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Is Ultimate Warrior to TNA Being Hinted At?


Occasional Pre-Show
I know Warrior has been a bit of a controversial figure in all wrestling communities, but, after watching these new Anti-Hogan videos that have come out of NOWHERE...I can't help but wonder if this is a prelude to possible TNA debut. I know everyones first reaction to this would be complete denial, but those videos are very suspicious as well as sudden and that usually means that someone is behind the curtain pulling the strings.

Lets face it why wouldn't TNA do it. Warrior would definitely take a deal especially if the money was right. If they brought in Warrior they would legitimately shock the viewership and that hasn't been done in TNA since the Angle/Christian Cage debut. Also, it would give them a possible out for the dreadful "Network" angle. (which by the way, Paul Heyman invented in ECW) It would also give the fans a reasonable person to challenge Hogan, if they aren't going to push Sting better. Plus with all the coverage the Hogan/Warrior dust-up has gotten from major media, it most certainly would give them a huge ratings burst.

The only problem I can see is the trifecta of Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett. Immortal, in reality, would probably be adamantly against the move. Hogan and Warrior seem to have legit hate for one another and it can be debated if they would trust of each other in the ring. Bischoff remembers what an asspain this guy was when it came to money and production and lets not forget the abyssmal match they had at Halloween Havoc which was completely unrehearsed and full of botches. Jarrett has been around to see two failed Warrior runs (WWE 96/WCW 98) and would be timid to pull the trigger on watching a third.

All in all, it is an interesting scenario to discuss and major props to Warrior for his resurgent relevancy and creating more media or TNA/Hogan than any other person in the company.
Oh yeah, that's what I want to see. The Ultimate Warrior, hobbling down the ramp, so skinny people mistake him for Kerry Von Erich, to deliver rambling, nonsensical promos for three weeks before disappearing again. Warrior hasn't been relevant to anything for almost twenty years. Keep in mind, we aren't going to see the Ultimate Warrior sprinting to the ring, juiced out of his gourd, shaking the ring ropes to an arena of cheering fans. We're going to see a guy who age and abuse has been beating down for thirteen years since we last saw him in a ring... and he wasn't looking too hot then either.

And where has this Hogan/Warrior feud been covered by "major media"? The only place I've seen it mentioned is on wrestling websites, and I'd hardly call that "major media".
Oh yeah, that's what I want to see. The Ultimate Warrior, hobbling down the ramp, so skinny people mistake him for Kerry Von Erich, to deliver rambling, nonsensical promos for three weeks before disappearing again. Warrior hasn't been relevant to anything for almost twenty years. Keep in mind, we aren't going to see the Ultimate Warrior sprinting to the ring, juiced out of his gourd, shaking the ring ropes to an arena of cheering fans. We're going to see a guy who age and abuse has been beating down for thirteen years since we last saw him in a ring... and he wasn't looking too hot then either.

And where has this Hogan/Warrior feud been covered by "major media"? The only place I've seen it mentioned is on wrestling websites, and I'd hardly call that "major media".

Actually, although I agree with you, Warrior wrestled in Spain a couple years ago against Orlando Jordan and did all of that. Ran to the ring, place was going crazy, shook the ropes, did all of his usual shit. He was just The Ultimate Warrior in 2009. So, that isn't a real reason.

The answer without going into much detail, is no, The Ultimate Warrior or TNA/Hulk Hogan are in no way hinting towards a possible debut of Warrior within TNA.

If he ever debuted, I for one would disregard it as both a professional wrestling promotion, and would then consider it a circus. He doesn't belong in TNA, or any wrestling promotion for that matter. His time has came, and it has past. He doesn't like Hogan, legitimately, and vice-versa.

No point in creating halluncinagetic conspiracy theories.
The man is dead! Let him rest! To bring back a washed up personality to rake in a few more bucks is one thing but to bring a wrestler from the grave is just sad and greedy! I know older gimmicks have been exploited but is there a wrestler out there to replicate and exploit the UW gimmick without making it look pathetic and sad? Not so sure... Not everything revolves about the older bastards! They have a reputation, yes but we're talking about a held-down new generation. now. The old schoold is better, not so convinced. WHO WOULD PORTRAY THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR?!? Just for a money feud?! Not so sure... How much disrespect are you willing to throw in in there?? ;)
Actually, although I agree with you, Warrior wrestled in Spain a couple years ago against Orlando Jordan and did all of that. Ran to the ring, place was going crazy, shook the ropes, did all of his usual shit. He was just The Ultimate Warrior in 2009. So, that isn't a real reason.
He can still have one good night against a guy whose main skill is making other people look good. (If OJ could cut a promo, and the world could get over the idea of a professional wrestler actually being out of the closet, he'd be a huge star.) Can you imagine him working a match with Hogan? It'd be the first match in two decades where Hogan's opponent didn't have to slow his pace for Hogan to work with him. And, truth be it told, I'll bet that match could still sell some seats as a secondary match for a BFG type card. It doesn't mean the match would be any good to watch, but then again, people were stoked for Hart vs. McMahon, and that match was a piece of shit.

I am genuinely curious as to how UW would look in a wrestling ring these days, but then again, I slow down while passing car wrecks too. His YouTube videos don't make him look like the picture of good health; Ricky Steamboat he is not.
He can still have one good night against a guy whose main skill is making other people look good. (If OJ could cut a promo, and the world could get over the idea of a professional wrestler actually being out of the closet, he'd be a huge star.) Can you imagine him working a match with Hogan? It'd be the first match in two decades where Hogan's opponent didn't have to slow his pace for Hogan to work with him. And, truth be it told, I'll bet that match could still sell some seats as a secondary match for a BFG type card. It doesn't mean the match would be any good to watch, but then again, people were stoked for Hart vs. McMahon, and that match was a piece of shit.

I am genuinely curious as to how UW would look in a wrestling ring these days, but then again, I slow down while passing car wrecks too. His YouTube videos don't make him look like the picture of good health; Ricky Steamboat he is not.
I still have respect for people coming out of the closet. I just don't think that coming out of the closet implies dressing as a peacock. That's still alien to me and the few homosexual people I know would not dress as a peacock beceause they would find that silly. So it has still nothing to do with a wrestling gimmick but simply with societal prejudice... A shame, still... There are limits to those people acting silly. No prejudice, just being over-the-top and silly. Any straight guy I know that would go out of his way to act macho, I would lose respect for. Simply, DO NO OVERDO IT!
I still have respect for people coming out of the closet. I just don't think that coming out of the closet implies dressing as a peacock. That's still alien to me and the few homosexual people I know would not dress as a peacock beceause they would find that silly. So it has still nothing to do with a wrestling gimmick but simply with societal prejudice... A shame, still... There are limits to those people acting silly. No prejudice, just being over-the-top and silly. Any straight guy I know that would go out of his way to act macho, I would lose respect for. Simply, DO NO OVERDO IT!
Yeah, the creepy-weird bisexual gimmick hasn't done him any favors. He's typecasted himself; now, it's really difficult for him to do any kind of gimmick that doesn't go back to the fact that he's bisexual.

But his gimmick is, in a way, a response to society's general aversion to bisexuality or homosexuality. You do what it takes in wrestling to get people's attention, and hey- we are sitting here talking about Orlando Jordan. People react, one way or another, to a black man pouring milk over his chest on national television. I just wish that wasn't the way Orlando Jordan needed to get attention for himself, as it's going to be very difficult to break out of that mold.
The instant formula for TNA success. Put Warrior and Flair on commentary and let them ramble the entire time, while Don West yells and Mike Tenay tries to restore order. I would watch every week for the sheer hilarity of what would be said during matches. You would too, don't even try to deny it.

Taz would be far better as a manager than a commentator, since he does have that finishing school he can help out at least one of the boring talents. I'm fairly tired of him screaming about pigeons every week, as I'm sure my eyes are locked right in on them whether or not he shouts that.
The instant formula for TNA success. Put Warrior and Flair on commentary and let them ramble the entire time, while Don West yells and Mike Tenay tries to restore order. I would watch every week for the sheer hilarity of what would be said during matches. You would too, don't even try to deny it.

Jesus. If you want to see a homicide on live television, why not just have Ric Flair and Shane Douglas call the matches. At least Douglas would kill him quicker than Warrior.
LOL to Rayne to someone having to "slow" the pace for Hogan, everyone likes to say Hogan can't wrestle or never could.... how many men that big have you seen do an insuguri..... yeah.. Warrior can't do shit compared to Hogan, jus because none you saw Hogan actually wrestle doesn't mean he can't.... and Warrior is STILL a head case I love the "promo" he cut for macho man and he may have meant every word but he still can't wrestle and at this stage he prolly can't draw either..... no need for him to come back if he can't be a part of the business, as in, get his shit straight.
LOL to Rayne to someone having to "slow" the pace for Hogan, everyone likes to say Hogan can't wrestle or never could.... how many men that big have you seen do an insuguri..... yeah.. Warrior can't do shit compared to Hogan, jus because none you saw Hogan actually wrestle doesn't mean he can't.... and Warrior is STILL a head case I love the "promo" he cut for macho man and he may have meant every word but he still can't wrestle and at this stage he prolly can't draw either..... no need for him to come back if he can't be a part of the business, as in, get his shit straight.
LOL all you want, I was actually watching WCW in the '90s. I didn't say that Hogan should be doing moonsaults if he were a real wrestler.

Go back in time and watch any WCW PPV from the mid to late '90s. Watch a Hogan singles match, then watch what the people wrestling him were doing when they were facing someone that wasn't Hulk Hogan. Wrestlers like Booker T and DDP- no speed demons themselves- slowed to a crawl to avoid making Hulk look like shit. Hulk Hogan worked at a very slow pace, a pace that the people he performed with could blow by easily. Watch Orton vs. Hogan. Then, if you want an example of what happened when someone didn't slow their pace for him, watch Michaels vs. Hogan.

I never said "Hogan can't wrestle". I said people he worked with slowed their pace for him, and Hogan hasn't had a good workrate since the '80s.
This would be the straw that broke the camel's back if it actually happened in regards to my viewership. If they actually signed Warrior to come in and wrestle a match, ala WCW '98, I would literally pick up my remote, change the channel, and never watch Impact again until I was assured he was gone and not coming back. And even then I probably wouldn't watch, because any company stupid enough to hire the Warrior doesn't deserve my money or time. TNA is already WCW 2.0, do we need to really cement that image with the Warrior?

I've been a big TNA fan since 2006. I haven't liked where they've gone over the last year, but I still watch in the hopes that the product can return to the standard of excellence I saw back in the glory days. If Warrior were to be brought in though, that would pretty much be the symbolic end of the TNA I knew and loved. It takes a LOT to drive me away from a wrestling product, especially one on my television every week but that would do it, absolutely.
Yeah...this is the very drop dead last person I'd want to see pop up in TNA. I have always HATED the Warrior with a white hot passion. Even back in his prime, when I was a fresh faced little boy, I never even remotely liked watching or listening to this guy. In my opinion, he's about as overrated as it gets. I'd rather spend an entire day watching Matt Hardy internet videos than anything to do with the Ultimate Warrior.

When Warrior came to WCW in 1998, his feud and match with Hulk Hogan were, arguably, the worst of the entire decade. I know that we see a lot of examples of hyperbole in these forums but I truly believe that Hogan vs. Warrior '98 may well have been the worst feud & match of the 1990s. If he showed up in TNA, I would literally stop watching it. No bullshit. I would not watch TNA if Warrior was on Impact Wrestling.
if warrior ever whent to tna that would be the last straw. i would never watch tna ever again. last thursday episode was the last one iv watched since hardcore justice. and it is twice as bad now then it was then.. and that is hard to do. no one wants to see warroir in tna. we just want to see him on youtube and just talk shit about everyone
I don't think a few dipshits from the internet threatening to never watch TNA again would stop them from bringing The Warrior in. I mean you've heard Bischoff rant about how he doesn't care about what any of us think. That's pretty much the trend in wrestling now. Besides, I don't think Warrior wants to make another return to wrestling.

I do think if promoted well, it could be a big single event draw for TNA. I for one would pay money to see my childhood hero, Warrior, kick the shit out of Hulk Hogan. I know that match would probably suck though.

But in all seriousness, I think The Warrior was just responding to Hogan's reckless shit-talking in interviews. I mean Hogan also bad-mouthed Savage in that same interview. And let's face it, Warrior has found quite a bit of success in life post-wrestling. Hogan, on the other hand, is a shell of his former self, still trying to hump the business for the very last dollar he can get out of it. It's sad to even see him there, but there he is. Move on Hogan!
Originally posted by Rayne
Oh yeah, that's what I want to see. The Ultimate Warrior, hobbling down the ramp, so skinny people mistake him for Kerry Von Erich
Have you seen the Warrior lately? The dude is still a beast. I don't think anyone would ever mistake him for Kerry Von Erich.

I don't understand why everyone hates The Warrior so much, I personally am a fan... though I don't want to see him in TNA, I'd love to see him get a WWE Legends Contract
Have you seen the Warrior lately? The dude is still a beast. I don't think anyone would ever mistake him for Kerry Von Erich
That was actually a snide reference to WM9, I think it was, where he ran in after the Hogan/Sid match and people actually thought he was Kerry Von Erich. When he *was* that skinny.
@Honkey Kong I agree, if promoted well for another one-off it could be great, I jus doubt it will happen or that they will do it and if they do i doubt it will be done well, although I wish it did and would be and..

@Rayne I'm sure you wrre watching WCW in the 90's... I was NWA... and your point was that from that point on everyone had to "slow" their pace for Hogan, not the case, promoters MADE Hogan slow down because that was part of his character, my point was, like him or not, Hogan could GO, people like to say Hogan is like Cena, they know 4 moves, which isn't true if ya ever actually watched Hogan wrestle, if anyone had to slow down it was the other guy he was facing until he became a fossil, which happens to all wrestlers if they're lucky enough to live that long.
@Rayne I'm sure you wrre watching WCW in the 90's... I was NWA...
Yes, I'm sure you were watching tons of NWA, as they didn't have a television deal and were playing houses of a couple hundred at the time. No one cares how smarky you think you are, and the NWA hasn't been relevant since my father was a little kid watching WWWF shows.
and your point was that from that point on everyone had to "slow" their pace for Hogan, not the case, promoters MADE Hogan slow down because that was part of his character, my point was, like him or not, Hogan could GO, people like to say Hogan is like Cena, they know 4 moves, which isn't true if ya ever actually watched Hogan wrestle, if anyone had to slow down it was the other guy he was facing until he became a fossil, which happens to all wrestlers if they're lucky enough to live that long.
So you're saying that everyone slows down when they start getting old, like, Hogan in the '90s. And that he could GO, but he never, ever, ever showed anyone that. Moving like a slow, old fossil was part of his gimmick, he just played the dominant face/heel who cleared the ring on a whim?

Maybe if I could see one match after 1994 or so where he actually moved, I might not think you're full of shit. Maybe if anyone had actually seen him go, I might not think you're full of shit. I at least listed off matches you can go watch yourself to see more athletic guys slowing down their pace to work with Hogan. But right now, I'm left with your word that Hogan was secretly this athletic behemoth just playing the role of a slow, aging wrestler who could clear the ring of a dozen adversaries on a whim.
... yeah... not his best match but let's see ANY of todays wrestlers even act like wrestler and try a wrestling move.... or an insiguri.... being THAT big ( not saying it was great.... but he did it... and fuck my word... watch the video =) (watch all three to see it)

and to stay on topic.... Warrior can NOT come back, as I said earlier he did a great promo for Macho, but that's all it was, if he comes back he will be the same warrior he's always been, which a shit worker with an attitude that makes him think he's greater than Hogan, which is jus BS as is proved even on this site by the first inductee into OUR HoF
Yes, I'm sure you were watching tons of NWA, as they didn't have a television deal and were playing houses of a couple hundred at the time. No one cares how smarky you think you are, and the NWA hasn't been relevant since my father was a little kid watching WWWF shows.

So you're saying that everyone slows down when they start getting old, like, Hogan in the '90s. And that he could GO, but he never, ever, ever showed anyone that. Moving like a slow, old fossil was part of his gimmick, he just played the dominant face/heel who cleared the ring on a whim?

Maybe if I could see one match after 1994 or so where he actually moved, I might not think you're full of shit. Maybe if anyone had actually seen him go, I might not think you're full of shit. I at least listed off matches you can go watch yourself to see more athletic guys slowing down their pace to work with Hogan. But right now, I'm left with your word that Hogan was secretly this athletic behemoth just playing the role of a slow, aging wrestler who could clear the ring of a dozen adversaries on a whim.

no, warrior should not come back.it does however sound like a "work" and maybe tna is working something out to get warrior in tna. hell they went and got chyna. and disco inferno.

as for nwa not having a tv deal, gotta say your wrong there. i watched alot of nwa in the 90's, especially nwa wildside which was a name i used online in the early days of the net. just wanted to clear that up. oh, and the nwa was irrelevant? even in the 80's huh? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! good stuff man...good stuff...you may now proceed being the smark you accuse others of being :)
... yeah... not his best match but let's see ANY of todays wrestlers even act like wrestler and try a wrestling move.... or an insiguri.... being THAT big ( not saying it was great.... but he did it... and fuck my word... watch the video =) (watch all three to see it)
That's not his best match? Probably the best I've ever seen him work. Plus we've since seen Brock Lesnar hit a SSP (although the one time people seem to remember is when he concussed himself at WM), and Big Show used to hit a moonsault pretty frequently. This is also well before he started to slow down and still had his athleticism; show me a match from the nWo era where he moved.

For what it's worth, Keiji was still running circles around him.

and to stay on topic.... Warrior can NOT come back, as I said earlier he did a great promo for Macho, but that's all it was, if he comes back he will be the same warrior he's always been, which a shit worker with an attitude that makes him think he's greater than Hogan, which is jus BS as is proved even on this site by the first inductee into OUR HoF
No one is saying Hulk Hogan wasn't a great wrestler. At least not me. No one is saying Hulk Hogan wasn't an outsized influence to the wrestling industry. No one is saying that workrate is everything to professional wrestling, personalities put asses in seats, not workrate. But watch virtually everyone Hogan wrestled from the mid '90s on; so many people who hustled around the ring slowed down so that they wouldn't run circles around Hogan, like Shawn Michaels (not exactly a spring chicken himself at the time) would later.
no, warrior should not come back.it does however sound like a "work" and maybe tna is working something out to get warrior in tna. hell they went and got chyna. and disco inferno.

as for nwa not having a tv deal, gotta say your wrong there. i watched alot of nwa in the 90's, especially nwa wildside which was a name i used online in the early days of the net. just wanted to clear that up. oh, and the nwa was irrelevant? even in the 80's huh? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! good stuff man...good stuff...you may now proceed being the smark you accuse others of being :)
You mean in the '80s, while the WWF was putting tens of thousands into arenas around the world? Yup, sorry if you're an NWA fan, because by that point the industry had long passed them by. The only reason NWA Wildside was on your television was because WCW was in the process of tanking, and the search was on for viable competition to the WWF. NWA Wildside, which started as WCW's developmental organization. NWA Wildside, which barely had anyone who went on to draw until they started talent sharing with TNA. BTW, what ended up happening to NWA Wildside? I don't hear much of them anymore.

I'll take the guys that make money over smoky arena shows, which is why I still respect Hogan, as slow as he moved- he made a lot of people a lot of money.
@Rayne...I understand you're opinion on Warrior, but the question I asked was do you think this random string of videos on the net could be a TNA set up? BTW, TMZ covered at least two of Warriors videos albeit one was the Macho tribute he cut.

@whatsinaname696...First off, Great Muta for HOF 2012!!!! Secondly, Hulk hitting a shotty inziguri ONCE doesn't prove wrestling prowess. Hogan is the greatest character guy the business has ever seen but I think Undertaker is challenging that claim.
This isn't the first time Warrior has bashed someone online. I really doubt TNA would bring him in for several reasons. The last thing they need is another washed up wrestler over fifty. Not to mention his bad reputation and his shrunken physic. He hasn't really been relevant for many years so he wouldn't be a huge draw. Thus being a waste and taking a spot for someone that could possibly help the company.

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