It's the Road To Wrestlemania again.... WCWF's 5 Things!

That N Word

Actively evolving
Nope we're not talking about the World Championship Wrestling Federation:lmao: We're talking about the 5 Things That Should Happen on RAW Series.

Last night at Royal Rumble we witnessed the RTWM heat up and history being made. From Cena winning his Sweet Sixteen to Chris Jericho according to Michael Cole breaking the longest all-time time record,to the debut of Tye Dillenger,to the beginning of a potential turn for Roman Reigns?,to Randy Orton winning the Royal Rumble,to Harper snapping on Wyatt. We'll cover SmackDown's Five Things in a different thread. However, here's five things that should happen on Monday Night Raw tonight:

Roman Reigns Goes Ham- Last night, Roman Reigns entered the Royal Rumble in the #30 position and was in no mood to play games. "The Big Dog" entered and went right after The Undertaker, eliminating the legend. His next target would be rival, Chris Jericho. Reigns would eliminate Jericho after over an hour of Y2J being in the match. Reigns would go on to eliminate several superstars before last eliminating Bray Wyatt and being eliminated by eventual winner, Randy Orton. A slow turn for Reigns could be on the horizon. Tonight however, I feel is the night we should get another Roman Reigns snap mode fest. Last time,we really seen this was when Reigns destroyed Triple H at WWE TLC 2015.

Tonight on Raw, Roman Reigns should call out Braun Strowman for a fight and threaten not to leave the ring until he gets him. Security comes to the ring guided by Mick Foley. Next move, Reigns snaps and destroys all security and even Superman Punches Foley before going backstage to look for Strowman. This would be a continuous angle with Reigns beating up every thing that moves and even stopping matches throughout the night. Does Reigns get Strowman or not? Stay tuned in the thread to find out.

Seth makes his intentions know and gets kicked out again- Taalk about "NXT Takeover"
Seth Rollins literally did just that when he invaded the NXT Special Event to call out former mentor Triple H. We now know that tonight on RAW, Rollins and Triple H's wife Stephanie McMahon will be face-to-face. I'm thinking Seth Rollins should be... "tell your husband I wanna fight WrestleMania!!" Stephanie say's Seth isn't on her husbands level which is why they turned on Seth to begin with because he lost his step. She kicks Seth out of the arena again.

Goldberg and Brock Lesnar makes WrestleMania Match official- Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman at some point doing the show talk about how Lesnar is obsessed with getting one last opportunity at Goldberg to the point that he is willing to put his career on the line. Goldberg makes his return and makes fun of Brock being a "depressed little bitch." Goldberg accepts the challenge and say's that he's so confident that he's gonna beat Brock that he'll put his own career on the line. Stage is set Brock vs. Goldberg III: Icon vs. Icon; Loser Must Retire. Immediately after (similar to Rock/Cena and The Coore) Rusev and Jinder Mahal attacks both legends to set up a Tag Match at Fastlane.

The Undertaker Appears At the start of the 10:00 hour, Reigns say's he is done waiting and he wants Strowman in that ring right then. Stephanie comes out to the ramp saying that Strowman wasn't there. She say's that someone else is and their very angry with Roman Reigns. (Gong) Lights out (Gong) The Undertaker and Roman Reigns is face-to-face and a massive brawl takes place and the locker room clears to try and break it up and Taker screams it isn't over and that it was far from over.

Kevin Owens loses the WWE Universal Championship following a Jericho accident- Sami Zayn begs a heated Stephanie to challenge Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal Championship in a backstage segment. Stephanie yells at Sami and say's that if he loses he would be fired because of the mood she's in. She makes it a Falls Count Anywhere Match. In the Main Event of Raw, Chris Jericho would appear close to the end to help Owens but accidentally hits him with a foreign object before Sami plants him with a Blue Thunder Bomb. This leads to Sami taking advantage and capturing the Universal Title. Why should this happen? Because Owens versus Jericho at WrestleMania has the United States Championship. I'd say let Sami Zayn defend the title against somebody like Cesaro. Sounds crazy? Not really. This is how you build stars. I read a report somewhere that WWE was ending Cesaro/Sheamus reign so fast because they finally wanted to push Cesaro again. This is the opportunity. At Fastlane, hold a tournament to crown the #1 Contender for to face the winner of Fastlane's Main Event of Zayn/Owens/Jericho for the Universal Title at WrestleMania.


Zayn/Owens/Jericho for Universal Title
WrestleMania Challenger Tournament
Lesnar/Goldberg vs. Rusev/Jinder
Charlotte/Bayley for Womens Title
Neville/Swann II for Cruiserweight Title
Gallows and Anderson vs. Enzo/Cass for Tag Titles


Zayn/Cesaro for Universal Title
Goldberg/Lesnar;Loser Must Retire
Jericho/Owens for United States Title
Triple H/Rollins
Neville/Mysterio for Cruiserweight Title?
Sasha/Charlotte/Bayley/Jax for Women's Title
I was pretty much right there with you up until Zayn/Cesaro. I mean, I guess, if you want to call this complete fantasy booking. I hope you don't expect a great build to the match, at least from a promo standpoint.

I really like your booking for Reigns/Taker and I really don't care about Rollins/HHH. I guess that works. That ship sailed so long ago though that not many people care I think.
Why would Braun Strowman not answer a challenge from Reigns? He is a monster heel who wants to beat people up. That is the only flaw I see in the story. Perhaps have Roman beat Strowman at Fastlane to show he can beat a monster and is ready for Taker. I really hope they change their mind and go back to Cena vs Taker. That match needs to happen eventually.

They need to draw Taker vs Roman out. That is why I would take a detour at Fastlane (heh, car joke) and have Roman vs Strowman. Crowd would shit on that match though. I'm assuming Taker won't appear at every Raw and Roman can't carry multiple promos by himself. Having him cut two straight months of promos without Taker would not be optimal.

Not a fan of tournaments. Bunch of matches with no story.

I don't like the reasoning behind Goldberg putting up his career. Seems a bit heelish/pointless but I wouldn't complain if that is how it goes. I can't really see any other way to do it since Goldberg isn't a full-time guy.

Zayn vs Cesaro is not a Mania title worthy match. Zayn also is in the doghouse for complaining about "his" move being stolen. Now why WWE feels the need to care about that, no clue. That means he is not going to be the Universal champ anytime soon. I'm guessing what happens with the Universal title is Rollins overcomes HHH at Mania then finally gets the title off Owens. After that, Balor comes back and challenges Rollins. I assume Jericho is gone soon after Mania.

Jump would be a bit much for both Zayn and Cesaro. These two for the US title would be good.

If the crusierweight title makes the main card, it will take the form of a multi-man ladder match. If Mysterio comes back, Neville vs Mysterio would be a sweet match.

Womens match is probably going to be a fatal fourway but I would prefer Bayley vs Charlotte. Have Bayley overcome Jax at the Rumble. Bayley get beat by Charlotte at Fastlane due to dubious circumstances. Then at Mania, remove the ability to cheat from Charlotte and have Bayley dethrone her streak. Instead they just have Bayley get beat by Charlotte clean because...poetry?
Why would Braun Strowman not answer a challenge from Reigns? He is a monster heel who wants to beat people up. That is the only flaw I see in the story. Perhaps have Roman beat Strowman at Fastlane to show he can beat a monster and is ready for Taker. I really hope they change their mind and go back to Cena vs Taker. That match needs to happen eventually.

They need to draw Taker vs Roman out. That is why I would take a detour at Fastlane (heh, car joke) and have Roman vs Strowman. Crowd would shit on that match though. I'm assuming Taker won't appear at every Raw and Roman can't carry multiple promos by himself. Having him cut two straight months of promos without Taker would not be optimal.

Not a fan of tournaments. Bunch of matches with no story.

I don't like the reasoning behind Goldberg putting up his career. Seems a bit heelish/pointless but I wouldn't complain if that is how it goes. I can't really see any other way to do it since Goldberg isn't a full-time guy.

Zayn vs Cesaro is not a Mania title worthy match. Zayn also is in the doghouse for complaining about "his" move being stolen. Now why WWE feels the need to care about that, no clue. That means he is not going to be the Universal champ anytime soon. I'm guessing what happens with the Universal title is Rollins overcomes HHH at Mania then finally gets the title off Owens. After that, Balor comes back and challenges Rollins. I assume Jericho is gone soon after Mania.

Jump would be a bit much for both Zayn and Cesaro. These two for the US title would be good.

If the crusierweight title makes the main card, it will take the form of a multi-man ladder match. If Mysterio comes back, Neville vs Mysterio would be a sweet match.

Womens match is probably going to be a fatal fourway but I would prefer Bayley vs Charlotte. Have Bayley overcome Jax at the Rumble. Bayley get beat by Charlotte at Fastlane due to dubious circumstances. Then at Mania, remove the ability to cheat from Charlotte and have Bayley dethrone her streak. Instead they just have Bayley get beat by Charlotte clean because...poetry?
As somebody said before it adds layers to his character. Strowman has backed down from both Show and Lesnar in the past two weeks. Backing down from the top guy on Raw won't hurt. Mainly because he can't be that super monster heel forever. It's all in the mind games.

As for Zayn and Cesaro, people said Wyatt/Cena wasn't a WrestleMania match years ago (myself included) but it proved people wrong. How can you make it if you don't take a chance? And the whole Sami in the doghouse rumors are just that..RUMORS!!!
As somebody said before it adds layers to his character. Strowman has backed down from both Show and Lesnar in the past two weeks. Backing down from the top guy on Raw won't hurt. Mainly because he can't be that super monster heel forever. It's all in the mind games.

Forgot Strowman backing off before so I'll concede that point.

As for Zayn and Cesaro, people said Wyatt/Cena wasn't a WrestleMania match years ago (myself included) but it proved people wrong. How can you make it if you don't take a chance? And the whole Sami in the doghouse rumors are just that..RUMORS!!!

They are just rumors. However, Zayn went from a guy who wanted to fight everyone and never give up to an awkward nerd. The preshow panel laughed at the guy who said Zayn would do well. The only other thing I could think of is Vince decided he wanted the writers to make him laugh and this is how they are accomplishing it.

Cena is a bit above Zayn/Cesaro. Both are not at the level where they should be world champion. They are at the level where they could have a good feud over the US title. I actually do not remember people being against Cena vs Wyatt.

Putting either Zayn or Cesaro against a veteran for the world title would be a much better option. Putting them both wouldn't work. You don't put two undeserving guys by themselves in a match for the title at Mania. How would they prove people wrong? They are not seen as world title ready yet and a feud between two unready guys would not really help either of them.

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