is WWE doing what needs to be done?


Dark Match Winner
ok in my opinion the WWE as of late has not been the best it could be but i beileve creative and others are working long and hard to try to push the midcard talent to ensure WWE has more main event superstars to utilize

i have seen:
primo vs orton
miz vs cena
HHH vs dibiase
morrison vs cm punk
carlito vs mark henry (who has had a career ressurection thanks to ECW)
+ many other mid card / main eventer match ups

so IMO WWE is trying to test the waters with the mid card to see who can stand up against the big boys who can carry the show and who has the talent, skills, and heart to be a future champion

so here are my questions to you the readers of this thread

1. do think WWE is going in the right direction right now?
2. what do you think this will spell for the future of the midcarder stars?
3. do you enjoy seeing these varying match ups?

let me know your thoughts
With a number of their stars aging, getting injured and considering retirement, it is ESSENTIAL that the WWE have these types of matches. Not only do they get to see what their mid card stars can do, but it elevates these stars in the eyes of the fans lending credibility to the wrestler in question's star power. Therefore, when it is time for the mid carder to enter the main event scene, the fans can buy into this because they have seen first hand that they are credible contenders and possible champions.

This is absolutely necessary for the WWE as they are constantly transitioning who is in the main event every 5 - 10 years and having these types of matches is an excellent way of achieving this goal.
1 for sure i think they are makeing the right move by giving the spotlight to some of the young new talent when they first show up and seeing what that talent can make of it.
2 i dont think they are pushing the mid card as much as the "rookie" "NTI" guys sadly enough. so i dont think their current pushes have much effect on the mid card superstars aside form a little case of low morale.
3. I love the matches and i like how they have some of the "High-Pop" veterans working with midcard and "NTI" guys to break them in to a match where the fans are rabid.
Sigh.... I'm going to say this as gently as I can.

They Never Stopped Doing What You're Saying They're Doing!

I mean, really, WWE mid carders have been working with the main event ever since... Well, the beginning of the promotion. It's not like Vince fucking woke up one morning and said, "oh, let's throw some mid card in there." Remember the Championship Scramble just about a year ago. Yeah, that was basically filled to the brink with mid card wrestlers, especially on Smackdown's side. And even earlier than that, take the DX Reunion, in which they worked with Umaga. Or maybe we can fucking go back to 1997, when Bret Hart faced Rocky Maivia. The point is, this isn't an different from what Vince normally, and anyone that tells you otherwise, is a damn fool.
this is to you tenta
i never said they stopped pushing mid carders necessarily at any point throughout WWE all im saying is i have noticed an upsurge in midcard talent to be pushed
Hmm.... I mean, I can see that perhaps, a tiny bit. However, I feel as if the WWE has been building mid carders up this way for the past twenty years. This is what they do, they take an established star, and out him against mid carders. It's not a push, per se, as much as it is getting the guy in the ring, and working him out. I mean, if you got em, use em, right?

Sorry... I thought this was a topic that, more or less, has been done zillions of times. But yeah, I get what you're saying. I wouldn't call it a push, though. A push, to me, is not a squash match on Superstars, No, getting the rub is like the match between John Cena and Jack Swagger. Jack looked like a real up and comer in that much, and Cena wasn't made to look weak. That's a push, right there. Losing on Superstars, in a squash? I'll call that a "let's see where this goes"
What exactly is an upsurge? I suppose you mean a lot of mid carders. I'm not sure of the point of the thread either. It appears it's about main event guys having matches with mid carders, but that's nothing new. It's been going on this year, and last year, and every year before that. It is simply how wrestling works.

A mid card guy is never going to be elevated unless he has matches with main eventers, matches that his is most likely going to lose. The matches will still help him though by showing he can go toe to toe with the top guys in the company. These types of matches are very important, without them we'd just see some combination of main eventers every week for the whole year. They bring variety, which is a very important thing that keeps the audience interested.
ok in my opinion the WWE as of late has not been the best it could be but i beileve creative and others are working long and hard to try to push the midcard talent to ensure WWE has more main event superstars to utilize

Wow. Someone other than myself and Becca can see that the WWE are, in fact, pushing the mid-card like they always have.

so IMO WWE is trying to test the waters with the mid card to see who can stand up against the big boys who can carry the show and who has the talent, skills, and heart to be a future champion

That's what a push is. Smackdown has just been doing it faster than Raw. It's not entirely Raw's fault though..they were caught up in Orton/Trips forever.

1. do think WWE is going in the right direction right now?

I really wonder who would say "No, I don't like them pushing mid-card talent and making sure the company has a future."

2. what do you think this will spell for the future of the midcarder stars?

Well, the good ones will be main-event. The sorta-good ones will wallow in the mid-card, the horrible ones (ala Benjamin) will continue to be employed years after everyone knows they can't get over, and the ultra-bad ones will be fired.

Specifically though; Swagger, Miz, and MVP are the future of Raw. Smackdown is already pushing the mid-carders and made them a solid main-event of Hardy/Punk. Morrison is going to join that pack soon.

3. do you enjoy seeing these varying match ups?

Everyone better damn well enjoy it. All I've heard is nothing but "Oh ma gawd, I'm tired of Cena/Orton/Trips!!" Only problem is, Cena hasn't faced Orton one on one in a year and a half. But people don't think that way when they're complaining, I suppose.

But yeah. After all of this complaining, people better like it. Or they'll just look silly.
I understand what this post means.. Let's look how raw has been... Triple h destroying up and comers in legacy and mark henry squashing everyone (not complaining) and cena hurting miz chances at movin up in their ppv match.. But thid past monday we saw main event vs mid carders and no one was looking weak for once in a long time on raw... I believe these matches on raw were seeing how each mid carder and do in spot light matches... I have to say that mvp, masters, carlito, henry, rhodes all impressed me.. And I think time will come for their respective pushes after this..
As I have said a few times before and I guess it bears repeating again and beating a dead horse. Yes the WWE is going in the right direction. Are they making stars? Making money? Providing a product to entertain us? All yes, yes, yes, they are heading in the right direction.

The same as always my man, if they are good enough, they rise to ME level and become our future World and Heavyweight champions, if they aren't good enough, they will languish in the mid-card muck, being out Intercontinental and US Champions, and if they aren't really good, they get future endeavours and more are brought in to replace them. As it has been and always will be.

Obviously I enjoy most of the matches they put together or I would not watch the program. The WWE has putting on good matches, between goos wrestler's, so I am enjoying it a lot. Yes there are times when a match sucks badly, but hey it happens, they can't be on top of their game all the time.

Anyways sorry if I sounded like a dick, but really this scenario has been done to death.
smackdown is on the right track. morrison had a good title shot against hardy and two wins over cm punk. ziggler is getting better and better and his feud with rey is elevating him.

the raw mid-card is only serving as jobbers right now. no1 can beat any of the top talent. HHH and orton and Cena look too unbeatable right now. if miz could actually get a win over cena instead of tapping all the time then he would look more credible. legacy is a joke, they have been jobbing to the ME for weeks. it's not helping them or anyone else. cena and hhh can afford to lose a match. the raw mid-card can not.

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