Is this Superstar A Legend.... Randy Orton

Is Rany Orton a Legend?

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Wrestlezones Top Heel
WWE has called him a legend on more than one occasion but I want to know what you think he was in one of the most legendary stables of all time beaten the likes of Cena,Punk,HHH,Batista,The Rock,Foley,Taker,Kane,Y2J and has been the Legend Killer Punting every legend in his path is he...
IMO Orton is definitely a legend.

He's a 10 time champion and beaten some of the biggest names in history. Also, he was member of one of the greatest stables in history, Evolution. He's been in some of the best feuds that the WWE has had to offer during the last decade and IMO, next to Cena, he's the second greatest WWE superstar of the last decade. I said this with Cena and it applies here too. There are people who have done less in the business that we consider to be legends.

So yea, Randy Orton is a legend.
If Randy Orton was a legend he'd be dead, because he'd have to kill himself.

Suicide jokes aside, I don't see Randy Orton as a legend, and that's coming from one of his fans. I think as a worker, he's among the best today without question, but I don't think he has cemented legendary status. I guess it really depends on how you define the word legend, which is a word that is thrown around far too liberally in the world of pro wrestling. If you are a WWE Hall of Famer does that make you a legend? because Koko B. Ware is considered a legend then, at least in the eyes of the WWE. So by those standards I suppose Orton would be a legend, but I think we should be setting the bar slightly higher. Orton is a tremendous talent, he's a great wrestler, but not a legendary one.
Once you become a household name, you are a legend.

I said this same line when asked if John Cena is a legend. I don't believe Randy Orton is a legend. There are people who don't watch wrestling who have no clue who Randy Orton is. Orton hasn't done enough in my opinion, and the only thing I give him credit for that can be considered legendary is that he was the youngest World Champion.

That's not enough for me. Yes, he's beaten many legends (no shit), but so has a slew of virtual no-names in regards to wrestling.

To me, his finisher will be considered more legendary than him. I'm sure down the road I'll change my mind about him, but for now he hasn't made that impact yet.
I'm not sure if Orton is a legend. 10 time World Champ, great in the ring? without a doubt. Will we be speaking about him 20 years from now? I doubt it. As for todays roster I consider Cena, Taker, Jericho and possibly HHH and Big Show as legends. I love Orton, I personally think he is the best performer on the roster, he just hasn't made it mainstream.
Once you become a household name, you are a legend.

I said this same line when asked if John Cena is a legend. I don't believe Randy Orton is a legend. There are people who don't watch wrestling who have no clue who Randy Orton is. Orton hasn't done enough in my opinion, and the only thing I give him credit for that can be considered legendary is that he was the youngest World Champion.

That's not enough for me. Yes, he's beaten many legends (no shit), but so has a slew of virtual no-names in regards to wrestling.

To me, his finisher will be considered more legendary than him. I'm sure down the road I'll change my mind about him, but for now he hasn't made that impact yet.

I agree Orton isn't a legend, but how the hell will his finisher be considered more legendary than him when he didn't even invent the move himself? May as well give credit to DDP for the RKO, lol.
Its so tough to call anyone a legend these days,it really is. Orton IMO is a legend he is. A 10 time Champion,Royal Rumble Winner,Youngest ever Champion at 24 (Likely to never happen again). A part of one of the biggest Stables ever Evolution! Randy is a legend without question. If you were gonna create a Superstar wouldnt it be Randy Orton?

You have to place him second behind John Cena in Terms of talking about a legend.. He is Great in the ring,above average Mic Skills. Will we talk about him 20 yrs from now? Im sure some of us will! Randy is only 33 so he still has another 4 or 5 reigns as champion in his future! So Yes,Randy is a legend
I agree Orton isn't a legend, but how the hell will his finisher be considered more legendary than him when he didn't even invent the move himself?

It's hard to be original when you can only do so many effective-looking moves to the human body. No wrestler on the roster today has a finishing move that wasn't borrowing from another source.

Randy Orton's RKO is the most standout thing about him. It's definitely the most exciting thing about him.

May as well give credit to DDP for the RKO, lol.

And I can give credit to Johnny Ace for DDP's Diamond Cutter, and I can give whoever first came up with the 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker, and on and on we go.

Nothing is original.
I created a thread not too long ago that asked if Randy Orton is an All-Time Great and the majority of those 62 voters said that he is. In that thread I argued that he is one of the most successful stars ever, and listed his many accolades including now 10 World Championships, a Royal Rumble win, a WrestleMania main event and the distinction of being the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history. He has fought the biggest names in wrestling history from Hulk Hogan to Shawn Michaels, from The Undertaker to even Goldberg.

His talent is undeniable, and at the tender age of 33 (which HBK was in 1998 and HHH was in 2002) we may not have even seen his ceiling yet. He survived a strong run as the focal point of RAW for the majority of late 2007-early 2010 and looks poised to handle another run now. I'd say he's easily a legend, an all-time great, and one of the biggest stars of his time.
This is a tough one. In the other thread I used Jim Duggan as an example of who gets tagged as a legend. I think Hacksaw Jim Duggan is more famous than Randy Orton despite the fact that Orton has had way more success as far as accomplishments. I'm sure some day we'll here them say "WWE legend Randy Orton" has he hobbles to the ring to be victimized by somebody doing a parody of his legend killer gimmick but right now I wouldn't call him a legend.
Randy Orton is already a legend in his own right, 10-time WWE Champion 7-time WWE Champion 3-time World Heavyweight Champion Intercontinental Champion the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history 2009 Royal Rumble winner his accomplishments are endless and not to mention he has evolved from The Legend Killer into a One Man Dynasty then evolving into The Viper and Orton was in one of the greatest groups in WWE history in Evolution and not to mention Orton by the time he retires he will be a first-ballot Hall of Famer
Isn't a legend someone who leaves a lasting impression on the WWE? It depends on how you define legend but personally, it's to do with if you've changed the industry,whether its bringing a standard of personal excellence to the ring that is only reserved by those who get to that level or by changing the industry through a gimmick or on the mic.

Randy has changed the industry, he's beaten the best and he's had some of the fueds of the last 5 years, foley, undertaker, HHH and the McMahons, Cena, the list is endless.

By the time he's done he will be a HoF headliner, how much more of a legend can you get?

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