The British Invasion: The Future of TNA?

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Debuting in late 2008, Nick Aldis, known as Oblivion on the show Gladiators, debuted under the name Brutus Magnus, a modern day gladiator. As we all well know, he dominated everyone he competed against. However, this gimmick was soon dropped for the British pride gimmick. With this gimmick, he began to team with former ROH Pure Champion and great wrestler Doug Williams. Of course, they also included their enforcer/bodyguard, Rob Terry. So far, they have defeated Homicide, Suicide and Amazing Red, and led a sneak attack on (and dominated) Team 3D. They very nearly beat Beer Money, Inc. in the finals of the Team 3D Invitational Tournament. They are also fantastic heels and amazing on the mic. So now. Here it is. A few questions. I will be answering them now, as well.

Is the British Invasion, in fact, the future of TNA, both the tag team and singles division?

Truthfully, with charisma and extreme wrestling talent, The British Invasion could very well be the heel future of TNA. Both Magnus and Williams have shown impressive skill in tag and singles matches, as well as on the mic.

With Rob Terry alongside, will Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams become TNA Tag Team champions?

I believe so, for the reasons stated previously.

Will the enforcer, Rob Terry, ever get into equal spotlight as a wrestler, or remain just a bodyguard?

It remains to be seen. Rob Terry seems to have what it takes, but he has so far had no exposure as a wrestler. Will he? That's TNA's decision.

Will the British Invasion be able to gain fame as one of the best and/or most charismatic British tag teams of all time?

With time and titles, The British Invasion could very well be a wrestling household name in the future. I could picture a man who went to a TNA event when he was younger telling his son "Yeah, buddy. I saw The British Invasion when they debuted!" and the son replying "Really, daddy? Cool!".

Will the handsome and dazzling smile of Brutus Magnus begin to blind little children?

Yes. Almost definitely.

The British Invasion has sure been impressive in TNA. I gave my opinion, now it's your turn to give yours. Answer any or all questions, if you'd like.
LOl WTH is this post. Some sort of press release promoting the British Invasion. They have barely made a impression in TNA yet imho even though they have been put over the last few weeks. Although I will say Doug Williams has impressed me all the times he has shown up in TNA. Brutus Magnus seems alright on the mic and in ring and I think they have a chance to do something in TNA. It will be interesting to see where they go with Kiyoshi and Bashir involved with them...
I agree with Shock. These kids, they have what it takes. So what if Doug Williams (Or Teh Doug, like another poster called him) is boring. His finishing move rocks my socks. If that doesn't make you a star of the future, I don't know what will. I would try to get the crowd to call him ''ginger'', only so he can reply that he's actually a strawberry blonde.

I've been a big fan of Brutus Magnus for a while now. 12 hours or so to be precise. He's great isn't he! Big muscles and such.

Along with British tights I think they have what it takes to be big stars in TNA. The future of the company for sure. Even if Teh Dough only appears every three months he's bound to become the 2nd biggest British star in the company.
Wow i didn't expect to see this much talking up for this team. Doug Williams is impressive but i still feel he's yet to find the right opponent so he can put on an exciting and very good match, undoubtably the workhorse and backbone of the team as far as the in ring work is concerned. Though to many people British wrestling is very boring, forearm uppercuts and knee drops are commonplace, so perhaps he could do with Americanising his style a little bit.

Brutus Magnus is still pretty green in the ring but he's coming along and showing improvement plus he's a natural on the mic and is the voice of the team. I don't get why they still have his stupid gladiator gimmick name though.

Rob Terry looks like a roided up freak but i suppose that's the idea. We haven't seen enough of him to make any type of judgement of his talent.

This team is good but not quite good enough to rant and rave about being the future of TNA yet. It's been a month? maybe a month and a half since the debut and we've seen 4 matches involving the Brits and we've yet to see them in an actual feud though one would expect a good match with LAX once Hernandes gets back.

Good team with potential to be a great team but at this point how can you argue that they're the future of TNA? at this rate they'll be in the HOF next week.
They have a feast or fired case in hand, have been runner-ups to THE tag team in wrestling right now and they're making pretty good use of the spot they are given right now. So, I am willing to say they have a decent future in this company. We know how talented Williams is, albeit he might be boring although I still find him more interesting to watch than Bryan Danielson. Magnus reportedly is the most charismatic Brit out there although I can't say I have seen many of his promos, in or out of wrestling. That little ckicken head shake does get to me, which is good I guess for a heel wrestler. As for Terry, he's built like a brick house and hasn't accomplished much more in TNA. He was released from the WWE and we all know how much Vinnie Mac loves those kinds of wrestler so I don't know if that's actually good news for Terry but still... He looks nasty! I'd rather pay attention to the Invasion than to any other random team put together for the sake of filling up spots on the schedule. I'm probably the furthest thing from a Brit but I still can appreciate those blokes when they do their thing right.

So, I guess... God Bless the Queen?
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