Bryan vs Jericho?

Irespective of Jhericos part time position as a mid-card talent enhancment role for the last 5-10 years, I think Bryan & Jherico could put on a true technical/mat wrestling masterpiece 4 the ages ala Savage/Steamboat or Hitman /bulldog or hitman /perfect or HBK/Razor or HBK/Jherico
I don't think it will happen Jericho is below Bryan, it would not benefit either one. Chris is probably a mid-carder now and Daniel is a top tier wrestler. Daniel is suppose to fight Dolph or Sheamus at Wrestlemania 31.

I generally never do this, but your post is exactly what is sometimes irritating about partaking in these discussions. Chris Jericho is a six-time world champion. How does this make him somehow "below" Daniel Bryan? People will bemoan Jericho for being considered a guy who consistently puts new superstars over despite not having a positive, lasting effect on said guys (Wyatt, Fangando, Ryback), but, as always with WWE, and I hate to channel CM Punk here, the follow-through for all of those guys has been putrid.

After feuding with Jericho, Ryback went on to debut his ill-fated "bully" gimmick that went nowhere, Fandango, who was actually over after WM29 before they had Cole ruin it, got a concussion that derailed any momentum he may have had, and Wyatt went away for a month to "set his followers free" unto a mystical land where no one in creative gives a shit about explaining any fucking thing that might be important, like why they are being set free or why they're breaking up.

Now, Jericho-defense aside, I do think Bryan v. Jericho has no weight despite the promise of a great match. Why are they wrestling? What is the story, here? This is a potential show-stealer on paper, but aren't we tired of great matches with no backstory/follow-through? Aren't we exhausted by the pro-wrestling version of Michael bay films? There's barely any substance to be had in pro-wrestling these days. Let's not add to it.
Maybe not now, but when Kane was losing against them. Kane lost to Ambrose in October-November. He was a main eventer during that time. (Remember the final match of Hell in a Cell?)
Likewise, Ryback and Ziggler were in the main event match of Survivor Series and regularly featured in the main events around that time when they beat Kane.
I didn't use the phrase "jobbing to mid carders" anywhere. You made that up.
When Jericho was beaten by Ryback, Ryback was fresh from getting his a** kicked and his momentum killed by Cena and effectively became a "main event reject" (that term I used) and he never took part in another main event until late last year, I think. Ziggler too was a mid carder around SummerSlam 2012.
My point still stands. Yours doesn't. Thanks for coming.

So when Jericho lost to Ryback, Ryback had JUST been in a feud with the top guy in the company.

So you use the "at the time Ambrose was a main eventer" even though he lost every fucking match he wrestled for like 6 months......but Ryback was a "main event reject".

Got it. You're still talking out of both sides of your ass.

Now do it again, and then insert some smug ******** phrase at the end again to act like you're claiming some kind of "victory".
So when Jericho lost to Ryback, Ryback had JUST been in a feud with the top guy in the company.

...and ceased to be a main eventer thereafter. Rejected from the main event and sent into the mid card to feud with Jericho. Case closed. Or how about- Ryback was a main eventer until Jericho dragged him down to the mid card, from which it took him one and a half years to recover; so if Bryan feuds with Jericho, and history repeats itself, the latter might drag Bryan down too. Another reason why Bryan shouldn't feud with Y2J. Would you prefer that instead?

So you use the "at the time Ambrose was a main eventer" even though he lost every fucking match he wrestled for like 6 months......but Ryback was a "main event reject".

LOL, what? How about you follow that same link you posted earlier and click on Dean Ambrose, you'll see that he won most of his matches on RAW and Smackdown (not counting live events, though he won there too) around that time. Dean might not have come close to losing every match for 6 months last year, but you've surely been incorrect in every paragraph you've typed so far in this debate. How's that for a record?

Got it. You're still talking out of both sides of your ass.

Now do it again, and then insert some smug ******** phrase at the end again to act like you're claiming some kind of "victory".

Looks like I'm making you mad... Don't worry, it's a common feeling when you lose an argument ;) There ya go, wish granted.
Bye bye.
Chris Jericho is a six-time world champion. How does this make him somehow "below" Daniel Bryan?

The same way Kevin Nash is below Brock Lesnar even though he is a 6-time world champion too, I guess. :shrug:
Of course, anything can happen in pro wrestling, but if we think logically, age, form, recent record, physical condition- all of these should be taken into account when considering whether one superstar is any match (or at least useful match) for another. Like you said, apart from the match and submissions quality, there won't be much to gain from this feud.
Some people are funny... I have a strange feeling all the people who say Chris Jericho is "below" Daniel Bryan, would be singing his praises if he were to come back as a full blown heel to feud with Bryan before Mania. It seems people have become accustomed to the cookie cutter Jericho we've been getting recently, and have totally forgotten what kind of heat magnet Jericho can actually be... either that or they've never watched Jericho before 2008. He lost to Fandango, so what? HHH lost to a rookie Shelton Benjamin 3 times. Undertaker lost to Maven. The Rock was pinned by THE HURRICANE. But Jericho, like those guys, is a legend and can basically step into any feud and be taken legitimately by the casuals and MOST of the IWC, at least that's my view.

This would be a great feud if built up right. I am of the opinion that Jericho easily does his best work as a heel, and Daniel Bryan would be great motivation for Jericho to go all out.

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