Issues Among The British Invasion?

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This past week on Impact, many, if not all, of us were amazed to see Rob Terry teaming with Eric Young for a tag team match. Kiyoshi and Bashir have been largely unused, and seemed more logical choices. Then, as the match unfolded, it all came together. Rob Terry messed up in the end, and upset his team (the World Elite).

While the Brits were backing up the ramp, Tenay mentioned how the members of World Elite were becoming upset with how Rob Terry was representing them. Obviously this is all a work to get him out of World Elite, but does it stretch further than that?

Is TNA trying to write Rob Terry out of the company? He's obviously not talented enough to work on his own, and wasn't working well as a stable member.

I see this as the end of Rob Terry's time in TNA. He'll probably be written into a few more matches, to keep working his way out, and then once he's done, he'll be gone from TNA for good.

What do you think? Is Rob Terry destined for the WWE? Or, is TNA seriously considering working him as a singles wrestler? Be sure to include reasons!
Idk what will happen but i hope TNA doesnt let him go cause he has the look that vinces drools over and if he tought him how to wrestle then that would relly hurt tna
I don't care too much for him myself. I can see them trying to push him as a singles star for a while. I don't think it'll work. He just looks like a douchebag to me. I don't like his look, and he's just.. stale? I'm not sure what i'm getting at really. I don't think WWE has any interest in him. I think TNA might be writing him out myself.
I don't think WWE has any interest in him.

There may not be anything out there about it, but I'm sure they are. He's a big muscle freak, he's foreign, and he has a douchebag haircut. That's the perfect recipe for a WWE bust.

His biggest problem is his noticeable lack of wrestling skills. He can't even brawl properly. If he could throw a convincing punch, and maybe land a good stomp or two, I'd buy him as a semi-midcard singles guy. as he stands now though, I'd have no issue picking a fight with him in a bar.
Right now, he needs a large amount of work in-ring and on mike. He's got the look and that's about it. Although, the look means a lot in this type business.

The question is, will TNA truly work with him to make him better? Well, I think he's alright with em right now, but if he doesn't improve I would expect him to be out relatively soon.
I would suggest him becoming Desmond Wolf's bodyguard. Desmond is drawing heat by the second, and having a bodyguard could help him draw more. Especially now while feuding with Angle. In the backstage they can also have Desmond "tutor" Big Rob on how wrestle a little better. Lets face it. He doesn't have the skills but he definitely has the look. If Batista can headline Wrestlemania Rob Terry can become a credible mid-carder. TNA shouldn't scrap poor Rob. He has a lot of potential in my book and I think TNA, unlike WWE, would actually take the time to train the big lug rather than throwing him in the mix unprepared.
I like the idea of him becoming someone's "muscle", but I don't agree with it being Desmond Wolfe. He's getting an insane push on his own, and is about to go over Kurt Angle Sunday on PPV. Adding a bodyguard to him would make him look weak, and drag Angle down with him.

Terry could maybe work as a bodyguard for Bashir, if he stepped away from World Elite. His gimmick is a rich snobby guy, so why not pay off a big meathead with no brains? It's the best option, I think, if they keep him, and saddle him as a bodyguard.
This idea might sound dumb, but how about pairing him with Scott Steiner? He can be his new protege. The segments would be very entertaining if done right and Big Rob could learn from a guy with a similar build as his own. It rebooted Petey Williams before he was released, so why not Rob?
It rebooted Petey Williams before he was released, so why not Rob?

Because Petey had decent mic skills, and was a great in-ring performer. His matches from start, through middle, were solid. Nothing spectacular, but they were watchable.

Then, his matches all had big fancy finishes. He could sell some big moves, and would bust out the Canadian Destroyer at a moment's notice. Big Rob does not have any of those abilities. All it would do is kill everything Steiner has built up over the last few weeks. Maybe once he's done with Lashley, but no sooner. Please, no sooner...
Rob Terry is god awful. He will most likely only ever be muscle for someone so it's no real loss to see him leave the company. The British Invasion are decent enough without him and I think he drags them down if anything. I really don't think that the WWE would want him at the moment. They haven't been big on managers or hired muscle recently, especially when they have little to no wrestling ability. Hopefully Rob will leave TNA and if he's serious about wrestling, go and actually learn to somewhere, because you can't come to the big leagues and bring nothing, no matter how big you are.
Guys, he is already at a training school, he trains at the team 3d academy,
He was employed by wwe and sent to FCW, but was released, he's from my hometown of swansea uk, I would like to see him wrestle as a singles athlete for a while against unknown wrestlers, kinda like what beth phoenix has been doing on smackdown, so he can build up his wrestling skills but still remain on tv aswell, If trained right, i think he could be a big hit in the wrestling business.
Guys, he is already at a training school, he trains at the team 3d academy,
He was employed by wwe and sent to FCW, but was released, he's from my hometown of swansea uk, I would like to see him wrestle as a singles athlete for a while against unknown wrestlers, kinda like what beth phoenix has been doing on smackdown, so he can build up his wrestling skills but still remain on tv aswell, If trained right, i think he could be a big hit in the wrestling business.

You have seen him wrestle right? You can't honestly be telling me that you think he's good or an asset at the moment. He definitely needs more training, 2 years simply isn't enough, you have to pay your dues in this business and just because your a roided out freak, doesn't mean you shouldn't have to train and work your way up, exactly why the WWE will have got rid of him. I agree that if he trained more, and actually became half decent in the ring he could be useful, but right now, no.
Can anyone imagine Rob Terry joining the Round Table?? If TNA releases Rob Terry, I could see Vince scooping him up, renaming him, and placing him either under Regal’s guidance in the Land of Extreme, or on the Blue Show.
As well he should be let go. He's total deadweight to TNA, as well as both the British Invasion and World Elite. His in-ring work as a "big guy" is just too weak to cover for the fact he never talks, and only ever "yells" when he's compelling his opponent to get up so he can get knocked back down by a weak clothesline.

You could be right about the company writing him out, NightShift, but you also have to keep in mind that not all the allusions TNA hints at really come to fruition.
You could be right about the company writing him out, NightShift, but you also have to keep in mind that not all the allusions TNA hints at really come to fruition.


That's the point of making the thread...To speculate, and get discussion stirring. I know there's still a 50/50 shot right now for him, because we only got that one match and one line to work with. But, it's no secret TNA kept him off TV, and out of the ring even, so that he wouldn't be exposed as a waste of money on their end.

I'm thinking he's really on his way out though. Ther'es no way they keep him as a singles star, and there's no realistic way he fits in as a hired hand. That's probably what the other rumored arrival is for...

That's the point of making the thread...To speculate, and get discussion stirring. I know there's still a 50/50 shot right now for him, because we only got that one match and one line to work with. But, it's no secret TNA kept him off TV, and out of the ring even, so that he wouldn't be exposed as a waste of money on their end.

I'm thinking he's really on his way out though. Ther'es no way they keep him as a singles star, and there's no realistic way he fits in as a hired hand. That's probably what the other rumored arrival is for...

I just don't understand why they kept him around like this as an actual competitor. It's well known how poor his work is both in and out of the ring. He's quite literally a body – a statue. If he could actually hit those clotheslines with force, and make it look like they actually hurt coming from a guy who's built like an inverted triangle, his gimmick as hired insurance might have actually gotten over. Right now, he just seems to get in the way, IMO.

TNA already gave the World Titles to Magnus and Williams, so why keep Terry around any longer, ya know? It's not like they need the push, and they get enough cheap heat on their own – they don't need Terry saving their matches for them anymore.
Rob Terry is a total waste of space. He's not even interesting as muscle for World Elite/British Invasion. Why in the hell TNA picked him up is beyond me but obviously they just had some cash they felt like throwing away. He can't wrestle, which is why he was shit canned from wrestling school. And if he really is at the Team 3d Academy, I don't actually foresee that working out either. He's on his way out...TNA Management doesn't think real highly of his lack of wrestling skills. I'd say by years end, he'll be shit canned from TNA also...thank god!
Rob Terry is the male equivalent of Lacy Von Erich at this point. He has a great look going for him overall, but he's absolutely incompotent inside the ring. On the surface, Rob Terry looks exactly like the type of guy that Vince McMahon would want...a few years ago at any rate. Vince is a known bodybuilding mark and while Terry does have an impressive physique, the first thing that pops into your head when you look at the guy is that he's on steroids. Now, just because a guy is big and ripped doesn't mean that he's on the juice automatically. But, Rob Terry is around 300 pounds and his body fat percentage has to be somewhere around the single digit range. In order to maintain that type of cut he's got to go along with that size, he'd most likely have to eat and work out almost constantly to do it. And, even then, most men just don't have the genetic potential to have the type of physique that Terry has without artificial aid. I don't know for certain if he is on anything of course, it's just an assumption. If he isn't, however, then he's the real genetic freak in TNA.

As far as his work in the ring...the guy is just not ready in any way. From what I've read about Terry over several months, every report is that he's had virtually zero training. He knows how to do the most basic stuff, but that's all I believe.

Since the Benoit tragedy, Vince has really moved away from guys with a Herculean type of physique. Now, you don't automatically have to be huge in order to be on some sort of performance enhancing drug. Wasn't John Morrison suspended a while back for violating the Wellness Policy? He's cut and all but he's not a big guy. As far as Terry goes, the WWE had him under a developmental deal once and let him go.
i really dislike the world elite. it's obvious what theyve done - find the least over wrestlers in the company and put them in a stable. and don't forget one of the oldest cliches in the business - the foreigners as heels, as ability and charisma of these wrestlers don't draw heat, so lets have them denounce the good ol' USA. Bashir and Kiyoshi are terrible, Homicide is being dragged down, and Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus, while promising, aren't drawing heat when theyre booed, they simply bore people.

As for Rob Terry, kick his ass out. He is not a promising prospect, Vince or Dixie could go to any gym in America and find 2 or 3 jacked up douchebags that could easily substitute for him. He is not intimidating, can neither sell or give out even the most basic of moves and as some have already brought up, has a douchebag haircut. In fact, one can see a plethora of Rob Terry lookalikes at (funny site btw). He does nothing for World Elite or TNA except further decrease the little legitimacy the stable has.
And the plot thickens...

Midway through the match tonight, Rob Terry came down with a chair, forcing Magnus to shoo him away from ringside, so they wouldn't be DQ'd, adding Beer Money to the match. The chair came back to bite them in the end, with miscommunication causing problems for the Brits.

Terry looks to be on his way out, and there looks to be an outside chance the Brits split. I think they'll come together, booting Terry out, and go on with business as usual.
And the plot thickens...

Midway through the match tonight, Rob Terry came down with a chair, forcing Magnus to shoo him away from ringside, so they wouldn't be DQ'd, adding Beer Money to the match. The chair came back to bite them in the end, with miscommunication causing problems for the Brits.

Terry looks to be on his way out, and there looks to be an outside chance the Brits split. I think they'll come together, booting Terry out, and go on with business as usual.

I think you're right there NSL. Why would they tease dissension and not follow through with it?

On the subject of Big Rob, I think he has loads of untapped potential and could be a solid mid-carder if he comes into his own. Now whether that actually happens or not is up to speculation. I think TNA figured that since he had a little training, they could throw him out there and see where his comfort zone is and where he needed improvement.

Obviously there is a lot of room for improvement. I say he gets booted from World Elite, leaves the company, gets more training, and comes back to do a surprise run-in down the road. I'm not saying he'll be vastly improved, but he may return...
What i was thinking was with the idea that Young will only defend the global championship against non Americans and it being overseas could we see rob having a fall out with the world elite and going after the global championship. I know i may be extremely wide of the mark.
Hmm. Just to be contrarian.

TNA keeps Terry around, having him work with 3D and hope he can develop SOME pro wrestling ability, enough to at least credibly squash or job.

Every few weeks or every month, have him do something to piss off British Invasion and/or the rest of World Elite. Plant the seed every once in a while, just to have the project ready on the shelf.

Then, when it's time to move British Invasion out of the Tag Title picture, they have a program semi-ready of Williams and/or Magnus against Terry. Pair up Terry with a veteran to kayfabe (and hopefully really) show him the ropes and teach him a little something.

Seriously, how much does it really cost to keep Terry around? Yes, there are a limited number of roster spots, and Terry is holding a spot that could go to your personal indy or ex-WWE/ex-TNA fave, but exactly what awesome things would TNA do with them that they aren't doing now with Lethal or Creed or Bashir or Kiyoshi?
I think TNA first brought him in as a bodyguard not thinking ahead as to whether the man had any real wrestling skills. So when they started putting him in matches and saw how crappy he was, they instantly pulled him from the wrestling aspect. I think they threw him in with EY to see if Rob had learned anything or had taken the time to try to improve his very lacking skills. After seeing that World Elite have issues with him and TNA is bringing back the Feast or Fired cases I see one solution to end their problems. Give him the briefcase with the pinkslip. That is the easiest way to get rid of him. Sure we would have to endure him being in one more match but if it were a match that would mean his end, I would like it. Plus if you gave him the FoF pinkslip you wouldn't have to waste the time writing a storyline to get him kicked out of World Elite/jumped by all of World Elite to get rid of him.
Everybody...Bow before me. I called this first. Rob Terry cost his team once again, and Eric Young seems to have had enough. Terry got berated on their way out of the arena, and looked like a fool overall.

He tried to interfere in the ring, it backfired, and now he's on his way out. I still can't tell if he's on his way out of TNA al together, or if it's just out of the World Elite.

I'd guess he's leaving the company, and Vince will slip on his ow man-goo as he rushes to sign him.
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