Is There More To This Than Meets They Eye ?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So after last night at Backlash we now have Orton as WWE Champ (better late than never it should have been at WM), Edge the World Heavyweight Champ (Good finsih to his match with Cena and he deserves this) and Christian as ECW Champ (glad he finally got a belt back).

So now look at this, we have Edge, Christian and Orton as champs. Edge and Christian took tag team wrestling to its all time high during the Attitude Era, and then we have Orton and Edge who formed Rated-RKO to take out DX.

As we know Christian and Edge had a little segment last night after Christian won the ECW title, but could there be more to this than meets the eye ?

3 men, in which there was 2 teams, 1 made tag team wrestling and took it to its all time high, the other took out one of WWEs most over stables.

Has it just happened by sheer chance, or are WWE planning somthing here ?

What Do you think, Discuss ......
If what I think is true, this sets up for a triple threat at Night of Champions (unless Punk cashes the briefcase inbetween). I don't think any of the champions are fuding with anybody at the moment and with the Christian promo towards Edge, I could see more brand invasions leading up to some kind of battle royal on the friday before NOC with the three champs headlining their teams (like a Suvivor Series match or something).
kudos on noticing the coincidence, but unfortunately i dont think it will amount to anything. it would take an extreme reach to try to bring all there guys together. maybe edge can try to say that he made them to be the champions they are or something but i doubt it. can someone tell me in detail what went down between e&c? this site kinda blows at results and spoilers.
Natedamac88, i only caught the beggingin of it, but it was somthing like Edge was like to christian "you think your better than me now you have a championship and i dont" and christian was like "chill out man what happened to you, now your a paranoid bablling freek" and Edge said "its because of John Cena, everythings his fault".

It was somthing along they lines anyway.
if there is any chance of some sort of alliance going to happen it would only be between edge and christian. orton has legacy so why would he need/want edge and christian with him? orton will fued now with either hhh if hes not taking time off or batista.

if your lucky edge and christian might fued but also, highly unlikly.
You see, that would actually be GOOD writing. Vince won't tolerate that.

After the sorry excuse for a PPV last night, I'm inclined to think that all the arcs are over for the exception of the Trips/Orton arc. Cena's going to be out for a little while after that, and they don't pay enough attention to ECW to continue a storyline between Swagger and Christian.
You see, that would actually be GOOD writing. Vince won't tolerate that.

After the sorry excuse for a PPV last night, I'm inclined to think that all the arcs are over for the exception of the Trips/Orton arc. Cena's going to be out for a little while after that, and they don't pay enough attention to ECW to continue a storyline between Swagger and Christian.

to be honest on paper that PPV looked s***, but after it was all said and done it wasn't half bad, the swagger/christian match was one of the best of the year IMO. kane/punk...BORING! steamboat/jericho was pretty good for steamboats age. the hardys match was abit damp, and the ending was just stupid, jeff jumping off the worlds smallest ladder, PLEASE! they're supposed to be Xtreme, but that was just pathetic. the tag match was alright, laughed so hard at the end with that punt! finally the gold has come back to orton and the last man standing match IMO was EPIC! so many moments in that match, and an amazing finish. the santina/khali/beth segment was funny as f***. santina confessing she **cough he cough** loves good ol' JR was just priceless haha. over all i'd say it was pretty decent, and considering it was free im happy with it.
As stated above that is good writing...however what I hope for is that new feuds will materialize. SD is our best hope as Jericho needs to be in the picture for maybe even a face turn to challenge Edge. Maybe a promo praising the hard fought match Steamboat gave him and then ending that fued and turning face. Or having a heel feud would be great.

I really want to see the wrestlers stay on their own brands. That is what is needed to dvelop fresh feuds and have younger stars get in the heavyweight title picture. With the people staying on their own brands it would be amazing to see the US and Intercontinental titles get some nice storylines to bring credibility to bth titles. These are all thoughts of wishful thinking but maybe it could happen. Do you think?
So I did not see the Edge and Christian promo, but it seems to me that they are teasing Edge going face. Chris Jericho is amazing as a heel and needs to stay a heel. Edge lost Vicky so he might finally get a solo run, and they could really try making him a face as a top star on Smackdown. I can see a few things from this... Edge vs Chris Jericho(soon), (future) Edge vs Morrison, and (future) Christian heel turn because that's when he performs better.
So I did not see the Edge and Christian promo, but it seems to me that they are teasing Edge going face. Chris Jericho is amazing as a heel and needs to stay a heel. Edge lost Vicky so he might finally get a solo run, and they could really try making him a face as a top star on Smackdown. I can see a few things from this... Edge vs Chris Jericho(soon), (future) Edge vs Morrison, and (future) Christian heel turn because that's when he performs better.

Edge may turn face, but not within the next few months. As a face, he's a big goofy child who's a prodigy in the ring, always playing jokes on people. As a heel, he's an absolute psycho as well as the ultimate opportunist. It would be weird, after him losing his cool in the middle of the ring, to turn him face right away to the happy Edge that we all saw a few years ago.

It would be like Chris Jericho and his RAW IS JERICHO routine, to the gimmick he's got going on now (which includes a reason as to why he abandoned his Y2J thing) then going back to the super-face that we all know and love. It would be awkward.

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