Jakes & EP Punk Are Racist/snypers a Homophobe **merged**

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He meant they're finally allowing fucking ******ed people into the army, like you Snyper. Will you please pull up your panties and fuck off already? If you have such a 'great life" going for ya, then fuck off and don't waste half of your day posting in the Prison, talking shit to people thousands of miles away.

But hey you're the smart one Snyper. After all, we're all just racists right? Yep, we're just racists, thats why there's no black mods, racism!

Do you want affirmative action for the mods as well?

1. You mean Sex Offender
2. The only panties i have are from EP Punk
3. Xfear all you do is come on and swear like a loser (that says something about your moderating capacities)
4. Fuck White People
5. Shadowmancer is also of New Zealand heritage.
6. Xfear your tied with EP Punk as the gayest person on here
7. You ramble about homosexuallity ALOT did your father fuck you when you were younger or something XFear?
8. Your the poorest excuse of a moderator ever i mean ever
9. Racism is the reaon why people
10. The forums i send these posts to sit there laughing at what poor excuses for human beings you are.
Yep all I am capable of doing is swearing, you got my Snyper. And wow, Shadowmancer is from New Zealand, awesome, I already knew that. Whats your point? I never said anything about New Zealand people, I said things about ******ed people such as yourself. And where did I once talk about homosexuality in any of these posts to you today? Not once. And maybe I'm capable of talking about homosexuality so much because I'm not a raging homophobe like yourself? Just maybe? Oh and the best part of your post is "racism is the reason why people..."

Reason why people what? You're a god damn idiot, and it doesn't matter what color your skin is. You're right, I am racist, I'm completely prejudiced against the race of ******ed people such as yourself. You got me, good job on finding me out.
Jake while you run your porn shop (which i don't believe anyway), ill be working around Austrailia wrestling for those who know about Australian wrestlers i happen to be TNT's apprentice, so i would have to beg to get ahead i just travel with him.
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