I've got a problem


Ok. At school, there's this girl that i became friends with. Just a friend. Then everybody started saying Tim loves Sarah and now she won't even talk to me. It's still going on right now and this happened 2 or 3 months ago. She won't even ask me for help with anything. One of my friends is standing next to me, she'll ask them something and they won't know, and she'll pretend i'm not even there and go ask someone else. How can I get her to be my friend or even talk to me again?
Slide up to her and say "How you doing" Trust me it will work.

Nah seriously. Let me guess dude you over reacted when you heard that? She mist like you and is offended about how you acted when the people said it.
Yeah I thought it would've been something like that. But I don't even know why people started it. I'm just not really sure how to talk to her again. I don't want to hurt her but i'm not sure what to do. I can't really say "That's right, I love Sarah," because I don't feel that way about her. And if I start talking to her again, everybody'll just start saying that I love her again. I really don't know what to do.
Im only going to say this once. FUCK WHAT PEOPLE SAY. as long as your friends with her it dont matter. let them say it it shouldnt bother you.
I get that Sparky. I don't care anymore. Its what she thinks that matters,and i'm pretty sure that she doesnt like everyone saying that I like her. I'll figure it out at school today. Bad thing is its going to start up again because she's in my group when we go to China.
Man screw those kids. Seriously, if having her as a friend is important to you then fix this quickly. Honestly, having a girl as a friend who you can talk to without feeling weird around her because of your feelings or whatever is great to have.
The best thing to do is ignore it. If she is going to be funny about that then she aint worth it.
wow man, I take it you and your friends are kinda young.

you shouldve just played along, then people get bored because they realise they cant insult you. I suppose that ship has sailed though.

Take Sparkys advice
Yeah, we're only 14. I said before that I don't care about it, after the 1st week I just started saying "That's great." But almost every single day, its the same thing. And i don't get affected by it anymore, it's more her who does I think.
Thanks for the advice Sparky.
Just bone her and get it over with..joke lol,

It's the same with me and my best gal pal. Everyone says oh jpfizzle and her are blatently got something going but it doesnt bother me and it doesnt bother her, just go to the gal: "Hey love, I don't fancy you but I do want you as a friend, it's your choice."
Ok. At school, there's this girl that i became friends with. Just a friend. Then everybody started saying Tim loves Sarah and now she won't even talk to me. It's still going on right now and this happened 2 or 3 months ago. She won't even ask me for help with anything. One of my friends is standing next to me, she'll ask them something and they won't know, and she'll pretend i'm not even there and go ask someone else. How can I get her to be my friend or even talk to me again?

Write her a letter, slide it in her locker. Tell her how you feel and how you miss her as a friend but that you understand how the ribbing upsets her. But tell you that you still want to have her as a friend, but that if not you will understand and will giver her space from now on. Trust me, she sill come right on back to ya.
Ok. At school, there's this girl that i became friends with. Just a friend. Then everybody started saying Tim loves Sarah and now she won't even talk to me. It's still going on right now and this happened 2 or 3 months ago. She won't even ask me for help with anything. One of my friends is standing next to me, she'll ask them something and they won't know, and she'll pretend i'm not even there and go ask someone else. How can I get her to be my friend or even talk to me again?

Um, no offense, but wow. You know some immature people.

Yeah, we're only 14.

Really? Cause I'm 14, and nobody I know does dumb stuff like that. Do they put something in the water where you live?

In all seriousness, your friend really needs to get her priorities straight. If she is embarrassed by that, you two need to reconsider how important your friendship is. Or, at least she does. If a friend up and leaves someone because of some immature teasing, then they aren't a friend worth having.

Sorry to say it, but it's true. Try and reconcile, but if she still acts like this to you, then stop trying. Then it'll be up to her whether your with it or not.
Teenagers are cruel man. 13 and 14 are those awkward ages where you're JUST getting into girls. So you really don't know how to act yet.
Teenagers are cruel man. 13 and 14 are those awkward ages where you're JUST getting into girls. So you really don't know how to act yet.

Dude, I've been getting into girls for years :lmao:

EDIT: Yes, I know what he meant. Nothing like a little sexual humor to ease the tension :icon_smile:.
I was saying that kids that age don't know how to act yet. I remember a young girl who liked me and I made fun of her cuz I saw her walking with another girl. I mean I liked her and wanted to see if anything was poppin but I just didn't know how to act. She ended up trying to kick my ass from always making fun of her rather than just being smooth about it.
Tim and Sarah sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby in a golden carriage
Ah, I remember that song from way back.

Though I used to substitute K-I-S-S-I-N-G for F-U-C-K-I-N-G.

What can I say, I'm sick sometimes.

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