It's Time to Shake Things Up a Bit(WWE Title Thread)

Total Impact

A Poster Name Total Impact
This is my opinion, but I feel that Vince McMahon has a blessing in the injury of Batista as he has a chance to make a new star in the matter of three weeks. Lets face it, he knew Batista was hurt before the match with Orton and they could have ran the “Punt” angle, but what would be next for Orton do, face Triple H, again. That wasn't quite the ratings winner. So why have Orton lose to a guy that is hurt? So you can hold a battle royal/tournament to crown a new WWE Champion and that is what Vince should do, hold a tournament to crown a New 1st Time ever WWE Champion.

I think Vince should have Batista hand over the title and then in the Vince voice Gaurrentee a New Champion in a 8-man Raw Exclusive tournament consisting only of men who have never been WWE Champion but have held WWE gold in the past. Promising to have a New Champion in the WWE.

This would shake the foundation of Raw alongside creating a new star. You have eight great names:
2.William Regal
3.Kofi Kingston
4.Matt Hardy
5.The Miz
6.Santino Marella
7.Ted Dibiase
8.Cody Rhodes

Round One:
MVP vS Matt Hardy
Kofi Kingston vS The Miz
Ted Dibiase vS Cody Rhodes
William Regal vS Santino Marella

Round Two
MVP vS William Regal
The Miz vS Ted Dibiase

Finals at The Bash
MVP vS Ted Dibiase(with Randy Orton)

Have MVP win the title setting up a match with Orton for either Night of the Champions or SummerSlam.

This tournament lacks the names and the last match wouldn't sell out the ECW arena, but you can surround the PPV with other big matches, but the main thing is it creates a new champion, new storyline, and new star in three weeks. Plus it mirrors what the WWE did with The Rock and look how well that turned out for wrestling. So I say that the WWE should try this idea instead of having Orton/Cena/Show get the belt as we have been there and done that.
So are you lobbying for the comback of a meaningful King of the Ring tournament because that's what it sounds like ??
I agree with the tournie idea but it cannot have no former champs in it bc it wouldnt sell ppvs or even be abel to build an up and comer if they didnt have to beat a former champ...

what I would do is have some former champs in it ie Orton, Cena(even though I cringe at the thought), and since he has no program right now HBK.

I would have an MVP or Matt Hardy have an upset and make it to the semi's or even finals...

Ultimately I would have Orton versus HBK for the title with HBK winning and getting one final run as champ. He could ultimately put over an MVP or Hardy. But none of the up and comers are ready to hold a major title IMO.
If anyone remembers, the June 15th edition of RAW is a 3 hour event. Could a tournament happen then? If so, I would have MVP go over. A tournament win could be the last thing he needs to make it in the main event scene. Also, his loss to Kofi at Extreme Rules seems to show that he wont be staying in the mid-card much longer.
HBK is not coming back anytime soon. Get that out of the discussion. You can't have a tourney with no former champs. First, nobody would care. At all. It wouldn't draw ratings or ppv buyrates at all. It also would give them ZERO credibility. I think they should bring back the KOTR, and put the title at stake. You definitely gotta have some upsets take place. It would be perfect for The Miz to go over Cena.(dirty)It could definitely work.
As soon as I read that Batista was hurt, I immediately thought of the King Of The Ring(having used to be the Extreme Rules PPV Slot). I feel this will 100% happen(or at least should happen, but we all know WWE booking isn't a fan of ours.) Have MVP/Miz go far build them up maybe perhaps even have MVP win it or put the strap on someone other than Orton or HHH, because that will just be anti-climactic.

Also, anyone else feel that maybe this creates a nice opportunity for WWE to create a new look WWE Title? I am a fan of the non-spinner version, but I am also a huge mark for new titles. I guess I can only hope this leads to a new champ/new title.
This is my first post on the forum.

I was thinking about a tournament for the title this morning and did a little 'creative writing' myself. I know someone above has dismissed HBK from being a part of anything any time soon but I'm including him anyway.

Here's my plan, and it includes more than just the tourney:

RAW: June 8

Batista is stripped of the WWE Championship because he is unable to defend it due to an injury. A 16-man tournament is announced. The first 13 seeds are established and they feature the return of Shawn Michaels tonight and the return of Triple H next week.

RAW general manager Vickie Guerrero says that Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. are in line for the 14th and 15th seeds, but she cannot tell the difference between them; therefore, they will wrestle tonight to determine the seeding and the special guest referee will be Randy Orton.

Guerrero also announces that the surprise 16th seed will be a superstar that has deserved a title shot for many years but his identity will not be revealed until his match against #1 seed Randy Orton next week.

Seeding Match
Ted DiBiase pins Cody Rhodes after the Million Dollar Dream Slam to earn the #14 seed and a match against Triple H in two weeks and forcing Rhodes to wrestle in the tournament tonight against John Cena.

#8 The Big Show vs. #9 Santino Marella
Vickie Guerrero arranges this match to get revenge for her defeat at Extreme Rules. Much to her surprise, Marella gets the victory. This leads Guerrero to challenge Santino and Santina to face the Big Show and Guerrero in a tag team at the Bash. Santino thinks for a minute and then accepts.

#6 Montel Vontavious Porter vs. #11 William Regal
MVP beats Regal by disqualification after Matt Hardy gets caught interfering in the match on Regal’s behalf. Hardy and Regal argue after the match.

#4 Shawn Michaels vs. #13 Chavo Guerrero
Michaels cleanly pins Guerrero after Sweet Chin Music in an impressive, cruiserweight-style match.

#2 John Cena vs. #15 Cody Rhodes
Cena cleanly pins Rhodes after the Attitude Adjustment despite fighting off a run-in by DiBiase.

RAW: June 15

#7 United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. #10 The Miz
The Miz pins Kingston after interference from William Regal. Regal says he deserves a one-on-one shot at the U.S. title. Kingston grants Regal a non-title match next week to prove he deserves a title shot.

#5 Matt Hardy vs. #12 Goldust
Hardy cleanly pins Goldust despite the best efforts of Hornswoggle.

#3 Triple H vs. #14 Ted DiBiase
Triple H cleanly pins DiBiase after a Pedigree.

#1 Randy Orton vs. #16 Surprise Entrant Jerry “The King” Lawler
Orton cleanly pins Lawler after the RKO in an epic match honoring Lawler’s longtime in-ring experience.

RAW: June 22

#2 John Cena vs. #10 The Miz
The Miz gets a dirty win over John Cena to become “6-0” (or whatever it's up to) vs. Cena.

#1 Randy Orton vs. #9 Santino Marella
Orton squashes Marella.

#4 Shawn Michaels vs. #5 Matt Hardy
Michaels cleanly pins Hardy after Sweet Chin Music in a match-of-the-year candidate.

United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal in a non-title match
With Kingston down and the referee attending to him, Matt Hardy attacks Regal and throws him back in the ring, where Kingston pins him. After the match, Hardy says he never should have lost to Shawn Michaels tonight and Hardy deserves a U.S. title shot as a consolation. Kingston says he is a fighting champion and they can each have a one-on-one title shot at the Bash.

#3 Triple H vs. #6 MVP
With the referee knocked out, Legacy sees to it that Triple H will not win tonight. After hitting HHH with several chair shots, MVP chases Legacy but still takes the win. After the match, MVP vows that he will prove this win was no fluke and that he’ll see Orton in the finals.

WWE Superstars: June 25

Matt Hardy vs. William Regal
Hardy hits Regal with his cast and then pins him to earn the right to face U.S. Champion Kofi Kingston in the second title defense at the Bash.

The Bash: June 28

#1 Randy Orton vs. #4 Shawn Michaels
Orton gets the clean pin after a great match and an RKO.

United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal
Kingston cleanly pins Regal to retain the U.S. title

#6 MVP vs. #10 The Miz
John Cena is sitting ringside and The Miz cannot stay focused on the match. MVP gets the clean pin.

The Big Show and Vickie Guerrero vs. Santino Marella and “Santina Marella”
Santino comes to the ring and introduces his sister, who is Festus in drag. “Santina” tries to kiss Show, who runs away. Santino pins Guerrero for the win.

United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Hardy
Hardy uses the cast again and gets the pin and the U.S. Championship from Kingston.

WWE Championship Tournament Final Match: #1 Randy Orton vs. #6 MVP
Montel Vontavious Porter is crowned WWE Champion after cleanly pinning Randy Orton.

On-going feuds:
MVP vs. Orton
Hardy vs. Kofi vs. Regal
Santino vs. Vicki
Cena vs. The Miz
Triple H vs. Legacy

Fresh blood and stories in the title scene
Keeps Cena in a program without needing the title
Keeps Regal on TV, gives Hardy something to do, gives Kofi guaranteed airtime, and keeps the U.S. title in the spotlight
Triple H can put MVP over without being cleanly beaten by him
Creates a little bit of tension between Rhodes and DiBiase -- you know it's heading there eventually
Gives Festus something to do

Let me know what you think. (I'm sure you will!)
So are you lobbying for the comback of a meaningful King of the Ring tournament because that's what it sounds like ??

It is making a star and putting the title on someone new without hurting someone else with a lost. It creates a storyline on who is the real champion is as former champions can face the new champion in a proving ground. It would be unique & it makes sure that we get a new person with the title as there is no person on the Raw roster that has been champion that I want to see champion again.

All I want to see is something different, a change coming, instead of hoping for a change and nothing happens. This will be something that hasn't been done in wrestling and worth watching as all the past champions have been ratings killers.
What well thought out comments however I just cannot see them having MVP cleanly pin Orton... MVP is not "there" yet.

Here is my suprise entrant in a tournie or title picture on RAW... (I hope I am wrong because I want the storyline to stay away) is Edge either is a suprise entrant in tournie or gets awarded the title because Vickie is trying to salvage her marage to Edge. I have enjoyed Edges work much more since the marraige thingie has been on back burner because Vickie on Raw and Edge on Smackdown. Edge on Raw is always great.
This is my first post on the forum.

I was thinking about a tournament for the title this morning and did a little 'creative writing' myself. I know someone above has dismissed HBK from being a part of anything any time soon but I'm including him anyway.

Here's my plan, and it includes more than just the tourney:

RAW: June 8

Batista is stripped of the WWE Championship because he is unable to defend it due to an injury. A 16-man tournament is announced. The first 13 seeds are established and they feature the return of Shawn Michaels tonight and the return of Triple H next week.

RAW general manager Vickie Guerrero says that Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. are in line for the 14th and 15th seeds, but she cannot tell the difference between them; therefore, they will wrestle tonight to determine the seeding and the special guest referee will be Randy Orton.

Guerrero also announces that the surprise 16th seed will be a superstar that has deserved a title shot for many years but his identity will not be revealed until his match against #1 seed Randy Orton next week.

Seeding Match
Ted DiBiase pins Cody Rhodes after the Million Dollar Dream Slam to earn the #14 seed and a match against Triple H in two weeks and forcing Rhodes to wrestle in the tournament tonight against John Cena.

#8 The Big Show vs. #9 Santino Marella
Vickie Guerrero arranges this match to get revenge for her defeat at Extreme Rules. Much to her surprise, Marella gets the victory. This leads Guerrero to challenge Santino and Santina to face the Big Show and Guerrero in a tag team at the Bash. Santino thinks for a minute and then accepts.

#6 Montel Vontavious Porter vs. #11 William Regal
MVP beats Regal by disqualification after Matt Hardy gets caught interfering in the match on Regal’s behalf. Hardy and Regal argue after the match.

#4 Shawn Michaels vs. #13 Chavo Guerrero
Michaels cleanly pins Guerrero after Sweet Chin Music in an impressive, cruiserweight-style match.

#2 John Cena vs. #15 Cody Rhodes
Cena cleanly pins Rhodes after the Attitude Adjustment despite fighting off a run-in by DiBiase.

RAW: June 15

#7 United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. #10 The Miz
The Miz pins Kingston after interference from William Regal. Regal says he deserves a one-on-one shot at the U.S. title. Kingston grants Regal a non-title match next week to prove he deserves a title shot.

#5 Matt Hardy vs. #12 Goldust
Hardy cleanly pins Goldust despite the best efforts of Hornswoggle.

#3 Triple H vs. #14 Ted DiBiase
Triple H cleanly pins DiBiase after a Pedigree.

#1 Randy Orton vs. #16 Surprise Entrant Jerry “The King” Lawler
Orton cleanly pins Lawler after the RKO in an epic match honoring Lawler’s longtime in-ring experience.

RAW: June 22

#2 John Cena vs. #10 The Miz
The Miz gets a dirty win over John Cena to become “6-0” (or whatever it's up to) vs. Cena.

#1 Randy Orton vs. #9 Santino Marella
Orton squashes Marella.

#4 Shawn Michaels vs. #5 Matt Hardy
Michaels cleanly pins Hardy after Sweet Chin Music in a match-of-the-year candidate.

United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal in a non-title match
With Kingston down and the referee attending to him, Matt Hardy attacks Regal and throws him back in the ring, where Kingston pins him. After the match, Hardy says he never should have lost to Shawn Michaels tonight and Hardy deserves a U.S. title shot as a consolation. Kingston says he is a fighting champion and they can each have a one-on-one title shot at the Bash.

#3 Triple H vs. #6 MVP
With the referee knocked out, Legacy sees to it that Triple H will not win tonight. After hitting HHH with several chair shots, MVP chases Legacy but still takes the win. After the match, MVP vows that he will prove this win was no fluke and that he’ll see Orton in the finals.

WWE Superstars: June 25

Matt Hardy vs. William Regal
Hardy hits Regal with his cast and then pins him to earn the right to face U.S. Champion Kofi Kingston in the second title defense at the Bash.

The Bash: June 28

#1 Randy Orton vs. #4 Shawn Michaels
Orton gets the clean pin after a great match and an RKO.

United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal
Kingston cleanly pins Regal to retain the U.S. title

#6 MVP vs. #10 The Miz
John Cena is sitting ringside and The Miz cannot stay focused on the match. MVP gets the clean pin.

The Big Show and Vickie Guerrero vs. Santino Marella and “Santina Marella”
Santino comes to the ring and introduces his sister, who is Festus in drag. “Santina” tries to kiss Show, who runs away. Santino pins Guerrero for the win.

United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Hardy
Hardy uses the cast again and gets the pin and the U.S. Championship from Kingston.

WWE Championship Tournament Final Match: #1 Randy Orton vs. #6 MVP
Montel Vontavious Porter is crowned WWE Champion after cleanly pinning Randy Orton.

On-going feuds:
MVP vs. Orton
Hardy vs. Kofi vs. Regal
Santino vs. Vicki
Cena vs. The Miz
Triple H vs. Legacy

Fresh blood and stories in the title scene
Keeps Cena in a program without needing the title
Keeps Regal on TV, gives Hardy something to do, gives Kofi guaranteed airtime, and keeps the U.S. title in the spotlight
Triple H can put MVP over without being cleanly beaten by him
Creates a little bit of tension between Rhodes and DiBiase -- you know it's heading there eventually
Gives Festus something to do

Let me know what you think. (I'm sure you will!)

I think you did a fantastic job on your first post. Your ideas kept me interested, which is more than I can say for the real writers on RAW the past few weeks. I would change the final. No problem with MVP winning, however not clean over Orton. Maybe MVP winning after interference kinda like Mick Foley's first WWE title win.
Ghoat is obviously a US Title mark, and a guy who thinks too much about wrestling. Although, it was well written and sounds good on paper, it would never work. No one cares about the US Title anymore, let alone the WWE. Michaels wont be back, and the belt will go to Cena, HHH, or Orton one way or another. MVP isnt ready, as EVERYONE is saying, Kofi just isnt there, Regal and Hardy cant be taken seriously as a main eventer yet, and Santino in this? Come on. Belt will definitly go to HHH or Cena. I cant see Orton losing and winning it immediatly back without a transitional champ at worst
Ghoat is obviously a US Title mark, and a guy who thinks too much about wrestling. Although, it was well written and sounds good on paper, it would never work. No one cares about the US Title anymore, let alone the WWE. Michaels wont be back, and the belt will go to Cena, HHH, or Orton one way or another. MVP isnt ready, as EVERYONE is saying, Kofi just isnt there, Regal and Hardy cant be taken seriously as a main eventer yet, and Santino in this? Come on. Belt will definitly go to HHH or Cena. I cant see Orton losing and winning it immediatly back without a transitional champ at worst

I'm a mark for having prestigious titles that wrestlers want to win. And I don't normally think about wrestling quite this much -- just went on a little flight of fancy today. :icon_biggrin:
I think you have some fabulous ideas there ghoat. Definitely a lot better than what the Raw writers can come up with. I mean with the WWE and WHC titles being switched around every month, why not give MVP a chance. If it doesn't work oh well you can always have the title switch back to Orton. I mean how do we know if these people are ready or not if they aren't allowed to have strong showings in the main event?
This is my opinion, but I feel that Vince McMahon has a blessing in the injury of Batista as he has a chance to make a new star in the matter of three weeks. Lets face it, he knew Batista was hurt before the match with Orton and they could have ran the “Punt” angle, but what would be next for Orton do, face Triple H, again. That wasn't quite the ratings winner. So why have Orton lose to a guy that is hurt? So you can hold a battle royal/tournament to crown a new WWE Champion and that is what Vince should do, hold a tournament to crown a New 1st Time ever WWE Champion.

So. The tournament that everyone has been calling for, including myself.

I think Vince should have Batista hand over the title and then in the Vince voice Gaurrentee a New Champion in a 8-man Raw Exclusive tournament consisting only of men who have never been WWE Champion but have held WWE gold in the past. Promising to have a New Champion in the WWE.

One problem. That means he has to simply trust his main-event and ratings to a guy that hasn't been a proven main-event draw. That will never happen. You know when that even sorta happened? Punk. And that was a miserable failure.

This would shake the foundation of Raw alongside creating a new star. You have eight great names:
2.William Regal
3.Kofi Kingston
4.Matt Hardy
5.The Miz
6.Santino Marella
7.Ted Dibiase
8.Cody Rhodes

Not one of which is ready to carry the main-event. Might as well tell the entire main-event scene to just take a 3 month break, and let the mid-card take over. I'm all for letting a mid-carder feud with a main-event player to see if they're ready (See Miz/Cena, MVP/Probably Big Show, etc.) but just giving them the title and saying "Here, run" is a bad idea.

This tournament lacks the names and the last match wouldn't sell out the ECW arena, but you can surround the PPV with other big matches, but the main thing is it creates a new champion, new storyline, and new star in three weeks. Plus it mirrors what the WWE did with The Rock and look how well that turned out for wrestling. So I say that the WWE should try this idea instead of having Orton/Cena/Show get the belt as we have been there and done that.

One difference. The Rock had an entire 2 years of main-event build behind him. He did get his title through a tournament, but he did that after a legitimate year and a half on the main-event scene. He wasn't feuding for the title, but he was tied with Austin and McMahon, which is enough.

These guys you're proposing to push have essentially no connection with the main event. You're basically saying "Take an unproven character and throw him into the title scene." You can't do that. That's why it takes so long to push the mid-card. MVP is slowly getting that push, and Miz literally sat in the mid-card for what, a year and a half, before the Raw main-event needed a heel and he got chosen. You can't make a main-event player out of a mid-carder in 3 weeks. It just doesn't work. Be patient.

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