Jack Swagger: United States Champion


Pre-Show Stalwart
Seriously, can anyone tell.me why he isn't US Champ right now? With that character and everything. We could have gotten Cesaro/Swagger. That would have been awesome. Instead we got Del Rio and Swagger with a drug bust.

After WEED THE PEOPLE, Swagger obviously isn't getting world title gold anytime soon. Why can't he be US Champ? He will do more than Kofi is. Has he even been on tv since he won it? It almost writes itself. It is just a good idea.
He should be the U.S. Champion. Originally I thought he'd come back from his hiatus possibly at the rumble and go straight for Cesaro. Cesaro had been saying that no American could beat him for the title (how right he was) so what better opponent than the All American American? The feud would culminate at Mania where Swagger would win the title.

Instead we got Swagger randomly showing up on Smackdown saying "I wanna be World Champion". He becomes #1 contender for Mania and now all of a sudden he's the "Real" American and is anti-immigration. The character was booked for the angle, which is lazy, but should we really expect anything else from WWE in the past few years?

Swagger would be a good fit for the U.S. Championship now because of that character. Angles should be booked based on what a character WOULD do, characters shouldn't randomly change to have things make sense. Swagger's character now is a pro American heel and that works perfectly with the United States title.
Seriously, can anyone tell.me why he isn't US Champ right now? With that character and everything. We could have gotten Cesaro/Swagger. That would have been awesome. Instead we got Del Rio and Swagger with a drug bust.

After WEED THE PEOPLE, Swagger obviously isn't getting world title gold anytime soon. Why can't he be US Champ? He will do more than Kofi is. Has he even been on tv since he won it? It almost writes itself. It is just a good idea.

You answered your own question. Because he got busted for drugs. Had he not been busted we more than likely wouldn't even have been having this discussion. Poor choices by Jack Swagger have put him in a crap spot. WWE can't give him the US Title either because that would look like they are rewarding someone for drugs. Once all of this blows over he'll probably become US Champion because I wouldn't think he would be the guy to knock off Ziggler or Cena. Give it time, give it time. Swagger will eventually be demoted back down out of the main event picture for guys like Antonio & Wade.
Perhaps he is deemed too good for the midcard. Swagger can put on some of the best matches in the WWE and Coulter is terrific on the mic. The mid-card champ doesn't guarantee success (both loosing to Truth) meaning he is better off challenging for the world title. IF he WAS US champ there would be a thread or two saying "give swagger a push" "why is he being wasted" etc.
Personally, I'd prefer it if Swagger stays in the mid-card after his WHC feud. The US championship would be a good starting point, or an interesting feud could start with Cesaro. Hell, a triple threat match with Kofi, Cesaro and Swagger for the US Championship would be great, he could cut a promo saying he is the only pure American and the only one pure enough to win the title at the PPV. I'd give him much more time to get any gold though, it makes it look like WWE are rewarding drug abuse, something they are obviously against.
WWE is under no obligation to punish Swagger at this point, he hasn't been convicted of anything for a start and unless he fails one of their tests then he hasn't "got to be" suspended. They could still give him a World title and say that his conduct since has been exemplary or that he was fined most of his Mania payoff...

One thing that WWE is pretty big on is that individuals have social responsibility for themselves... Rosa was sent home from the tour, but not released, they haven't fired Jey Uso, A-Ry or others with DUI's. Indeed, is what Swagger did any worse than what Jim Duggan did in 87? Lined up for a mega push and caught stoned in a car with your "rival", Hacksaw wasn't fired but depushed from what they originally planned for him and never got near that level again. Vince in particular knows that people in the WWE screw up, it's inevitable and comes with the pressures of the job. Even guys like Marty Jannetty had several chances to make good.

Swagger lost a match he was slated to win and that is his punishment at the end of the day, he knows what could have been and that it wasn't cos he blew it... much like Lex Luger did.

As for the US title, yes I do see that being a logical place for him but there are also going to be others who could use that spot more effectively. Fandango, Chris Jericho, a returning Christian or Evan Bourne v Kofi... all of those guys would benefit more from the US title and fit the title better.

Swagger will likely end up like Duggan did, always employed, always in a relatively good spot but won't get the "intended push" because of the misdeeds.
It's really tough to tell what WWE management has in mind, isn't it? In his first run through the company, which included a "wayyyy too quick" ascent to the world title, it was eventually decided he didn't have the goods to be on top.....and after a drop to the mid-card, it was acknowledged he wasn't good enough for that, either. So, they took him off the road, and only heaven knows what he was doing all those months. Apparently, possessing technical excellence and not much else just isn't enough in today's pro wrestling. His countenance is so "goofy," which is only augmented when he tries to look fierce. I mean, really.

Next came his "re-package"....which consisted of nothing but a character added to do Jack's talking for him. So far, so good, I suppose.

Now, what's the plan? Was it the aim of Creative to push Jack for all he's worth and give him a world title.....not later, but very, very soon? (After all, in singles competition, he just took out the two guys he's facing in the Elimination Chamber).

Or was the plan to feature the hell out of Jack in the short term and then return him to the mid-card? If that's the case, we may see what the OP in this topic is looking for: the U.S. & Intercontinental championships as the carrots he'll be chasing after he finishes this run at the bigger reward.

Or, maybe the plan this time around was to keep him on a short leash, as in: "Okay, Jack, we're giving you one more shot. We'll be pushing you like never before....and you'll either catch on and have a fine career with us.....or be given a sandwich & road map."

I don't know which of the three scenarios apply to Swagger; or if management knows yet, either.....but I'll say this: if Jack's greatest hope for his future is that the company doesn't take Dutch Mantell away from him, I wouldn't bet the farm on his future prospects in WWE.
Well, hindsight is always 20/20. However, before Swagger's DUI arrest, allegedly, he was penciled to take the WHC from Alberto Del Rio. So there's a good chance that this overall angle would have been bigger than it has been had Swagger not screwed up.

When you consider the type of general controversy that Swagger & Coulter's characters initially caused, something I think WWE either hoped for and/or knew might happen when they came up with it, it really was something that might have been "too big" for the mid-card. People were legitimately torn up, initially, over Swagger & Coulter. Could it have worked in the mid-card picture? Possibly, but it might not have had the same impact as, at the time, both the US & IC champs were from foreign countries and also heels. A feud with Swagger could have been used to turn one of them babyface. When you consider the whole anti-immigration stance of Coulter & Swagger and the concept of "Jack Swagger's America", going after the United States Championship does seem logical. As I said though, and as others have, maybe WWE thought this was something that was too good of an opportunity to pass up in terms of generating some major buzz. So, they put it in the WHC picture rather than the US title picture. With WM right around the corner after all, they went with something that would probably generate more general interest than a mid-card title feud for the big show. At the same time though, they could have also used this to not flat out bury the US title during WM season the way they did. There are legit arguments that can be made for both view points.

Again though, Swagger's run in with the law quite probably threw a monkey wrench into their plans for Swagger & the WHC. Not that anyone needs any reason to gripe about WWE, no matter what the reason, but rewarding Swagger with the World Heavyweight Championship would have garnered criticism. It might have also sent a message to the locker room that you MIGHT be able to skate by on some things depending on who you are and what your current program involves.

Swagger can still go after the United States Championship after his current program is over. Kofi Kingston was born & raise din Ghana, West Africa, so that technically makes him an immigrant. Coulter & Swagger are anti-immigration no matter where you're from, what language you speak or what color of skin you have. They can always target Kofi Kingston at a later date, possibly take the title from Kingston and then use that title as a metaphor for "Jack Swagger's America". If he has a good strong run with the title, maybe they could try again for the WHC to expand "Jack Swagger's America" into "Jack Swagger's World".
According to sources, Jack Swagger was supposed to the win the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 29. Personally, I would have liked to see that, but now with Dolph Ziggler as champion, I am fine.

Anyway, the reason Swagger didn't get what he was supposed to is because of the DUI. It couldn't have come at a worse time. Regardless, the decision was right to strip him the right of winning the title. I was really hoping this "We the People" thing would catch on and he would be the success. But, it fell flat and it will be over before people realize. Shame.

If he were to drop to the mid-card division, you could try and start things up again. Have him feud with Kofi Kingston and win the United States Championship. Have a feud with Antonio Cesaro or someone not from America. It is as easy as that. A non-American going after the US title which is held by someone who loves America. It should work, but it won't because I can't see WWE pursuing this route. It all comes back to that DUI for me, and I think the WWE have had that in the back of their mind the past few weeks.

Again, great shame because Jack Swagger could have been something.
Am I the only one here that gets nothing from Swagger? Great in the ring, and I really enjoy Zeb Coulter... but I don't enjoy Swagger, I enjoy Coulter. I feel no connection to Swagger, I dunno, somehow the mouthpiece is taking too much attention away from him. I am all for managers, but the talent has to back it up and make sure they are not completely ignored and thats what I feel has happened.

I didn't care about him with the WHC and I won't care about him with the US title. But if he keeps putting on great matches week in and week out, we'll see.
When you consider the type of general controversy that Swagger & Coulter's characters initially caused, something I think WWE either hoped for and/or knew might happen when they came up with it, it really was something that might have been "too big" for the mid-card.

The problem with the mid-card is that it's kind of the same old, same old. Adding Swagger to the mix could actually breathe fresh air into the mid-card, and could even make the US Championship actually mean something again. At the moment though, the mid-card scene is quite bland.

As for the "Jack Swagger's World" thing, I think that could actually be handled in the mid-card too, if Swagger goes over Barrett or whoever the IC champ is at the time, before unifying the titles. After his reign, it should set himself up nicely to challenge for the World Title again, as by that time, the DUI would have blown over.
I'd love to see Swagger become United States Champion again, but only after he ditches Zeb Colter. If he won the title tomorrow, we'd get another 30-minute speech from Zeb Colter to put half the audience to sleep, and then Swagger says "WE THE PEOPLE", end of promo. Swagger should be solo, just a guy who comes out, wins matches by submission, and rarely speaks. Colter draws all the attention away from Swagger, and that's not what a manager is supposed to do.
WWE is under no obligation to punish Swagger at this point, he hasn't been convicted of anything for a start and unless he fails one of their tests then he hasn't "got to be" suspended. They could still give him a World title and say that his conduct since has been exemplary or that he was fined most of his Mania payoff...

One thing that WWE is pretty big on is that individuals have social responsibility for themselves... Rosa was sent home from the tour, but not released, they haven't fired Jey Uso, A-Ry or others with DUI's. Indeed, is what Swagger did any worse than what Jim Duggan did in 87? Lined up for a mega push and caught stoned in a car with your "rival", Hacksaw wasn't fired but depushed from what they originally planned for him and never got near that level again. Vince in particular knows that people in the WWE screw up, it's inevitable and comes with the pressures of the job. Even guys like Marty Jannetty had several chances to make good.

Swagger lost a match he was slated to win and that is his punishment at the end of the day, he knows what could have been and that it wasn't cos he blew it... much like Lex Luger did.

As for the US title, yes I do see that being a logical place for him but there are also going to be others who could use that spot more effectively. Fandango, Chris Jericho, a returning Christian or Evan Bourne v Kofi... all of those guys would benefit more from the US title and fit the title better.

Swagger will likely end up like Duggan did, always employed, always in a relatively good spot but won't get the "intended push" because of the misdeeds.

Good point about Hacksaw. What Swagger did... while idiotic on so many levels, doesn't even compare to Hacksaw and the Sheik getting busted in a car together.

That was back in the days of kayfabe, before wrestling let the viewers in on the joke. What those two did, in many promotions, would have had them catching the first bus out of town out of fear for their lives. No joke.

It was a shame too, because when Hacksaw first came in, he was more like the Bill Watts Hacksaw Duggan, and not the WWF cartoon version. Would have been so much better. Kind of like if Swagger thought to call a cab, and we could have really seen them get behind Jack Swagger`s America.
I'm o.k with Swagger being interm United States champion, but if Kurt Angle couldn't get the U.S.A/United States Title over and he was wearing a gold medal and 9/11 had just happened then Jack Swagger's americanness isn't going to make the United States championship relevant now. A better idea is to have A.D.R win the United States Title. That title is dead, turn it into the NXT Title make it the title for a 4th show. WWE is in a good state titles wise. The WWe means more than ever, the WHC means more than any #2 ever has in Wrestling, even more than the ECW television title, the I.C title means more than the WCW Television title or any #3 title ever has and main event with the i.c title should be a third brand, and that is where my point begins, that wwe should turn the current united states championship into the championship for the NXT brand. The #4 title used to be the Hardcore title and it was used to get over new talent.
WWE can't give him the US Title either because that would look like they are rewarding someone for drugs.
Look like that to whom? Let's be honest, 90-95 per cent of the fans have no idea that Swagger was busted for possession, and the other 5-10 per cent probably don't care. Do you really think it would be mainstream news if Swagger won the US title? No one cares, so the idea that there would be some backlash or that it would look bad is kinda silly. Besides, I think putting him in back-to-back world title matches on PPV is more reward than a secondary title that has pretty much been buried since Cesaro won it (and I say that as a big Antonio Cesaro fan, but he lost more matches than he won while he was champ).

Maybe the reason they gave Kofi the belt is because they're going to have Swagger take him on. He tried, and failed, to defeat the Mexican, but now Del Rio doesn't have the title, so him going after Ziggler doesn't make sense based on his character. It wasn't that Swagger wanted to be champion, it's that he didn't want the immigrant to be champion. Now that he's not, he can move on. The next logical choice for Swagger's anger towards "others" is Kofi. Give it time and perhaps Swagger will be going after the US title after all.
One thing everyone seems to be overlooking is the fact that the US title isn't worth the metal and leather it's made out of and that midcard champions are booked like losers. Swagger should stay the course, stick with Zeb, and simply move on to a new feud. Just throwing the belt on him because it fits his gimmick won't solve or improve anything, and if recent US champs are any indication, he's better off without it.
One thing everyone seems to be overlooking is the fact that the US title isn't worth the metal and leather it's made out of and that midcard champions are booked like losers. Swagger should stay the course, stick with Zeb, and simply move on to a new feud. Just throwing the belt on him because it fits his gimmick won't solve or improve anything, and if recent US champs are any indication, he's better off without it.

How do you take something not worth it's metal and make it valuable? Well, one thing that comes to mind is to put a specific strap on a wrestler who could use a title to boost their character by being "the real united states champion". This wrestler couldn't then have consistent matches and develop good fueds with the title rather than just always be second choice or third choice to a world championship. This wrestler could very easily be Jack Swagger. He's not going to win the WHC; he would have done it already and his friction is beginning to wear off. A title to show for his patriotism could really help his case.
How do you take something not worth it's metal and make it valuable? Well, one thing that comes to mind is to put a specific strap on a wrestler who could use a title to boost their character by being "the real united states champion". This wrestler couldn't then have consistent matches and develop good fueds with the title rather than just always be second choice or third choice to a world championship. This wrestler could very easily be Jack Swagger. He's not going to win the WHC; he would have done it already and his friction is beginning to wear off. A title to show for his patriotism could really help his case.

Oh, the wrestler should bring value to the title! I didn't know today was opposite day, my bad.

Like I said before, just putting the belt around his waist because it fits his gimmick won't accomplish anything for either the wrestler or the title. You may not be old enough or just may not have been watching when Jim Duggan was the US Champion, but I am and let me tell you who got elevated by what- nobody and nothing. You can fantasy book it in your head all day long, but Helen Keller could see how poorly the midcard titles are booked in WWE these days. I see absolutely nothing to convince me that that'll change overnight because Jack Swagger is calling himself "The Real United States Champion."

Play the whole scenario out rather than just him wearing the belt. Who's the All-American face that chases him for it? Does the title elevate Swagger, or is he just going to wear the belt as he's done before only to end up right back where he's at? Will it lead to a face turn? I mean, what the fuck happens when he wins the belt? This isn't a light switch. It takes more than just putting a strap on someone to make that person or that title relevant. Swagger's own World Heavyweight Championship run should have already taught us this lesson.

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