Jakes & EP Punk Are Racist/snypers a Homophobe **merged**

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Jake is probably the greatest poster wrestlezone has ever seen, with xfear coming in a close second,
Jake is probably the greatest poster wrestlezone has ever seen, with xfear coming in a close second,
i dont think brown nosing is going to help you get released. but you never know, jake might decide to pity you and let you go. but i dont think that is very likely.
I don't fall for that puppy dog shit. You know they only like you because you feed them. I'm not buyin that hoodwink.
OMG!!!!!11111!!!!! Y2Jake is an animal abuser call the RSPCA.

(incase nobody realises (unlikely among the mods and admins but with the inmates you never know) that was sarcasm, Y2Jake isnt the only person here allowed to be sarcastic)
jake please tell me that the prisoners in here are the only things that you abuse, and even then only verbally.

isnt it funny how i post more than the average inmate and yet i dont have to be here? gotta love this penial system.
I'm a racist? Seriously, where the fuck did that come from? Not only are you ******ed, but you're delerious as well. OMG, now I'm just fucking amused
not once did i say anything about the black community, you moron, like i said, you're delerious. When I said the allow you're kind now, I was referring to you being a fucking bowel jousting homo...yup, I know, I'm a homophobe now, as well as a racist, but it really means nothing coming from a complete delusional moron who uses the phrase "jew fro" in his sig. You homophbic, racist, anti-semetic sanctimonious piece of child molesting garbage.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, see this is why i come to the Prison to show other forums what WZ is all about , EP Punk is a racist, homomphobe and likes to talk about molesting and kiddie porn there's councelling for you around EP Punk.
as well as for attention starved pieces of shit like you. I would be willing to bet you are a scrawny little white kid with a shaved head, who listens to Eminem and thinks he's a badass. You say "yes mommy" and "yes daddy" whenever you speak to your drug addled parents, and you're not supposed to tell anyone when your "uncle charlie" comes to visit you
Heres how i pick your post apart

1. Im 6'2
2. From New Zealand so now what you would call white
3. I work as a personal trainer
4. I also work as a Head Trainer at AWF (Australian Wrestling Federation)
5. I'm engaged to a female
6. I am going somewhere with my life (with wrestling)

So now who's the pathetic excuse for a human being it ain't me
junior, you didn't cut up shit, if you looked in another thread, you would see exactly what i meant
He meant they're finally allowing fucking ******ed people into the army, like you Snyper. Will you please pull up your panties and fuck off already? If you have such a 'great life" going for ya, then fuck off and don't waste half of your day posting in the Prison, talking shit to people thousands of miles away.

But hey you're the smart one Snyper. After all, we're all just racists right? Yep, we're just racists, thats why there's no black mods, racism!

Do you want affirmative action for the mods as well?
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