Is There Anyone On Raw More Entertaining On The Mic Than Santino?

Yeah, I think Santino is the most entertaining on the mic, the Miz is great and I like Cena despite being a Cena hater, just the thing with Cena is that he can come off really corny and unfunny, and it's sometimes hard to watch him go on. Miz continues to improve though everytime and I can see him easily becoming the most entertaining on the mic. I did enjoy the segment, but I love the British fans, they made this segment what it was. The Kozlov chant was hilarious to me, I never thought I would hear Kozlov get one.
When you can get a superstar to pretty much break character in failed attempts to hold back laughter, you're pretty funny. Santino did that last night with his "double meaning" lines regarding Sheamus, and the week before, when he was trying to pay Sheamus off. That's talent.

However, his mini program with Sheamus has been the first time in awhile that he has made me laugh. People bash Cena for using the same recycled "comedy" over and again, and while they may have a point, Santino does the same thing. Maybe it's due to a drastic decrease in air time, or that he can't say alot of the same things he did in the non PG-era(to Beth Phoenix: I faked every or-ga-nism), but I haven't found him relevant even for comic relief in a long time. He butchers the English language and makes an ass out of himself in his interactions with the guest host.

For the people who said Miz or Cena, I guess I can see your point. But perhaps your differentitating good mic work from being funny. Those two are funny in small doses, but are hard to take serious comedically, if you understand what Im saying. Santino, when he's at his best, is far funnier then Cena or Miz ever have been or will. Id personally say that Santino is probably the best act in terms of comedic entertainment not only on Raw, but in wrestling, when he's allowed to be. Last night was a great example of that.
i dont think anyone is... santino reminds me of the rock with his back stage interviews for how funny rock was like making coach sing now santino dosent do that but his mic work is hilarious
Somadagunn!! I don't really care for the skits on RAW, but I have to admit, the Santino tea party was HILARIOUS!!! This guy can entertain. But i'm more of a heel guy and to me C.M. Punk deserves the nod for best mic guy on RAW. (did anyone notice his shot at HBK during the Daniel Bryan match a couple of weeks ago?). BUT besides that, Punk does very good mic work and in-ring abillity to match, which can't be said for Miz and Cena. Miz tries to hard to me. He seems more like an actor portraying a wrestler. Cenas best mic work come when he's shown vunerability(Batista angle, Nexus angle). Santino is good,but for my money... Punks the best right now. Sommaddagunn!!!
There's no doubt that Santino is a pretty funny guy. While I'm not a big fan of these comedy segments in general, it would appear that they aren't going away any time soon and if that is indeed the case, they may as well be funny. That tea party skit last night was funny, much to my surprise.

I wouldn't say though that Santino has the best mic skills in general. Right off the top of my head, I'd rank Jericho and th Miz higher, and probably others as well. But strictly in terms of comedy, I'd rank Santino right up there. Hell, anything is a step up from Hornswoggle.

It's unfortunate, though, that in making Santino the comedy gold that he is, they have destroyed any opportunity at respectibility as a wrestler. He'll never be seen as anything other than a comedic character now. Which is OK as he's carved out a nice little niche for himself. Otherwise, he may have been future endeavoured by now. But they have made his funny character such a cowardly little chickenshit that he's done as a serious wrestler. Which is unfortunate, as I hear he actually was pretty good in the ring once.
As seen on the main WZ Page:

Last night, I watched Ted DiBiase Jr. walk to the ring with Maryse, wrestle Golddust, almost steal back his Million Dollar Belt, and leave. I saw a natural heel; smug and arrogant, good looking and athletic. I heard a guy with tremendous speaking ability. I watched a professional wrestler who just a year ago was one of the hottest commodities in wrestling in Legacy. I thought to myself "man, this guy is GOOD."

That thought was promptly interrupted by the sound of the crickets his chaacter ellicited from the live crowd. You could hear a pin drop. I then got up to do laundry.

Shortly thereafter (with the wash on spin cycle) I saw Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov walk to the right in classic British garb for a tea party with Seamus. Unibrow in full effect, happy and 'loving life' smile engaging everyone in attendance. This guy has done for Kozlov what the rumored to be retiring William Regal did for both Tajiri and Eugene. He went on to execute one of the funniest segments on a pro wrestling program in years. The tea party segment was the only one I sat the entire way through Monday Night, and perhaps the only thing funnier than Santino was Kozlov. And you know what else? The crowd ate it up. They chanted "Santino! Santino!" They clamored "Kozlov! Kozlov!" And without missing a beat, Santino put over Seamus's dominance even more and helped elevate the pending Seamus / John Morrison feud. That's right folks - Santino, hardly a contender to win a match let alone a major title at this point, put over a major singles feud AND a guy in Kozlov who 6 months ago was on the fast track to the future endeavors page.

And I thought to myself. "Man, this guy is GREAT! He's not that good - but he's GREAT!"

A lot of my colleagues on the forums have busted on Santino and pointed out the obvious fact that he's hard to take seriously. He's not a real contender, and he may even be taking a roster spot away from someone who would be. But who cares? What Santino brings to the table is a breath of fresh, hilarious air. He's the guy who farts during Steel Magnolias and makes everybody laugh. He's a two-time Intercontinental Champion who has maintained not just a roster spot, but regular TV appearances despite really having no chance to win the title every again. The Cobra gets weekly pops the way MVP's "Ballin'" did for like 19 days. He's lightning in a bottle.

"Wrestling Fans" (which I parenthesized for the purpose of distinguishing them from "Sports Entertainment Fans") have long criticized Hulk Hogan for being an awful wrestler. His major moves were a punch, a kick to the face, a bodyslam, and a legdrop off the rope. It doesn't matter, because he connected with fans of all ages and captured imaginations like nobody in sports ever really had. Just ask the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Those same fans also blast John Cena week in, week out. "5 Moves of Doom" they say. Well, he's far and away the most marketable guy in wrestling right now. He's the biggest draw. He outdraws Orton. He outdraws Styles. He outdraws Undertaker every day except Wrestlemania. Even being jeered, he always gets a reaction.

Hogan, Austin, and Cena were great in a way that's far different from Santino. We believe Hogan in the 80's, Austin in the 90's, and Cena in the 00's are capable of anything. Santino, on the other hand, has the uncanny ability to never get old and keep people laughing. And what's wrong with a little laughter as long as the crowd reacts?

Maybe Ted DiBiase Jr. should take notes.
I don't find Cena to be funny at all. He's not witty, not funny. He has the same, boring one-liners that WWE would feed anyone else.

I couldn't disagree more about Cena. When he's allowed to let loose the guy is funny as hell. He did a Carlito's Cabana a couple of years ago that had me in stitches. The Miz is the same, let the guy go and he could cut you to strips in seconds.

Santino is funny but in a clownish way. Nothing he says can be taken seriously and I know it's not meant to be, but he couldn't be a serious wrestler ever. The gimmick suits him perfectly.
I personally never liked alot of the humor that the WWE has tried to jam down my throat.

Jammed down your throat? Now I know most of the time WWE's humor feels "forced", but by no means do they force you to watch their product.

In my opinion there is nobody remotely funnier than Santino, and he is on a roll. John Cena can be comical at times, but that is slowly dying out with his "Make Barret Champion or Be Fired" storyline. It's almost depressing the way Cena comes down to the ring now. And even The Miz to me has slowly came down from being chuckle-worthy. I would be more inclined to laugh at Michael Cole's manlove for him before laughing at whatever Miz says.

The Tea Party segment was the funniest segment I have seen in years. Yes I put it above the Wendy's segment for the sheer fact that Heath Slater isn't a bigtime superstar right now. Sheamus is. I enjoy the top dogs getting dropped down a peg or two, and I particularly enjoyed the pop Koslov recieved thanks to Santino.

And did you not hear the audience? They barely gave the Wade/Cena promo anything. They were active with Santino. Doesn't that tell you something there?
I think there is no one on raw that is funnier than santino, 95% of the time
he has me in stitches, theres just that one stupid joke every once in a while that i dont get.

All in all he's the funniest on raw, by quite a bit.
Hell No. Just because he does one comedy segment that actually makes people laugh doesn't mean that he is the best entertainer on the mic. Nor is it John Cena or the MTV realty show reject. It is none other than one-half of the Degenerates "Triple H". Yes, that guy can pull out any thing. And I mean absolutely anything.

But yes, Santino's good. And if in case you're talking about currently active wrestlers (not injured) then probably Santino takes the award. Yeah, but that tea party segment really made me laugh my guts out.
I am a little confused as to why The Miz is funny, but I digress. :p

I think Santino is a blast on the mic because his stuff is very obvious: He's funny. There's no hidden message, there's no little touches. Just him having fun while making a complete ass of himself and people enjoy him for that. He has the best job ever.

But I think Wade Barrett is the most entertaining guy on the mic. He has incredible poise and timing. His diction is very strong and ear grabbing. He knows when to smile or when to get upset. His eyes are very expressive as well. So, yeah. I also think Cena, when he isn't trying to be funny, is very entertaining. When he talks, you know why he is da man.
Yeah it was amazing because the segment was reallyu really long, and not for one second did it slow at all, or show the slightest hint of making you think it was too long. Every single person involved played their part really well, sheamus making a good save about how he even finds santino funny and can't remember why he disliked him. And honestly after watching raw, I had exactly the same thought as you, it was just great, in fact I'm gonna go watch it again now.

So to answer your question, in my opinion...NO. I'm not a common miz mark and personally think he is distinctly average. John cena has some good lines from time to time but on the whole is too serious to be taken seriously, if you get me. I honestly think that santino is the best, and this raw proved it. And this to me is evidence as to why we need comedy in wrestling entertainment shows. All these guys always talking about how santino should be given a push......we'd have no more chris jericho imprersonations!! I personally would be happy to see santino stay where he is right now and make me laugh week in-week out as only he can do.
I gotta admit that segment had me in stitches. I agree it looked like Sheamus was about to break character. Cena needs to take notes. He is pure WWE manufactured garbage.
you are right about everything but cena son, cena is limited as we all know with the rating and just needs a gimmick with a little more freedom on the mic, we all know he has the skills.

Santino just seems to be a natural. I read an interview about a year ago with Cena where he said his best friend in the WWE is Santino because he is the funniest person he has ever known. obviously he brings that with him into his character.

The things they write for Santino are hillarious, I am generally entertained by everything he says. if there's a lame guest host than it's not always funny but generally he's great. And the way he mispronounces the English language is very witty in it's own way also.

Call me crazy, but I'm waiting for them to let Santino wrestle the way he can, while keeping his funny character at the same time. He could be really over and he would definitely be taken seriously because the people already love him. Anybody else think Santino should get a push as an actual wrestler?
Dam right i think he should get a push man i say give him a push then maybe the US title just to raise credentials and of course put him in a position where he has more feuds.

I don't find Cena to be funny at all. He's not witty, not funny. He has the same, boring one-liners that WWE would feed anyone else. They could be used by virtually anyone. Santino, on the other hand, is unique. He has the ability to live out a very weird character.

Don't get me wrong, The Miz is funny plenty of times while on the mic. However, at times, he also boarders on the "Anyone would say this and it'd still be at the very least somewhat funny."

I don't think you could name another person on Raw that could pull off what Santino pulls off.

Some might not find it funny, but he has very good presence on the mic and gets the crowd from the moment he talks. While some feel that was 30 minutes of Santino and Sheamus, though, it wasn't. It was building a feud between Sheamus and John Morrison. They are keeping these two away from each other for the most part, which is a good thing. This way, when the match finally takes place, it seems more rare.

Morrison continues to get the "win" over a guy they still let dominate virtually anyone else. That really makes the build unique and exciting. Santino is being used to allow Sheamus to get over while he gets beaten down on a weekly basis. It's actually very unique nowadays.
cena's character limits him sigh enough said
I am a little confused as to why The Miz is funny, but I digress. :p

I think Santino is a blast on the mic because his stuff is very obvious: He's funny. There's no hidden message, there's no little touches. Just him having fun while making a complete ass of himself and people enjoy him for that. He has the best job ever.

But I think Wade Barrett is the most entertaining guy on the mic. He has incredible poise and timing. His diction is very strong and ear grabbing. He knows when to smile or when to get upset. His eyes are very expressive as well. So, yeah. I also think Cena, when he isn't trying to be funny, is very entertaining. When he talks, you know why he is da man.

Wade Barrett is boring on the mic. He's got an accent and that's the only reason people think he is any good on the mic. All I hear from him is "the winds of change are coming" and "you're either Nexus or against us". Every time I hear him, he might as well be reading from a cue card. Santino is the most entertaining on the mic by far. His delivery is great and you can tell he enjoys doing what he does and the crowd recognizes it as well. Santino is a good wrestler and I want to see more of it but not at the expense of his comedy.
Man, Santion is by far the FUNNIEST cat on WWE! The rock and sock connection was funny, but, out of ALL the funny moments in the WWE, man, I have to say SANTINO is probably the BEST to have come out of the there by far if not the best, then definately one of the TOP cleanest and friendliest ACTS!!!

Heck, I am pulling for SANTINO to have a WORLD TITLE HOLD soon!!! Even if it is only for 1 Day or 1 Week - GIVE SANTINO THE WORLD WWE TITLE!!!

I have found another Great Reason to watch WWE More than I have been now - SANTINO!!!!

Cena is cool in his comedic acts sometimes - but I am kind of digging him more on his serious side a little bit with the edge he has.
I thought it was my obligation to post in this thread after viewing IC25's terrific article on the main page.

I've said it since day one, Santino is a God. Sure, I've probably always been a bit biased towards him because I myself am part Italian.

But he is reliable. He can make the shittest possibly written segment funny, and that tea party was just an example. I remember when he was ripping on Stone Cold and sang his own version of "Rehab" dissing the movie The Condemned. I literally fell off my chair laughing, it was that good. I had to watch it at least 4 or 5 times, and it was still hilarious each time.

While I don't like a majority of the WWE's comedy segments, I do enjoy Santino on a weekly basis, and I think that even with a PG rating, the WWE can still put on a funny segment if they really wanted to.

Hornswoggle is not funny, but unlike others, I am not biased enough to ignore how little kids may enjoy him. Santino however, never gets old. The guy is a terrific actor, from the posing, the special moves (the cobra), the facial expressions, everything. The guy is just spot on when it comes to acting.

I don't think anyone is more entertaining on the mic than Santino Marella.
As seen on the main WZ Page:

Last night, I watched Ted DiBiase Jr. walk to the ring with Maryse, wrestle Golddust, almost steal back his Million Dollar Belt, and leave. I saw a natural heel; smug and arrogant, good looking and athletic. I heard a guy with tremendous speaking ability. I watched a professional wrestler who just a year ago was one of the hottest commodities in wrestling in Legacy. I thought to myself "man, this guy is GOOD."

That thought was promptly interrupted by the sound of the crickets his chaacter ellicited from the live crowd. You could hear a pin drop. I then got up to do laundry.

Shortly thereafter (with the wash on spin cycle) I saw Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov walk to the right in classic British garb for a tea party with Seamus. Unibrow in full effect, happy and 'loving life' smile engaging everyone in attendance. This guy has done for Kozlov what the rumored to be retiring William Regal did for both Tajiri and Eugene. He went on to execute one of the funniest segments on a pro wrestling program in years. The tea party segment was the only one I sat the entire way through Monday Night, and perhaps the only thing funnier than Santino was Kozlov. And you know what else? The crowd ate it up. They chanted "Santino! Santino!" They clamored "Kozlov! Kozlov!" And without missing a beat, Santino put over Seamus's dominance even more and helped elevate the pending Seamus / John Morrison feud. That's right folks - Santino, hardly a contender to win a match let alone a major title at this point, put over a major singles feud AND a guy in Kozlov who 6 months ago was on the fast track to the future endeavors page.

And I thought to myself. "Man, this guy is GREAT! He's not that good - but he's GREAT!"

A lot of my colleagues on the forums have busted on Santino and pointed out the obvious fact that he's hard to take seriously. He's not a real contender, and he may even be taking a roster spot away from someone who would be. But who cares? What Santino brings to the table is a breath of fresh, hilarious air. He's the guy who farts during Steel Magnolias and makes everybody laugh. He's a two-time Intercontinental Champion who has maintained not just a roster spot, but regular TV appearances despite really having no chance to win the title every again. The Cobra gets weekly pops the way MVP's "Ballin'" did for like 19 days. He's lightning in a bottle.

"Wrestling Fans" (which I parenthesized for the purpose of distinguishing them from "Sports Entertainment Fans") have long criticized Hulk Hogan for being an awful wrestler. His major moves were a punch, a kick to the face, a bodyslam, and a legdrop off the rope. It doesn't matter, because he connected with fans of all ages and captured imaginations like nobody in sports ever really had. Just ask the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Those same fans also blast John Cena week in, week out. "5 Moves of Doom" they say. Well, he's far and away the most marketable guy in wrestling right now. He's the biggest draw. He outdraws Orton. He outdraws Styles. He outdraws Undertaker every day except Wrestlemania. Even being jeered, he always gets a reaction.

Hogan, Austin, and Cena were great in a way that's far different from Santino. We believe Hogan in the 80's, Austin in the 90's, and Cena in the 00's are capable of anything. Santino, on the other hand, has the uncanny ability to never get old and keep people laughing. And what's wrong with a little laughter as long as the crowd reacts?

Maybe Ted DiBiase Jr. should take notes.

I couldn't agree anymore! I find Santino to be a breathe of fresh air. He has a role and plays it PERFECTLY! PURE GOLD. Even for just comedy, leave him around! IF it's not broke then dont fix it.

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