Is this Superstar A Legend.... John Cena

Is Cena A Legend?

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Wrestlezones Top Heel
John Cena is an 11-time WWE Champion The Most in History beaten The likes of The Rock,HHH,HBK,Batista,Randy Orton,Undertaker,Lesnar teamed with Brett Hart and all the above and been the face from 2005-Summerslam 2013 Is He....
To even suggest that he's not a legend is ridiculous. He is in the same category as Hulk Hogan, Michaels, Bret, Stone Cold and the Rock whether you like it or not. He is the face of the WWE and the face of pro wrestling for the current generation. When it's all said and done, and we look back on the career of John Cena long after he's retired, I think a case will be made that he could be the greatest of all time. The polarizing nature of John Cena's character has made him the first wrestler in history to simultaneously be the top face and the top heel in the business, and that will ultimately be the defining aspect of Cena's legacy. Beyond that, the guy is hard-working, dedicated, a great talker and a great worker. He holds the crowd in the palm of his hands and delivers classic main event matches. I can't say enough good things about the guy. His success and his talent are undeniable.

Haters gonna hate.
John Cena is definitely a legend.

Not only is he a legend, but he's one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time and the greatest WWE superstar of the past decade. He's accomplished so much in his career that to suggest that he's not a legend would be absolutely insane. There are people who have done a lot less in the business than Cena that we consider to be legends.

So yea, Cena is a legend.
I'd say he is a legend, for what he's able to do being the face of the company in a none golden age period of wrestling.

Fans will appreciate his work long after he's gone, and I don't see him as being someone in it for himself (ala Hogan)....that's the one difference I see in the two.
Definitely. Over his career hes done so much inside the ring as well as outside the ring. Hes the face of the wwe. Hes been WWE champion 11 times. That in itself is a huge accomplishment. Hes won the Royal Rumble twice. Hes won the money in the bank. He may not be everyone's favorite, but you have to respect his work ethic. Not even including his charity work, he will go down in history as one of the all time greats.
Once you become a household name, you are a legend.

There's no other way to clarify this. People who don't watch wrestling know who John Cena is. Just like they knew who Hogan was, and Stone Cold, The Rock, etc. His legacy is virtually unrivaled compared to the people who came in at the same time he did. Love him or hate him, he is a legend in modern wrestling.

He's had 5 Star Matches with those many consider legends. He has made us care about his character. He puts asses in seats and sells merchandise like a madman.

Legend? It's a no-brainer.
Wow, I can't believe that you actually asked that question. Of course John Cena is a legend. Not only is he a legend , he is easily in the top 5 of all time. I'd rank him behind Hogan, Flair , The Rock, and Austin. Yes, I put him over Michaels, taker and Hart. Taker and Michaels were great but Cena performs on a regular basis where as Michaels and Taker regularly missed time. 11 time champ says it all, plus all of his public appearances and make a wish foundation work. He is the face of WWE for a reason, and yes he is a legend
Even though we tend to think of legends as old men & women whose careers have wound down and are a couple of decades removed from when they were at their peak, that's not always the case. There are exceptions to that rule and John Cena is an exception.

John Cena has done everything there is to do in WWE and has been the overall face of the biggest pro wrestling company in the world for close to a decade. During that time frame, he's captured a total of 13 World Championships and has wrestled and/or beaten a good 98-99% of every relevant star to pass through the company in the past 20 years. He's headlined major ppvs, including one WrestleMania after another, he's someone that's gotten to be pretty well known among media outside of pro wrestling as he's someone that's tirelessly worked his ass off promoting WWE.

Even though the notion of a 36 year old man, and a young man overall in the game of life, as a legend feels a bit weird, that doesn't make it any less appropriate in Cena's case.
All he's got to do to become a legend is get old. Injury aside he's still in his prime. There is no doubt that Cena will be viewed in the same light as Hogan, Rock, Austin, etc. And honestly, he should get extra credit for not having the supporting cast those other three had.
To even suggest that he's not a legend is ridiculous. He is in the same category as Hulk Hogan, Michaels, Bret, Stone Cold and the Rock whether you like it or not. He is the face of the WWE and the face of pro wrestling for the current generation. When it's all said and done, and we look back on the career of John Cena long after he's retired, I think a case will be made that he could be the greatest of all time. The polarizing nature of John Cena's character has made him the first wrestler in history to simultaneously be the top face and the top heel in the business, and that will ultimately be the defining aspect of Cena's legacy. Beyond that, the guy is hard-working, dedicated, a great talker and a great worker. He holds the crowd in the palm of his hands and delivers classic main event matches. I can't say enough good things about the guy. His success and his talent are undeniable.

Haters gonna hate.

I do think he's a legend because he's already the 4th biggest star behind Hogan, Austin and Rock, but::

-Take Shawn Michaels out of the category, for christ's sake. The guy couldn't draw to save his life.
-How does being polarizing make him one of the greatest ever?
-He's a good worker, I'll give you that
-Top heel in the business? He gets mixed reactions but he doesn't get Jericho, Orton, JBL level heat.
John Cena is not only a legend,the man is a freakin ICON! Where to begin? A 13 Time world Champion,he has headlined WM after WM after WM! Two time Royal Rumble winner,the headliner PPV after PPV! My mom who doesnt know who anyone is,knows John Cena! Cena's Name is world Known. He Sells Merch like crazy,he is the No1 star as far as Make-A-Wish of all time!

He has beaten everyone there is to beat on the grandest stage of em all (Yes I know not everyone,cuz he has never faced Taker). Plus he gets criticized for having only 5 moves of doom,he has put on just breathtaking 5 star matches with the best of em. His place in the company is secure,his place as an ICON is secure. He puts over Talent and never bitches about it! Dude is a ICON of ICONS
No way is Cena a legend. He has been forced down the throat of wrestling fans. He happens to fill a void in the same way Hogan did. His wrestling skills are a joke. His mic skills (even as a "rapper") sucked. Look at Flair, HBK, The Rock, all of them can get a crowd into a frenzy with a raised eyebrow or a strut, or a flip up. Cena has to talk for hours about respect, and being true and all sorts of other meaningless tripe. He is a product of wwe marketing not natural talent. And that's why he is no legend. Title reigns only add to the marketing aspect. The belt means nothing on Cena, he turned it into a prop ffs.
Of course he's a legend. Think of all his high profile matches. Think of all his amazing entrances. think of the one hour match he put on with Shawn Michaels on Raw at the drop of a hat. Like Edge, the year after he retires he's in the WWE Hall of Fame. He's the standard for all Superstars to reach in terms of total package. Make a Wish, Media appearances, and Matches. He's the star of the 2000's and present and even some ways into the future. Definite Legend.
No way is Cena a legend. He has been forced down the throat of wrestling fans. He happens to fill a void in the same way Hogan did. His wrestling skills are a joke. His mic skills (even as a "rapper") sucked. Look at Flair, HBK, The Rock, all of them can get a crowd into a frenzy with a raised eyebrow or a strut, or a flip up. Cena has to talk for hours about respect, and being true and all sorts of other meaningless tripe. He is a product of wwe marketing not natural talent. And that's why he is no legend. Title reigns only add to the marketing aspect. The belt means nothing on Cena, he turned it into a prop ffs.

"Fills the void like Hogan did"??? Surely you can't be serious. Of course the rest of this post was total gibberish so why do I expect that one quote to make sense?

Cena has done everything it takes to be considered a legend. Hell, if Hacksaw Jim Duggan is considered a legend we need a better word to describe guys like Hogan, Cena, Austin and the Rock. Of course there will be a few dumb marks who can't get past their own opinions, but anyone with half a brain knows that Cena deserves to be recognized as having a legendary career.
He did fill a void. They needed a face and Cena fit the bill. Actually Hogan deserves more credit than Cena because at least he had made a name for himself in AWA. Do you honestly think if Cena came through the indys like Punk he would have stood out?Cena had a look and that's all. Granted he has played is hand very well and is a very good worker, but his legendary status will be entirely manufactured by wwe marketing.
He did fill a void. They needed a face and Cena fit the bill. Actually Hogan deserves more credit than Cena because at least he had made a name for himself in AWA. Do you honestly think if Cena came through the indys like Punk he would have stood out?Cena had a look and that's all. Granted he has played is hand very well and is a very good worker, but his legendary status will be entirely manufactured by wwe marketing.

If Cena is a result of "wwe marketing", so is Hogan, Rock and to an extent Austin. Same with any "big star" in WWE. Cena became popular after WWE pushed him, so they continued to push him. You'd be a fool not to. Same with Hogan Austin and The Rock. Cena has been on top for almost a decade, with nowhere near the supporting cast Hogan had, or the Attitude Era had.

Cena has battled the best and carried his own or the match. He's had great matches with Punk, Bryan, Orton and Micheals, to name a few. And he's gotten serviceable to good matches out of Umaga and Khali. He has headlined the best selling WMs, even while the business slowly dies/stagnates.

He is an 11 time WWE champion, 2 time WHC, battled greats, had memorable fueds, and was in some of the best matches from the past few years. Cena is without a doubt a legend, and a "living legend" at that.
i personally think John Cena is a True Legend, anyone who does not think so, is really stupid. i personally think that before John Cena retires, he should win the IC title and becomw a Triple Crown Champion.
He is a good mechanic, I totally agree. And he will definitely be considered a legend. But that doesn't put him in the same league as HBK, or Flair or The Rock or Punk. Michaels, Flair, Punk all proved themselves in territories/indys. Even The Rock shines in USWA. Winning titles in Kayfabe relies on symbolism rather than prowess. Are you honestly saying Cena turning the WWE strap into a spinning toy is up there with Bret Hart in 92 or Flair carrying the prestige of the NWA on his waist.
Cena is going to go down as THE GREATEST WWE SUPERSTAR OF ALL TIME.

Now time to explain. Cena is an OK wrestler. He can go out there and hold his own and put on some great matches..sometimes. Cena has a GOOD mic set. He does repeat alot of what he says but who doesn't do that. He can really interact with the crowd and get them going. You can see it weekly on raw, the crowd can boo him and then turn it into a quick cheap pop.

Cena is WWE bred. This is Vinces golden child. Hogan helped put WWE on the map but Cena is going to be known as a greater legend than the immortal Hulkster. Hogan wrestled in AWA and WCW. Cena has been a loyal WWE Star since day 1 and always will be. When Cena finally retires his face will always be plastered with the product. He will be making appearances like there is no tomorrow.

Cena has earned his titles but also has given titles. He has set records. I can even see him passing Ric Flairs 16 time world championship record. Vince wants Cena to be at the top of everything because Vince created John Cena.

If you like it or not, Cenas name will always be at the very top once he retires. He is a work horse, he might push his weight around, but wouldn't you do the same? Cena has that perfect superhero image that can do no wrong. Its the way it was built and it will last forever.
Cena is obviously a legend but to address the post above. No way in hell he will be above Hogan when he retires.

Simple reason is that Hogan made the WWF, Cena didn't make anything he's 'just' the top superstar the last decade. He didn't crack mainstream like the Rock, didn't save the WWF like Austin, didn't make it like Hogan did. It's what distinguishes Legends from Icons.

There has only ever been five icons in modern professional wrestling and those are Hogan, Flair, Rock, Austin and Andre.

Cena needs to do something extra special to get himself up to their heights and I don't think there is anything he actually can do to do so. That's not a knock on the guy, I'm a fan, but for me he stays on Legends list with the likes of the Hitman, HBK, Undertaker, Sting, Warrior, Savage, Triple H, Goldberg, Mankind etc. It's not a bad company to be part of.
Of course he is a legend. Cena has been the face of the company for a long time now, is already one of the most decorated World Champions in history (and I have no doubt he WILL break Ric Flair's record), he's headlined more Wrestlemania's than anyone (except possibly Hogan, and I can't be bothered checking), won Royal Rumbles, Money In The Bank, and been THE guy for an entire generation.

You may not like Cena, I personally don't enjoy his work, but you have to accept the guy is a legend in the business. He works harder than anyone, he makes the most money, he gets the biggest reactions and he is worth more to the WWE than almost any other superstar in history. People outside wrestling know who John Cena is, he is that big of a name these days.

You just cannot look past the guy's accomplishments. Vince McMahon has the ability to change the star of his company whenever he wants and yet he keeps faith with Cena because he knows how important he is. The man is a legend without a shadow of a doubt.
He is already reached "legend" status. There is no doubt of that. We should be arguing where he lies in comparison to Hogan, Austin, The Rock and Triple H. He will never reach the heights of Hogan and Austin but Cena is an all-time great for his consistent great work.

On the mic, in the ring, his work rate. He is an exceptional star who has put on some 5 star matches. There is no-one who can deny that. Moreover, he is had to work programs with such a range of superstar but has done well with the lot. He had a feud with The Great Khali for fucks sake. Austin never had to go through that crap.

Punk, Bryan, Lesnar, HBK, JBL, Edge. Cena has had some incredible matches and has delivered great promos. He is undoubtedly a legend.
Yes Cena is definitely a legend and he has done it all in his career, his accomplishments endless and the thing about it is that Cena is not even 40 years old yet only 36 years old so Cena is already a legend and he doesn't need to prove himself to anyone like it or not carrying the WWE on its back for the past 8 years ever since 2005 when his mega-stardom started and it has already reached its peak

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