level guys. Hardy, Bully, Angle, Roode, Aries, Storm, Sting, Styles and guys that should be like Samoa Joe and Daniels and Kazarian (who are amazing together-I can't believe WWE hasn't grabbed them). All of this mainevent stuff could be sorted out with the TV title. TNA should make it a viable legit title. Give it to someone and have him have great feuds over it! The old NWA/WCW TV title was a legit great title that guys like Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Lex Luger, Steven Regal, Ultimate Dragon and Booker T (did he ever elevate that title or what?!). If TNA did this it would give many of the wrestlers in their very crowded main event something to do. I simply do not understand TNAs complete incompetence when it comes to handling their titles. The TV and X division titles have been rendered useless. TNA has three singles title (excluding the womans title) and they ignore all but one. I don't get much of what happens in TNA anymore. Their obsession with super factions (had a super faction every year since the companies inception), the fact that they push Hogan as a super bad ass, but he can't wrestle, and the fact that they claim that wrestling matters, but they are just as bad with the soap opera sports entertainment crap as the WWE. Storm should be given the TV title which should be defended one a month on TV that way feuds can be built up and rematches given the next month. It should be a big event to defend that title on free TV and TNA should market it as such, but that's another problem with TNA... the seem to only spend about 50 cents on marketing their product. I don't get how a company that is 11 years old hasn't figured all of this stuff out yet. It's is mind numbing to think about sometimes because it makes absolutely no sense.

Completly agree, we've been saying this for a while. TNA should make greater use of their secondary titles. Hell we've been saying they should have a tv title for years because of this very fact, even before the WWE guys showed up. They now have one and they've used it so poorly, it's criminal. Only tme they've use well was when Joe had a solid streak with it. My dream format would be to have more defined titles. X title would be for the young high flyers like the WCW Cruserweight title, you could have a title that would be called the "Spotlight title" wich would be for young new wrestlers coming in that would not be high flyers. Perfect title for guys like Jay Bradley. You could have a tv title only for matchs on television, you have to fight for it every week. It would have to be top starts that can put on a good match. Since there's a lot of top guys in TNA, a lot of guys could be gunning for it. Then there's the World championship that would be circled around 5 guys for a year. Then the next year that mix would change, depending on what guys would graduate to Top guy status.
I was always a Roode guy. Like, for years I was. Ever since his first singles run which is underrated I think. That said, Roode's title run was kind of bleh. He had uneventful matches whose outcomes weren't in doubt and he never got that defining win. Of course, the whole point was for him to lose to Storm, who in those few months showed that he was CLEARLY the better of the two and that's something I thought I'd NEVER say but it's not even close. One guy's actions captivate a crowd while the other puts the crowd to sleep. Storm got screwed in that whole thing and he hasn't recovered. It's a shame too because he's the one guy that could actually do wonders for TNA at the top I think.

Too bad.

What are you talking about, Roode's World title run was fantastic. It completly transformed the TNA product and made it the most watchable it had ever been. It was the Roode show every week and we had great promos and matchs and the feud with Storm was the most compelling storyline in TNA in years. Roode was such a stellar heel and used every trick in the book to win. I'll always remember the time he low-blowed General Manager Sting. Pure heel mean streak.

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