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Jack Swagger to RAW

Mighty NorCal

Fuckin awesome. Should make a helluva impact, and this shows the WWE's faith in him. He has done all he can on ECW, and you would be a fool to not see that this guy is gonna be absolutely HUGE. Good on the mic, gold in the ring. I think with the overpushing methods of todays world, people dont realize just how incredibly far ahead of the curve this man is. He started TV in fucking OCTOBER man, and he could legit be one of the top guys, on the top show.

I think we are ALL looking forward to a proper feud with Cena, and I think a US title reign will be coming very very soon. I liked how they had him debut, as it leaves tons of room for intrigue and expansion. Love the move, just fucking LOVE it, and cant wait to watch RAW to see were the guy goes
I'm very happy with this. Swagger is a guy that has done absolutely everything that he can do on ECW and it was time for him to get a promotion. He has a natural charisma to him that plays off so well on television. On Raw he can have a fresh start with a lot of guys he's never worked with before, which is exactly what is perfect for him. Best move of the trade by far.
Swagger is one of the few guys coming up from ECW that didn't really need the time there. He is great in the ring, he's taking a fairly generic gimmick and making it great, and he has the look. There will always be complaints about his mic skills due to the lisp, but I see him holding the U.S. Title by the end of the year.
Fuckin awesome. Should make a helluva impact, and this shows the WWE's faith in him. He has done all he can on ECW, and you would be a fool to not see that this guy is gonna be absolutely HUGE. Good on the mic, gold in the ring. I think with the overpushing methods of todays world, people dont realize just how incredibly far ahead of the curve this man is. He started TV in fucking OCTOBER man, and he could legit be one of the top guys, on the top show.

I think we are ALL looking forward to a proper feud with Cena, and I think a US title reign will be coming very very soon. I liked how they had him debut, as it leaves tons of room for intrigue and expansion. Love the move, just fucking LOVE it, and cant wait to watch RAW to see were the guy goes

The sad thing is, I caught ECW about as much as I missed it. So I didn't get to see Swagger that much. Though what I did see of him I loved. And his showing on the Draft Raw (or 3-hour Raw..can't remember) where Cena showed us just how well Swagger could work? Fucking incredible. That match right there should have proven to Vince Swagger could handle performing on Raw. If that didn't, then he massive man-handling of ECW should have pushed him over the top.

A Cena/Swagger feud?!? Oh ma god. Screw Batista vs. Cena. Swagger vs. Cena?! Fuck yeah. HELL yeah. Count me in. The great thing about bringing him in after his ECW Championship run is that he can jump directly into wherever WWE wants him to. The mid-card for a US title feud with Kofi? Alrighty. A main-event feud with Cena for the title or for no reason at all? Why not? Swagger has the entire card open to him.

I, for one, am glad to post my 300th post in this thread. Swagger can completely run with this. He has the tools, and he has the push.
This is a great move for Swagger. The way he looked vs Cena in April, I knew he was gonna be a star. He can feud with Kofi Kingston into NOC and win the IC title. Afterwards he can feud with Mark Henry and develop a new finisher to keep Henry down.
I'm in agreement with NorCal here. I love the idea of us getting a proper Cena v Swagger feud for so many reasons. Not only will it give Swagger a huge push, but it'll keep Cena away from the same 3 guys he's been facing for years now.

Swagger would be a great choice as US Champ, and obviously has a ton of other new feuds to look forward to. Hopefully he can keep up the good work on live TV, and stick around in RAW's title scene for a while.
I also love Swagger coming to RAW. He can't do anymore on ECW so I'm looking to a Kofi/Swagger feud. I see them fighting at Night of Champions but I don't see Swagger getting the belt then but maybe at Summerslam. If he keeps up the improvement in the next year, I can see him being in the main event soon after that.
i like this trade too. swagger ahs proved how goot he is and i would love to see him fight cena. there match was good and i could see these two working well together. like cena vs kurt 2. and maybe cena can showcase some of his moves. a kingstone feud would be good as well. they have so many talented wrestlers in wwe if they would just but them in meaningful matches. every week its the same random matches that lead to no new feuds and the ones we have are stale. wwe needs to use the talent they have
I get that people love Jack Swagger, and I do as well.. But I've said this once before, and I'll say it again and as many times as I need to, just to get a point across.. Jack Swagger is heading for a rude awakening or just to be booed out of the joint. Jack Swagger is green as hell and wasn't even ready for ECW, let alone now being on RAW and the most watched program on television.. WWE thinks this guy is some sort of prodigy, they said that about Ron Killings when he first came back... Look at him now?

WWE gets off on collegiate wrestlers, pushes them to the moon, and when they realize they're not ready to be where they were, so they pull them down to absolutely nothing.. Look at Shelton Benjamin? They'll realize Jack isn't going anywhere until he expands his game and learns something else than strictly wrestling.. He blows spots left and right, is obnoxious on the microphone and not because of his lisp. He's unbelievable, for example... Backlash, when he ran into the exposed turnbuckle, he basically walked and just hit his face off of it.

He's not the next Brock Lesnar... He is the one and only Greenberg!... Okay, that was lame.. But still, he's not ready and shouldn't have left ECW.. And if he did, he should have gone to SmackDown.

Of course, he's going to get a United States Championship run or two, and then WWE realizes he's nothing until they get a gimmick on him... He'll struggle and then we'll see if he's a mere Shelton Benjamin clone, or he'll actually make something.
WWE trading Jack Swagger to Raw was probably the best thing WWE did in the trade. I predicted him to win the ECW Championship at The Bash, but since he didn't, I was disappointed because I felt that he would lose all his momentum and wouldn't be as big as a star on ECW, now that he's failed to regain the title after so many title shots.

Then I hear about the 15-person trade. Then I hear that Swagger was traded to Raw. I see that WWE obviously has faith in Jack Swagger and want to see what he can do in the big leagues. It was a great choice. Now, he can fued with people like M.V.P., Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Carlito, and even Shawn Michaels.

A future United States Championship win isn't out of the question. First, have Jack Swagger fued with M.V.P. Then, after coming off strong in that fued, he can fued with Kofi Kingston for the United States Championship. The possibilities are endless with Jack Swagger on Raw.
Swagger's time is coming. I just think it sucks that he is going to be sent to get the US title rather than be in the WWE Championship picture. But it will be MVP vs Kofi at NOC and MVP will win only to loose to Swagger later.
I think this is by far the best trade. Swagger really just zipped through the ECW brand. Now he has a bigger challenge. He's gotta go through RAW. Than again Swagger is making believers every week, and he did almost beat WWE's golden boy himself, John Cena. So he could probably win a couple of US titles. Maybe with his skill he might win the Royal Rumble? WWE seems to have a lot of faith in him.
I think this was the best trade of them all...I hav always thought he had all the makings of a top knotch star..ever since his match with cena a few months back I saw that he can hang with the best and I think wwe should continue that fued somewhere down the road..if they build him up right by taking advantage of his momentum from ecw then he should be in the main event pic in the next 2 to 3 years...I always thought he was a little bigger than ecw..and I'm glad he is on raw...
I'll admit, first time I saw Swagger, I was like "Okay, who the heck is THIS guy?" But he's grown on me a lot, and I marked out pretty good to see him appear on Raw. I didn't think it'd happen so soon honestly, and thought he'd wind up on Smackdown for some reason, but it already looks like they're taking the next step with Jack SWAGGAH!!!
Awesome move. Probably the best of the whole 15 man draft. I think he's going to absolutley explode now on Monday nights, he can be seen as a legitamate threat to ANYONE including Orton.

I see a few posts hoping for a Cena/Swagger feud but I'd love.... LOVE an Orton/Swagger feud with Swagger going over. This is gonna be a BIG call but think about it and you may agree but I see a similar Brock Lesnar push on it's way for Swagger. The guy has talent, mic skills, heel overness (?) and the body type to wrestle and compete with the big guys. He's young and ready to go, ready to be moulded to the WWE machine and he could fly with this.

Good luck to him, I expect great things to come from this move.
Swagger is awsome. young, cocky, confident and great in the ring and i love that the wee has faith in him to move him to RAW and compete with the business top people. I think he needs to dominate the US title seen early and realy dominate all mid carders just like he did in ECW before he had to face people like matt and christain, i could see him in RAW dominate the mid carders then when he gets to the John Cena, Triple H he slows down and realy develops himself as main eventer.
P.S good thread
I agree with most, I think it is about time Swagger made his move! I aslo think a feud with him and Cena would be a great idea.

I don't mind him being heel, I think he should stay heel as well because he has that destructive technique and attitude. Can't wait for him to be a champion!
Huge fan of Swagger.. HUGE. The guy has the "it" factor, no question. Heels like Orton, Jericho (still one of my all time fav's) grow a bit stale after a while. Orton gives us the SAME thing week after week after week. I think Swagger could be the heel that makes wrestling very interesting again and could be the man to FINALLY bring prestige back to the midcard titles. Swagger has proven he's on the cusp of the main event after his match with Cena a while back. He looked like GOLD in that match. I see him winning the US title very soon and having a nice long reign with it while antagonizing the champ on his quest to hold both titles. Bring the IC title holder into the main event with a title vs title match at the Royal Rumble or even better, Wrestlemania!
Jack Swagger moving the Raw was the right thing to do. As what was said before, the only logical thing to do is promote someone that's done all he could for a certain brand. Now, Swagger is still green and his lisp is annoying, but he's a great talent, has a great look, and can draw some serious heat from the crowd.

A Swagger/Cena feud would be great, but I anticipate a US title run in the near future. It's logical for the All American American to be the US Champion at one time or another right?
This was my favorite move of the trade too. At first, I didn't see a whole lot in Swagger. He seemed like a big dumbass jock. I have been extremely impressed with his development. I think he starts of with MVP, floating around in the upper midcard. As much as I would love a feud with Cena, I think it would be awesome for HHH to put Swagger over. Hell even a feud with Batista could be good. But I think his best moment will be at WM26, when he goes over Shawn Michaels. It could happen, and it would be awesome.
No, Swagger doesn't need to be forced in to the World title scene. It is way too early for that right now. Some of you just want it all or nothing. Fans like you really put a damper on the show. Swagger would be the perfect person for the US title. Kofi and Swagger would probably work a decent feud, but I would like to see The All American, American Jack Swagger with the US title around his waist. It makes sense considering his slogan.

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