Is WrestleMania 17 Overrated?

I want to address something because based on some comments I've seen I think some people are missing my point. I think a lot of people saw the title and assumed I have the opinion that WrestleMania 17 is overrated. Just because I asked the question does not mean I have that opinion. Take a look how I closed my original post.

Overall the event was awesome and I rank it number two in my mania rankings (barely losing to WM19). So you may be wondering why I brought it up if I don’t think the event is overrated. It just blows my mind that the IWC seems to be in total agreement about this event. I am simply curious if there is anyone who feels this event is not as great as it is made out to be.

I stated I don't think it's overrated and it comes very close to being my favorite mania. In fact I could change my mind on any given day as to which is my favorite. The reason I started this thread is because EVERYONE seems to think this is a great show. The point is it's hard to find a topic that everyone agrees on. I have never read a bad word about WM17 and that surprises me a little. Not because I think it's overrated but because there are usually a couple people who have different opinions from the majority. It's just so rare to find something that has unanimous approval from the IWC that I wanted to see if anyone would post any criticism about the show. The worst I've seen is someone say it's a tad overrated. With all the differing opinions here it seems we have found something we all agree on. WrestleMania 17 was awesome.
I personally loved WrestleMania 17. I wasn't there unfortunately, but I remember getting all my work done that day, so nothing would distract me. I was right in front of my TV watching Heat and getting so amped with each passing minute.

Reason why I LOVE this WrestleMania is because of the atmosphere. Although you weren't there, just by looking around the arena, you could tell that the atmosphere was unlike anything you've ever seen. I bet being there was one hell of a blast.

The hype was great, the match card was stacked from top to bottom. And what really, REALLY did it for me was the Theme Song. "My Way" was so perfect for this event. I don't know why, but this specific Theme Song went with only this PPV. It gave the show more feeling. I just can't find the words to describe it.

The only thing I would actually change about this ppv is replacing Paul Heyman with Jerry Lawler. It's a shame the greatest announce team couldn't call the greatest WrestleMania of all time.

No disrespect to Paul, because he was great that night, but JR & King have solidified themselves, well IMO, as the best announce team and not hearing them at WrestleMania was just disappointing. Anybody even remember why King wasn't there?

Also, as far as the #2 WrestleMania goes, my bid goes to WrestleMania 22. A few tweaks here and there in THAT WrestleMania could've put it above WrestleMania 17, but for now, it's staying at #2. #3 though is tough. A tie between WrestleMania 19 and WrestleMania 21.
I don't think a lot of people make this argument, but I believe location of that mania still had a pretty good size part in that Austin heel turn not working. If it was somewhere else that year, would that heel turn have gone differently? The fact it was in Austin's home state of Texas no one was going to boo that man after winning the title that night regardless of how it was attained. I was there that night as well and all we cared about was Austin won the title in Texas, for Texas. Could be wrong, just my opinion.

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