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Is this the worst move of Tyler Blacks career?


Simply Amazing
As announced on ROH this past monday Tyler Black has signed with the WWE Tyler Black is an amazing wrestler with tons of potential to one day be a WWE champion however as much as I would love to see that I believe he will just go down to a midcard level and stay there the rest of his career because thats what the WWE does if they arent the company you made your name with

but I want to know what you the wrestlezone community think. Is signing with the WWE Tyler Blacks best carrer move or his worst?
There is a movement going on in the wwe. "The internet movement". Wwe is hiring guys like daniel bryan, kaval, and tyler black because how popular they are on the internet. A lot of people know about black and I believe this will help. It may take a while but he will be a big thing for wwe. Is it a career mistake? No. You gotta move up if you wanna be something big. If he goes down the daniel bryan and kaval road, he'll be great. BUT we'll never know. WWE may fuck him up and give him a dumb gimmick.
These days there is only so much you can accomplish on the indy scene and there's always more money to b e made.Bryan Danielson and Nigel went to wwe and tna because they had accomplished everything on the indy scene there was nothing left for them to do,this is why i can see the Briscoes signing with wwe or tna sometime soon.I wouldn't necessairly ,there is a movement of new ,younger ,smaller talent going on in wwe .Five years ago Kaval and Danielson would of got nowhere ,so it's the perfect time fot Tyler to join when many of the great indy wrestlers are flourshing .
As announced on ROH this past monday Tyler Black has signed with the WWE Tyler Black is an amazing wrestler with tons of potential to one day be a WWE champion however as much as I would love to see that I believe he will just go down to a midcard level and stay there the rest of his career because thats what the WWE does if they arent the company you made your name with

but I want to know what you the wrestlezone community think. Is signing with the WWE Tyler Blacks best carrer move or his worst?
I feel like he's going there early before he makes such a "huge name" for himself. He doesn't have the tenure and universal acclaim of a lot of top indy guys that are now in major promotions. Also, perhaps in his youth he feels like he can adapt to the WWE style better now than trying to do it in 5-10 years. I think its a good move, he can always go back to ROH if WWE doesn't go well, and be a bigger name than ever.
A couple of months ago I made a thread called better to reign in hell or serve in heaven, which is the basis for this thread. Like it's already been said, there's a limit to what you can do on the indy circuit. Black may be the ROH Champion, but is that as good as being in the midcard on Raw or Smackdown and being on national TV (yes I know about HDNet. It pales in comparison to what Raw or SD could offer and everyone knows it) while making hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.

I can't speak for him, but if it were me and I was 24 years old and WWE came to me and asked if I wanted to work there, I'd certainly take it. The thing is, they're offering him the chance now. They might not want him in say a year or three years or five years or whatever. He has a chance now, and it might not come later.

Finally, let's say he bombs in ROH. A guy like him would be taken back by ROH or any indy company that he talked to in a heartbeat. Hell guys like Chris Hamrick (he was a midcard guy in the final days of ECW. End of his resume) still get indy work. A guy in his 20s with experience and talent wouldn't be able to? I think not. I'd say taking a chance like this is a great idea and a great decision, if nothing else for the money alone.
Yeah, sure, what a silly move for Tyler Black. To leave ROH, where he makes no money, gets no exposure, has no audience, is not seen on TV (HDNet aside), and is the proto-typical big fish in a little pond, to go to the largest and most profitable professional wrestling organization on the planet. The lunacy. To be lost in the mid-card across the globe, with the opportunity to assert yourself and establish yourself in the world of professional wrestling, as opposed to staying where you are and not even having the possibility of furthering your career.

Tyler Black has done all he can do in ROH. It's time to enter the big leagues. If he becomes mired in the mid-card, maybe in actuality he wasn't big enough or good enough to expand beyond that. Better to go there and to try, rather than to stay put and wonder what if.

Even if WWE was not an option, even TNA would be a step up from ROH (and that's saying something).

It was more than likely the best thing he's done. I mean, they couldn't possibly make another Scotty Goldman-level mistake again.

So long as they keep him Florida and don't let him leave until he can talk, Tyler will be just fine.
This will be my first post in the ROH, Independents, and International section...how about that. Anyway onto the thread.

Tyler Black has now accomplished everything he needs to accomplish on the independent circuit. He's won the biggest belt in the biggest independent promotion on the circuit, and what's the next logical step for him? Does he continue to serve in ROH despite the fact that he continues to make rather poor money, gets little exposure to the masses and has nothing left to accomplish there OR does he go to one of the two bigger promotions, get paid more money and get exposure to the masses? The answer is obvious & Tyler knows it.

Tyler will most likely be shipped down to Florida to learn how to wrestle the 'WWE Way'. He won't be on television for awhile (both CM Punk & Kaval spent a while in OVW & FCW respectively before making it onto television). Tyler has a lot of potential, and time is on his side, he's only 24. He has the tools to get the job done; he just needs to use them.
ok I do agree with you guys that he does need to step up a level But look at what WWE does to guys who didnt make a name for themselves there they bury them and Tyler Black has too much potential to be burried I for one think maybe this could could work in his benefit if he takes the nxt route and then forms an "internet darling" stable as cole would say with kaval and DBD they could become the next big thing after nexus but the way the WWE is the fact is that despite all his in ring abilities as amazing as they are unless Tyler Black learns to cut a great promo he will not succeed in the WWE
ok I do agree with you guys that he does need to step up a level But look at what WWE does to guys who didnt make a name for themselves there they bury them and Tyler Black has too much potential to be burried

No. Just no. Was Daniel Bryan buried? Him main eventing Summerslam and feuding with the red hot Miz says otherwise. Was CM Punk Buried? His multiple World championships say otherwise. Was Kaval buried? Winning NXT says otherwise. Vince doesn't go out of his way to bury guys just because he didn't 'make' them.

And having potential just means you aren't good now but one day you might be.

I for one think maybe this could could work in his benefit if he takes the nxt route and then forms an "internet darling" stable as cole would say with kaval and DBD they could become the next big thing after nexus

Yeah, WWE is going to explicitly target the market that it doesn't care about (the IWC will bitch and moan but still watch, buy PPVs and merchandice so why market towards them?).

but the way the WWE is the fact is that despite all his in ring abilities as amazing as they are unless Tyler Black learns to cut a great promo he will not succeed in the WWE

Benoit winning the World heavyweight title disagrees with you. If Tyler black can't tell a story in the ring or entertain the WWE fans than he doesn't deserve the title.

But to languish in the midcard of WWE is a step up form working two jobs whilst ROH champion in every way.
He Hasn't made His Name. Near Enough Every Fan Outside of Wrestling Forums has very little Knowledge of him, He is Not a Draw, Of Course he will not go straight to the top, If You where a 10 year old would you get you Parents to buy Night of Champions if you were going to see the main event of Tyler Black Vs Bryan Danielson? NO, Because, While theya re both great wrestlers, They are virtually Unkown. Also, Push or No Push, It's a Great Career move, as he will make a TON more Cash, And That's what it's about at the end of the day.
Tyler Black is a wrestler. That is his chosen career. Its what he does to make money and live confortably. He wants to make as much money as he can for himself in his chosen career, just like everybody else.

WWE is the most dominant, powerful and well known wrestling promotion on the planet. If you are a popular wrestler there, then you make the big bucks. It is the goal of every professional wrestler to headline major cards in the WWE, because to be a star in the WWE means you have reached the pinnicle of your career.

It is always a big risk to leave your comfort zone where you are a big fish in a small pond, like Tyler Black is in ROH at present. Many indie stars have failed to make a major impact in WWE, but recently CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Kaval have all managed to do well. Black will want to emulate the success of these guys, and challenge himself to be the best he can be. He obviously believes he has the ability to do so, and there is hardly any wrestlers who would turn down the WWE if they came calling.

Just a couple of years in WWE, even at low to mid card level will earn Tyler Black a lot of money and get him more exposure, get his name out there and even if he ends up back on the indie scene he will be a bigger name than ever before. It is a wise move to sign for the WWE in my opinion.

Good luck Tyler, I wish you all the best and hope to see you on WWE TV very soon
So this is what brings people to the Indy section. Blind Indy fan comments. I see...

Well of course the move is the best of his career.

1. He creates major heat for his final ROH title run and will put over the new champion. It's going to be sweet.

2. Any place in WWE is better than any company in the Indys. I watch more Indy than WWE and even I know that. Even if he gets stuck in the midcard do you know how much money he will be getting compared to the main event in ROH?

The thread wasn't asking if it was the best for wrestling, which it might, but it will be the best for Black.
Tyler deserves to be in the WWE! the only bad thing is that hes not going to be a champion for a while! i honestly thought that hed be in season 3 of nxt but this diva bullshit took most of us by surprise. nxt is the only way he'll get an early title shot
Bad move in the eyes of selfish fans. As we all know WWE is the big time and thats where you go to really get yourself out there and make a lot of money along the way. Will he most likely be on NXT, probably. But he had a good run as champ and I wish him luck.
Tyler would be insane to turn down the offer. He has nothing to lose, he's still young and has a ton of potential. If anything I think WWE should have considered other talent before Tyler. Davey Richards has the total package to be in WWE, as does Claudio Castagnoli. Tyler really seems to lack the experience to really tell a story in a match he's more of a big move big spot kind of guy.

Guys WWE should have considered before even looking at black

Davey Richards
Eddie Edwards
Christopher Daniels
Chris Hero
Austin Aries
Kenny King.

Some of you may think there's more then that but those are the guys that really stand out to me.

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