Is there gonna be a Potentail feud between Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
We know Chris Jericho is one of the best IC champion of the Modern era. He is a 9 time IC champion and one of the better heel than the Face in the industry.

Over the past few weeks in Interviews and his Podcast he has been taking a shot against Daniel Bryan. First it started when he shot at the fans to Shut the Hell up if they boo Roman Reigns. He complained the fans for Booing Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble just because they wanted Daniel Bryan to win the Rumble. That seemed a bit logical and Legit.

Last day he shot out at Daniel Bryan and also Quoted "If you want to cheer for Funaki or Daniel Bryan or Fandango, go nuts and do your thing man, but I like Roman Reigns"

Now WWE is trying to bring back the Prestige of IC title. So is this a seed for a future feud between Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho? Maybe the future Hall of Famer can win his 10th IC title?

What do you think about this? Is this can happen for real? If so What are your thoughts??
I don't see a need for it. Bryan reached a level last year that Jericho never reached and an Intercontinental Title feud against Jericho wouldn't be much of an accomplishment for Bryan now, especially with Jericho being a part timer which would almost guarantee that he never wins the title. Bryan doesn't need to beat Jericho to prove his greatness. He needs to just defend the belt a lot and have great matches, which he can do against people other than Jericho.
I could see it, and Jericho's thing is coming back to put people over at SummerSlam.

A premier match with Bryan for the belt at SummerSlam would be pretty damn sweet for everyone involved. They put on a straight up fucking barn burner on NXT many years back, the best fuckin 6 minute match you will ever see.

I would certainly not put it outside the realm of possibility.
First of all, I don't know if Jericho is working anybody when he praises Roman Reigns. He's since clarified his first comment stating that he MEANT, if you don't like Daniel Bryan and hate Roman Reigns, shut the hell up about it to me, because you're not going to change my opinion on him. As for the second quote, it's a little surprising given Jericho falls into that Bryan/Funaki/Fandango category himself, as a smaller competitor, but maybe he's just a big Roman Reigns fan? I doubt this is a work... but then again, Jericho is synonymous with working the IWC.

As for the match, I would be all in on seeing this. Bryan and Jericho are guaranteed to put on a classic match, and the story would be great with Jericho working as the heel. It would have the feel of a legitimate big-match championship fight... one that could just as easily be for the WWEWHC than the IC. I'd like to see Bryan cement himself as a fighting IC champ first, and than have Jericho return for Summerslam. SS would be the best bet for this match as it's a logical start in creating a super-card. Throw in Lesnar/Rollins (or some variation) and possibly a Sting match and Summerslam could be justified as akin to Mania.
As great of a match as it would be, there's no point. Sadly, Chris Jericho no longer has any relevancy. All he does is put people over. A win over Jericho doesn't mean anything when EVERYONE beats Jericho. After losses to Fandango and Bray Wyatt, Chris Jericho is nobody.
I don't see a need for it. Bryan reached a level last year that Jericho never reached

Just had to read that bit back, and I hope you're joking? Jericho was on fire back in 1999 when he won his first IC title, and was white hot going into the 2000's. Not sure what you mean by "a level that Jericho never reached". I hope you're not referring to Bryan's WWE WHC win at Mania last year? You are aware, that when Chris Jericho became Undisputed Champion, he was already a former five time Intercontinental Champion?

Give it another five, or maybe even ten years.. then come back and make your comparison. Until then, Bryan still has an awful lot of catching up to do before he even gets close to superseding Jericho.
Firstly, Jericho never took a shot a Bryan. That's ridiculous.

A Jericho/Bryan feud would be fantastic. Sure, Jericho coming back to put someone over has been done but this would be different. It would be a guy on his level (in the grand scheme of things) so there is more doubt. Doing some forward thinking and you could perhaps think Jericho takes the belt off Bryan so he could drop it to another babyface and put that guy over. Jericho would be a fine transitional champion if needs be.

All I know is this would be a great feud. Two/three matches of the highest quality and the feud would have Jericho back in the suit. He should be livid that the fans have supported Bryan to such an extent because he never got anything like this.
Bryan doesn't need to beat Jericho to prove his greatness.

True, but the current mission of WWE is to use main event-level performers to elevate the status of midcard belts.....and to that end, having a wrestler with the rep of Chris Jericho joining in that mission adds credence.

Yes, Daniel Bryan doesn't need Jericho to prove his greatness, yet if Bryan and Cena are going to face only midcard wrestlers and destroy them all, Danny & John are going to look like schoolyard bullies, ruling the roost from their exalted positions.

To boost the midcard titles, the occasional main eventer has to come down to challenge....and Jericho would be a good choice, given his unique position in WWE.
To boost the midcard titles, the occasional main eventer has to come down to challenge....and Jericho would be a good choice, given his unique position in WWE.

This is exactly why Brock needed to take title with him on hiatus. Right now they run the risk of turning Cena and Bryan into mid carders because with the WHC on tv all the time, no one cares about the IC and US, just like before Brock.
This is exactly why Brock needed to take title with him on hiatus. Right now they run the risk of turning Cena and Bryan into mid carders because with the WHC on tv all the time, no one cares about the IC and US, just like before Brock.

I'm not so sure about that. Have you watched RAW? The IC and US titles were both on the line and both were incredible matches. Sure, it may take some time, and some of the matches they have from here on out may not be as good but I believe that with Cena and Bryan holding those titles they can make them as prestigious as they once were even with the WWE HC on TV. I would hold off on making any predictions for a few months as to whether or not people will care about the IC and US titles. As to the OP's question, I would kill to see Jericho vs. Bryan. I don't care if Jericho is only here to job, I know he would still put on an awesome match with Bryan and I don't doubt he could make us believe he will win it.
Just had to read that bit back, and I hope you're joking? Jericho was on fire back in 1999 when he won his first IC title, and was white hot going into the 2000's. Not sure what you mean by "a level that Jericho never reached". I hope you're not referring to Bryan's WWE WHC win at Mania last year? You are aware, that when Chris Jericho became Undisputed Champion, he was already a former five time Intercontinental Champion?

Give it another five, or maybe even ten years.. then come back and make your comparison. Until then, Bryan still has an awful lot of catching up to do before he even gets close to superseding Jericho.

Daniel Bryan won the World Title in the main event of Wrestlemania as 75,000 people chanted YES. He was the hottest guy in the promotion and pushed as such. Jericho was hot in 1999, but he was never pushed as strong as Bryan and never became as big of a deal. So yeah, that's what I'm referring to because that's what it was. As for the five time Intercontinental Champion at that point, that's where Barrett is today. Are you trying to say that five Intercontinental Titles makes you a big deal, because Barrett is as firm a midcard guy as there is right now.
We know Chris Jericho is one of the best IC champion of the Modern era. He is a 9 time IC champion and one of the better heel than the Face in the industry.

Over the past few weeks in Interviews and his Podcast he has been taking a shot against Daniel Bryan. First it started when he shot at the fans to Shut the Hell up if they boo Roman Reigns. He complained the fans for Booing Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble just because they wanted Daniel Bryan to win the Rumble. That seemed a bit logical and Legit.

Last day he shot out at Daniel Bryan and also Quoted "If you want to cheer for Funaki or Daniel Bryan or Fandango, go nuts and do your thing man, but I like Roman Reigns"

Now WWE is trying to bring back the Prestige of IC title. So is this a seed for a future feud between Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho? Maybe the future Hall of Famer can win his 10th IC title?

What do you think about this? Is this can happen for real? If so What are your thoughts??

3 years ago would have been nice but a win for Bryan over Jericho wouldn't do much for him.

Personally I want to see Cena and Bryan in a title unification storyline. The way they book the mid card, they can't seem to consistently book two legit mid card divisions
No need for Jericho..

Their are two things I would like to see. The first one is make DB a fighting champion. He should take on all comers and defend the title as much as possible.

The second is give him a long reign as IC champion. I would let him hold the title till next years WM. Let him have a 15-20 min WM singles IC title match and drop it to someone who is really worthy at Mania. I think that is how you will really elevate the ic title and get it back to being very important.
Connect the dots: Y2J is on the WWE Network doing his podcast with Cena. So you telling me WWE & Vince hasn't told him "put Reigns over". Everything related to WWE as of right now has been making everyone including heels to put over Reigns.

Now in terms of Y2J vs Bryan, it would be a good match, there is no doubt about that, but its not needed. I would rather see Ziggler or Sheamus feud with Bryan than Y2J. Bryan is right now as over as Y2J ever was in his whole career, so its not something Bryan needs.
Firstly, Jericho never took a shot a Bryan. That's ridiculous.

A Jericho/Bryan feud would be fantastic. Sure, Jericho coming back to put someone over has been done but this would be different. It would be a guy on his level (in the grand scheme of things) so there is more doubt. Doing some forward thinking and you could perhaps think Jericho takes the belt off Bryan so he could drop it to another babyface and put that guy over. Jericho would be a fine transitional champion if needs be.

All I know is this would be a great feud. Two/three matches of the highest quality and the feud would have Jericho back in the suit. He should be livid that the fans have supported Bryan to such an extent because he never got anything like this.

I don't really agree there. While Bryan has the yes! chant, which can create some incredible visuals when the whole crowd is doing it.......Jericho was one of the biggest fish in the biggest pond the WWF has ever had in 2000-01. Jericho was incredibly popular as a face in 2000 and 2001.
Daniel Bryan won the World Title in the main event of Wrestlemania as 75,000 people chanted YES. He was the hottest guy in the promotion and pushed as such. Jericho was hot in 1999, but he was never pushed as strong as Bryan and never became as big of a deal. So yeah, that's what I'm referring to because that's what it was. As for the five time Intercontinental Champion at that point, that's where Barrett is today. Are you trying to say that five Intercontinental Titles makes you a big deal, because Barrett is as firm a midcard guy as there is right now.

Jericho was never pushed AS A FACE as strong as Bryan. But as a heel he unified the titles, went over Rock and Austin multiple time, and headlined WrestleMania in an era where WWE was very popular, and where the roster was probably the deepest it's ever been.

And the IC title meant more back then than it has in recent years. Every title meant more, really.

That said, I'm very excited to see where they go with Bryan as the IC champ. He's the most credible IC champ in a long time. I can't think of a legit main event level guy to hold it since Jericho and Mysterio feuded over it in 2009.
Jericho was never pushed AS A FACE as strong as Bryan. But as a heel he unified the titles, went over Rock and Austin multiple time, and headlined WrestleMania in an era where WWE was very popular, and where the roster was probably the deepest it's ever been.

And the IC title meant more back then than it has in recent years. Every title meant more, really.

That said, I'm very excited to see where they go with Bryan as the IC champ. He's the most credible IC champ in a long time. I can't think of a legit main event level guy to hold it since Jericho and Mysterio feuded over it in 2009.

Jericho went last on that Wrestlemania but he certainly didn't headline it. The main event of that show was Hollywood Hogan vs. the Rock.
The way I would build Jericho/Bryan is having these 2 have a feud which culminates into a match at WrestleMania 32 Jericho's first WrestleMania appearance in over 3 years the last time he was at a Mania was Mania 29 when he faced Fandango and then 3 years later at 32 I would have him face Daniel Bryan but for the WWE Intercontinental Championship with Bryan having one of the lengthiest WWE IC Title reigns in modern era history turning back challenge after challenge until Jericho makes a shocking return on the road to WrestleMania 32 returning the night after Royal Rumble 2016 on RAW with Jericho interrupting Daniel Bryan

And then Jericho ends up in the ring with Bryan saying how he has spent all this time watching Bryan as the WWE Intercontinental Champion beating challenger after challenger holding that IC Title for as long as he has that he has to give credit where credit's due but that Bryan is not "The Best in the World at Everything He Does" as Jericho then says that he is the Best in the World at Everything He Does and that sure Bryan can be champion for as long as he has been but that Jericho is the greatest IC Champion of all time holding that very title the most times out of any superstar in WWE history with 9 title reigns and he wants to make it a 10th title reign as he challenges Bryan for the title

Bryan would accept and out of nowhere Jericho blindsides Bryan with a Codebreaker from out of nowhere and then locks Bryan in the Walls of Jericho cementing his heel turn

That is just how I would do it
I'm over Jericho. Sure, he was once a high second-tier guy who won the world belt and headlined WrestleMania, but he's a sad joke now, a comedy jobber who even the kids don't take seriously. On par with the Bunny. The guy jobbed cleanly to Fandango, for crying out loud.

His failed no-talking experiment and decent run with Punk should have been the end. Taking the loss at Extreme Rules 2012, in a very good world title match, and being booed out of Chicago would have been a fitting end for his career at the age of 41. Edge had his last match at 37, Austin 38, DiBiase 39, Bret 42. All Hall of Famers.
I don't think those are shots at Bryan. He was defending himself from the people who call him a Vinnie Mac/WWE ass kisser for actually be a fan of Reigns. Also Bryan was just on the podcast the Friday before Mania and I didn't hear any of what seemed like angle building. I will say that it's a feud I'd like to see. Jericho has always been able to be a great heel and I would love to see him work a full program as a heel against Daniel Bryan. I don't know what about but I know the matches would be awesome, hopefully the story would be as well. Also Bryan's first WWE match was against Jericho on NXT so they can bring that up.
I'm over Jericho. Sure, he was once a high second-tier guy who won the world belt and headlined WrestleMania, but he's a sad joke now, a comedy jobber who even the kids don't take seriously. On par with the Bunny. The guy jobbed cleanly to Fandango, for crying out loud.

His failed no-talking experiment and decent run with Punk should have been the end. Taking the loss at Extreme Rules 2012, in a very good world title match, and being booed out of Chicago would have been a fitting end for his career at the age of 41. Edge had his last match at 37, Austin 38, DiBiase 39, Bret 42. All Hall of Famers.

Ridiculous. This forum should be above such ridiculous exaggerations.

His loss to Fandango was presented as a fluke, as he had the match won but hurt his knee when he landed and got rolled up. It was presented as a shock and a fluke. It's not like he got soundly beaten, and couldn't get up after getting laid out by a finisher.

Not to mention, he beat Daniel Bryan a few weeks before that. He beat Fandango at the next PPV.

He beat Bray Wyatt on PPV last summer. "Comedy jobber on par with the bunny." Man, get outta here with that BS.

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