Its official: Peyton to Denver

This has to be one of the most ridiculous professional sports theories that I have ever heard in my life. We are talking about grown men here, are we not?

My apologies, I did not realize that the NFL had realignment plans over the next three years. I thought the NFC West still had and would continue to have the Rams, Seahawks, and the Cardinals in there, along with the 49ers.

When we start prognosticating the Argos, Eskimos, Blue Bombers and Alouettes I'll look for your opinion Habs, but this is the NFL. WINKY FACE!

The Raiders are stuck with Palmer and gave away a number of picks to get him. SD is on the downside of a good run. The Cheifs probably would have gotten the mosy improvement out of Manning but are still stuck with Cassell.
I think all three teams made coaching changes this offseason. Denver is probably the team with the biggest upside.

Meanwhile, the Hawks and Cards were 8-8 and 7-9. The Rams have problems but they also have a lot of picks to build on. All three teams QB's are unproven but should get better.

It may take a couple of years to see that I'm right, but I think you'll see the NFC West fill out over the next few years and the AFC West decline.

When we start prognosticating the Argos, Eskimos, Blue Bombers and Alouettes I'll look for your opinion Habs, but this is the NFL. WINKY FACE!

The Raiders are stuck with Palmer and gave away a number of picks to get him. SD is on the downside of a good run. The Cheifs probably would have gotten the mosy improvement out of Manning but are still stuck with Cassell.
I think all three teams made coaching changes this offseason. Denver is probably the team with the biggest upside.

Meanwhile, the Hawks and Cards were 8-8 and 7-9. The Rams have problems but they also have a lot of picks to build on. All three teams QB's are unproven but should get better.

It may take a couple of years to see that I'm right, but I think you'll see the NFC West fill out over the next few years and the AFC West decline.


Actually, I wouldn't be surprised to see Tim Tebow eventually end up in, and excel in, the CFL, much like Doug Flutie. I remain unconvinced he will be a success in the NFL long term, last season's success notwithstanding. Not next season, mind you, but after potentially floundering around the NFL and falling short, that may be where he ends up. By the way, how do you know anything about the CFL, aren't you American? I didn't think you guys knew much outside of your own borders.

By the way, before the grammar and spelling police get you, it's Chiefs, not Cheifs.

Oh, and just for you,

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised to see Tim Tebow eventually end up in, and excel in, the CFL, much like Doug Flutie. I remain unconvinced he will be a success in the NFL long term, last season's success notwithstanding. Not next season, mind you, but after potentially floundering around the NFL and falling short, that may be where he ends up. By the way, how do you know anything about the CFL, aren't you American? I didn't think you guys knew much outside of your own borders.

By the way, before the grammar and spelling police get you, it's Chiefs, not Cheifs.

Oh, and just for you,


Totally agree on Tebow dominating the CFL.

I have a working knowledge of Canada based on growing up in Buffalo, being addicted to television and having CTV and CBC as part of my cable package.

Sidenote: sometimes on Canadian basic channels they run movies with a boob or two.

I've also been to Toronto a bunch of times and my Grandma lives in Niagara Falls (Canadian side).

I love your hockey, your flashing green street lights, your one-point rouge, your pouteen (sp?), your drinking age and especially your strippers.

"No one works harder for an American dollar than a Canadian stripper".
Jaguars would be smart to going after Tebow, just to get some fans in the damn stadium and money. Them Floridians would go crazy over him.
Totally agree on Tebow dominating the CFL.

I have a working knowledge of Canada based on growing up in Buffalo, being addicted to television and having CTV and CBC as part of my cable package.

Sidenote: sometimes on Canadian basic channels they run movies with a boob or two.

I've also been to Toronto a bunch of times and my Grandma lives in Niagara Falls (Canadian side).

I love your hockey, your flashing green street lights, your one-point rouge, your pouteen (sp?), your drinking age and especially your strippers.

"No one works harder for an American dollar than a Canadian stripper".

Have to spread, GSB, have to spread, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Next time you are checking out CBC, check out Republic of Doyle and let me know what you think.

Of course, I wouldn't know anything about strippers, I'll have to take your word for it.

And by the way, it's poutine.
Pretty sure we had one way back, like a few years ago. Pretty sure it was way back when Wes was still posting here, before lost his mind, got thrown in prison, & eventually banned, in otherwords a long fucking time ago.
There definitely was one but it was a while back. I think it was a top 5 or top 10 qbs of all time thread.
There definitely was one but it was a while back. I think it was a top 5 or top 10 qbs of all time thread.
Might be time for another as Brady and Mannings careers have progressed since then. I am too lazy to go find it, and if it is too old I won't gravedig.
I'm so happy Manning's out of the AFC South. I didn't read past the second page of this thread, so I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but I'll go ahead and say this. I do not want the Jaguars to trade for Tebow. The majority of Jaguars fans that I've seen don't want Tebow. He would be the third string quarterback. He wouldn't sell more tickets. It would be an awful move and turn Jacksonville into a circus. I do not want him in a Jaguars uniform.
From Mannings point of view it was a good move from Denvers point of view its not.

I know Tebow isn't in Mannings league of caliber but Tebow had a great upside in Denver and Denver could of had themselves (in 2-3 years) an elite quarterback for the next decade and its looking like they got greedy and want a title now.

Manning is surely gonna give Denver a solid record and playoff berth for the next few years but after that they basically have to start again. Unless Denver can convince Tebow to stay as Mannings backup for a few years this isn't a good move on Denvers part.

Maybe Denver will be ok for a little while but long term this move could damage them big time.
From Mannings point of view it was a good move from Denvers point of view its not.

I'd say it's the other way around. Manning had a better opportunity in San Fran but passed it up to go to Denver. The Broncos on the other hand went from fringe playoff team next year to Super Bowl contender for the next few years. Tebow isn't a long term franchise qb.
I'd say it's the other way around. Manning had a better opportunity in San Fran but passed it up to go to Denver. The Broncos on the other hand went from fringe playoff team next year to Super Bowl contender for the next few years. Tebow isn't a long term franchise qb.
He isn't a short term one either since the odds are he is being traded to the Jets. Hasn't happened yet, but has a good shot.
I am surprised how many have accepted that this is the right move without knowing much about just which Peyton Manning they got. If they got the real deal Peyton Manning then of course it was the right move. However, the real deal Peyton Manning would never have been cut in the first place. Since it is well known that Elway etc. did not want Tebow then I think many are glossing over the possible effect from this being their only chance to get rid of him. It isn't this simple but the reality is they just traded the QB that led them to the playoffs and beat the Steelers for an older player that just sat out a year and isn't even fully healed yet. When is the last time someone that age took a year off from the NFL and came back the exact same player? I am not suggesting that the Broncos purposefully made a bad move, just that it isn't fair to judge this choice on Peyton vs Tebow when you are basing everything off a near perfectly optimistic projection for Peyton vs the yet to be proven idea that Tebow isn't long term sustainable or capable of improving. If I was a Broncos fan I would probably like management's desire to build a team that they think can win it all but I wouldn't concede that is what happened here yet until I saw what Manning can actually do.
I'm kind of bummed on Peyton Manning going to Denver. I really wanted to see him in Miami, and see if he could help pull that team up. The Colts were nothing special when Peyton took the helm, but he steered the ship in the right direction, straight to the top. I've always wanted to see Miami win a Super Bowl, it's yet to happen in my lifetime and it was hard to watch Dan Marino all those years falling short. I have this weird obsession with seeing Miami win a Super Bowl, but I am tried and true Dallas Cowboys fan which is a whole other conversation that probably sees me feeling rather salty at the end because of said status as a Cowboys fan.

Regardless of that, I really thought Miami was the right destination for Manning, but oddly enough I think now it would be a good spot for Tebow. Obviously now it's too late, he's signed with the Jets, but I really thought Miami would be a good place for him to go. They were running that wildcat offense for a time with Tony Sparano running the show, and even though he left they could have utilized it with Tim Tebow and brought that back in Miami. Ultimately Tebow made Denver a better team last year, and I think he could have made Miami a better team this year.

In regards to all the swirling madness surrounding Peyton Manning, why he chose the Bronco's, what he saw in them, where his health is actually at and how well he will hold up, where does this put the Broncos in the grand scheme, is the talent really there or will Peyton Manning's talent be enough to make them better? All these questions and I feel like I can see one answer through it all that goes right back to one man, John Elway. I think all of this is John Elway recreating the tail end of his career. Back then Elway was advanced in age for a QB, people questioned his ability, he got a decent team around him, and he went on to win 2 Super Bowls in a row.

I think we are merely seeing the same thing unfold. It might not happen this season, but I think it will happen. That seems to me to be what John Elway is trying to do here, he wants to recreate the success HE had with the team he did it with. He sees Manning as the guy to get it done. They've got some decent tools to work with in Denver. I'm not saying they are world beaters but they've got enough talent to make a serious go. I have big questions about Peyton Mannings actual condition and what he will be like when he gets on the field.

Even Tom Brady needed some tuning up when he came back from his knee injury and he bounced back relatively quick once he was playing again, but he didn't have the degree of damage that Manning has sustained with this neck issue and the nerve damage. He's going to need to get back in shape, Sunday Shape, and get familiar with a whole new offense, a whole new team of guys, and above all else STAY HEALTHY, which is going to be increasingly hard when that "Good" offensive line meets GREAT defenses. I have my levels of skepticism with Manning, but I can also see the same bright light at the end of the tunnel that some are looking towards. Either way I hope it IS a successful run in Denver for Manning and I wouldn't mind seeing them win their division or go to the Super Bowl. Maybe Dallas can meet them there and spoil it for them.
I guess Manning doesn't like to throw to Wide Receivers that are anywhere near decent, since the Broncos have none.

Nor does he care about winning championships, since SF offered the best for that.

And it's the best move for the Broncos, since they were completely intent on shitting on Tim Tebow. Manning is the only guy they could replace Tebow with.

Demayrius Thomas will be elite this year, dude was 2nd in rec yards during the last 2 or 3 months of the season with fuckin Tebow, who threw like 10 passes a game. Plus Erick Decker has been playing well, Manning really likes him. Plenty of wideouts.
Caleb Hanie is Peyton's backup now.

Is it a rule that Peyton Manning must have the worst backup QB in the league?

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