Is WWE Thinking Too Much in the Past?


Pre-Show Stalwart
It seems like WWE is continuing this strange trend of bringing a lot of past, way back mid carders back to WWE. WHY? Other than the ones that were mentioned previously within different threads throughout the website (I.E. Shelton Benjamin and Rhyno), It seems like (and I'm sure most of you have heard) MVP, Carlito, Steven Richards, and now Melina (Yes, that Melina!) is rumored to be coming back. But what's the point? If they are going to bring back anybody bring back Cody Rhodes, bring back Damien Sandow. Why does the WWE continue to reach WWWWWAAAAAYYYYY back, when theres sooo much promising young talent within and coming out of NXT? And why do these guys feel the need to resign with WWE anyway? I mean hey, I was very popular and loved my old High School (back in the eighties), but picture me trying to come back as a student now thinking I can reclaim that old glory? Yeah I know "LOOOOOSER". But this is what some of these guys will look like thinking what they had in the ring back then, can go over now.

Very simple. Pad out roster. Get some names for midcard guys to go over. Have the veterans help out the young guys in the ring (Corbin/Ziggler went on for ten years basically to help Corbin get more comfortable). Keep guys in NXT so they can continue to develop. I doubt any of the guys they are bringing in will even sniff a world title.

Rhodes doesn't want to be there. No idea why they got rid of Sandow.

They signed because it is WWE. 99% of wrestlers want to be in WWE.

If they can still wrestle and share knowledge, what is the harm? This is nothing like going back to high school and trying to fit in. This is more like going back to high school as an assistant teacher and helping the students.
Some may transition into coaching or trainer or road agent jobs after, and are just getting a glory run before they're out?
I am pretty sure most of these people returning will be used as enhancement talent to help put the current roster over. There's nothing wrong with that.

As for Rhodes and Sandow I don't think they feel like they should return in the WWE too soon. Both guys were a product of the WWE system pre-NXT and pre-Triple H influence. They are probably better off honing their skills outside the WWE and they both probably feel the change in scenery is good for them.
I hope most of the older talent is smart enough to not sign with WWE. There's no point in seeing someone like Kurt Angle or even MVP come back to WWE, just to lose 95% of their matches. Who wants to see Kurt Angle jobbing to Baron Corbin in squash matches? Or MVP being fed to Big Cass? That's exactly what would happen. The ones with respect for themselves will stay away.
These veterans (such as Benjamin and Rhyno) can put over some of the new stars and add depth to the shallow mid-card scenes, especially on Smackdown.

They want to sign with WWE because WWE is the biggest pro wrestling company in the world (by far) and they're going to make the most money.

Cody Rhodes doesn't want to be in WWE, but I'm not sure about Damien Sandow. Also Ryback is in a contract dispute.
I'm quite happy to see them back I can't see any of them getting near a main event but they all have experiance and can make the up and coming guys look good by working with them. To be honest theres really no pleasing some fans their just going to s*** all over anything wrestling related like its the worst idea ever and can't see any of the rumoured returning talent you mentioned making much of an impact so I really can't see the big deal about it.
I agree 100% everyone saying "well there just going to put over talent" Why cant guys on the currant roster do that? Atleast they would be on the card, now people will get forced back to superstars and main event because an old guy is taking up there roster spot. The wwe has plenty of talent right now. But i must say if they bring Shelton benjamin back for a ladder match at summerslam for like the ic title id be totally down with that other than that who needs them? And ik im gonna get "well there jobbers" Its simple have a guy like jack swagger get a win on Y2J or somebody. There instantly a player again to put someone else over WWE forgot how to do things like that its all about momentum remember when swagger was a jobber and then won the Elimination chamber in 2014? They can do things like that.
There's no point in seeing someone like Kurt Angle or even MVP come back to WWE, just to lose 95% of their matches. Who wants to see Kurt Angle jobbing to Baron Corbin in squash matches? Or MVP being fed to Big Cass? That's exactly what would happen. The ones with respect for themselves will stay away.

Jericho's been in this position and his legacy's not tarnished. Neither is Henry's, Kane's or RVD's. Bringing in these veterans is a great idea as it may bring back the casual fan that they lost 10 years ago and it will will drastically aid the 50/50 booking going on with today's stars. Seeing any of the Shield guys go through Angle, or Benjamin or MVP just raises them up. It doesn't tear down the veteran because they're already made guys.

This isn't any different than the New Age Outlaws beating the Legion of Doom or The Rock beating Faarooq etc.
I agree 100% everyone saying "well there just going to put over talent" Why cant guys on the current roster do that? At least they would be on the card, now people will get forced back to superstars and main event because an old guy is taking up there roster spot. The wwe has plenty of talent right now. But i must say if they bring Shelton benjamin back for a ladder match at summerslam for like the ic title id be totally down with that other than that who needs them? And ik im gonna get "well there jobbers" Its simple have a guy like jack swagger get a win on Y2J or somebody. There instantly a player again to put someone else over WWE forgot how to do things like that its all about momentum remember when swagger was a jobber and then won the Elimination chamber in 2014? They can do things like that.

You just proposed using a veteran (Jericho) to get a young guy (Swagger) over. Yet are against WWE doing just that. Confusing.

It is preventing a young guy from taking a loss. Veterans can help teach and lead guys in the ring. Corbin needs help in the ring right now. Put him with a new guy and he will continue to struggle. Put Corbin with a Benjamin or other veterans and they can lead Corbin. That will help Corbin grow.

They need more bodies and someone has to be on the lower tier shows. I cannot see any harm from this.
There was little chance Cody Rhodes or Damien Sandow were going to light up the world in WWE. While it isn't much more likely Rhyno or Benjamin will light up the world either, it is still a little more likely and just a nice change to bring back some old faces and see how they do. If it were up to me I'd have a quarter of the roster work six months out of every two years for WWE and then send them back to the independents unless they some how caught fire.
I hope most of the older talent is smart enough to not sign with WWE. There's no point in seeing someone like Kurt Angle or even MVP come back to WWE, just to lose 95% of their matches. Who wants to see Kurt Angle jobbing to Baron Corbin in squash matches? Or MVP being fed to Big Cass? That's exactly what would happen. The ones with respect for themselves will stay away.
I understand what a lot of you guys are saying but I would have to agree with Aquaman. Why would any of these guys resign with the WWE just to job 95% percent of their matches? Are any of them (other than Kurt Angle) candidates for the HOF in the future? Probably not. I would like to believe that some of them can act as mentors to the guys and girls coming up but that remains to be seen. Wrestler36 mentioned Jericho but if you listen to many of Jericho's interviews, He (Jericho) always stressed that fact that he was very protective of his brand.
I understand what a lot of you guys are saying but I would have to agree with Aquaman. Why would any of these guys resign with the WWE just to job 95% percent of their matches? Are any of them (other than Kurt Angle) candidates for the HOF in the future? Probably not. I would like to believe that some of them can act as mentors to the guys and girls coming up but that remains to be seen. Wrestler36 mentioned Jericho but if you listen to many of Jericho's interviews, He (Jericho) always stressed that fact that he was very protective of his brand.

Jericho is also a bigger name with only Angle coming close. So this is different. Jericho is a huge brand because of who he is. MVP, Shelton, Rhyno, etc. were never close to Jericho's level.

All of the other guys are at the end of the road and probably don't want to continuously travel to Japan. They are probably past the days when they can get big money from any indy place they feel like. WWE gives them a nice paycheck and exposure. They are probably coming in with the understanding they are helping the young guys. Giving back to the industry because veterans put them over in the past. Now they can do the same and pass on knowledge.
@therockiswwf 2 things. 1 Y2J is already on the roster so how would that take up another spot? 2. Y2J is a legit star way more star power than any of the rumored names. i think you misunderstood me.
I understand what a lot of you guys are saying but I would have to agree with Aquaman. Why would any of these guys resign with the WWE just to job 95% percent of their matches? Are any of them (other than Kurt Angle) candidates for the HOF in the future? Probably not. I would like to believe that some of them can act as mentors to the guys and girls coming up but that remains to be seen. Wrestler36 mentioned Jericho but if you listen to many of Jericho's interviews, He (Jericho) always stressed that fact that he was very protective of his brand.

Let's see if I can put this in a way that it makes sense. First of all Aquaman would be ecstatic if Dolph Ziggler was holding the world title on SD and Big Show was holding the same level title on RAW. He would love to see Kane as the IC champ and Jack Swagger as the US title holder. Do you get my drift here. There is such a thing called forward momentum, but if he had his way it wouldn't happen in the wrestling world.

You ask why would they come back? The answer is simple, they are wrestlers, it's their passion. All of them combined in their own way, shape and form have kept this product moving forward. Now that most are in the twilight of their careers, it's time for another group to take over the reigns. Who better than to help guide them along than the ones who came before them. No wrestler worth his salt would have put his blood, sweat and tears into this product, just for it to come to a grinding halt.

They aren't coming back to claim titles or to take over, they are coming back as teachers trying to help the new guys, students if you will. I as a fan appreciate the fact that they are doing it and will cheer them. Plus the WWE is the biggest game in town and most might want to go out with their last match being in a WWE ring.

You mention Jericho, he is a little different. He didn't leave and go to another company and now wants to come back. He along with others like RVD, have taken sabbaticals from the sport from time to time to do other things. He's always been a WWE guy through and through. When they've needed him he's come back, when he isn't needed he goes on tour with his band. It works for him and as a fans of his it works for me as well. In a way he manages to re-invent himself each time he shows up. That's always a good thing.
Very simple. Pad out roster. Get some names for midcard guys to go over. Have the veterans help out the young guys in the ring (Corbin/Ziggler went on for ten years basically to help Corbin get more comfortable). Keep guys in NXT so they can continue to develop. I doubt any of the guys they are bringing in will even sniff a world title.

Rhodes doesn't want to be there. No idea why they got rid of Sandow.

They signed because it is WWE. 99% of wrestlers want to be in WWE.

If they can still wrestle and share knowledge, what is the harm? This is nothing like going back to high school and trying to fit in. This is more like going back to high school as an assistant teacher and helping the students.

Right! Plus wrestling fans love nostalgia. Plenty of money can be made off that.

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