Shano Mac- mic working king


Burning Hammaaaaah!!!
After watching some of the best Raw moments, I went back to good old You Tube and watched some of the great mic work Shano was always doing. Growing up in the biz, he was just a natural back in the day and I don't think he gets his dues in terms of how good he was.

I loved when Rock was the Corporate Champion and Shane would escort him to the ring and then do commentary for his matches and cheer lead for him. Magic stuff and really entertaining.

I guess Stephanie isn't too bad herself but Shane really was magic on the microphone and especially as a heel really knew how to put over a segment, an angle, a feud or other wrestlers, (never burying anyone like Rock, Cena and Triple H do), he really did get "it".

What are everyone else's thoughts on Shane's mic work/prescence/impact on the the biz?

Do you have any favourite lines or segments he was involved in?
shane really was excellent on the mic and even had really good matches/feuds in the ring. his work with angle, kane, big show, and even vince was great. too bad he isnt there anymore, always could count on shane o' mac for good spots
I think Shane was really good on the mic, he probably got coached on it from his Dad, who we all know is one of the best of all time.

I miss seeing Shane on WWE TV, he could always be relied upon to give us something entertaining, whether in a promo, something backstage or in one of his matches which usually involved some crazy bump or 2. I'm quite surprised he didnt show up on RAW 1000 in a segment.

I think my favourite Shane McMahon mic work was when he showed up on Monday Nitrom announcing that he has purchased WCW from under the nose of his Father, and that

" The contract does indeed say McMahon....but it reads...SHANE MCMAHON!"

The look on Vince's face was priceless. If I coulf pick anyone to be RAW GM right now it would be the Boy Wonder. He was awesome, and I hope we see him in WWE again at some point.
Yeah Shane was a legend man easily my favourite non wrestler to compete in the ring. His chair shots were always a thing of beauty where he'd jump in the air and just dive at them with a chair.

When he did Coast to Coast for the very first time at WM 17 on Vince I jumped out of my seat he looked like he killed Vince lol mark out moment I'll never forget.

And those punches he always used to do inbetween each one jumping around swinging his arms hahaha classic stuff man. He had great music too.

I wasn't watching at the time but I know he came back for the McMahons/HHH v Orton feud he looked like he had put on weight (not saying he got fat looked more like muscle actually) wonder if he can still do the Coast to Coast. Would love to have him back in a mic role.
Yeah Shane was a legend man easily my favourite non wrestler to compete in the ring. His chair shots were always a thing of beauty where he'd jump in the air and just dive at them with a chair.

YES. The amount of times I dived across the living room or bedroom and hit my brother in the face with a cushion, Shane style must be in the hundreds. I thought they were fantastic!

When he did Coast to Coast for the very first time at WM 17 on Vince I jumped out of my seat he looked like he killed Vince lol mark out moment I'll never forget.

It is an incredible move, I prefer Van Dam's version but Shane could nail a pretty good one too. Remind me, was RVD allowed to use that move in WWE, or did Shane just blatantly steal it from him and he was banned from using it?

And those punches he always used to do inbetween each one jumping around swinging his arms hahaha classic stuff man. He had great music too.

I would definitely mark out to hear "Here Comes The Money" one more time, great entrance theme and I agree with you on the dance. I remember King always calling him "Simba", and "which way will he go?!"
Shane O Mac was THE MAN!

He was great on the mic and I loved anytime he was involved in a match. His ring attire was also super cool.

He not only spoke well on the mic but actually made for memorable moments in matches. Coast to Coast, ladder match vs Shawn Michaels, match vs Kurt Angle where he was tossed through the glass wall, etc.

European and Hardcore Champion!
Shane has always been one of my favorites in wrestling, like stone cold and the rock, he was one of those guys you knew the minute you saw him on your screen, whether he was a heel of face it was going to be an entertaining segment. I wish he would come back, let's face it, there would be no better General Manager for RAW and Smackdown than him, although I'd settle for Stephanie.
I do not say this lightly because I am a mark for a ton of people. I love wrestling and spend WAY too many hours a week watching, reading, giving a shit about and discussing wrestling (just ask my wife).

There is one simple truth:

Shane McMahon is my favorite of ALL-TIME in the wrestling business.

Yes, I said it. More than his daddy. More than Chris Jericho, The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, CM Punk, Macho Man, Ric Flair, etc. Shane-o is by far my favorite.

He was not just good on the mic. He was not just a promo cutter. He was as good as ANYONE who has ever had the stick. He was as good as Rocky, as good as Y2J, as good as Mr. Brooks and without a doubt as good as the Rattlesnake.

He always spoke in the same tone, was always charismatic and ALWAYS had the crowd completely eating out of his hands. But, as great as he was on the mic, he was ALMOST AS SPECTACULAR in the ring.

Here is a kid that grew up wealthy. Had everything at his disposal. Could have avoided ever taking bumps, but BAM ... he got his ass in the ring and CARRIED matches and made them GREAT.

His jump from the Titan Tron is EPIC. His match with Kurt Angle and getting thrown into the glass and it NOT breaking is EPIC. His spots with his own father at WrestleMania 17 were EPIC. His spot vs. Test for his sister's honor was EPIC. His feud with Kane was EPIC.

Had he jumped full-fledged into a career in the ring, I truly believe he would have been one of the best EVER.

But, the fact that he could show up at ANY time and have legit "this is important" charisma made him huge. When he bought Nitro it was one of the 5 biggest moments in the history of the business. When he helped The Corporation form and bring in The Rock, it was huge, just as huge as when he was part of the reason The Rock left.

I know I might sound crazy. But I would mark out HUGE for a Return of The Rising Son.

From his perfect Entrance Theme, to his perfect smirk, to his perfect ability to be heel or face at a moment's notice, to his magnificent ring work.

Shane-O was literally as good as it gets.
I don't care for him on the mic, but he is talented in the ring. I recently watched the match he had with Steve Blackman at SS and he was amazing. They both were, really. Each of them performed with no sloppy moves at all. The timing was perfect, their positioning was perfect, and their choreography was perfect. I've never seen two other men wrestle with such preciseness before. Malenko vs Benoit came close, but Benoit was a bit sloppy with his suplexes.

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