Is WZ unfair to ecw?

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Dark Match Jobber
I would be the first to say this ecw needs improvment, but wz...ryan clark I'm pointing my finger at you my friend, need to quit being so easy on t-n-gay and to hard on wwe's ecw. Fist I thought tonights show was good, as was the lasts 2 weeks were, could it be better? oh hell yeah I still think they need to go back to all extreme rules, but u said it was very bad...i suppose on this weeks t-n-gay when steve "old man" borden trys to see prove that abyss( who is a rip off of kane meets mankind, expect kane is in shape and mick foly is good at hardcore matches) is human u will call it classic wrestling at it's finest...tna chants on ecw? oh u must be refering to the 2 maybe 3 people that were chanting when the camera man was standing next to them u failed to say how the place errupted in E-C-W chants when alpha male nailed cassidy with the pounce( which cassidy sold very well)...GIve it up please to the few folks on the internet trying to use their free website(cuz a lot of them out there charge to get the scoop) to get people to tune in more to the way when raw's rating goes from 3.9 to 3.8 the title of the headline is "raw rating sinks" but when tn-gay goes from 1.1 to .8 the title is" impact rating down very slightly" hmmmm. not very unbias don't u think.....I'm not saying tn=gay totlly bad I watched it for a few minutes a couple of weeks ago i did'nt hate it, but quit insulting the intellegence of ur the fans tna is more liked high school footbal televised on a local tv station were wwe programming is like nfl, they have all the money all the talent all the power all ratings all the support, I suppose u thought raw last night was boring but if it was impact and "shark boy" had "hot stuff" hernandaz in a arm bar and "brother runt" ran all 10 feet from the entrance ramp to the small ring( the ring is small by design to make their "superstars" look bigger) with a chair u would have made it sound like it was just as entertaining and important as the stone cold vs. rock the way I feel bad for those tna guys only getting 300 a match and if they are lucky they only get booked twice a month then they gotta pay for there own hotels and rent a cars.....
Good job on having the balls to speak out. I congratulate that and i fully back up that thread. ECW has been doing better and with the arrival of Monty Brown, it could actually start to climb. Sure, we are going to hear some ''TNA'' chants for awhile but just leave them alone. I applaud ECW for trying to work the crowd back into their fanbase. Of course, they haven't gotten any help from Vincent K. Mcmahon to do it so they're barely getting the fans slowly. Besides that, I agree and i hope takes a look at this. Good Job and good post.
I would be the first to say this ecw needs improvment, ..... need to quit being so easy on t-n-gay and to hard on wwe's ecw.

nice fanboy talk.t-n-gay? what are you like 12? Tna needs some tweaking all of wwe needs some major tweaking. If ecw is so good ,then why did they have kelly kelly 'flash' the crowd? was that extreme? hell no. was an attempt at getting more ratings? yea .If ecw would go back to being halfass the way it was when heyman owned it they wouldn't need to do stupid crap like this.If you think this version of ecw is awesome i highly recommend checking out anything ecw pre-ecw on tnn and maybe you'd realize what ecw was about and how good it really was.
i know the pre tnn ecw, I liked it a hell of a the way kelly kelly did not flash the crowd, tna needs slight tweaking? wwe needs major tweaking? ok, the whole vkm thing....was'nt that just a rehashed storyline of the old dx invading wcw...yes it was ......
hmm... the whole dx thing...isn't that a rehash of
Only this time it isnt cool cause they 're both getting older and they 're ripping off what vkm added to dx as the nao.

Lashley as ecw champ? HA! Theres some credibility of to the ecw title.
Cm Punk being jobbed to holly? wtf is that? Cm punk is the most over 'new breed unleashed' and he's got taken out of the extreme elimination chamber match first? and now he's jobbing clean to bob holly? I find it hard to believe u ever saw ecw prior to it being on sci-fi.
If tna is so good how come for over a month on every show and every ppv they teased their fans by making it sound like wwe stars were going to show up, not that wwe cared hell if they want to use what little weekly time they have to promote an already famous wrestling brand more power to them.... did they really think that more people was going to support kip and bg over shawn and paul>>..hahaha that was "classic wrestling at it's finest" what's tna slogon...Real Wrestling........uh-huh that's why steve borden is "breaking" into prison's trying to find out secrets of abyss and they got half man half sharks on their roster....1 million dollar challenge? they only get paid 300 a match and only wreslte 2 times a month and have to buy their own rooms and rent a cars yet this company can blow a mill on one match...who's insulting who's intellegence...tna relys on the internet to get wordof mouth about their product so they know the fans they do have read the backstage news and rumors yet they expect them to think they can afford the million dollars
I agree that WWECW needs improvement. I see what your meaning by saying that it is treated too Harshly. What is needed is for standards to be looked at and readjusted. I personally think that the standards were placed too high on WWECW to begin with.
It's still trying to get on it's feet and got set back after heyman dropped the ball give it time it will find a rythem that will work, and the powers that be in the wwe need to take it more seriously
.who's insulting who's intellegence

Hmmm i felt pretty insulted by the whole k-fed /cena thing.And the ongoing trump vs rosie shits...i mean skits.Or how about how Mcmahon confessed on raw that he dictates to the fans what we're supposed to like?

I suppose u thought raw last night was boring

That was a sad raw. Only thing i remember about raw is...cena vs umaga match signing (yea more of what i'm supposed to like as a fan but really couldnt care less about.) and Shawn Michaels beat rko...which deeply saddened me. I was hoping dx was gonna get put back on the shelf next to other failed wwe rehashes.

tna relys on the internet to get wordof mouth about their product

Really? Wow maybe wwe waaaaaaaaaay back when it was first formed would've grown as fast as tna is if "al gore invented the internet' back then.Everyone's got the internet these days.Free publicity never hurt anyone.
You also forget to mention the tna chants at raw and wwe press conferences lately.That spreads word of mouth as well.

hey expect them to think they can afford the million dollars

Tna's parent company has more money then the real VKM. Why dont you get quit cutting and pasting from the 'n00bs guide to tna bashing' that seems to be standard issue to all the new signups?
What is needed is for standards to be looked at and readjusted. I personally think that the standards were placed too high on WWECW to begin with.

You're right . I won't disagree with that statement at all. vince screwed up naming a third show or brand ecw. I really dont think if he revived it as wcw no one would be bitching as much.Wcw didn't have a high standard to live up to or as great of a legacy as ecw had.

heyman dropped the ball

WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!!! Heyman never dropped the ball.Mcmahon did.Heyman didnt have absolute control over ecw like he should have.Mcmahon is responsible for that shitty ecw ppv in december not heyman.Mcmahon wanted to blame heyman and heyman stood up for himself and got dismissed.

Why dont you get vince's nuts off your chin?

yup or right dx was cool only becuz of rocka billy and the real double J Jesse James

Dx would've failed in it's second incarnation had it not been for nao. Are you trying to tell me the midcarder hunter hearst helmsley( he wasnt called triple h exclusively just yet)w/shemale Chyna and a recently released wcw reject x-pac could have carried on dx ,after hbk went out at wrestlemania, w/o the NAO? haha it would have been just like the short lived (and quickly forgotten) xfactor stable.
No one is being too hard on the new ECW. It's worth every shred of bad press it receives. It's another in Vince's long line of pet projects to "McMahon-ize" something that doesn't and never did need his personal "touch." He's single-handedly taken everything that was once special about that company and flushed it down the toilet, as evidenced by the ratings taking a cosmic nosedive since its spoonfed inception onto SciFi last summer. If anyone with a remote shred of sanity or brain one in their head was to judge it compared to the original ECW, it's an abomination. TNA is far from perfect, but at least the PPV's aren't a complete bomb, unlike D2M, which was a steaming heap of dog$hit and only further broke my heart. ECW is the antichrist now as far as I'm concerned. It used to be about pushing talent and squashing bull$hit in the wrestling business. It's the polar opposite now and it's blatantly apparent. When it was Heyman's baby and his alone, he could get $20 worth of production out of a $10 wrestler. Now they can't get $2 out of a $20 wrestler. DQ's?!? In E-C-F**King-W? No. I could write a novel on the problems with "ECW" but I've already done that in other threads.
It's still trying to get on it's feet and got set back after heyman dropped the ball give it time it will find a rythem that will work, and the powers that be in the wwe need to take it more seriously
Heyman didn't drop $hit. He was NEVER in complete control. He was a McMahon stooge who was brought in to give false legitimacy to the project so that smarks like me wouldn't be crying for blood from the outset of the new show. Do you think that Paul E. would knowingly approve of watering down and bastardizing his beloved life's work? Hell no. He was put on a short leash and given little room to move. From the outset ECW was never meant to be what he wanted because in all honesty, if Heyman was given complete authority on the show, booking, and roster moves, then ECW would've begun to outdraw Raw and Smackdown within a year. Besides, let's just say that he and Stephanie McMahon's spoiled ass don't really get along...and we know which one of them has more autonomy in the company, and it sure ain't Paul.
I.M.O. it's only reacently become unwatchable. Before it was apparent that R.V.D. and Punk would'nt win the title any time soon I could find positive's. R.V.D. was having pretty good match's with worthless talent like Test and Holly while Punk was reieving a solid push which had me very optimistic. That's all changed now R.V.D. is thrid in line for a title shot behind Holly and Test and if Punk moved to Smackdown I have no doubt that he would be stuck in the Cruiser division.
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