Its Here The Rise And Fall Of WCW DVD Chapter/Match List


Pre-Show Stalwart
Disc 1

Jim Crockett Promotions

Georgia Championship Wrestling

Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

Black Saturday

The Expansion

Crockett Sells to Turner

Greatest Talent in the World

New Management

Bill Watts Era

Bill Shaw Hires Eric Bischoff

Hulk Hogan Arrives

Nitro Debuts




WCW Ratings Champ


Goldberg vs. Hogan

Mistakes Begin

Vince Russo

A Corporate Merger

McMahon buys WCW

Legacy of WCW

Bonus Features

• Lost in Cleveland

• Bill Watts Defends Himself

• Spam Man

• The Origin of Goldberg

• Bischoff Gives Away RAW Results

Disc 2

$1,000 Challenge Match
Ric Flair vs. Magnum T.A.
NWA World Championship Wrestling – June 15, 1985

Sting, Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon)
The Main Event – April 3, 1988

United States Championship Match
Dusty Rhodes vs. Barry Windham
Great American Bash – July 10, 1988

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs. Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat
Chi-Town Rumble – February 20, 1989

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express
Wrestle War – February 25, 1990

NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match
The Midnight Express vs. The Southern Boys
Great American Bash – July 7, 1990

WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting & Lex Luger
SuperBrawl – May 19, 1991

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sting vs. Big Van Vader
Great American Bash – July 12, 1992

WCW International World Heavyweight Championship Match
Rick Rude vs. Sting
Spring Stampede – April 17, 1994

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan
Bash at the Beach – July 17, 1994

Disc 3

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs. The Giant
Nitro – April 29, 1996

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko
Clash of the Champions XXXIII – August 15, 1996

War Games Match
Team WCW- Sting, Lex Luger, Ric Fair & Arn Anderson vs. Team n.W.o.- Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & a Mystery Partner
Fall Brawl – September 15, 1996

United States Championship Ladder Match
Syxx vs. Eddie Guerrero
Souled Out – January 25, 1997

United States Championship No Disqualification Match
Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko
Uncensored – March 16, 1997

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Title vs. Mask Match
Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera
SuperBrawl VIII – February 22, 1998

WCW Unified World Tag Team Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers vs. The Outsiders
SuperBrawl VIII – February 22, 1998

Diamond Dallas Page & Karl Malone vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Dennis Rodman
Bash at the Beach – July 12, 1998

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Halloween Havoc – October 25, 1998

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Booker T vs. Lance Storm
Nitro – August 7, 2000

Another to add to the list for me
I hope they put as much work into the WCW one as they did the ECW one...looking at the chapters, I'm not sure they did.

But, that match list looks AWESOME. In particular, I'm loooking forward to owning Flair vs. Steamboat at Chi-Town Rumble, and Sting/Luger vs. Steiner Brothers at Superbrawl.

I've said FOREVER, that Sting/Luger vs. Steiners is one of the most underrated matches in history.
October in the UK, which probably means a couple of weeks before in the US.

The documentary looks like a typical rush job by WWE. Hopefully the chapters are longer than they look.
No Pillman/Liger matches???? How can you have a dvd dedicated to WCW, without including the best light-heavyweight championship feud of all times?
far tooo much Guerrero.
A whole two matches for one of the highlights of a great division. Yeah, awful.

I'm down for this DVD. If the whole disc one is going to be a DVD, it should cover the topics listed at some significant length Sly. Don't get too negative until you see it.
Yeah, a whole two matches, considering the fact that every WWE DVD possible puts a mandatory Eddie Guerrero match on it, I'm tired of watching Eddie Guerrero. I'll take anything that Liger and Pillman did over a Guerrero match any day of the week.
$1,000 Challenge Match
Ric Flair vs. Magnum T.A.
NWA World Championship Wrestling – June 15, 1985

Never seen it. So I give this match a thumbs up in wanting to see.

Sting, Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon)
The Main Event – April 3, 1988

Sounds worth watching.

United States Championship Match
Dusty Rhodes vs. Barry Windham
Great American Bash – July 10, 1988

Dusty Rhodes isn't really a great view for me. Never got much into him.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs. Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat
Chi-Town Rumble – February 20, 1989

Steamboat, to me, is an overrated piece of trash. And I'm willing to bet this is one of their longer matches. Does not interest me in the slightest.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express
Wrestle War – February 25, 1990

Ugh. No. Wait, are the Midnight Express the Rockers? I'm confused now. I swear the Rockers were known as an "Express" once upon a time.

Either way, I never got into any "Express" tag teams. So no.

NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match
The Midnight Express vs. The Southern Boys
Great American Bash – July 7, 1990

The Southern Boys? WTF.

WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting & Lex Luger
SuperBrawl – May 19, 1991

Sounds worth a watch. I'm interested again.

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sting vs. Big Van Vader
Great American Bash – July 12, 1992

Yes. Definitely worth it now.

WCW International World Heavyweight Championship Match
Rick Rude vs. Sting
Spring Stampede – April 17, 1994

I'm sold on this match, alone.

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan
Bash at the Beach – July 17, 1994

And my peak just dropped again. This was likely their best match in W.C.W, but didn't Shaq play a major part in the finish? Ugh.

Disc 3

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs. The Giant
Nitro – April 29, 1996

I always loved Big Show/Ric Flair matches.. I bet it was pure shit, but I'll still love it.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko
Clash of the Champions XXXIII – August 15, 1996

Definitely not their best match. But since it likely hasn't been put on a million other DVDs, its worth adding here.

War Games Match
Team WCW- Sting, Lex Luger, Ric Fair & Arn Anderson vs. Team n.W.o.- Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & a Mystery Partner
Fall Brawl – September 15, 1996

Worst War Games of all time. Including the one with Warrior. This one has a "Fake Sting" even. Horrible, horrible match.

United States Championship Ladder Match
Syxx vs. Eddie Guerrero
Souled Out – January 25, 1997

Wait, was the Souled Out Pay per view all in Black and White? I forget now. I hope not.

United States Championship No Disqualification Match
Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko
Uncensored – March 16, 1997

Should've added the Spring Stampede; Benoit/Malenko match instead.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Title vs. Mask Match
Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera
SuperBrawl VIII – February 22, 1998

Nice addition. Highlights Jericho's better moments in history.

WCW Unified World Tag Team Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers vs. The Outsiders
SuperBrawl VIII – February 22, 1998

So, they pick the match where Scott turns on Rick? :headscratch: Stupid.

Diamond Dallas Page & Karl Malone vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Dennis Rodman
Bash at the Beach – July 12, 1998

The Jay Leno/DDP vs. Hogan/Bischoff match was far more entertaining. And didn't have a Disciple finish to the ending that was bogus.

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Halloween Havoc – October 25, 1998

Best Goldberg match - ever. Nice to see it added.

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Booker T vs. Lance Storm
Nitro – August 7, 2000

YES! Lance Storm makes the DVD!

Overall Thoughts

Why are there NO Randy Savage, or Chris Benoit moments? No Bret Hart. No Raven. Fuck, not really much of anything in honest. I'll still buy it to buy it.. but major let-down on the matches.
Yeah, a whole two matches, considering the fact that every WWE DVD possible puts a mandatory Eddie Guerrero match on it, I'm tired of watching Eddie Guerrero. I'll take anything that Liger and Pillman did over a Guerrero match any day of the week.

I'll replace the Eddie Guerrero matches with any of the following..

Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit - Spring Stampede 97.

Chris Benoit/Kevin Sullivan - any of them.

Sting/Randy Savage - Spring Stampede 98.

Chris Jericho/Dean Malenko or Jericho/Mysterio - any of them.

Bret Hart/Randy Savage - Slamboree 98.

Benoit/Malenko v. Raven/Saturn v. Kidman/Mysterio - Slamboree 98! Greatest fucking triple threat tag ever!!







Mysterio/Juvi - ANY OF THEM!
Yeah, a whole two matches, considering the fact that every WWE DVD possible puts a mandatory Eddie Guerrero match on it, I'm tired of watching Eddie Guerrero. I'll take anything that Liger and Pillman did over a Guerrero match any day of the week.
Which ones didn't he have business being on? That's what I'd like to know. I count a whole two releases that would match under that description, those being Rock and Austin's DVDs. And he's probably only on those because of the decision to keep Benoit matches off the sets. Exactly where else did WWE put too many Eddie matches on their DVDs?

Yes, some Pillman and Liger would be nice. So would some Savage or Bret. Even maybe some more Jericho. But in no way to I see Eddie being on the set as a bad thing, and sometimes I get the feeling he gets picked out by people on here just because he's dead and it's easy to get away with playing the "overrated" card as a result of that.

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