Jack and Jill


Gone but never forgotten.

Adam Sandler has thought up another brainchild and is playing two parts, simultaneously, in one movie. He plays twin brother and sister; Jack and Jill Sadelstein. Jack is a family man while Jill is a twin sister that's longing for attention from her twin brother. She decides to stay with Jack and his family for the Thanksgiving holidays and extends her stay once she arrives.

The movie definitely had its moments. Just like all Adam Sandler movies, cameo appearances in Jack and Jill became par for the course. Sandler always finds a relevant hottie to play his love interest in his movies and Katie Holmes took the spot in this one. Not to mention that a (normally) famous actor/actress usually plays the movie's antagonist. Much to my surprise, AL PACINO took this role in Jack and Jill and was nothing short of hilarious. Without spoiling it for everyone...

Al Pacino played a hilarious version of himself that was romantically interested in Sandler's "Jill" character. He spends most of the movie trying to win her heart in some of the creepiest and weirdest ways possible.

In addition, this movie probably had as many additional cameos as "Little Nicky," a past Sandler disappointment. Your normal, Adam Sandler movie-regulars showed up (i.e. John McEnroe, Dan Patrick, Norm MacDonald) but we were also entertained from cameos by Shaquille O'Neil, Bruce Jenner, Regis Philbin, Dana Carvey, Drew Carey, Christie Brinkley, Michael Irvin, Bill Blanks, and the list goes on.

The movie itself was mostly garbage. Like all Sandler movies (and I'm a big fan), it had some really funny moments. But most of the movie seemed to be very redundant and mostly dragged on. The cameo appearances were the best parts of the movie and Al Pacino was absolutely hilarious. But on a scale of 1-10, I'd rate this move at only a 5 or 6. Wait until it comes out on video... it's not worth the price of a movie ticket.

If anyone else wishes to discuss the movie, feel free.
Yeah I wasnt too excited when I saw the preview for it a while back, my first thought was leave the playing a woman to Tyler Perry, this shit was hard to watch. I mean like any Sandler movie it had it's moments thanks to his comedy genius but in general it was pretty horrible. It sad because in my opinion Sandler's real classics are the Happy Gilmore's and Mr Deed's but in the last few year he hasn't been able to deliver one of that caliber. Ive enjoyed his more recent movies but they aren't the same, the best ones I've seen since his golden days were Just Go With It and Grown Ups but that still wasn't as good as his old stuff. But as a dedicated Sandler fan I do stick in there and watch all of them, if there were one to skip though I should have made it this one, fortunately I didn't spend any money on it since I used to work at the theatre but id even say it was a waste of time. :disappointed:
I've seen and enjoyed this movie.
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Ugh. I actually tried to get into this, but I just couldn't. Yeah, the many cameos from sports stars were fun to watch (Bill Romanowski's appearance shocked me), and I LOVED Al Pacino in this film. Pacino provided a very hilarious and energetic performance, and I marked out for the material he used from The Godfather II, but Pacino's surprising performance wasn't enough.

Obviously, Sandler dressing up as a woman was the main attraction for this film, as he portrayed both of the main characters here. I wanted to give Sandler some extra credit for pulling off the double duty here, but I just couldn't. First of all, the Jill character annoyed the fuck out of me. For me, she wasn't funny at all, and her over the top antics drove me nuts. The novelty of Sandler in drag wore off pretty quickly for me, and the Jill character had to be one of the most annoying on-screen personas I've ever seen. Sandler really wasn't bad as Jack, and I didn't have a problem with this character, but the male version of Sandler didn't help elevate this film in any way.

The fart jokes lose their steam after a while, and the majority of the humor in this film didn't do anything for me at all. Pacino really surprised me in this film, and Katie Holmes was enjoyable here, but they couldn't save this one. Jack & Jill deserves some recognition as one of the worst films in 2011, and I still can't stand Adam Sandler. I enjoyed Anger Management, and I guess I'm one of the few people, who actually enjoyed Click, but the majority of Sandler's films continue to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Sandler keeps dishing out these horrible comedies, and the future doesn't look too bright, because I Hate You, Dad sounds like a train wreck.
I can honestly say that every time I see the trailer for this film, a small part of my soul dies a horrible and painful death inside of me, it's that awful looking. It looks like a very bad, white take on an Eddie Murphy movie with Sandler trying to play numerous parts. Only problem is those movies sucked when Eddie Murphy was doing them, and Murphy is a much better comedic actor than Sandler has ever been. At this point I think Sandler honestly needs to just take an extended break from comedy in general, because he just keeps putting out these steaming piles of shit, one after another. Atleast average comedies like Little Nicky or Mr. Deeds had charming moments to them that kept you interested even if they were serious downgrades from the comedic brilliance of Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore, but these last few comedies that Sandler has made, like Grown Ups and now this? God they're literally painful to watch, are completely devoid of any of the charm of his earlier films, and they rely way too much on slapstick humor that hasn't been funny in decades. The saddest thing is that Sandler is actually a pretty good dramatic actor as we saw in Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me, but he apparently has no interest in fostering that image as an actual legit actor, he seems to just be content with shitting out one Happy Madison failure after another.

This will probably be the first Sandler comedy in years that I won't watch. Fuck I even watched Grown-Ups, and that was atrocious in every way. I draw the line at Sandler putting on a dress and trying to mimic Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy.
Well Your point of view is correct and your view regarding the Eddie Murphy ... I admit that thing... And the info about the store is also good. I saw this movie when i went to my cousin home, My cousin let me watch jack and jill online from a nice site and the picture quality of the site is just awesome,. So There are also other reliable option available to watch and enjoy the movies. We can also try those options...
It might be the most important movie of our time, but not for critics. With 45 reviews counted thus far, Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill' has earned the rare zero-percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, meaning it could be the worst-reviewed film of 2011. 'Jill' is currently tied with fellow Happy Madison production 'Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star' and the Sarah Palin documentary 'The Undefeated' on the list of zero percenters, but neither of those films found such a wide critical audience: 'Bucky Larson' only had 32 total reviews, while Palin's doc received just 15.

Starring Sandler, Sandler, Katie Holmes and Al Pacino (yep, this is real), 'Jack and Jill' focuses twins reconnecting after years apart.

"More than 24 hours has passed since I watched the new Adam Sandler movie, and I'm still dead inside," wrote Time Magazine's Mary Pols.

Even Rolling Stone critic Peter Travers, a noted film cheerleader, was disgusted. "On a scale of 1 to 10 on the laugh meter, 'Jack and Jill' is a negative 10. A total bust, a stupefyingly unfunny and shamelessly lazy farce packed with cringe-worthy jokes and overt product placement."

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